November 27, 1978, New York Times, page A14, Guyana Did Autopsies on Some Victims, U.S. Reports Cause of Death Could Be Hidden, by Lawrence K. Altman,
November 29, 1978, The Montreal Gazette - UPI, page 17, Lawsuits predicted by medical expert,
November 30, 1978, New York Times, Handling the Guyana Bodies Has Delaware City on Edge; The Talk of Dover, by Gregory Jaynes,
November 30, 1978, New York Times, page A16, U.S. Plans to Conduct Autopsies On Cult Leader and Six Followers; Power to Order Autopsies 'Make Sure All Questions Answered'; Autopsy Performed on Ryan 'Consistent With Evidence', by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 3, 1978, New York Times, Medical Examiners Find Failings By Government on Cultist Bodies, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 3, 1978, New York Times, Medical Examiners Criticize Actions on Cult Bodies, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 4, 1978, New York Times - UPI, Americans Who Died in Guyana Are All Reported Embalmed,
December 4, 1978, Lakeland Ledger – AP, page 8-D, Cause-of-Death Questions May Bring Jonestown Suits, by H. Josef Hebert,
December 6, 1978, New York Times, Failure to File Death Certificates May Hinder the Burial of Cultists, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 8, 1978, New York Times, page B-4, Jones Relatives Allow Autopsy in Delaware On Ex-Leader of Cult, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 10, 1978, New York Times, Bodies of Cultists Leaving Dover Base; Local Funeral Homes Starting the Transfer of Commune Victims,
December 13, 1978, New York Times, Letter, The Benefits of Increasing the Number of Autopsies,
December 14, 1978, New York Times, Letters; Jonestown: What It Cost to Bring Out the Bodies,
December 15, 1978, New York Times, Coroner's Jury and a Cult Survivor Visit the Death Scene at Jonestown; Toured Jones's House, by David Vidal,
December 17, 1978, New York Times, Medicine; Autopsies Less Popular But Not Less Vital, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 19, 1978, New York Times, Findings in Jones Autopsy Called Consistent With Murder or Suicide; Large Exit Wound Found No Sign of Chronic Disease Guyana Doctor Suspects Murder, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 21, 1978, New York Times, Jersey Questions Jones Cremation; Death Certificates Required 'Lot Holders Are Adamant',
January 8, 1979, New York Times - AP, 631 Cultists' Bodies Wait in Delaware Base Hangar,
January 10, 1979, New York Times, Six Censured for Cremating Bodies of Guyana Cultists,
January 10, 1979, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - AP, N.J. Revises Rule to Cremate Legally Bodies of Temple Ritual,
February 18, 1979, New York Times, Official of Guyana Tells of Aid Offer, Medical Examiner Says U.S. Team Volunteered Autopsies Help, but No Assistance Came, by Lawrence K. Altman,
November 27, 1978, New York Times, page A14, Guyana Did Autopsies on Some Victims, U.S. Reports Cause of Death Could Be Hidden, by Lawrence K. Altman,
November 29, 1978, The Montreal Gazette - UPI, page 17, Lawsuits predicted by medical expert,
November 30, 1978, New York Times, Handling the Guyana Bodies Has Delaware City on Edge; The Talk of Dover, by Gregory Jaynes,
November 30, 1978, New York Times, page A16, U.S. Plans to Conduct Autopsies On Cult Leader and Six Followers; Power to Order Autopsies 'Make Sure All Questions Answered'; Autopsy Performed on Ryan 'Consistent With Evidence', by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 3, 1978, New York Times, Medical Examiners Find Failings By Government on Cultist Bodies, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 3, 1978, New York Times, Medical Examiners Criticize Actions on Cult Bodies, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 4, 1978, New York Times - UPI, Americans Who Died in Guyana Are All Reported Embalmed,
All 911 bodies of Americans who died in the mass suicide-murders in Guyana have been embalmed at the Dover Air Force Base mortuary, a State Department spokesman said today.
The spokesman said that relatives of the 401 victims who were positively identified were being contacted by telephone. He said that specialists used medical and dental charts to identify the victims, while Federal Bureau of Investigation agents in Washington checked fingerprints from Guyanese immigration forms.
