"Remembering the honored dead at Pentagon crash site," published September 26, 2001, and "Remember those fallen at Pentagon," published October 12, 2001

I thought it would be diligent to provide a link to an online copy of the document I was quoting, just in case an anal retentive type (like myself) wanted to try and dis the info. Having date, author, author's rank, job title, and the article title, but not the publication title, I got nowhere fast in Google. Mr Orme has a prolific context establishing his identity there, but I wasn't browsing, I was searching.
But then I clicked on a link headed, Untitled8, which was an unofficial reposting at -www.laprensa-sandiego.org of what appeared at first to be the identical commentary by Sgt Nate Orme, but with a different title and date, and again, no publication information. Some paragraphs were the same, with most changes in the opening and closing paragraphs, so was Sgt Orme's objective getting paid twice, I wondered, for his subjective, self-plagiarized comments?
But then I noticed the second article had a deletion in the mid section. Suddenly a scenario presented itself: Did Orme, an Army Reserve soldier, who spent the first two weeks at the Pentagon crash site reporting on soldier recovery work there--as we are told in a closing editorial comment to both pieces--write a commentary at the close of his tour of duty there that was too detailed--in general or in particular? Were the points important enough to suppress, so that a recreated article under a different title was republished, to confuse the issue, if nothing else? But what remained was problematic enough everything needed to be hid under a military-scholar robots.txt-like device? Would that make whatever was the deleted information the smoking gun? Where was his editor in all of this? Would those pesky details expose whatever it was that had gone terribly awry that morning? Would stevenwarran mindlessly retype that information into a blog like a chattering magpie, without a single thought as to the consequences?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes to all! More Yes!
But it wasn't the paragraph I was interested in that didn't pass muster. That recycled with no problem, which just goes to show you the kinds of trees I bark under. So here is one officially organ-dispensed, if little known and half-retracted explanation, for the record,
"On the inside wall of the second ring of the Pentagon, a nearly circular hole, about 12-feet wide, allows light to pour into the building from an internal service alley. An aircraft engine punched the hole out on its last flight after being broken loose from its moorings on the plane. The result became a huge vent for the subsequent explosion and fire. Signs of fire and black smoke now ring the outside of the jagged-edged hole."Come to think about it, that is a smoking paragraph. Smoking Dutch cleanser!
Clearly, something major went wrong that morning, if this is the kind of straw they grasped at. This explanation has two major logic flaws, serious enough for even a journalist to get. One, don't engines come in pairs? I might think that something else piercing came in at the wrong angle, and they had to abort the second jagged-edged hole by turning it into a square-edged hole, with roll-up-door airs, as the physics of mass in motion are law. A lot of effort went into calculating the lamp poles, setting the cutter charges, establishing a provable trajectory, you can't just say ricochet to a ten-ton carbon-steel projectile.
This brings us to the second hole in logic, if not in matter. To keep things simple, can't we say that momentum and inertia are like yin and yang, and that, as momentum comes in, inertia fights it, until inertia wins? And if this is true, doesn't there have to come a moment between the two--the is moment, in the Clintonian sense, when the marriage between the object in motion kisses the bride of the object at rest and stains her dress? And, whether it's a nose cone or a turbine, doesn't it have to be there?
And what are we to make of the too-much-adjective in "The result became a huge vent for the subsequent explosion and fire?" Are they saying, "if it wasn't for that damn nose cone, we wouldn't have had later fires?" In addition to the impact explosion we see on the video frames, Daryl Donley now says his white-hot fireball photograph was later, "three minutes in, maybe, when the rear gas tanks exploded," And what about Ed Plaughter's "puddles of jet fuel" dig? Didn't they also get into trouble for putting water instead of foam on the fire first, and have to do some reshooting?
