The Nov. 21, 1978, The Idaho Statesman, page 1-A, Idahoan told sons are alive, daughter's fate unknown, by Rod Gramer, establishes the fact that...
"Jones is believed to be the adopted son of Jim Jones,"so why didn't any of the other media pick up on it?

November 25, 1978, Lodi News-Sentinel, Guyana Launches Jonestown Probe,
GEORGETOWN, Guyana (UPI)— The government of Guyana began its own investigation into the Jonestown mass suicide Monday, ordering troops into the jungle commune to seek documents and any other clues to the deaths of more than 900 members of a California religious cult.
... the money could be delivered by three members of the cult —Tim Carter, 28, of Boise, Idaho, his brother Mike, 20, and Michael Prokes, 32, of Modesto. They stashed the suitcase in a chicken coop and were picked up by Guyanese authorities. Guyana later confiscated the money
The Guyanese authorities were in on the charade from the beginning. Unless someone was able to eat Bauxite, no "agricultural commune" was going to make it at this site. Try and imagine what would the future have held if there hadn't been a conscribed depopulation?_______________________________________________________________________________

Read this total nonsense--utter garbage put out by the Watergate newspaper:
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-21, Survivor Tells of Suitcase full of Treasure, by Fred Barbash, [pqarchiver] 385 words [Tim Carter]
Carter said he saw the beginning of the mass suicide as groups of sobbing women waited on their knees for the poison.
He saw his own wife among them, their dead child in her arms. "I leaned over her and she said, 'I love you. I love you.' Her body felt very cold.
She was shaking. I think she had already taken the poison."

November 20, 1978, The Idaho Statesman, page 1-B, Garden City man's children belong to Guyana Cult,
While The Idaho Statesman is one damn fine newspaper!
Look at the absolutely WEIRD connection they came up with with Mark Lane!
November 20, 1978, The Idaho Statesman, page 1-B, Attorney in Guyana attack worked in Idaho,

November 21, 1978, The Idaho Statesman, page 1-A, Idahoan told sons are alive, daughter's fate unknown, by Rod Gramer,
Earlier in the day Carter said he did not feel any members of his family were dead...
Jones is believed to be the adopted son of Jim Jones
The uncertainty ended for Mike Carter late Tuesday night.
The 74-year old received word from the State Department on the last of nine members of Carter's family who were living [in] the Peoples Temple religious settlement, Jonestown, Guyana. The toll: seven dead, including his only daughter, Terry.
A telephone caller from the State Department in Washington told Carter about 11:30 p.m. that an additional four members of his family were found dead in the northern South American country.
The final list:
His daughter Terry, 24.
Terry's husband, Liu Jones, 22, reportedly the son of the cult's leader, Jim Jones.
Whoa, wait a minute! Were the white people the top layer of the corpse piles like icing on a cake? It will be another 48 hours before the inexorable climb in the body count even begins. The AP List of the dead [See below] published the following day has only 152 names on it, 32 of which are without stated ages. How could one family group or demographic have such sure knowledge about the outcome?
November 22, 1978, The Idaho Statesman, page 1-A, Carter receives word -- 7 in family dead, by Rod Gramer and Tom Grote,

