89-4286 Section 168 Newspaper Clippings Vol. 4 - The Vault - FBI
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Maria Katsaris
November 24, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle, A Woman's Relationship With Jones; Father Talks About Her,
Concepts to Consider: 1. Upper Body Strength

What a silly coincidence that the first headline in this section reads Mystery Death of People's Temple Aide in reference to the deaths in Georgetown of Susan Amos and her three children. There was decidedly no mystery there. This is the way Mr. Tom Reston of the United States Department of State referred to the incident in the first official news briefing at 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning, very near to the beginning, so let's say 10:10 a.m.:
In addition, I want to report that there are reports - as yet unconfirmed - that members of the Peoples Temple Community in Guyana are perhaps engaging in mass suicides. The Guyanese police in Georgetown report that a woman who ran the Peoples Temple office there has killed her three children and taken her own life. Another Peoples Temple member, who says he escaped from the Community and walked 20 miles to Mathews Ridge, reported that some 200 members of that Community had already taken their lives when he was leaving.DEPARTMENT OF STATE
10:00 A.M.
The Guyanese authorities have a tendency to rebel when pushed too far--like changing their minds about local burial even if it inconveniences the U.S. Mr. Reston had no doubt what had taken place in that four-bedroom villa packed with 47 people was ritualized, westernized auto-Seppuku, specifically designed to deflower the most sacred bond in human nature--that between a mother and her child. Even bears care more.
Sharon Amos
November 20, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle, Mystery Death of People's Temple Aide,
November 20, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Price of her faith: 4 lives; Mother kills 3 kids, self, by Paul Shinoff,
November 23, 1978, The Oakland Tribune, by Steve Lopez, A reunion before Guyana massacre,
November 24, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, One of the first Guyana victims, by Annie Nakao,
December 5, 1978, New York Times, page B-11, A Cult Mother Led Children To Death; Witnesses, Initially Unaware of Plans for Suicides, Tell of the Guyana Deaths, by Joseph Treaster,
November 25, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Death count rises to 900; Final toll in Guyana; Jones follower charged with four murders,
December 1, 1978, New York Times / Reuters, Writs Granted in Guyana, [Charles E. Beikman]
December 5, 1978, Washington Post / UPI, page A-14, Guyana Suspect Mute in Court [Charles E. Beikman]
December 5, 1978, New York Daily News / UPI, page 32, Arraign ex-marine in 4 slayings, [Charles E. Beikman]

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