I'm starting to get lost. I'll get to the first deleted paragraph now because it speaks to these physics issues. It came right after the "huge vent" paragraph quoted above:
"The focus of the fire wrought destruction diagonally in two directions, aligned with the angle of the fuel-filled wings at impact. The left wing was tilted at such an angle it scraped on the ground on its way toward the Pentagon. The first floor was mainly damaged to the left of the missing chunk of building, while the second floor burned mainly to the right. Some of the personnel on the floors above the impact managed to escape, running down the hall, first one direction, only to be turned back by smoke, and then running in the other direction to safety. It disappeared in the collapse of the third, fourth, and fifth floors soon after the raging fire spread through the area."Wow. All I can say to that is, we either accept the rules of science or not. To say that God cleaved that building, revealing an undamaged Holy Bible on a wooden stand, leaving it out for us to see the miracle, is to deny the actual effect the sight had on our commonsense, as much as saying God killed a general's secretary because her name was Sincock.
Before I get to the other two paragraphs of deleted, and therefore in my mind, oh so eau-de-Rosemary-Woods information, I'll post Orme's second version. It's painful to read such flamboyant adjectives, but I want to change the mood. The remaining information is on a different plane, consisting as it does of the names of two senior FBI agents in charge at the Pentagon for this action. It is very important that we understand what is at stake here, as the era of unaccountability is over.
I believe this information to have been properly and lawfully published in an official media outlet, with the purpose of stirring our patriotism and gathering our collective national will. It was then perhaps improperly, and probably illegally, removed or suppressed, because, apparently, within a month, the whole story had began to fall apart. This isn't a Valerie Plame outing. The names are known on Google, but strangely, in a way that feels almost media collusive, like those responsible for leading the team effort needed to be protected from "the bad guys." Or maybe it was the benchmark time to cut and run. Rendition is not so different than the witness protection program. Maybe they could join a brunette Barbara Olsen with tons of black-op money. Well enjoy the tradition of elite secrecy. Too bad nobody stopped this then.
The second article can be found here, in SOUNDOFF! "Published in the interests of the personnel at Fort Meade Maryland."
Remember those fallen at PentagonThe other two deleted paragraphs are here:
By Sgt. Nate Orme
October 12, 2001
Four weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, the gaping wound left in the south side of the Pentagon appears cleaned and sterilized.
Gone are the teams of rescue and recovery personnel wearing breathing masks and bio-suits while sorting through the grim evidence of an unspeakable crime that left 189 dead. Gone are the broken pieces of concrete, the twisted metal, the charred furniture. Gone, too, are the Army engineers who constructed dozens of wooden box cribs to shore up the busted and damaged columns that hold up the floors of the five-story edifice.
The FBI has turned over the Pentagon to the military and the area is officially no longer a working FBI crime scene. But for America, it will always be the scene of a crime--a moment that will forever survive in our national consciousness, as do other attacks that now live on in infamy. Yes, we will surely remember the Pentagon and related World Trade Center attacks, just as we do the Alamo.
"The American people have been well represented here," said Maj. Gen. James T. Jackson, commander of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington, at the Pentagon hand-off ceremony. "Tragedy has a way of bringing out the best in Americans. With great professionalism, many people and agencies came together to do a job that has never been done before..."
Inside the undamaged majority of the Pentagon, soldiers, Marines, airmen, sailors and civilians continue serving as before the attack. One could hardly guess the calamity that had transpired here from viewing the seemingly normal operations in this massive complex. But one cannot see the knots of anger spawned by this bizarre and unfathomable attack.
Standing directly outside the impact area, the gap looks rather small in relation to the wide sides of the edifice. The collapsed floors have been removed, and the evidence of violence has been extricated. From a distance, it looks merely like a demolition zone. Only viewing up close begins to tell the full impact of the story now.
Walking into the building using the entrance created by the Boeing 757, telltale signs of a strange occurrence become apparent. Plumbing pipes hang from the ceiling, broken and shattered like a plastic cup. Wires upon wires drape down from the ceiling haphazardly, without direction. The walls deep within the building, away from the area of direct impact, are blackened and charred, evidence of the fire that raged on, fed by the fuel-laden aircraft.