Let's tally up the number of male survivors who either let, or even watched, their wives and children die....
November 22, 1978, The Idaho Statesman, page 1-A, Idahoan's son held in Guyana slayings,
Police Commissioner Lloyd A. Barker estimated 200 to 300 survivors fled into the bush and said some possibly made it to friendly Indian villages. Other sources place the number of survivors at nearly 800.
Estimates of the number of sect members who fled the Jonestown camp Saturday during the ritual of self-destruction by poison ranged from 200 to more than 775. Stephan Jones, son of the Peoples Temple founder, the Rev. Jim Jones, estimated some 500 had gone into the inhospitable rain forest.
Barker said about 40 settlers had been found alive in Jonestown and Port Kaituma, but he gave no breakdown of the figures.
Other C-141 transports from Ft. Benning, Ga., were to deliver UH-1 helicopters to Georgetown while three long-range Navy helicopters were to fly from Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico, to Guyana.
Barker said there were indications some of the survivors were working in the jungle and when they returned to the camp and saw the bodies they gathered food supplies and went back into the bush.
Washington, responding to the Guyanese request that all bodies be removed, said C-141 transports would leave Pope Air Force Base in North Carolina carrying grave registration specialists and equipment.
Other C-141 transports from Ft. Benning, Ga., were to deliver UH-1 helicopters to Georgetown while three long-range Navy helicopters were to fly from Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico, to Guyana.
A camp survivor, Odell Rhodes, said armed men were stationed in a ring around the assembled congregation at Jonestown Saturday evening as the 46-year-old Jones declared, "The time has come for us to meet in another place!"
The camp doctor and two nurses had prepared the lethal potion in a stainless steel tub and began handing out doses to each resident, Rhodes said. One woman who balked was shouted into submission by the others, he said. After they drank the poison, they went into convulsions, their eyes rolled up, they had difficulty breathing and they were dead in about five minutes, according to Rhodes.
He said he fled before the end of the macabre scene and did not see Jones die.
November 23, 1978, The Idaho Statesman, page 1-A, Carter relies on upbringing during nightmarish days, by Rod Gramer,
"A friend called me from Jerome. I couldn't remember my daughter's name. I choked up there for a moment."Hmmm. Very interesting.

November 20, 1978, The Lewiston Daily Sun – AP, page 1, Jonestown Survivors Can’t Be Found in Dense Jungle,

November 22, 1978, Kentucky New Era - AP, Guyanese, FBI Probe Jones Case, by George Esper,
... television reporter; Tim Carter, a former US Marine from Garden City, Idaho, and Larry ... Ryan and his party arrived at Jonestown Friday lo investigate alleged ...

Charles Krause was the only reporter allowed to return to Jonestown on Monday, Nov. 20.
November 21, 1978, The Toledo Blade - AP, page 1, Some Forced To Kill Selves, Witness Says, by Charles Krause,
Of the 409 members of the community who died, Mr. Jones and two others were shot rather than poisoned, according to C.A. Roberts, the chief Guyanese police official at Jonestown Monday.
Stethoscope? How about a proctoscope Odell?

November 21, 1978, The Toledo Blade - AP, page 1, Pilot Was To Be Shot, WitnessSays Of Plot,

November 21, 1978, The Toledo Blade - AP, page 1, Guyanans Comb Jungle For Hundreds Of Cultists Who Fled Mass Suicide; 409 Dead, Including Sect Leader Jones,

From Nov. 21-22, Toll revised downward, from 409 to 405.
November 22, 1978, The Toledo Blade - AP, page 1, Jonestown Survivors Elude Searchers In Guyanese Jungle; Sect's Death Toll Revised To 405; U.S. Airlift Readied,

40 Settlers Found
U.S. officials have said 14 survivors reappeared in Jonestown.
[Police] Commissioner [Lloyd] Barker said that about 40 settlers had been found at Jonestown and Port Kaituma, but he gave no breakdown of the figures.
November 22, 1978, The Toledo Blade - AP, page 1, 2 of Jones' Followers Held For Ambush Deaths,

November 22, 1978, The Toledo Blade, page 4, Reporter Recalls Visit; Jonestown Image Impressed Ryan Party At First Glance, by Charles Krause,

November 22, 1978, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, page 1, Guyana Cultists Elude Troops And Jungle Perils;U.S. to Get Corpses; Survivor Figures Vary, by Lew Wheaton, AP Staff Writer,
Guyanese authorities said yesterday they had arrested two sect members found in the jungle near Port Kaituma. They were identified only as Mike Prokes and Tim Carter. Charges were not announced, but it was presumed they were being questioned in connection with the airstrip massacre, in which 10 persons were also wounded.
November 22, 1978, Evening Independent - AP, Guyana: Three Arrested In Killings Of Congressman, Others at Airport,
... television reporter; Tim Carter, a former US Marine from Garden City, Idaho, ... Ryan and his party arrived arrived at Jonestown Friday to investigate alleged ...

