Remarkably, the Bakersfield Californian is the sole source online for this important UPI article:
April 15, 1976, UPI - The Bakersfield Californian, page 48, Nixon, industry metals deal told,
WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Columnist Jack Anderson reported today that during 1973 President Richard Nixon pressured the General Services Administration to sell off strategic metals to industrial allies of the Nixon White House.
In his syndicated column, Anderson said the official Nixon administration explanation was that the strategic stockpile was no longer needed for the nation's security. But Anderson said his investigation shows the real motive was to reward friends in the metals industry.
Acting on Nixon's orders, the GSA sold more than $3 billion worth of the metals to industrial giants such as Alcoa, Bethlehem Steel, Englehardt Industries, General Electric, Kaiser, Reynolds Metals, U.S.Steel and Westinghouse, Anderson reported.
He said the National Security Council has studied the situation to see if the stockpile needs to be replenished in light of the sales, Anderson said that, though incomplete, the NSC study recommends that stockpile levels be increased for certain critical materials.
Anderson said some of the metals were sold at "bargain basement" prices, and must now be purchased back by the government at "premium" prices.
Anderson said "witnesses" have told him that Nixon aides called former GSA chief Arthur Sampson and pressured him to sell the stockpiled metals to White House friends. But he said Sampson has denied receiving any pressure from the Nixon White House on this matter.

I tried putting various sentences in quotation marks into Google and finally got one hit to return, which contains the first three paragraphs:
April 15, 1976, UPI - Corona Daily Independent, [Corona, California] Charge Nixon's friends got strategic supplies,
The following is how capitalism in a democracy really works:
May 1, 1976, San Antonio Express [TX] page 18, Editorial, Chrome ore goes political and part of a puzzling policy,

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