Below is a 5:34-minute video by a man who will one day rate as a saint, but don't be scared off by the fact. Scott Walsh saved what might be the last known capture of a snippet of uncredited cable news video that shows former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld helping man a litter-bearing team outside of the Pentagon in the first 20 minutes after someone began an endless war there on 9-11. Rumsfeld appears at the 2:27 mark, he's only there for 4 seconds, when you hear the drumbeat of the rat-a-tat-tat, get ready.
Scott's "Patriot Video 1" was made as an art project really--one of a series of efforts he made to process his emotions in the aftermath of 9-11, our emotional reality being one way to tell us apart--different from the un-shocked, co-conspirators, who went straight to agenda without first passing through sorrow. Apparently Scott captured the video off live television, earlier, you see a video ID watermark on some of the clips, TLC, for The Learning Channel.
What a teaching it channels too. Although, the historical fact of Rumsfeld's behavior is well known through multiple official sources, seeing is believing, in wonderment as the Secretary fails to take appropriate steps to protect himself from further surprise enemy attack, goes "missing" to others in the government instead, to grandstand for the camera, before eventually reentering the building, the first to seed, according to reports, "It was a commercial jetliner that crashed into the building," thereby planting the storylet with a healthy dose of manure.
Some components of the story were jettisoned after being shown once on TV, as the puppet masters voted up or down on the elements as they flowed forth. Someone decided they'd made a mistake with Rumsfeld, and pulled the storyboard quick, but an irrationality that stemmed from the error rippled throughout the day as a consequence, stranding rows of empties as props, something colorful to lean on. Life didn't hang in the balance, so much as got drug out interminably. Without first articulating the foundational storyline of vain and valorous effort, (with just a touch of "dear chairman" thrown in,) the trickle-down motifs of man's heroic struggle to save lives, Marines do not leave their buddies behind, was lost. Without a team of quick, animated, kinetic winners, shown against the smoke of battle, or fog of war, there was nothing plausible to hide behind. So left out in the harsh light was this:

The photographer's responsibility is to click the shutter at a moment of maximum emotional expression. Even professional actors can't be on stage all the time, although I know one who thinks he can. This amateur late-summer-stock cast is charming, but I think they were going for something more literally disarming. The guy and gal in front are the energetic up-and-comers, while the others are typical army stoics that hide behind them, so first, try reversing the blocking. The trick would be to get the stoics animated, and to stun the gushers into wide-eyed awe. Instead, we get The Iceman Cometh meets Guys and Dolls, not bad I suppose, for a a force that lives by the motto: don't ask, don't tell.
My point is this, just because the narrative hatch marks are checked off; like, service branches and ranks, pitching in together-meme--check, and, African-American lady victim, probably never thought she'd see the day-meme--check, there's no way these folks could act their way out of a wet paper bag, and reality may be a wet paper bag. This result is very disappointing. It's not like the military doesn't understand the drama of crashes and explosions, and smoke and flames, and the effect it has on people, it's that they weren't willing to risk really using it on themselves. They can dish it out but they can't take it. To make this work you'd need an 18-minute continuous running pan shot of shock and awe, like Altman's start to Nashville.
Over on stage right, another misfire, one that should have gone straight to video and skipped the theaters. Our Car-Lo Burgess, once again, with ennui, mismatching the fore-ground with the back, the yesterday not looking much like today. I wonder, as seen through both of Karen Hughes two evil eyes, is this scene the basis for Global War on Terror? To me it's a Gobble Waddles on Turkeys

There were 32 chaplains inside the building that day, by coincidence, attending a conference. Were they trotted out for for a kick line behind Father Stephen McGraw, while a Lesbian Nun with an acoustic guitar played Kum ba Yah, my Lord, but it was cut as not explosive enough?
Sorry. My meme.
This is supposed to be the air space where a massive jetliner flew less than 20 feet off the ground at 530 miles-per-hour according to the Kean report, just moments before, with a singeing vortex, a turbulent sucking, and a percussive blast knocking down lamp poles. There hasn't been anything overhead here recently, except for the Oscar Meyer Weiner-Balloon, and we know it's shadow when we see it.

Below are a few images of un-peopled conveyances that illustrate my point. To be fair, I will post a file of images which show wounded on stretchers, gurneys, and litters, but segregated out, and seen together, they make my point supporting fraud, just in a different way.