141 Chartres St. (604 Iberville)
Square: 33 Lot Number: 11186-A
Vieux Carré Commission Evaluation:
[Pink. One in a row of three, 3-bay, 3-story brick commercial buildings, no later than 1848. A January, 1849 act of sale cites "A certain three-story brick building."] [N.B: Squares in the 100 block of the French Quarter (those that front Canal Street and back on Iberville Street) are not part of the original Vieux Carré and have never been evaluated by the Vieux Carré Commission. Rather, their historical status is the domain of another city agency, the Historic District Landmarks Commission (HDLC). The c. 1965, color-coded architectural evaluation square maps for these squares found in the VCS binders were most likely executed by architect Sam Wilson, but they are obviously not official, as the HDLC was not even in existence then. The official color ratings given here have been taken from the HDLC's current maps.]
Pink Portion of Building: Main Material: Masonry
• Note: HDLC: Red
Dimensions (Dimensions run CCW)
Frontage: 21' 10" 0'''
Side 2: 57' 2" 0'''
Side 3: 21' 10" 0'''
Side 4: 57' 2" 0'''
Title: Sanborn's Insurance Maps
Date: April 1876
Negative Number: N-1279
Courtesy of: Special Collections Division, Tulane University Libraries. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Sanborn
Provenance: Howard-Tilton Library (Tulane University)

Title: Sanborn's Insurance Maps
Date: April 1876
Negative Detail Number: N-1279D33
Courtesy of: Special Collections Division, Tulane University Libraries. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Sanborn
Provenance: Howard-Tilton Library (Tulane University)

Title: Sanborn's Insurance Maps
Date: 1896
Negative Number: N-2387
Courtesy of: Special Collections Division, Tulane University Libraries. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Sanborn
Provenance: Howard-Tilton Library (Tulane University)

Title: Squares 33 & 34 (survey)
Date: 04/03/1813
Negative Number: N-1408
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection has been unable to identify or contact the current copyright owner. Publication may be restricted.
Provenance: Original map collection of Samuel Wilson, Jr.,

Title: Luisiana, 1792. Ciudad de N. Orleans (Squares 33 & 34)
Date: 1792
Negative Number: N-612
Courtesy of: Clerk of Civil District Court, Notarial Archives Division, New Orleans LA. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Carlos Trudeau - City Surveyor
Provenance: Annexed to Notarial Act of Theodore Seghers, N.P., June 3, 1826, Vol. 1/146,

Title: Squares 31, 32, 33, & 34 (survey)
Date: 11/23/1805
Negative Number: N-564
Courtesy of: Clerk of Civil District Court, Notarial Archives Division, New Orleans LA. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Barthelemy Lafon - Deputy Surveyor
Provenance: Annexed to Notarial Act of Michel de Armas, N.P., August 7, 1819, Vol. 18/6,

Title: Plan of the ground ceded to the city corporation for Exchange Place (Squares 33 & 34)
Date: 10/03/1831
Negative Number: N-769
Courtesy of: Clerk of Civil District Court, Notarial Archives Division, New Orleans LA. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Joseph Pilié - City Surveyor
Provenance: Annexed to Notarial Act of Felix de Armas, N.P., Nov. 3, 1831, Vol. 34/728,

Title: DPM Square 33 square map w/lot numbers
Negative Number: 2-033-001
Courtesy of: City of New Orleans. Publication may be restricted.
Provenance: City Hall Department of Property Management,

Title: VCS Square 33 architectural ratings color-coded square map
Date: 11/18/1965
Negative Number: 2-033-002
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Provenance: Vieux Carré Survey,

Title: 'Plano figurativo de la posesion da da al Soguero Eilias Winters de un terreno de 100 pies de frente con 600 pies de profundidad' (Squares 31, 32 & 33)
Date: 07/23/1791
Negative Number: N-794
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection has been unable to identify or contact the current copyright owner. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Carlos Trudeau - (original) surveyor
Provenance: Copy of July 23, 1791 plan by Carlos Trudeau; in collection Samuel Wilson, Jr. [original in Spanish Archives?]