December 4, 1978, Lakeland Ledger – AP, page 8-D, Cause-of-Death Questions May Bring Jonestown Suits, by H. Josef Hebert,
December 6, 1978, New York Times, Failure to File Death Certificates May Hinder the Burial of Cultists, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 8, 1978, New York Times, page B-4, Jones Relatives Allow Autopsy in Delaware On Ex-Leader of Cult, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 10, 1978, New York Times, Bodies of Cultists Leaving Dover Base; Local Funeral Homes Starting the Transfer of Commune Victims,
December 13, 1978, New York Times, Letter, The Benefits of Increasing the Number of Autopsies,
December 14, 1978, New York Times, Letters; Jonestown: What It Cost to Bring Out the Bodies,
December 15, 1978, New York Times, Coroner's Jury and a Cult Survivor Visit the Death Scene at Jonestown; Toured Jones's House, by David Vidal,
December 17, 1978, New York Times, Medicine; Autopsies Less Popular But Not Less Vital, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 19, 1978, New York Times, Findings in Jones Autopsy Called Consistent With Murder or Suicide; Large Exit Wound Found No Sign of Chronic Disease Guyana Doctor Suspects Murder, by Lawrence K. Altman,
December 21, 1978, New York Times, Jersey Questions Jones Cremation; Death Certificates Required 'Lot Holders Are Adamant',
January 8, 1979, New York Times - AP, 631 Cultists' Bodies Wait in Delaware Base Hangar,
January 10, 1979, New York Times, Six Censured for Cremating Bodies of Guyana Cultists,
January 8, 1979, New York Times - AP, 631 Cultists' Bodies Wait in Delaware Base Hangar,
January 10, 1979, New York Times, Six Censured for Cremating Bodies of Guyana Cultists,
January 10, 1979, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - AP, N.J. Revises Rule to Cremate Legally Bodies of Temple Ritual,
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A state agency ruled yesterday that the bodies of 29 Peoples Temple victims had been illegally cremated in New Jersey. It then revised its regulations to allow Delaware undertakers to bypass the rule that they had been accused of violating.
The State Board of Mortuary Science issued its ruling after state Deputy Attorney General Charles Mysak said that of the 631 bodies still awaiting disposal at a military morgue at Dover Air Force Base, Del., as many as 150 may be cremated in New Jersey.
Mysak said 29 bodies were cremated between Dec. 8 and Dec. 19 in Eglington Cemetery in Clarksboro. The cremations stopped when the state objected to the actions of the Delaware undertakers.
The body of the Rev. Jim Jones, the cult leader who led more than 900 of his followers to a ritual of murder and suicide at their commune in Guyana, was cremated in New Jersey on Dec. 19 Jones' ashes were scattered over the Atlantic Ocean.
The State mortuary board censured six Delaware morticians to whom the 29 bodies were released because the undertakers were not licensed in New Jersey.
"Except for licensing, New Jersey state laws appear to have been complied with," said Mysak, who noted that the bodies could not have been cremated legally in Delaware because they were not accompanied by death certification.
The board decided that, regardless of whether the Delaware morticians were licensed in New Jersey, it would allow them to have the bodies cremated here if they obtain a special permit for each corpse. To obtain the special permits, the Delaware morticians would need Guyanese and U.S, documents and the authorization of the victims, but no death certificate.
Unidentified bodies would not be including because cremation of such corpses is illegal under New Jersey law.
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A state agency ruled yesterday that the bodies of 29 Peoples Temple victims had been illegally cremated in New Jersey. It then revised its regulations to allow Delaware undertakers to bypass the rule that they had been accused of violating.
The State Board of Mortuary Science issued its ruling after state Deputy Attorney General Charles Mysak said that of the 631 bodies still awaiting disposal at a military morgue at Dover Air Force Base, Del., as many as 150 may be cremated in New Jersey.
Mysak said 29 bodies were cremated between Dec. 8 and Dec. 19 in Eglington Cemetery in Clarksboro. The cremations stopped when the state objected to the actions of the Delaware undertakers.
The body of the Rev. Jim Jones, the cult leader who led more than 900 of his followers to a ritual of murder and suicide at their commune in Guyana, was cremated in New Jersey on Dec. 19 Jones' ashes were scattered over the Atlantic Ocean.
The State mortuary board censured six Delaware morticians to whom the 29 bodies were released because the undertakers were not licensed in New Jersey.
"Except for licensing, New Jersey state laws appear to have been complied with," said Mysak, who noted that the bodies could not have been cremated legally in Delaware because they were not accompanied by death certification.