November 22, 1978, Lewiston Morning Tribune - AP, page 13-A, Garden City Man's Son Arrested In Guyana Massacre,
Tim Carter, 'is one of two men held for questioning about the shooting of Ryan, ... 74-year-old Mike Carter has two other children at the Jonestown mission ...
November 23, 1978, Wilmington Morning Star - AP, page 1-A, American Cultist Is Charged With Murder of 5 in Guyana,
Autumn Ryan was the only one with class in this operation.

November 23, 1978, Palm Beach Post - AP, Transporting of Bodies From Guyana Begins,
.. after the murders and suicides, Michael Prokes, Stockton, Calif., and Tim Carter, 30 of Garden City, Idaho, did not appear yesterday.

November 23, 1978, The Age , page A1, Fears Grow For Sect 500,
Survivors of the Jonestown cult suicide are facing a fourth day of danger from piranhas and ... Tim Carter. of Idaho, as prime suspects in Saturday's deaths of ...

November 23, 1978, Lewiston Morning Tribune -AP, page 14A, Guyana: Host of repercussions,
$8 million

November 23, 1978, Lewiston Morning Tribune -AP, page 14A, The quick... [list of survivors]
Sharla Evans, female, 17; her parents were both 30 years old, makes them parents at 13

November 23, 1978, Lewiston Morning Tribune -AP, page 14A, ...and the dead, [list of known dead]
71 + 49 = 120 with ages; 32 without ages = 152. Some list.

November 23, 1978, Lewiston Morning Tribune, page 1A, Copters bring cult members' bodies home, [cont. page 14A]
After the shooting ended at the airstrip, according to witnesses, Layton turned up among them, again posing as one of the defectors. He was spotted, however, by those who saw him shooting in the small plane and was grabbed and held for Guyanese police.
Police also have under arrest two of Jones' lieutenants, Mike Prokes and Tim Carter, They are being held, without formal charges, as "prime suspects" in connection with the violence at the airstrip and in Jonestown after being arrested in Port Kaituma not far from the airstrip, where police found them carrying guns and more than $1,000 in cash. Carter is from Garden City, Idaho.

November 23, 1978, Lewiston Morning Tribune, [Lewiston, Idaho / Clarkston, Washington] page 1A, Lewiston man's kin found dead, by Johnny Johnson, Tribune Staff, [cont. page 14A]

November 23, 1978, Boston Globe, page A1, Cultist charged with murder; Guyana arrests two others, 758 words
A 32-year-old member of the Peoples Temple cult was charged yesterday with the murder of US Rep. Leo Ryan and four others in the airstrip attack that sparked the mass suicide of American cultists in their settlement north of here.
November 26, 1978, The Milwaukee Journal, page 24, Cult Deaths Put Guyana Government In Hot Spot,

November 26, 1978, Los Angeles Times, page A1, 3 Who Escaped Say They Had to Abandon Money, by Leonard Greenwood and Jerry Belcher, 1,081
Three of cult leader Jim Jones' closest aides said Saturday they fled into the jungle outside the Peoples Temple commune while hundreds of people were dying, taking with them a suitcase so heavy with money that they had to abandon it after a few hundred yards.
November 26, 1978, The Idaho Statesman, page 5-A, Carter phone call confirms two sons' fears of reprisal, by Rich Mauer,
November 26, 1978, Chicago Tribune, page 1, Guyana toll at 910; 3 tell plot to deliver $500,000 to Russians, by Michael Sneed, Word Count: 964,
Three male survivors of the mass suicide-murder at the People's Temple in Jonestown said Saturday they were entrusted with a suitcase containing an estimated $500,000 to be delivered to Soviet officials here just as the cult was beginning its death orgy.
November 26, 1978, The Press-Courier - AP, page 1, Survival Hopes Dashed,

November 26, 1978, The Press-Courier, page 1, Stray Dog,

November 27, 1978, Youngstown Vindicator - AP, page 1, Jones, Soviet Discussed Moving Cult To Russia,
One of the three, Tim Carter, said they thought Miss Katsaris meant the US Embassy. But he ...Miss Katsaris was found dead of gunshot wounds in Jonestown

November 27, 1978, The Albany [Ga.] Herald - UPI, page 1, Pair Given Cult Cash, Escape, [cont. page 5, Carters Relate Cult Cash Tale]
Public Relations? At best they're muscle for dirty tricks operations.

