[o]ther main escape exits from the impact area were through...[t]hree openings in the C Ring wall between Corridors 4 and 5, one of them the blown doors of the C-4 electrical vault..."
This is the first mention anywhere in the official record explaining the second of two blast exit holes through the masonry walls of the C Ring into the A & E Drive, as seen in the photographic record, but never discussed in the written record. It's cousin, an explosive blast hole labeled "punch out," sixty or so feet away in the Drive, has been endlessly photographed and debated, with multiple official explanations offered that are still far from being reconciled with a plausible story line.
Somewhere along the line, an earlier 9-11 web site that covers the same ground I do, Russel Pickering's pentagon911research.com, posted a Michael Pendergrass photograph of the blast damage with a notation describing it as a "roll up" door.

Pentagon 9/11 mentions in passing the blast damage as blown-out electrical doors several pages before a discussion about survivor's experiences inside the Navy Command Center. Of the eight people the book mentions who survived from within the command center, seven of them escaped, or were rescued, via this hole (one of them, Jesse Polasek, said a blast of air expelled him through the hole into the drive as he was still seated in his chair!)
I know of at least one other survivor from within the Navy Command Center not mentioned in Pentagon 9/11, so apparently the book doesn't strive to be a comprehensive account. Jerry Henson, a civilian employee, was also rescued via a blast exit hole into the A-E Drive, although his rescuer, Dave Tarentino, is quite clear in his telling that he came in and out via the round "punch out" hole.
On edit: My bad! They gave them almost a whole chapter further in! It gets more interesting!
This attempt to introduce into the record a key fact is especially offensive to me because I can see how such a lie can be plausibly established. The seed was an illustration used to depict damage that was based on a structural floor plan, which must date from 1945. An electrical vault is indicated on the plan alongside the A-E Drive, and directly to the right of a single doorway.

Second, the web site 911review.org posted a series of photographs that directs our attention to the matter of this 20-foot wide, square-shaped, pillar-to-pillar blast opening. The images seem spookily prescient to me now and if this site is a gatekeeper than it's for the good guys. Looking again with trusting eyes, I see this early website got it right. The ability to recognize honest mistakes from manipulative errors is a developing gift.
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