The board decided that, regardless of whether the Delaware morticians were licensed in New Jersey, it would allow them to have the bodies cremated here if they obtain a special permit for each corpse. To obtain the special permits, the Delaware morticians would need Guyanese and U.S, documents and the authorization of the victims, but no death certificate.
Unidentified bodies would not be including because cremation of such corpses is illegal under New Jersey law.
Mysak said the bodies posed no health hazard because they were shipped to New Jersey in sealed coffins,
February 18, 1979, New York Times, Official of Guyana Tells of Aid Offer, Medical Examiner Says U.S. Team Volunteered Autopsies Help, but No Assistance Came, by Lawrence K. Altman,
ATLANTA, Feb. 17 -- Guyana's chief medical examiner, Dr. C. Leslie Mootoo, said today that although he had been offered the assistance of American pathologists in doing autopsies and toxicologic tests on the 913 members of the People's Temple who died at Jonestown last November, no such help came.
Dr. Mootoo told a medical meeting that the Chicago Medical Examiner, Dr. Robert Stein, in a telephone call immediately after news of the mass deaths broke, offered the assistance of a team of experts in identifying the dead and determining their cause of death. Dr. Mootoo said he relayed word of Dr. Stein's offer to Guyanese officials. Both Dr. Mootoo and Dr. Stein said independently that they heard nothing thereafter from Guyanese or American officials.
February 18, 1979, New York Times, Official of Guyana Tells of Aid Offer, Medical Examiner Says U.S. Team Volunteered Autopsies Help, but No Assistance Came, by Lawrence K. Altman,
ATLANTA, Feb. 17 -- Guyana's chief medical examiner, Dr. C. Leslie Mootoo, said today that although he had been offered the assistance of American pathologists in doing autopsies and toxicologic tests on the 913 members of the People's Temple who died at Jonestown last November, no such help came.
Dr. Mootoo told a medical meeting that the Chicago Medical Examiner, Dr. Robert Stein, in a telephone call immediately after news of the mass deaths broke, offered the assistance of a team of experts in identifying the dead and determining their cause of death. Dr. Mootoo said he relayed word of Dr. Stein's offer to Guyanese officials. Both Dr. Mootoo and Dr. Stein said independently that they heard nothing thereafter from Guyanese or American officials.
November 24, 1978, The Bryan Times - UPI, page 1, Identify Jones’ Body, [Continued page 3: Identify]
November 24, 1978, Chicago Tribune, page 5, Cult leader Jones' coffin arrives in U. S. with 80 others,
November 24, 1978, Lewiston Morning Tribune – AP, Page 1-A, Grim cargo arrives from Guyana, [Text]
November 24, 1978, The Milwaukee Journal - AP-UPI, page 1, Grisly Tasks Fill Air Base Morgue, [Continued page 16, Grisly Tasks Remain for Airmen]
November 24, 1978, New York Times, page A16, C-151 With 40 Bodies Flies In From Guyana,
November 24, 1978, New York Times - UPI, 121 Bodies of Cultists Arrive at Dover Base; Leader's Is Identified, [Text]
November 24, 1978, The Oakland Tribune - AP, Jones identified, returned with dead,
November 24, 1978, San Juan Star - UPI, pages 1 & 18, Jones' body flown to U.S., positive identity sought,
November 24, 1978, St. Petersburg Times, page 1-A, Cult bodies returned, [Continued See Guyana 14-A]
November 24, 1978, The Toledo Blade, page 4, Bodies Begin Arriving From Guyana Death Site,November 24, 1978, The Toledo Blade, Opinion, page 14, No Matter For Marines,
November 24, 1978, The Valley News [Van Nuys, CA] page I-12, First planeload of 409 Temple...,
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-1, Jones' Body Arrives On Victims' Airlift, by Alice Bonner, Washington Post Staff Writer, [pqarchiver] [Text] [Blog] 1,165 words
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-1, 40 Bodies Arrive at Dover Air Base, by Alice Bonner, [Text]
November 24, 1978, Washington Star-News, page A-1, Last of 409 Cult Victims Arriving,