November 27, 1978, Wilmington Morning Star, page 2A, Sealed Note Adds To Jones Mystery,
Tim Carter, one of the survivors of the Nov. 17 suicide-murders at Jonestown said Jones frequently spoke of relocating the colony in another country. Jones specifically mentioned the Soviet Union about three months ago, calling it the "promised land," said the 28-year-old Carter, whose hometown is Boise, Idaho.
Carter told reporters that Jones had spoken of relocating the Jonestown settlement because it was being "overcrowded" when the population neared 1,000.
But wasn't the crisis brought about because people wanted TO LEAVE?

November 28, 1978, The Morning Record and Journal - UPI, page 14, Officials reveal no trace found of 'death teams',

November 28, 1978, The Age, page 6, Suicides May Be Cremated,

November 28, 1978, Lodi News-Sentinel - UPI, page 8, Guyana Launches Jonestown Probe,

November 28, 1978, The Star-Phoenix - AP, page 4, Jonestown survivors to return to U.S.,

November 28, 1978, Sunday Times-Sentinel - UPI, Suitcase Puts Another Twist To Bizarre Tale,
Tim Carter, who described himself as a public relations specialist for the cult, told ... These who died at Jonestown, three of them —including Jones — of gunshot ...

December 5, 1978, The Leader-Post – AP, page 30, Papers show close relationship between Jones and U.S. officials,
The U.S. embassy's deputy chief of mission, Richard Dwyer, who replaced John Blacken earlier this year...

December 5, 1978, The Calgary Herald - AP, page G4, Secret bank accounts: Jones stashed millions,

December 5, 1978, Calgary Herald - Universal Press Syndicate, Suicide sect Part III: The Meeting With Father Jim Jones Of Jonestown, by Charles Krause,
As I was walking, a guy who looked about 26 or introduced himself as Tim Carter and fell in alongside me. He asked my name and when I told him, he smiled. "Mark Lane told us about you. He said the reporter from the Post seemed sensitive and fair. It's good to have you here." As we reached the pavilion, I saw there was a big table in the centre, large enough to seat 30 or more people.

December 6, 1978, Observer-Reporter - AP, page A3, Deaths Of Wife, Son Haunt Cult Survivor,
And then I woke Ever since Tim Carter Boise, Idaho, lost his wife and ... members the Peoples Temple settlement at Jonestown, he has been having nightmares. ...

December 7, 1978, The Dispatch - Washington Star-News, Jones' Paranoia Evident In February, by Jeremiah O'Leary,
December 11, 1978, The Lexington Dispatch - N.Y.T. News Service, Temple Survivors Left To Sweep Up Debris, by Wallace Turner
Tim Clancey is alive, as is Tim Carter, one of two cult members who avoided death at Jonestown by walking out the commune with 500.000 in a suitcase later ...

December 18, 1978, Leader-Post - AP, page 11, Cult Money Ordered Handed To Russians .
Surviving cultist Tim Carter testified last week that he was one of three men sent from Jonestown with a suitcase containing money and letters. ...
December 18, 1978, Leader-Post - AP, page 11, Pathologist won't accept suicide theory,

December 18, 1978, Williamson Daily News - AP, page 3, Cultists Tried To Transfer Funds To Soviet Union, by Tom Fenton, AP Writer,
One of the survivors of the murder-suicide rite, Tim Carter, testified last week that he was one of three men sent from Jonestown with orders to deliver a suitcase.

December 21, 1978, New York Times, Grand Jury Hears Aide to Jim Jones; Lawyer Says 'Crimes' Are Outlined, by John M. Crewdson, [Text]
Terri Buford, a former top aide and adviser to the Rev. Jim Jones...who left the cult on Oct. 27, 1978 -- or 21 days before
December 30, 1978, New York Times, Jones Aide and 7 Others In Cult Fly to New York,
Calling the mass deaths in Guyana "a waste of beautiful life," a top aide to the Rev. Jim Jones, along with seven other survivors of the People's Temple, flew to New York last night. The eight arrived early in the evening and were immediately questioned by Federal agents.