Damp books, some singed around the edges, lie in a pile, gathered and placed by rescuers. Also salvaged, a two-foot-diameter cast-iron shield representing the Army Reserve is blackened by fire but hardly the worse for wear. Perhaps one day it will be placed as is, thoughtfully and appropriately, with a plaque of remembrance. For now, it leans silently against an unlit wall.
Eerily and thankfully, the destruction suddenly stops, and offices nearly untouched but for water damage adjoin offices almost completely destroyed. A desk remains in one, and on it an intact bowl of blackened fruit.
On the inside wall of the second ring of the Pentagon, a nearly circular hole, about 12-feet wide, allows light to pour into the building from an internal service alley. An aircraft engine punched the hole out on its last flight after being broken loose from its moorings on the plane. The result became a huge vent for the subsequent explosion and fire. Signs of fire and black smoke now ring the outside of the jagged-edged hole.
There have been hundreds of truckloads of material carted from the site - amounting to approximately 10,000 tons of debris, said FBI agent John S. Adams, team leader for the evidence recovery team, part of the FBI's Washington field office.
The recovery work continued for a time in the North Parking Lot, where various agencies, such as the 311th Mortuary Affairs Quartermaster Company, an Army Reserve unit called up from Puerto Rico, did the critical work of collecting personal effects and combing for evidence on the attackers. Now they, too, are gone.
The Pentagon is ready to be rebuilt. A new $145 million contract has already been granted to Hensel Phelps Construction Co. of Chantilly, Va.
For many, viewing the Pentagon now is an attempt to bring some type of understanding, if not healing. But it still does not begin to answer the question of why.
Was it insanity? Are these inherently evil minds? Or were those who destroyed their own spark of life and divinity through their act themselves victims of a twisted indoctrination by freedom's enemies?
"We are not deceived by their pretenses to piety," President Bush said. "We have seen their kind before. They are the heirs of all the murderous ideologies of the 20th century . . . they follow in the path of fascism, and Nazism, and totalitarianism," Bush declared.
May the murderous ideology of terrorism be defeated and be forgotten, and rest "in history's unmarked grave of discarded lies," as our president said in his address to Congress and the American people.
And may our dead always, always be remembered and honored. God bless America!
(Editor's note: Sgt. Nate Orme, an Army Reserve soldier with the 214th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, spent two weeks at the Pentagon crash site reporting on soldier recovery work.)
"As part of the turnover ceremony, Arthur Eberhard, the special agent in charge at the Pentagon site, accepted the flag from the Army's 3rd U.S. Infantry, "The Old Guard." Eberhard spoke a few words in thanks before asking permission to play a recording of a song he said had become increasingly important to him--'God Bless the USA.'
"Eberhard's boss, Van A. Harp, assistant director in charge of the FBI Washington Field Office, said the FBI was "overwhelmed by the support provided by the service members, firefighters, police and relief organizations that have worked with us over the last two weeks." Harp continued, 'Our job would have been more difficult without the selfless service of these brave men and women.'"
"Did they think they could keep the names of the FBI agents in charge secret? Why did they think they had to?
Nasty Code Underneath the Pictures. No Good!

There. What's so hard about that? There's even a picture of the "turnover ceremony." To hang on an office wall.
Which helps me to identify the man wearing shorts and a red exercise shirt and carrying a red bag in the following picture as Agent Arthur Eberhard, in my opinion--and I know a beefy forearm growing out of a neck when I see one.
The bright, shiny trucks framing the pose are the perks of leadership. The silly FBI man hidden behind Eberhard is standing there holding yellow, crime-scene tape. He should list the duty on his resume. It becomes him.
Busloads of FBI employees arrive within minutes. The Old Guard is deployed within two hours. Concrete traffic control barriers are installed immediately. The scene is locked down for days.