November 24, 1978, Washington Star-News - AP, page A-5, Air Force Reusing Coffins In Bringing Bodies Home,
November 24, 1978, Wilmington Morning Star - AP, page 7-A, Bodies of mass suicide begin arriving in U.S., [Text]November 24, 1978, Workers World, pages 3-5, Questions on the Mass Deaths In Guyana, by Deirdre Griswold,
November 25, 1978, The Atlanta Constitution - UPI, 44-Man Team Trying To Identify Bodies,
November 25, 1978, The Frederick Post - AP, page A-2, Dover AFB strains to process victims, by Patrick Breslin, AP Writer, [Text]
November 25, 1978, New York Times - UPI, Indiana Rites Planned For Jones and Family, [Text]
November 25, 1978, The Oakland Tribune - AP, Military rushes to sort glut of bodies,
November 25, 1978, The St. Petersburg Independent, page 3A,Identification of Bodies Could Take Two or Three Weeks,
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Air Base Mortuary Is Already Short of Room, by Alice Bonner, Washington Post Staff Writer, 1,228 words [Blog]
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A-5, Jones' Burial To Be in Indiana, [Text]
November 26, 1978, Chicago Tribune, page 16, Final bodies from Guyana arrive in U. S., Word Count: 349
November 26, 1978, New York Daily News, page 4, The bodies 'not suitable for viewing', by Michael Daly,
November 26, 1978, New York Times, Page A1, No Autopsies Done on Victims, Leaving Cause of Deaths Unclear, by Lawrence K. Altman, [Continued page A20: No Autopsies Performed on the Jonestown Victims] [Text] [Blog]
November 26, 1978, page A1, Lakeland Ledger - New York Times,Death Causes May Be Hard to Determine, [Continued page 9A] [Text]
November 26, 1978, The Sunday Register [Shrewsbury, N.J.] - AP, page A-2, Volunteers unload bodies of 183 religious cultists, [Text]
November 26, 1978, San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, page A-1, Inside a mortuary for Guyana's dead, by Peter H. King, Examiner Staff Writer,
November 26, 1978, The Sunday Register - AP, page A2, Volunteers unload bodies of 183 religious cultists [Text]
November 24, 1978, Lewiston Morning Tribune – AP, Page 1-A, Grim cargo arrives from Guyana, [Text]
November 24, 1978, The Milwaukee Journal - AP-UPI, page 1, Grisly Tasks Fill Air Base Morgue, [Continued page 16, Grisly Tasks Remain for Airmen]
November 24, 1978, New York Times, page A16, C-151 With 40 Bodies Flies In From Guyana,
November 24, 1978, New York Times - UPI, 121 Bodies of Cultists Arrive at Dover Base; Leader's Is Identified, [Text]
November 24, 1978, The Oakland Tribune - AP, Jones identified, returned with dead,
November 24, 1978, San Juan Star - UPI, pages 1 & 18, Jones' body flown to U.S., positive identity sought,
November 24, 1978, St. Petersburg Times, page 1-A, Cult bodies returned, [Continued See Guyana 14-A]
November 24, 1978, The Toledo Blade, page 4, Bodies Begin Arriving From Guyana Death Site,November 24, 1978, The Toledo Blade, Opinion, page 14, No Matter For Marines,
November 24, 1978, The Valley News [Van Nuys, CA] page I-12, First planeload of 409 Temple...,
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-1, Jones' Body Arrives On Victims' Airlift, by Alice Bonner, Washington Post Staff Writer, [pqarchiver] [Text] [Blog] 1,165 words
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-1, 40 Bodies Arrive at Dover Air Base, by Alice Bonner, [Text]
November 24, 1978, Washington Star-News, page A-1, Last of 409 Cult Victims Arriving,
November 24, 1978, Washington Star-News - AP, page A-5, Air Force Reusing Coffins In Bringing Bodies Home,
November 24, 1978, Wilmington Morning Star - AP, page 7-A, Bodies of mass suicide begin arriving in U.S., [Text]November 24, 1978, Workers World, pages 3-5, Questions on the Mass Deaths In Guyana, by Deirdre Griswold,
November 25, 1978, The Atlanta Constitution - UPI, 44-Man Team Trying To Identify Bodies,
November 25, 1978, The Frederick Post - AP, page A-2, Dover AFB strains to process victims, by Patrick Breslin, AP Writer, [Text]
November 25, 1978, New York Times - UPI, Indiana Rites Planned For Jones and Family, [Text]
November 25, 1978, The Oakland Tribune - AP, Military rushes to sort glut of bodies,
