That would explain a problem I had with Jack from the very beginning. He makes quit a big case about a missing guard rail, which was supposedly photoshopped out of the Route 27 triage vignette shots, but he using as his evidence for the guardrail's existence only a small picture which is unclear and which may or may not support his thesis. Everything after this carried a burden of doubt in my book.
However a gap in the railing occurs as it crosses the lawn. It would appear that a sidewalk fronts the railing as it extends between a door in the building to a painted pedestrian crosswalk, before both begin to curve around. However where the railing is missing so is the sidewalk, but a vague attempt at something that looks like yellow police crime-scene tape is strung in its place.
Although the meme-record mentions that rescuers cut through the steel guard rails at several points, in order to get stretchers into ambulances, that doesn't appear to be the intent here, which is far removed from the location depicted in the triage images. The absence of a corresponding sidewalk also suggests the use of digital image manipulation.
So it is unbelievable to have in the record the following image, supposedly of Donald Rumsfeld returning to his office after helping load wounded onto stretchers. I was utter convinced this picture was fake before I learned its source. The way the tall black man is picking his teeth like he was leaving a restaurant indicates he isn't watching where his foot is about to fall. But for some unknown surreal reason, not only is the missing guardrail present, it has achieved it's Platonic ideal as freshly silvered.
It would appear that the background scene depicting the firefighting response was taken on 9-11 and married to the view of the Rumsfeld triumvirate. Bit since the later aerial shot also has signs of manipulation it is impossible to figure out what the intent was, and what went wrong. At least tonight.
"Photo by U.S. Army, Staff Sgt. Carmen L. Burgess Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld returns to Pentagon inner offices Tuesday morning after surveying the damage from the hijacked plane which crashed into the building moments before." 45KB At first I had thought this picture must be fake. The man picking his teeth like he was exiting the Palm better look where he's stepping. So I was surprised to find it safely here among the orthodox, officially DoD "released."
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