Pentagon Renovation Program
To ensure the government receives the best value, the Renovation Program worked with the research and development components of the furniture manufacturers to develop extraordinarily capable furniture designs. Contractors are kept in constant competition and the use of award fees ensures contractor profits are based on performance.

Pentagon Renovation Program: Wedge 1
More Wedge 1 info:
Sustainable Design
Universal Space Plan
Short Interval Production Schedule
In order to begin demolition and abatement work, it was necessary to isolate Wedge 1 from the rest of the building. To accomplish this task, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and communications systems had to be disconnected in Wedge 1 while ensuring that the rest of the building remained operational. Two sound attenuating barrier walls were constructed to separate Wedge 1 from the two adjacent wedges (2 & 5). The barrier walls were mostly built in occupied spaces at night. The work was completed by the end of 1998.
Barrier walls are in place to keep dust, noise and debris away from Pentagon tenants.Before construction began, the entire wedge was brought down to its "barebones", the concrete columns that support the building and concrete floor and ceiling slabs. Every wall, conduit and utility line was removed. In total, 83 million pounds of debris was removed from Wedge 1.

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