December 30, 1978, Lodi News-Sentinel - UPI, Top Jones Aide, Survivors To Slaying Fly In From Georgetown,

flew in Friday, Dec. 29, 1978
Tim Carter
Mike Carter
Herbert Newell
Aurora Rodriguez
Henry Cannon
Mary Anne Cassanova
Diane Scheid
Eugene Smith
another Jonestown survivor, Michael Prokes, 32, slipped out of Guyana nearly a week ago and returned to the United States.
January 12, 1979, The [Fredericksburg, Va.] Free Lance-Star - AP, page 5, Cult Survivors Seek New Lives,
Or, as survivor Tim Carter put it: will be with me for the rest of my life. ... Parks was fleeing the Jonestown commune with his wife, son,

January 15, 1979, Evening Independent - Chicago Tribune, page 2-A, Jonestown Survivors Talk, Brothers Tell Of Fortune Still In Jungle and the Day of Death,

After typing the mcgowan "will," Tim Carter, his brother and Prokes were ... the Carter brothers were directed by Katsaris to flee with the Jonestown treasury.
March 14, 1979, Ellensburg Daily Record - UPI, Cultist Takes His Life,
When Prokes and Tim Carter and his brother, Mike, were taken into custody in ... told the reporters that the Jonestown inhabitants "died because they didn't want ...

October 12, 1979, Lakeland Ledger - NYT, page 13A, Adjustment Hard For Survivors Of Jonestown,
Dale Parks, who was a respiratory technician in Jones town, has been hired by a ... Tim Carter, the radio operator who escaped during the final hours with his ...

October 18, 1979, Sydney Morning Herald, Beating the spirit of Jonestown,
... of Guyana, when the end came at Jonestown, have settled in California. ... Tim Carter, the radio operator who escaped during the final hours with his brother.
March 1, 1980, Spokesman-Review - AP, 'Hit squad' theory doubted by pair,
BOISE, idaho — Two survivors of the Jonestown massacre said Friday they ...lot of things," Tim Carter said. know now how much of what he said were lies . ...

November 16, 2008, Post And Courier, 'I Felt Evil Itself Blow Into Jonestown', by Tim Reiterman,
- That freakish storm and the mood seemed ominous — and not just to me. felt evil itself blow into Jonestown when that storm hit," recalls Tim Carter, ...

You have to know that there's really a higher power at work---when after Tim decided to go with his Zephyr theme for the thirtieth anniversary of the endless corrupt dog-and-pony show that's made his career, how should the front-page of this South Carolina newspaper be so unselfconsciously co-opted, if not in the service of exposure?

December 18, 1978, Williamson Daily News - AP, page 3, Cultists Tried To Transfer Funds To Soviet Union, by Tom Fenton, AP Writer,
One of the survivors of the murder-suicide rite, Tim Carter, testified last week that he was one of three men sent from Jonestown with orders to deliver a suitcase.

December 21, 1978, New York Times, Grand Jury Hears Aide to Jim Jones; Lawyer Says 'Crimes' Are Outlined, by John M. Crewdson, [Text]
Terri Buford, a former top aide and adviser to the Rev. Jim Jones...who left the cult on Oct. 27, 1978 -- or 21 days before
December 30, 1978, New York Times, Jones Aide and 7 Others In Cult Fly to New York,
Calling the mass deaths in Guyana "a waste of beautiful life," a top aide to the Rev. Jim Jones, along with seven other survivors of the People's Temple, flew to New York last night. The eight arrived early in the evening and were immediately questioned by Federal agents.

