[PDF] 89-4286 Section 168 Newspaper Clippings Vol. 4 - The Vault - FBI
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People's Temple
1. Mark Lane
2. Charles Garry
3. Jones' Family Comment
4. Larry Layton
5. Maria Katsaris
6. Sharon Amos
7. Dr. Larry Schacht
Mark Lane
November 20, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle, Loyal Attorney For Rev. Jones, by Ralph Craib,
November 20, 1978, The Idaho Statesman, page 1B, Attorney in Guyana attack worked in Idaho,
November 20, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle, Peoples Temple lawyer had warned Ryan of 'consequences', by John Hall,
November 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times / AP, Reports Conflict on Lawyer Lane's Fate,
November 21, 1978, San Juan Star / UPI, Mark Lane, attorney for cult, is ex-N.Y. solon, Ray's lawyer,
November 21, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle, Attorney Mark Lane: Eyewitness' Grisly Account,
November 21, 1978, The Oakland Tribune, Lane says Jones injecting drugs for weeks,
November 22, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle, Mark Lane: Another Conspiracy, by Aby Mellinkoff,
November 23, 1978, New York Times, page A17, Lane Sees 'Master Plan' by Cult for Political Murders, by Howell Raines,
November 23, 1978, The Oakland Tribune, Lane: Jones gave order to kill Ryan,
November 24, 1978, Washington Post, page A1, Lane Sensed Trouble At Cultists' Camp, by Charles A. Krause,
November 24, 1978, San Juan Star / UPI, Lane says more than 800 adults at meeting day before suicides,
November 24, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle, Mark Lane's Startling Admission,
November 24, 1978, The Valley News [Van Nuys, CA] Whatever the motive, Mark Lane belonged in Jonestown,
November 24, 1978, The Valley News [Van Nuys, CA] Attorney tells of 'murder by maniacs',
November 24, 1978, Washington Post, page A21, Mark Lane, Again, by Nick Thimmesch,
November 25, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle, Garry, Mark Lane Assail Each Other on Suicides, by George Draper,
November 25, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Garry, Lane bitterly blame each other,
November 27, 1978, Buffalo Evening News / Knight-Ridder, Mark Lane: Why Was He in Jonestown?, by Jack Severson,
November 28, 1978, Memphis Press Scimitar, Lawyer Lane Says 'Gift' of Kool-Aid Is Threat on Life, by Ken Garland,
November 28, 1978, Washington Star-News, page A-4, Chance to Get Angry at Mark Lane Helped Preserve Reason, by Mary McGrory
November 29, 1978, Washington Post / AP, page A-28, Lane Tells of Cultist Plan To Kill Top U.S. Officials,
November 29, 1978, The Oakland Tribune / AP, Mark Lane says cultists have murder 'master plan',
November 29, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle / AP, Lane Thinks He May Be a Target,
November 29, 1978, Memphis Commercial Appeal, Lane Tells Cult's Murder Plans,
November 29, 1978, San Juan Star / UPI, Jones counsel fears his life now in danger,
November 30, 1978, The Atlanta Constitution, Mark Lane's Conduct: Reprehensible, by Mary McGrory,
November 30, 1978, New York Times, Opinion, page 23, The Mark of Zorro, by Anthony Lewis,
December 1, 1978, Washington Star, page A-1, 'Last Stand Plan,' Other New Troubles Plague Mark Lane, by Judy Bachrach,
December 5, 1978, Los Angeles Times, page 1, Peoples Temple Paid Fee to Lane' Lawyer Was to Launch Offensive at 'Enemies', by Henry Weinstein and Robert Scheer,
undated, Supplementary Memo dated September 27, 1978,
Lane's Counter Offensive: Projected Offensive Program for the People's Temple
On September 27, 1978, newly-hired Peoples Temple attorney Mark Lane presented the Jonestown leadership with a 10-page plan to counter the forces of "conspiracy" aligned against it. The plan was an ambitious one: it anticipated a "full-scale investigation" into the Temple’s critics, U.S. government agencies, and the press, as well as proactive legal, public relations and fundraising campaigns. The result of the activities would be "the filing of a multi-million dollar action" against everyone who “participated in the campaign against the People’s Temple.”
Counter Offensive: Projected Offensive Program for the People's Temple, RYMUR 89-4286-NN-6, A1 through A10

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