The sequence convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt that some unknown destructive force had been harnessed and was unleashed on the World Trade Center to cause what we can literally see are the steel skeletons of the towers progressively dissolving before our eyes into a dark dust.
Of course, like all the video and still photography, we have to ask ourselves where and when are we being deceived by special effects. In one image below, it would appear that a holy lingam remains, left by the lower half of the core columns of Tower Number Two. After five years in limbo, a New York Times article from September 13, 2001, resurfaced, "As Remnants Collapse, Workers Run For Cover," by Jennifer Steinhauer, telling us that is exactly what happened---that the precarious ruin was blasted with explosives late on Wednesday, the day after the attack.
In many of the images we see an unusual device or structure in the foreground on the New Jersey shore of the Hudson river, pointing, it would seem, directly at the trade towers. A bit of research informs us that it is the "Colgate Clock," a New Jersey landmark for almost a century. Until the late 1980's, the clock had sat atop an eight-story factory building about 100 yards north, where the new Goldman Sachs Tower stands today.
As the site was being readied for redevelopment, the historic clock (the largest free-standing clock in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records,) was relocated in 1997 onto city-owned property at the foot of Essex Street, where activists are hoping one day to create a park.
I've long wondered if locating this device in this spot was not an accident, and if it played a role in the destruction of the towers. Likewise, if the vantage point that "Aman Zafar" recorded it from also wasn't purely by chance. Since it figures prominently in so many of the images, I couldn't help but view it as an actual lens, not just as a complicated metaphor. Knowing as I do, the many other instances, where the perpetrators behind the attacks of 9/11 like to joke and pun, placing clues right before our eyes so that they can laugh at our imbecility and rub our noses in it, I thought this must be such case, but I lacked any kind of proof to even begin to make the charge.
But I was provided with a piece of evidence in a Wired NewYork real estate item, and its accompanying forum thread, which concerned itself with the centerpiece of the 24-acre site's redevelopment, the Goldman Sachs Tower, at 30 Hudson Street, Jersey City. Posted there are a dozen or so dated photographs showing the tower rising, where we can see, incidentally, the clock and the surrounding lay of the land.
Posted also is a tight image we will use as our baseline---dated July 16, 2000. Notice the old buff-colored masonry factory building at the right.

Further sign that something nefarious might have been taking place at this site then, would be the result the various participants find themselves at today---the current "reward" they are reaping. The Jersey City Independent reports City Sues Colgate Over Clock Payments
In court papers filed April 16 [2009] in Superior Court, the city says Colgate moved the clock to city land in 1997 and in 2005 promised to pay Jersey City a $1 million lump sum in addition to $20,000 per year for the maintenance and operation of the clock. The suit says Colgate has failed to pay any of that money.Why the parties would effect a transfer eight years before detailing the stewardship role is more than just bad planning. It would appear to stem from an end run around governmental regulations protecting the public good that the Colgate corporation engaged in, in cahoots with Goldman Sachs, in readiness for the proposed $2 billion plan.
In a New York Times article from July 17, 1988, The Colgate Clock; Winding Down to a Move for a Jersey City Beacon
Diane Kaese, vice chairwoman of the Jersey City Historic Preservation Commission, said the Colgate complex ''would definitely be considered for landmark protection'' but the commission has not been able to operate since 1986, when its enabling legislation was revised by the State Legislature. A new ordinance was proposed last December but has not been passed, in large part, she said, because Colgate opposed it.It is unbelievable that the players utterly failed to do due diligence in assessing the environmental impacts of such a huge project---most visibly and symbolically in regards to an iconic resource of the caliber of the Colgate clock. The lack of a contractual understanding between the city and the clock's former owner amounts to a S.E.Q.R.A. smoking gun.

In addition to having smoke photoshopped into the face of Building 7, the photograph below appears staged to me. Everyone with access to this site would be under the control of the conspirators. These actors look artlessly posed, just like the players at the Pentagon [hands on your hips, stick out your tush.] The young couple sitting together on a stone at right should have their arms around each other for the pose to make any emotional sense.

Flicker has over 600 images of the Colgate Clock, some of them of great artistic interest, but only one image was taken under the same conditions as found on 9/11/2001. Undated, the image would seem to have been taken either directly before 9/11, or soon thereafter. In it, we see a dredging barge in front of the site, which is still littered with temporary structures, piles of earth, and earth-moving machinery.

The Jersey Journal Jersey City sues toothpaste company over historic Colgate Clock Photo taken May 5, 2009
Colgate Clock October 26, 2006
everystockphoto / Big Time Winter 1990
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