He is a classically conservative Special Forces tough-guy, who sounds off on any number of topics, and he was one of the first Americans with a bully-pulpit to ask in good faith and complete sincerity several pretty obvious questions about the attack at the Pentagon.
Apparently, he got hit back hard for his audaciousness, as he dropped the matter publicly thereafter. Now, five years later, the wine is ready and can feed research. First, for me is a recognition that the old labels of conservative and liberal no longer apply in the post-9-11 paradigm. The new standard is, how sickened by the seen corruption are you, and how willing to accept the painful awarenesses, that our leaders could stoop so low on a scale so vast?
Posting on March 11, 2002 on WorldNetDaily, Metcalf called Thierry Meissen's book, "interesting," and repeats the Frenchman's question, if a 757 jetliner hit the Pentagon, so where is the plane?
A week later, in his Crash flap follow-up, also on WorldNet, Metcalf seems stunned by the "unbelievable storm" he generated, provides us with a link to a slew of agitated, if not fecund, emails, and debuts a new heavily editorialized photo page, which he says is not a "mea culpa nor a retraction"--I'd call it compensation.
He saved the truth by maintaining his overt photo web page, unlike the various government and military websites, where archived images, even images downloaded onto personal computers, would disappear, or previously unknown images could suddenly show up, as red herrings or talking points. It goes without saying, the covert can't handle openness, so they moved to place a veil called robots.txt over the web, and thus lost their place in line.
Given the shifts in the availability of evidence, I thought it significant that after a recent comprehensive search of hundreds of aerial shots of the Pentagon, in only two examples could I see the so-called punchout holes leading out into the A & E drive. And both of them happened to be posted by Metcalf.
One image in particular shows the series of three ruptures with enough clarity that we can apply some simple geometry.

Evey was responding to a rather pointed question:
Q: That seems to indicate that it came to rest in ring C, the nose cone.Apparently, it was a nose cone that severed one column at the center of the trajectory exiting the North Tower of the World Trade Center too, according to the N.I.S.T. http://www.debunk911myths.org/topics/images/8/87/NISTNCSTAR1-fig2-4.png
Evey: Let me talk to that, because you've asked a number of questions already about the extent of penetration, et cetera. This is an overhead of the building. The point of penetration was right here, and we blocked that out to show that's the area of collapse. The plane actually penetrated through the E ring, C ring -- excuse me -- E ring, D ring, C ring. This area right here is what we call A-E Drive. And unlike other rings in the building, it's actually a driveway that circles the building inside, between the B and the C ring. The nose of the plane just barely broke through the inside of the C ring, so it was extending into A-E Drive a little bit. So that's the extent of penetration of the aircraft.
Q: It broke through which one?
Evey: The rings are E, D, C, B and A. Between B and C is a driveway that goes around the Pentagon. It's called A-E Drive. The airplane traveled in a path about like this, and the nose of the aircraft broke through this innermost wall of C ring into A-E Drive.
Q: One thing that's confusing -- if it came in the way you described, at an angle, why then are not the wings outside? I mean, the wings would have shorn off. The tail would have shorn off. And yet there's apparently no evidence of the aircraft outside the E ring.