November 25, 1978, The St. Petersburg Independent, page 3A,Identification of Bodies Could Take Two or Three Weeks,
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Air Base Mortuary Is Already Short of Room, by Alice Bonner, Washington Post Staff Writer, 1,228 words [Blog]
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A-5, Jones' Burial To Be in Indiana, [Text]
November 26, 1978, Chicago Tribune, page 16, Final bodies from Guyana arrive in U. S., Word Count: 349
November 26, 1978, New York Daily News, page 4, The bodies 'not suitable for viewing', by Michael Daly,
November 26, 1978, New York Times, Page A1, No Autopsies Done on Victims, Leaving Cause of Deaths Unclear, by Lawrence K. Altman, [Continued page A20: No Autopsies Performed on the Jonestown Victims] [Text] [Blog]
November 26, 1978, page A1, Lakeland Ledger - New York Times,Death Causes May Be Hard to Determine, [Continued page 9A] [Text]
November 26, 1978, The Sunday Register [Shrewsbury, N.J.] - AP, page A-2, Volunteers unload bodies of 183 religious cultists, [Text]
November 26, 1978, San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, page A-1, Inside a mortuary for Guyana's dead, by Peter H. King, Examiner Staff Writer,
November 26, 1978, The Sunday Register - AP, page A2, Volunteers unload bodies of 183 religious cultists [Text]
November 26, 1978, The Sydney Morning Herald - AAP/Reuters, page 1, Suicide-Murder Horror: Another 367 Bodies Found, by David Jones, [Continued page 32: Grim story from cult death camp]
November 26, 1978, The Victoria Advocate - AP, page 10A, Bodies Continue To Arrive At Dover,
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Child Corpses Still Stir the Mortuary, by Alice Bonner,Word Count: 699 [Blog]
November 26, 1978, Washington Star-News - NYT News Service, page A-8, Causes of Death Still Uncertain,
November 27, 1978, The Atlanta Constitution, page 13-A, Bodies of 912 Cultists Arrive At Delaware AFB,
November 26, 1978, The Victoria Advocate - AP, page 10A, Bodies Continue To Arrive At Dover,
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Child Corpses Still Stir the Mortuary, by Alice Bonner,Word Count: 699 [Blog]
November 26, 1978, Washington Star-News - NYT News Service, page A-8, Causes of Death Still Uncertain,
November 27, 1978, The Atlanta Constitution, page 13-A, Bodies of 912 Cultists Arrive At Delaware AFB,
November 27, 1978, The Atlanta Constitution - UPI, page 13-A, Guyana Death Scene Left Soldiers Stunned,
November 27, 1978, Milwaukee Journal, page 4, Body Transporters Complete Macabre Task,
November 27, 1978, Milwaukee Journal, Part II, page 6, AP-UPI Photos: Survivors, Bodies Return,
November 27, 1978, New York Daily News, page 3, Last jet: 183 bodies in 82 caskets, by Michael Daly,
November 27, 1978, Milwaukee Journal, page 4, Body Transporters Complete Macabre Task,
November 27, 1978, Milwaukee Journal, Part II, page 6, AP-UPI Photos: Survivors, Bodies Return,
November 27, 1978, New York Daily News, page 3, Last jet: 183 bodies in 82 caskets, by Michael Daly,
November 27, 1978, New York Daily News - AP, page 3, U.S. troops pulling out of Guyana,
November 27, 1978, New York Times, page A12, Jones and 3 in Family Are to Be Buried at Sea, [Text]
November 27, 1978, New York Times, page A12, Jones and 3 in Family Are to Be Buried at Sea, [Text]
November 27, 1978, New York Times, page A14, Guyana Did Autopsies on Some Victims, U.S. Reports Cause of Death Could Be Hidden, by Lawrence K. Altman, [Text] [Blog]
November 27, 1978, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - AP, page 1, Cult Bodies All Back, U.S. Forces Pull Out, [Continued page 7]
November 27, 1978, The Victoria Advocate - AP, page 9A, Bodies Brought to U.S. Exceed 900,
November 27, 1978, The Washington Post, page A19, Airlift of Victims' Bodies To Dover Is Completed, by Alice Bonner, Washington Post Staff Writer, [Text]
November 27, 1978, Washington Star-News, page A-1, All Bodies Back In the U.S., Await Identification, by Jeremiah O'Leary,