Title: Map of New Orleans (Squares 33-41 & 62-66)
Date: [between 1859 and 1875?]
Negative Number: N-2264
Courtesy of: Louisiana Division/City Archives & Special Collections, New Orleans Public Library. Publication may be restricted.
Provenance: Original map (MaM 000-21) in NOPL,

Title: Map of New Orleans (Squares 33-41 & 62-66)
Date: [between 1859 and 1875?]
Negative Detail Number: N-2264D33_34
Courtesy of: Louisiana Division/City Archives & Special Collections, New Orleans Public Library. Publication may be restricted.
Provenance: Original map (MaM 000-21) in NOPL,

Title: Plano que Manifiesta la parte de la Ville de Nueva Orleans consumida en el incenudio de 8 de Diciembre de 1794
Date: 12/10/1794
Negative Number: N-1
Courtesy of: Archivo General de Indias (Seville, Spain). Publication may be restricted.
Provenance: Archivo General de Indias - Seville, Spain,

Chain of Title
141 Chartres St. (604 Iberville)
Square: 33 Lot Number: 11186-A
Last Update: Monday, October 19th 1981
Friday, January 11th 1974
Record Source: COB
Volume: 723
Page: 398
Record Type: [sale?]
Authority: B. E. Loup (Notary)
Authority Date: Not Given
From: Anthony Guarino To: Henry L. Granet
Brief Description: [Lot designation changed from 11186 to 11186-A to differentiate it from adjacent lots with the same designation.]
Thursday, July 13th 1944
Record Source: COB
Volume: 531
Page: 645
Record Type: [sale?]
Authority: J. H. Wiener (Notary)
Authority Date: Not Given
From: Cosmopolitan Realty Co., Inc. To: Anthony Guarino
Brief Description: Property with buildings and improvements on it.
Monday, January 4th 1932
Record Source: COB
Volume: 464
Page: 514
Record Type: [sale?]
Authority: J. H. Wiener (Notary)
Authority Date: Not Given
From: Abraham Hellman To: Cosmopolitan Realty Co., Inc.
Brief Description: Three lots of ground with buildings and improvements.
Thursday, May 10th 1923
Record Source: COB
Volume: 361
Page: 305
Record Type: [sale?]
Authority: F. J. Dreyfous (Notary)
Authority Date: Not Given
From: Max Miller To: Abraham Hellman
Brief Description: Three lots of ground with buildings and improvements.
Wednesday, May 3rd 1922
Record Source: COB
Volume: 351
Page: 58
Record Type: [sale?]
Authority: Edgar Grima (Notary)
Authority Date: Not Given
From: Thomas Hunt To: Max Miller
Thomas Hunt
Julia B. Hunt
Edward L. Hunt
Robert Hunt
Thursday, October 13th 1921
Record Source: COB
Volume: 338
Page: 547
CDC#: 138870
Record Type: succession
Authority: Civil District Court (Court)
Authority Date: Not Given
From: Carleton Hunt To: Thomas Hunt Robert Hunt E. L. Hunt
Brief Description: To his legal heirs.
Tuesday, January 12th 1915
Record Source: COB
Volume: 270
Page: 261
CDC#: 110669
Record Type: succession
Authority: Civil District Court (Court)
Authority Date: Not Given
From: Louise L. Hunt
succession of To: Julia B. Hunt Agent/Single Party Act/Other: Carleton Hunt
Brief Description: Julia B. Hunt is put in possession of estate on waiver of Carleton Hunt to qualify. A three-story brick building on Lot A and two three-story brick buildings on Lot C.
Saturday, January 13th 1849
Record Source: COB
Volume: 47
Page: 297
Record Type: [sale?]
Authority: Louis T. Caire (Notary)
Authority Date: Not Given
From: Henry Carleton To:
Carleton Hunt
Dr. Thomas Hunt [Dr.]
Louise Hunt
Julia Hunt
