He was born Roger Dale Nunez, February 22, 1947 - and he died with an extra D in his name, November 15, 1974. Can everybody say C.I.A.?

Above: Rodger Nunez, the main suspect in the mass killing, pictured in life and in death.
Main Suspects in Mass Killings do not have Extra D's placed in their Goddamn Names.
May 1962, Lake Charles [LA] American-Press, page 24, Sulphur Resident Fined $135 for Drunken Driving,
Roger Dale Nunez, 18, of 811 Parish road, pleaded guilty in Sulphur city court Monday to charges of drunken driving and reckless driving.
He was fined $135 on the drunken driving charge and was given a five-day suspended sentence for reckless driving.

February 8, 1962, Port Arthur News [TX] page 14, Sabine Pass News, Roger Dale Nunez of Sulphur, L.A., spent several days with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McFarlain,

From Hannah Michael's blog, Time To Think, We Always Forget "The Rich Want War",People say they’ll remember, but they don’t.“We’ll always remember,” cry people after the aftermath of any tragedy. But the truth is people don’t like to remember horrific events, or overwhelming despair. As Merlin stated, “It is the doom of men: that they forget.” Forgetting comes all too easily. Latent reminders exist, but how often do they get drowned in whatever addiction soothes the nerves, or even occupies the mind. People say time heals all things. There’s some truth in that. But for events that are so horrifying to endure, like 9-11 or the 7/7 London Bombings of 2005, we tend to just separate ourselves. Time and separation go hand and hand – “Out of sight; out of mind”.
So kooky. What does the photo "We won't fight another rich man's war" have to do with the issue of the Upstairs Lounge?.
ReplyDeleteThat gravestone was the one provided free by the Veterans Administration for the family of any vet who requests one. I know because we got one for my dad. Would not the family know the proper spelling of the decedent? KOOKY.