"Will you read what I freaking wrote?" He wrote. "That construction that was going on on the cloverleaf was for a construction access point and had a covered truck inspection facility built there. I know exactly where the remote delivery facility is on the north side. I would run by the entry to that section daily the summer of 2005. This west-side development was an additional facility to help out with the construction access on that side of the building. If you don't read what I write you'll never climb out of this morass of ignorance that is your world."
I hope he's not cross with me. Shortly thereafter, I'm not sure when exactly, I spotted an aerial view of the Pentagon that depicted what I already had a name for: Pinch's Delivery Facility, or PDF in military parlance. But it seemed odd (Yiddish accent to myself only: such a foundation!) Underneath what amounted to a Costco temporary boat shed...hmmm.

The following image left me feeling dizzy and very confused. It's amazing what certain lens can do with foreshortening.

I won't even get into the ramifications on the 9-11 Memorial. That already has to be the ugliest and most unpleasant memorial ever designed in the history of the world, which is a clear insight into the non-truth it wants us to remember. Obviously the designers never had to sit through a Craig Ranke/Aldo Marquis presentation videotaped at the nearby Citgo. If they had, they'd realize you can't hear yourself think for all the air traffic overhead. THAT part they'll get, for sure. Now sandwich this in between rushing traffic on Route 27 and the forbidding facade of the Pentagon, and that should make sitting on some cold bronze benches dangling over pools of water inviting, for the few weeks each spring and fall when it won't be too hot or cold to remember anything.
How magnificent anything made of sound-deadening glass by I.M. Pei would have been. A space at the center of the hurlyburly to experience silence. Look at the sky. Sit in chairs.
But no, you were too busy propelling the propaganda in straight lines like a cartoon POW!
By the way, I don't buy your truck delivery facility. I'm sticking with weapon installation. In fact, I think you placed another one north of the Pentagon, in a cloverleaf not yet built even.
Interesting... I was searching this info for my grandpa. He will be happy for such a great info. Thanks for sharing...