Brief Description: To Dr. Thomas Hunt (his son-in-law) in behalf of his minor children, Louise Hunt, Carleton Hunt and Julia Hunt. A certain three story brick building at the corner of Chartres and Custom House, now occupied as a book store by Mr. Gaston Bruslé and standing in part of a lot of ground bought by Henry Carleton from Ferdinand Lioteaux (a colored man) on Aug. 6, 1821. ["Liotau" in many other records.]
Wednesday, December 20th 1848
Record Source: Unknown
Record Type: [sale?]
Authority: Louis T. Caire (Notary)
Authority Date: Not Given
From: Henry Carleton To: Julia B. Hunt
Brief Description: Julia B. Hunt acquired 1/3 property from Henry Carleton by act of "dation en paiement" and registered in COB 17/197. [COB Vo.l. 17/197 missing] No record could be found on Ferdinand Lioteaux. ["Liotau" in many other records.]
The website, thejimani.com, named for the long-running drinking establishment with quarters below the Up Stairs social club, has a page The History of the Building, with only the following paragraph to account for itself. Instead of half-heartedly getting into the memorialization business, they should stick to stacking beer:
The Earliest Sale of the Building that we could find was Dec 20 1848 when Julia B. Hunt acquired 1/3 of the property from Henry Carleton by act of "dation en paiement" (DATION EN PAIEMENT, civil law. This term is used in Louisiana; it signifies that, when instead of paying a sum of money due on a pre-existing debt, the debtor gives and the creditor agrees to receive a movable or immovable. 2. It is somewhat like the accord and satisfaction of the common law. 16 Toull. n. 45 Poth. Vente, U. 601. Dation en paiement resembles in some respects the contract of sale; dare in solutum, est quasi vendere. There is, however, a very marked difference between a sale and a dation en paiement. 1st. The contract of sale is complete by the mere agreement of the parties the dation en paiement requires a delivery of the thing given. 2d. When the debtor pays a certain sum which he supposed he was owing, and be discovers he did not owe so much, he may recover back the excess, not so when property other than money has been given in payment. 3d. He who has in good faith sold a thing of which he believed himself to be the owner, is not precisely required to transfer the property of it to the buyer and, while he is not troubled in the possession of the thing, he cannot pretend that the seller has not fulfilled his obligations. On the contrary, the dation en paiement is good only when the debtor transfers to the creditor the property in the thing which he has agreed to take in, payment and if the thing thus delivered be the property of another, it will not operate as a payment.)________________________________________________________________________________
The Vieux Carré Commission Evaluation Citations (Specific to this address) link has a sampling of early news articles from the States-Item and the Times Picayune, which include two photographer's names, Philip Ames and Robert T. Steiner, which hadn't surfaced in the flurry of media acknowledgments around the double-vigintennial anniversary of the disaster. Library holdings for the Times-Picayune and the ten-year run of the States-Item from 1970 to 1980, are quite extensive, so no need to worry there, but I can't wait to get my hands on, and then disseminate these neglected morsels of semi-authentic history. But even the titles are informative: "Bar Not Inspected in 2 Years," and "Fire Victims: 26 'Possibles'."

