89-4286 Section 166 Newspaper Clippings Vol. 2 - The Vault - FBI
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Ryan Shooting II
1. Reporters- Charles Krause
2. Ron Javers
3. Tim Reiterman
4. Slain Newsmen
4. Slain Newsmen
1971, The News [Texas] Channel 8 Prepares New Morning Show, by Harry Bowman,
November 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Two Dead NBC Men Were Survivors of Asian Battles,
November 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times, NBC Executive Calls Newsmen's Deaths a Tragedy for Profession,
November 20, 1978, The Oakland Tribune, Slain newsmen praised, [Greg Robinson]
November 20, 1978, San Antonio Express, Newsmen had earned many awards,
November 20, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle, Airport Shootings: The 3 Newsmen Who Died in Guyana,
November 20, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, The victims who were there to cover the story,
November 20, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, A pledge: We will not stop,
November 20, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Greg Robinson: From the first it was 'magic', by Carol Pogash,
November 20, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Exclusive: eyewitness account of massacre, by Tim Reiterman,
November 20, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Works of a photographer, [Greg Robinson]
November 21, 1978, Los Angeles Herald Examiner, Reporter Talked NBC Into Fatal Assignment,
November 21, 1978, Los Angeles Times, NBC Announces Services For 2 Slain Newsmen,
November 21, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Bodies of 3 Cult Victims Return Home; Rep. Ryan, 2 Newsmen Carried on Flight to San Francisco, L.A.,
November 21, 1978, Los Angeles Times, "A Celebrity Around Here'; Georgia Town Stunned by News of Harris Death, by Jeff Prugh,
November 21, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Robinson family's last reunion, by Don Martinez,
November 22, 1978, The Atlanta Constitution, Body of Don Harris Arrives in Vidalia,
November 22, 1978, Los Angeles Times, AP Photo, Father with Casket; Gale Robinson, father of Greg sits beside his son's casket,
November 22, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Return Home Cult Victims Bodies of 3,
November 22, 1978, The Oakland Tribune / AP, Services set for two NBC newsmen shot in Guyana,
November 22, 1978, San Francisco Examiner / AP, 500 say goodbye to slain newsman, [Don Harris]
November 22, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Slain photographer goes home for the last time, by Don Martinez,
November 23, 1978, San Francisco Examiner / UPI, Services for Photographer, [Greg Robinson]
November 23, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Greg Robinson: Living memorial to cameraman,
November 24, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, NBC cameraman eulogized,
November 24, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, A last farewell to Robinson,
November 25, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Funeral Held for Slain NBC Cameraman Brown,
November 25, 1978, The Oakland Tribune / AP, Cameraman buried,
November 25, 1978, San Francisco Chronicle, Slain NBC Cameraman Called a Hero,
November 25, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Club to honor news heroes,
November 25, 1978, San Francisco Examiner, Friends saying goodbye to Greg, [Robinson]
November 25, 1978, San Francisco Examiner / AP, Newsman eulogized as a hero, [Bob Brown]
November 26, 1978, San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, In remembrance of Greg Robinson,
November 26, 1978, San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, Tributes to a photojournalist,
November 26, 1978, San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, Opinion, Memories of two colleagues, by Reg Murphy,
November 26, 1978, San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, Covering a horror story: The twisted Guyana tale,
November 26, 1978, San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, Goodbye to Greg: They had seen his brilliance,
November 26, 1978, Los Angeles Herald Examiner, Kin, Friends Salute Slain Newsman,

November 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Two Dead NBC Men Were Survivors of Asian Battles,
Two veteran National Broadcasting Co. staff members---both survivors of Southeast Asia battlefields--covered their last assignment at a jungle airstrip in Guyana.
Correspondent Don Harris and cameraman Robert Brown were killed Saturday along with Rep. Leo J. Ryan
(D-Calif.) in a storm of gunfire as they were about to depart from a fact-finding mission on Peoples Temple and the Rev. Jim Jones.
Gregory Robinson, a San Francisco Examiner photographer, also was killed by the bullets.
State Department spokesman said a fifth person, Patricia Parks, identified as a cult member trying to leave with Ryan, also was slain. No age or hometown was available, a spokesman said.
Harris, 42, began his broadcasting career as a radio announcer at WVOP in Vidalia, Ga. Funeral services have been scheduled in the small community where Harris grew up.
He shifted to television as a weatherman, then moved to stations in Texas and Washington D.C., as a news reporter. He won several state awards while in Texas and a local Emmy in Washington. He once dumped film into the Potomac after it had been subpoenaed by U.S. Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark.
He came to KNBC in 1973 as a reporter and weekend anchorman. In 1976 he became NBC network correspondent in Los Angeles. Harris leaves his wife and three children in Woodland Hills. Most of his family lives in Georgia.
Brown, 36, joined NBC news in April after a career as a free-lance cameraman for American Broadcasting Co. and Columbia Broadcasting System. He worked at KNBC for several months in 1977.
His wife and one child live in Los Angeles.
"These men were among NBC News' finest, and their families' loss is our loss," said Les Crystal, news president. "I am shocked at the senseless and tragic deaths. My sense of loss is overwhelming. I shall not forget them, not shall their colleagues.
Robinson 27, had been with the Examiner for three years. He had won several awards and currently has a one-man show on display in San Francisco.
Two other NBC crew members were at the Guyana airstrip. Soundman Stephen Sung, 34, was wounded slightly in the right arm.
Field producer Robert Flick, 47, was first reported missing but later was found by Guyanese military officials, according to a network spokesman.
"Flick just hightailed it in to the jungle when the shooting started," an NBC spokesman said. "Soldiers found him later and he is safe in Georgetown."
The State Department reported 10 persons were wounded, but could identify only six : Sung, Jacqueline Speier, Ryan's legislative aide; Richard Dwyer, deputy chief of mission in Guyana, and three persons who had relatives in the settlement, Anthony Katsaris, Beverly Oliver and Carolyn Boyd.
Another nine persons were said to be missing. This figure did not include Charles Garry and Mark Lane, believed to be Peoples Temple lawyers, who were reported in Jonestown, according to the State Department.
Those caught in the airport shooting numbered 27, the State Department said: five killed, 10 wounded, nine missing, one located unharmed (Flick) and two in Jonestown.


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