Q: (Cross-talk.) Mitchell: It's more to the right of where we were at. This is the -- this is in a renovated section on the opposite side, if you were facing the opposite side. This is a hole in -- there was a punch-out. They suspect that this was where a part of the aircraft came through this hole, although I didn't see any evidence of the aircraft down there.Mitchell specifically used the terms punch-out, and punched a hole, to describe what the rescue workers did and what the plane did, going on to identify the round hole under unrenovated windows as being the one made by the rescue workers, but that is also the hole that later got spray-painted with the word Punchout, which is at the end of the diagonal path a jet supposedly took entering the building. That's called wiggle room.
Q: Which area is that?
Mitchell: This is right inside the E Ring.
Q: Did you see any evidence of the aircraft anywhere?
Mitchell: Yes, I did. You could see just small pieces of it.
Q: Well, how far in? Again, we're trying to figure out how it came into the building.
Q: Can we finish the video first and then we'll go back?
Mitchell: You can see someone from the Montgomery County unit here. This pile here is all Pentagon metal. None of that is aircraft whatsoever. As you can see, they've punched a hole in here. This was punched by the rescue workers to clean it out. You can see this is the -- some of the unrenovated areas where the windows have blown out. That's soldiers from the Third U.S. Infantry, the Honor Guard, are in there. And this is the conditions they have to work in. There's the Tyvek suits, the respirators, goggles, and helmets, and they also have boots on them as well. Q: Where is that exactly? Between which rings?
Mitchell: Between the -- I believe it's the E and D Rings.
The following image partially shows the third blast exit point, and is the only image I've found in the record, taken in the A & E drive, facing in this direction. The blast energy expressed in the blown-out second-story windows is amazing and it represents a trajectory absolutely straight into the building from the point in front at column 14 where the jet came in.
But there's more.
If Bombs Go Bang, You're Going to Hang!
The following floor plan, diagrammed to illustrate column damage, is extraordinary. It was disseminated in a 13-page release given out by Evey at the September 15 news briefing. It shows previously undisclosed radial tunnels running directly under the Pentagon along the stress lines at which points the building failed. The diagram maker uses a dotted-line to outline the collapse area, which is over-indicated in size by a factor of three. I can't believe that no journalist questioned the coincidence of the building failing this way, nor is the fact mentioned in the building performance study.

That would explain the blast residue captured in the upper corners of these lateral hallways, which would indicate some upward blast energy, entirely inconsistent with a jetliner diving at any angle into the building.

This illustration also indicates the dividing line between Wedge One and Wedge Two. The building was built as five structurally independent, self-contained sections and was being renovated in sequential stages. The line between Wedge One and Two was the active line between work completed and work scheduled, and should be represented as a semi-permanent firewall, over and above the modern, automatic systems just installed in Wedge One. That section had been stripped down to the bare concrete. Fire escaping through "horse-hair roofing insulation," or traveling over to the upper story windows near the heliport, is to forget the term "firewall" was not original to computing.
Wedge One had been completely remediated of its asbestos and lead. The extensive protective measures, Tyvec suits and breathing apparatus, which weren't employed in New York, where they were needed, make sense here as a response to a three-strike depleted-uranium missile strike, along with lesser ground-fired, shaped-charge high explosions, with a diesel-generating smoke pot and propane-based pyrotechnics, would explain the visual evidence contained in photographs, as well as make sense of the otherwise irreconcilable time stamps placed on the single incident event, a span of 15 minutes reported by the major media. The New York Times reported both 9:30am and 9:45am for the crash of the regularly scheduled, civilian commercial aircraft, which was intentionally crashed by suicidal ideologues with the intent to engender terror, as we are told over and over. Do they keep on time arrival statistics for crashes I wonder?
The Department of Defense's own image archives places the Flight 77 strike at 9:45am in at least one case, with most using about 9:30am. See:
DD-SD-03-17488 Service Depicted: DoD or Joint Civilian 010912-D-9402G-001 Operation / Series: NOBLE EAGLE A tent erected on the Pentagon south parking lot September 12, 2001, to manage recovery efforts in the aftermath of the September 11th terror attack. Shortly after 8 a.m. on September 11, 2001 in an attempt to frighten the American people, five members of Al-Qaida, a terrorist group of fundamentalist Muslims, hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200, shortly after it took off from Dulles International Airport just outside Washington DC. The hijackers herded up the 64 passengers toward the rear of the aircraft using knives and paper cutters then flew a circuitous route that took them away then back toward Washington. At about 9:45 a.m. they flew the aircraft and passengers into the side of the Pentagon. The impact destroyed or damaged four of the five "rings" in that section that circle the building. That section of the Pentagon was in the finishing stages of a renovation program" to re-enforce and update the building. Fire fighter fought the fire through the night. The Pentagon was the third target of four hijacked aircraft.
Camera Operator: MICHAEL GARCIA, CIV, DOD Date Shot: 12 Sep 2001 Download Hi-Res
dodmedia.osd.mil/DVIC_View/Still_Details.cfm?SDAN=DDSD0317488&JPGPathtent pic
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