November 27, 1978, Washington Star-News, page A-9, Long, Slow Body Identification Process Begins, by Jeremiah O'Leary, Staff Writer,
November 27, 1978, Wilmington Morning Star - AP, page 3-A,Gruesome job is finally over in Jonestown,
November 28, 1978, Los Angeles Times, page A1, Doctor Among Cult Dead,
November 28, 1978, New York Times, A12, Delaware Coroner Is Ready to Investigate Cult Deaths; 29 Bodies Identified No Death Certificates No Information on Inquiries, by Lawrence K. Altman, [Text]
November 28, 1978, New York Times, page A13, Delaware Aide Says He'd Do Autopsies; Medical Examiner Is Prepared to Investigate Death of the Cult Leader and Other Victims, by Lawrence K. Altman,
November 28, 1978, Washington Star-News, page A-7, Hundreds of Bodies From Guyana May Never Be Identified, by Duncan Spencer,
November 29, 1978, Boston Globe,physician's body identified, Word Count: 68
November 29, 1978, The Montreal Gazette, page 17, Lawsuits predicted by medical expert, [Text]
November 29, 1978, New York Times, Page A17, Bodies Said to Pose No Risk to Public: A Health Official in Delaware Says Corpses of 912 Cult Members Will Not Spread Disease, by Lawrence K. Altman, [Text] [Blog]
November 29, 1978, The Observer-Reporter - AP, page A-11, FBI Identifies Body of Temple Physician, [Text]
November 29, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A-18, Doctor's Body Identified By FBI Among the Dead, [pqarchiver] [Text]
November 30, 1978, New York Times, page A16, U.S. Plans to Conduct Autopsies On Cult Leader and Six Followers; Power to Order Autopsies 'Make Sure All Questions Answered';Autopsy Performed on Ryan 'Consistent With Evidence', by Lawrence K. Altman, [Text] [Blog]
November 27, 1978, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - AP, page 1, Cult Bodies All Back, U.S. Forces Pull Out, [Continued page 7]
November 27, 1978, The Victoria Advocate - AP, page 9A, Bodies Brought to U.S. Exceed 900,
November 27, 1978, The Washington Post, page A19, Airlift of Victims' Bodies To Dover Is Completed, by Alice Bonner, Washington Post Staff Writer, [Text]
November 27, 1978, Washington Star-News, page A-1, All Bodies Back In the U.S., Await Identification, by Jeremiah O'Leary,
November 27, 1978, Washington Star-News, page A-9, Long, Slow Body Identification Process Begins, by Jeremiah O'Leary, Staff Writer,
November 27, 1978, Wilmington Morning Star - AP, page 3-A,Gruesome job is finally over in Jonestown,
November 28, 1978, Los Angeles Times, page A1, Doctor Among Cult Dead,
November 28, 1978, New York Times, A12, Delaware Coroner Is Ready to Investigate Cult Deaths; 29 Bodies Identified No Death Certificates No Information on Inquiries, by Lawrence K. Altman, [Text]
November 28, 1978, New York Times, page A13, Delaware Aide Says He'd Do Autopsies; Medical Examiner Is Prepared to Investigate Death of the Cult Leader and Other Victims, by Lawrence K. Altman,
November 28, 1978, Washington Star-News, page A-7, Hundreds of Bodies From Guyana May Never Be Identified, by Duncan Spencer,
November 29, 1978, Boston Globe,physician's body identified, Word Count: 68
November 29, 1978, The Montreal Gazette, page 17, Lawsuits predicted by medical expert, [Text]
November 29, 1978, New York Times, Page A17, Bodies Said to Pose No Risk to Public: A Health Official in Delaware Says Corpses of 912 Cult Members Will Not Spread Disease, by Lawrence K. Altman, [Text] [Blog]
November 29, 1978, The Observer-Reporter - AP, page A-11, FBI Identifies Body of Temple Physician, [Text]
November 29, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A-18, Doctor's Body Identified By FBI Among the Dead, [pqarchiver] [Text]
November 30, 1978, New York Times, page A16, U.S. Plans to Conduct Autopsies On Cult Leader and Six Followers; Power to Order Autopsies 'Make Sure All Questions Answered';Autopsy Performed on Ryan 'Consistent With Evidence', by Lawrence K. Altman, [Text] [Blog]
November 30, 1978, New York Times, page A16, Handling the Guyana Bodies Has Delaware City on Edge; The Talk of Dover, by Gregory Jaynes, [Text]
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