December 30, 1978, Lodi News-Sentinel - UPI, Top Jones Aide, Survivors To Slaying Fly In From Georgetown,

flew in Friday, Dec. 29, 1978
Tim Carter
Mike Carter
Herbert Newell
Aurora Rodriguez
Henry Cannon
Mary Anne Cassanova
Diane Scheid
Eugene Smith
another Jonestown survivor, Michael Prokes, 32, slipped out of Guyana nearly a week ago and returned to the United States.
January 12, 1979, The [Fredericksburg, Va.] Free Lance-Star - AP, page 5, Cult Survivors Seek New Lives,
Or, as survivor Tim Carter put it: will be with me for the rest of my life. ... Parks was fleeing the Jonestown commune with his wife, son,

January 15, 1979, Evening Independent - Chicago Tribune, page 2-A, Jonestown Survivors Talk, Brothers Tell Of Fortune Still In Jungle and the Day of Death,

After typing the mcgowan "will," Tim Carter, his brother and Prokes were ... the Carter brothers were directed by Katsaris to flee with the Jonestown treasury.
March 14, 1979, Ellensburg Daily Record - UPI, Cultist Takes His Life,
When Prokes and Tim Carter and his brother, Mike, were taken into custody in ... told the reporters that the Jonestown inhabitants "died because they didn't want ...

October 12, 1979, Lakeland Ledger - NYT, page 13A, Adjustment Hard For Survivors Of Jonestown,
Dale Parks, who was a respiratory technician in Jones town, has been hired by a ... Tim Carter, the radio operator who escaped during the final hours with his ...

October 18, 1979, Sydney Morning Herald, Beating the spirit of Jonestown,
... of Guyana, when the end came at Jonestown, have settled in California. ... Tim Carter, the radio operator who escaped during the final hours with his brother.

March 1, 1980, Spokesman-Review - AP, 'Hit squad' theory doubted by pair,
BOISE, idaho — Two survivors of the Jonestown massacre said Friday they ...lot of things," Tim Carter said. know now how much of what he said were lies . ...

November 16, 2008, Post And Courier, 'I Felt Evil Itself Blow Into Jonestown', by Tim Reiterman,
- That freakish storm and the mood seemed ominous — and not just to me. felt evil itself blow into Jonestown when that storm hit," recalls Tim Carter, ...

"I felt evil itself blow into Jonestown when that storm hit," recalls Tim Carter, one of the few settlers to survive that day.Tim Carter acts like his young wife, with infant son, were the ideological equals of 19 jihadists commandeering aircrafts, instead of the inexplicably pitiful, and tragically passive figures they would have to be to get their story straight. Maybe Tim tried to steer a different course for his family--maybe they were dead-set on getting their way. Naturally, when the time came to carry the heavy money he was more than glad to help.
Within hours, Carter would see his wife and son die of cyanide poisoning, two of the more than 900 people Jones led in a murder-suicide ritual of epic proportions.
You have to know that there's really a higher power at work---when after Tim decided to go with his Zephyr theme for the thirtieth anniversary of the endless corrupt dog-and-pony show that's made his career, how should the front-page of this South Carolina newspaper be so unselfconsciously co-opted, if not in the service of exposure?

I'm not sure what difference it makes as to Tim's sister, Terry, being married to Lew Jones...not sure where you were going with that one. Terry and Chaeok died in one of the cottages.
ReplyDeleteTim never left the compound with any money. All three of the men dropped the suitcases in various places along the path to Port Kaituma. They were stopped by the Guyana Defense Force on the way there. They spent a couple of nights in the casaba mill before being kept in the hotel.
ReplyDeleteIf you just witnessed your wife and son plus people you care about being murdered, why would you follow through with a mission? Would you care about instructions and a mission to be carried out for Jim Jones after he gave orders for everyone to die?
"...the dog and pony show that's made his career..."
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck is this? He hasn't been paid for almost every interview he's given. For the most part he has done these for free. The only thing he gets for these interviews is his food and hotel room while he's in the area where he is being interviewed. When I go we get the rental car paid for. That's it. For the last few, he has asked for money to tell his story simply due to the fact that it tears him up for days to tell his story and normally the media gets it all wrong anyway. Once he figured this out, he has begun to ask for compensation. He has no career based upon telling his story. In fact, he's done telling his story. He's told it over and over again and it gets him nowhere. He has been nothing but screwed over for telling his story.
By the way, Tim was never arrested for anything. After the investigation and the hearing, he and his brother were released to return back home. The papers had a photo of Prokes, Tim and his brother inside a helicopter...the headlines said they were arrested. It was wrong. They were taken into custody, for "their own protection" until things calmed down and the deaths were investigated. Tim was never charged with anything.