June 25, 1973, The Times-Picayune, page 1,
June 25, 1973, Times-Picayune, page 1, 29 Killed In Quarter Blaze; Arson Possibility Is Raised, by John LaPlace and Ed Anderson, [Continued page 3]
June 25, 1973, The Times–Picayune, page 1, Scene of French Quarter Fire Is Called Dante's 'Inferno, Hitler's Incinerators; Victims Reported Burnt to Death Fleeing Spreading Blaze, by John La Place, [Continued page 2]
June 25, 1973, Times-Picayune, N.O. Tragedies Go Rolling On,
June 25, 1973, States-Times, Fire at Up Stairs Lounge - 604 Iberville St., by Angus Lind, et al.
[(photo: G.E. Arnold) w/photo/caption "Scene of French Quarter fire which claimed 29 lives"]
June 25, 1973, States-Times, Fire Bares the Grisly Face of Death, by Angus Lind,
[w/photo/caption, photo: Philip Ames, "A rescue worker leans heavy against a window..."]
June 25, 1973, States-Times, Fun... Drinks... Song... with Death at the Piano, by Lanny Thomas,
June 25, 1973, AP- State-Item, page 1A, N.O. Lounge Fire Kills 29 Persons, [Continued Page 4-A]
June 25, 1973, AP - States-Item, page 1A, Quick Searing Blast; French Quarter Fire Is Probed,
[Sidewalk First Aid -- Firemen give first aid to survivors of a French Quarter fire that swept through a second story bar leaving 29 dead and 15 injured. Several persons leaped to safety before the entire bar was engulfed in flames in New Orleans. --AP wirephoto]
June 25, 1973, AP - The State-Times, page 1B, Brief Fire Fatal to 29 In Quarter, by Ed Tunstall,
June 25, 1973, AP - The State-Times, page 1B, Barred Windows Prevented Victims From Fleeing Fire,
June 25, 1973, The State-Times, page 1B, 13 of Dead Tentatively Identified,
June 25, 1973, The State-Times, page 1B,
June 25, 1973, The State-Times (Advocate) [Baton Rouge, LA] page 1A,
June 26, 1973, Times-Picayune, Black, Empty Windows Stare, by Chris Segura,
June 26, 1973, Times-Picayune, Worst Fire in History of New Orleans, by Chris Segura,
June 26, 1973, Times-Picayune, Devastating French Quarter Fire Probed by 3 Agencies, by Chris Segura, [w/photo/caption (photo: Robert T. Steiner) "A spectator peers into the stairwell of the burned out Up Stairs Lounge..."]
June 26, 1973, AP - Times-Picayune, Fire Protection Needed -- Carter,
June 26, 1973, AP - Times-Picayune, Preventive Bill Failed in Legislature,
June 26, 1973, States-Item, Fire Victims: 26 'Possibles',
June 27, 1973, Times-Picayune, Gay Leaders Plan Aid for Victims of Bar Fire, by Vincent Lee,
June 28, 1973, Times-Picayune, Fatal Fire Probe Continues,
July 1, 1973, AP - Times-Picayune, Bar Not Inspected in 2 Years, by Eric Newhouse,
Where Are the Gay Activists in New Orleans?
E Martinez - New Orleans Vieux Carrê Star, 1977
Cited by 2 Related articles Cite Save Try again? More Fewer
New Orleans Times-Picayune,
29 Killed in Quarter Blaze
J LaPlace, E Anderson,
New Orleans States-Item
First the Horror—Then the Leap
W Philbin
Vieux Carré Courier X,
After the Fire Up Stairs, by Bill Rushton,
Title: 135-139, 141 Chartres
Date: 10/23/1963
Negative Number: N-1407
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Dan S. Leyrer
Provenance: Dan S. Leyrer - Photographer - 726 St. Peter St.
Full Property Record,
Title: 135-139, 141 Chartres
Date: 10/23/1963
Negative Detail Number: N-1407D
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Dan S. Leyrer
Provenance: Dan S. Leyrer - Photographer - 726 St. Peter St.
Full Property Record -

