January 4, 1894, New York Times, Albany Election-Fraud Cases,
Jan. 3.-Three of the cases instituted by the Reform Committee of Fifty, to punish violators of

November 27, 1933, New York Times, page 1, 3, Lawyer Shot Dead, His Wife Wounded In Street Ambush; Assassin Fires on Brooklyn Couple as They Stroll Home -- No Motive Is Known; Gunman Escapes In Auto; Crime Arouses Area -- Victims, Married 11 Months, Were Returning From Call, Ambushed as they were returning home along a quiet Brooklyn residential street last night, Aaron Scherwin, an attorney of 60 Wall Street, was shot four times and killed instantly, and his wife, Charlotte, was seriously wounded by an assailant who fired without warning. ….in charge of the Detective Division, said that Mr. Scherwin had been a Special Assistant Attorney General in charge of election fraud cases on the last election day. What his exact connection with the fraud cases may have been… View original in TimesMachine,

November 4, 1964, UPI - New York Times, page 30, Philadelphia Complaints,
The Eastern Pennsylvania Citizens for Goldwater‐Miller sent a telegram to the Governor “urgently” requesting “the use of state police and state attorneys to stop the election fraud in Philadelphia County.” View original in TimesMachine,

November 4, 1964, New York Times, page 30, Vote Fraud Is Charged In Chicago; Money Is Said To Have Changed Hands; G.O.P. Watchers Barred in Some Wards, Party Group Says -- College Students Observe Irregularities in Voting, [PDF]
CHICAGO, Nov. 3 — Charles F. Hood, Chicago Director of Operation Eagle Eye, Republican poll-watching group, charged today that his watchers "ran into road blocks at every turn" in trying to guard against election frauds.

November 4, 1964, New York Times, page 29, Long Lines and New Faces Fill Polls, [PDF]
September 26, 1948, New York Times, page 62, Wallace Attacks Truman In St. Louis; He Tells His Missouri Backers President Is 'a Political Acrobat,' 'Verbal Liberal', by William M. Blair,folks tonight that the President was "a political acrobat" and accused him of aiding and abetting "the most dangerous election fraud in the history of American politics. View original in TimesMachine,

November 16, 1878, New York Times, page 1, How The Democrats Won In South Carolina,

December 1, 1949, AP - The Post-Standard [Syracuse, NY] page 2, Witness Testifies To Gifts by Utica Officials; Former Democratic Treasurer Heard at Vote Fraud Trial,
A former treasurer of the Oneida county Democratic committee testifies at the Utica vote fraud trial yesterday that he received sums of money up to $2,000 from Utica officials "during campaign times."
Resigned Post Rufus P. Cavallo, deputy city safety commissioner, said he had received money from Dennis P. O'Dowd, superintendent of construction in the Utica department of public works, "for six or seven years." He testifies he also received sums from the city treasurer and the city comptroller.
O'Dowd is one of 10 Utica men on trial on charges of conspiracy, vote buying, extortion and destruction of documents.

June 11, 1968, AP - Daily Press [Newport News, Virginia] page 17, Jury Chosen In Voter Fraud Case,