Ron Moser with his 2 bomb dogs Ajax & Laika at the front entrance of O.E.M. HQ. at pier 92. Cite as: Ron Moser, Image #3034, The September 11 Digital Archive, 6 September 2006,Out of all the images at either the new or old September 11th Digital Archive that I have had trouble with as I tried to download them, so as to re-upload them here, (and let me tell you, I had trouble! In some cases, images could only be saved as a queer PJPEG file, which then turned into something called a BMP, and nothing normal would open them. But I found one program, which in most cases allowed me convert these back to a JPEG while saving them,) uniquely, Mr. Moser's images presented the most difficulty.
Nothing has compared to the hoops I jumped through to get four measly images posted here for you now. I mean, these images are alternately coded, if you catch my drift. I'm not saying I beat the system, mind you. Only---I don't know what all the fuss is about.
K-9 Ajax & Laika along with three of their new friends of the NYPD range and special weapons unit who worked every day to help secure O.E.M. HQ. at pier 92. Cite as: Ron Moser, Image #3033, The September 11 Digital Archive, 6 September 2006,Oh! The doggies get their very own golf cart! How very like the Pentagon! I'd started to notice references to these golf carts being used down at Ground Zero in the firemen's oral histories, so I guess some were pre-situated in the vicinity, although I'm not surprised to see them being utilized in such a first-class set-up as the office of Emergency Management sprung into life on Pier 92. Clearly, this is why we drill men.
But you give them golf carts, then make them stay at the Hotel Edison??? What style would you call that headboard, by the way? And is that a white plastic garbage container there? How cool!
Bomb Dogs Ajax and Laika resting at the Edison Hotel after a long day of searching equipment and supplies for the Red Cross, OEM, FEMA and Victims Family Center at pier 92 & 94. Cite as: Ron Moser, Image #3032, The September 11 Digital Archive, 6 September 2006,But then...uht ohh...I see two potential new names for the tribunals. Somebody please tell Officer Marion Finbar and Sgt.Kenny Russo that I was just joking about those tumbrels! Mock tribunals! Mock I said! Think Judge Judy!
NYPD Range Officers standing with K-9 Ajax & Laika. Officer Marion Finbar next to Laika and Sgt.Kenny Russo next to Ajax at the front entrance of OEM HQ (Office of Emergency Management ) at pier 92 where everything going in or under OEM had to be cleared by K-9 Ajax & Laika. Cite as: Ron Moser, Image #3031, The September 11 Digital Archive, 6 September 2006,So anyway, I followed a second process and was able to print out these three, apparently actionable, images, and then I scanned them to my computer, and upped them here, where the rule is: Google Loves Me This I Know, Cause My Statcounter Tells Me So.
I don't know what messages they might have stegonagraphically underlying them,
[hiddentxt]Paul is Dead! Paul is Dead![/hiddentxt]
but they turned out fuzzier then the rest. Which reminds me: is Kerik doing his jail time as we speak?

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