The corruption inherent in the staging of a self-attack on the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001, amounts to a millennial crime, with aspects of arson, murder, false heroism, collective secrecy, the mass projection and manipulation of synthetic fear--not to mention its use as justification for illegal invasions and the ganging up of two Abrahamic religions against the third. That is one thing, but the thing that really sent me over the edge was, when I found out that not only were the renovation crew contractors key co-conspirators, but they were also falsely claiming to have renovated all of the impact area in Wedge 1, when I could tell for a fact they had not. Who can disprove a talking point like "scheduled for completion in five days," after the fact? But now, this was cheating!
Knowing that a lot of square feet would have to be sacrificed and done over, it must have galled them to burn good money. So greedily, they began to cut corners and pocket the windfall. And all that is subtlety obvious in the record now.
This plan has been in the works since at least
1999, when a decision to not outfit some renovated basement space was made (it came as no surprise to me when the Navy Command Center was able to quickly relocate there,) although I use as my starting date 1995, when Bill Clinton signed a law making the FBI the sole investigators at terrorism crime scenes.
The best way to make this case is in acknowledging the obvious fact that not all the windows in Wedge 1 had been upgraded. I don't know how they thought they could get away with not replacing the windows on the first and second floors between the crash zone and Wedge 2, when the system supposedly uses continuous vertical steel in the facade to support the frames. Maybe this can be explained by some problem in the creating of the damage, and these were meant to collapse, (from a storyboard perspective the opening always was too small,) and since several eyewitnesses express disappointment that the crash somehow didn't meet their expectations of damage, like Tim Timmerman and Dawn Vignola, this may be the answer.

But then I realized that even the windows I thought had been expensively upgraded, had in fact, just been backed up with safety glass. Once you see this as the explanation you can archive literally scores of images to prove this point. FEMA gave us this beauty. This is not inch-and-a half-thick specialty glass--it is of two kinds, sandwiched together and failing unevenly.

So, perhaps it was basic greed that the contractors thought they could set off some extra arson in Wedge 2, and on the roof, in order to vastly expand the amount of demolition and structural reconstruction required (qui bono? Fachina Construction!)

Screw Flickr.

Look at the windows to the right. It looks like the upgraded windows only went in the strike zone (the better to get a building collapse!) You've got melted windows, jagged edge, missing windows, and even round holes in glass. Judy Wood says that's exotic weaponry, which I think was also used on the cars.
I've posted this image to my blog previously. It shows stripped electrical outlets left in the column. That isn't blast damage and it isn't renovation either. It's unused, warehoused space, left waiting.

In this image you can look across the way to the same area, where three old-fashioned desks are parked. That space wasn't outfitted or occupied, nor was it stripped down to its concrete core and remediated. So, if it wasn't either of those, why does it pretend to be something in the middle?

This image was surely the first to plant the knowledge of irregularities in the renovation process. To have wall boarded over a still-locked cabinet definitely proves that the advertised contract of abatement down to the bare concrete was not being adhered to. A problem however--I couldn't prove it was in Wedge 1. But at least a good government or military employee was trying to get the truth out there.

Then God gave me this image! Stunning in the simple beauty of its message. It is at the expansion joint, where the building fell, well inside Wedge 1. The smoking gun is the old electrical outlet buried inside the drywall, which somebody has thoughtfully pealed back--maybe someone on the New Mexico Task Force who also signed his work "God Bless America."

I know someone like Pinch is going to come in here and say that's not what we see, like he did when calling my modular propelling charges roofing paper. Roofing paper?
I've previously posted a blog about how columns beside the collapsed area show signs of shaped charge explosives scouring their tops and bottoms, but then--God again--I came upon the queen of such images. Check out the black-colored column towards the bottom on the right, which has clean cut edges and a scoured top and bottom. Other columns have clean cut ends too.

Also, see what you think about the column at the top left. To me, it appears to be a boxed out concrete column, in which an old niche holds an antiquated brass fire extinguisher. Was it buried in previous renovations and just now exposed? If so, then this image works for both shaped charges and renovation dereliction.
When our eyes open to the totality of the plan and the completeness of the scheme--it's called the "big lie," by the way--we will know truth and a measure of peace. All of the eyewitnesses, all of the victims, all of the rescuers, all of the media who carry narrative water. If they were a part of the synthetic story than they are organically culpable. The six real heroes who made it out of the Navy Intelligence Plot section alive have never made their stories known, while
Kevin Schaeffer, and his fellow matinée idol burn victim, Brian Birdwell, both have matching wedding band stories in the record. You know the kind: swimming to the surface to fight off the nurses, the, "don't cut my wedding band off my finger, I will pull it off, and all the sloughing skin that scraps along with it. It must be saved and kept whole!" How cool is that?
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