Title: 135-139, 141 Chartres (Frame 10)
Date: 1977
Negative Number: 2-033-015
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Tulane School of Architecture
Provenance: Vieux Carré Survey
Full Property Record -
See more at: http://www.hnoc.org/vcs/property_info.php?lot=11186-A#sthash.WVDPbLdV.dpuf

Title: 135-139, 141 Chartres
Date: [after Aug. 1977]
Negative Number: 2-033-016
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection has been unable to identify or contact the current copyright owner. Publication may be restricted.
Provenance: Un-credited
Full Property Record,

Title: View Down Chartres (Frame 23)
Date: August 1977
Negative Number: 2-033-004
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Tulane School of Architecture
Provenance: Vieux Carré Survey -
See more at: http://www.hnoc.org/vcs/property_info.php?lot=11186-A#sthash.VAjoaZfh.dpuf

Title: 141 Chartres corner (604) Iberville
Date: 01/10/2011
Negative Number: 2_033_char_141
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: John Watson Riley
Provenance: © The Historic New Orleans Collection 2011
Full Property Record,

Evelyn's Place
The 18th-century maps below were downloaded from Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc., whose proprietor has been consistently generous over time in sharing high-quality images of his material online, which has been a great boon to my understanding unfamiliar topics.










June 25, 1973, The Times–Picayune, page 1, Scene of French Quarter Fire Is Called Dante's 'Inferno, Hitler's Incinerators; Victims Reported Burnt to Death Fleeing Spreading Blaze, by John La Place, [Continued page 2]
June 25, 1973, Times-Picayune, N.O. Tragedies Go Rolling On,
June 25, 1973, States-Times, Fire at Up Stairs Lounge - 604 Iberville St., by Angus Lind, et al.
[(photo: G.E. Arnold) w/photo/caption "Scene of French Quarter fire which claimed 29 lives"]
June 25, 1973, States-Times, Fire Bares the Grisly Face of Death, by Angus Lind,
[w/photo/caption, photo: Philip Ames, "A rescue worker leans heavy against a window..."]
June 25, 1973, States-Times, Fun... Drinks... Song... with Death at the Piano, by Lanny Thomas,
June 25, 1973, AP- State-Item, page 1A, N.O. Lounge Fire Kills 29 Persons, [Continued Page 4-A]
June 25, 1973, AP - States-Item, page 1A, Quick Searing Blast; French Quarter Fire Is Probed,
[Sidewalk First Aid -- Firemen give first aid to survivors of a French Quarter fire that swept through a second story bar leaving 29 dead and 15 injured. Several persons leaped to safety before the entire bar was engulfed in flames in New Orleans. --AP wirephoto]
June 25, 1973, AP - The State-Times, page 1B, Brief Fire Fatal to 29 In Quarter, by Ed Tunstall,
June 25, 1973, AP - The State-Times, page 1B, Barred Windows Prevented Victims From Fleeing Fire,
June 25, 1973, The State-Times, page 1B, 13 of Dead Tentatively Identified,
June 25, 1973, The State-Times, page 1B,
June 25, 1973, The State-Times (Advocate) [Baton Rouge, LA] page 1A,
June 26, 1973, Times-Picayune, Black, Empty Windows Stare, by Chris Segura,
June 26, 1973, Times-Picayune, Worst Fire in History of New Orleans, by Chris Segura,
June 26, 1973, Times-Picayune, Devastating French Quarter Fire Probed by 3 Agencies, by Chris Segura, [w/photo/caption (photo: Robert T. Steiner) "A spectator peers into the stairwell of the burned out Up Stairs Lounge..."]
June 26, 1973, AP - Times-Picayune, Fire Protection Needed -- Carter,
June 26, 1973, AP - Times-Picayune, Preventive Bill Failed in Legislature,
June 26, 1973, States-Item, Fire Victims: 26 'Possibles',
June 27, 1973, Times-Picayune, Gay Leaders Plan Aid for Victims of Bar Fire, by Vincent Lee,
June 28, 1973, Times-Picayune, Fatal Fire Probe Continues,
July 1, 1973, AP - Times-Picayune, Bar Not Inspected in 2 Years, by Eric Newhouse,
Where Are the Gay Activists in New Orleans?
E Martinez - New Orleans Vieux Carrê Star, 1977
Cited by 2 Related articles Cite Save Try again? More Fewer
New Orleans Times-Picayune,
29 Killed in Quarter Blaze
J LaPlace, E Anderson,
New Orleans States-Item
First the Horror—Then the Leap
W Philbin
Vieux Carré Courier X,
After the Fire Up Stairs, by Bill Rushton,
Title: 135-139, 141 Chartres
Date: 10/23/1963
Negative Number: N-1407
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Dan S. Leyrer
Provenance: Dan S. Leyrer - Photographer - 726 St. Peter St.
Full Property Record,

Title: 135-139, 141 Chartres
Date: 10/23/1963
Negative Detail Number: N-1407D
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Dan S. Leyrer
Provenance: Dan S. Leyrer - Photographer - 726 St. Peter St.
Full Property Record -

Title: 135-139, 141 Chartres (Frame 10)
Date: 1977
Negative Number: 2-033-015
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Tulane School of Architecture
Provenance: Vieux Carré Survey
Full Property Record -
See more at: http://www.hnoc.org/vcs/property_info.php?lot=11186-A#sthash.WVDPbLdV.dpuf

Title: 135-139, 141 Chartres
Date: [after Aug. 1977]
Negative Number: 2-033-016
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection has been unable to identify or contact the current copyright owner. Publication may be restricted.
Provenance: Un-credited
Full Property Record,

Title: View Down Chartres (Frame 23)
Date: August 1977
Negative Number: 2-033-004
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: Tulane School of Architecture
Provenance: Vieux Carré Survey -
See more at: http://www.hnoc.org/vcs/property_info.php?lot=11186-A#sthash.VAjoaZfh.dpuf

Title: 141 Chartres corner (604) Iberville
Date: 01/10/2011
Negative Number: 2_033_char_141
Courtesy of: The Historic New Orleans Collection. Publication may be restricted.
Creator: John Watson Riley
Provenance: © The Historic New Orleans Collection 2011
Full Property Record,

Evelyn's Place
The 18th-century maps below were downloaded from Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc., whose proprietor has been consistently generous over time in sharing high-quality images of his material online, which has been a great boon to my understanding unfamiliar topics.










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