December 4, 1971, The Washington Post, page B5, A First in the Caribbean, by Irwin Goodwin, Special to The Washington Post, Times Herald
August 14, 1973, The Washington Post, page A22, Child Abuse Team Set In County, by LaBarbara Bowman, Washington Post Staff Writer,
August 18, 1973, The Washington Post, page A14, The Welcome Tourists,
February 23, 1975, The Washington Post, The CIA and the Guilt of Intelligence, by Patrick Breslin, page 153,
March 21, 1975, The Washington Post, page A8, CIA Activities In Britain Irk Secret Service, by Bernard D. Nossiter, Washington Post Foreign Service,
February 19, 1977, The Washington Post, page A1, White House Reviewing Intelligence Operations, by Bob Woodward, Washington Post Staff Writer,
November 19, 1978, The Washington Post, page A4, Temple's Founder Said to Intimidate His Followers,
Special to The Washington Post,
November 19, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Calif. Rep. Ryan Is Reported Slain In South America, by Peter Masley, Washington Post Staff Writer,
November 19, 1978, Washington Post, page A1, Calif. Rep. Ryan Is Reported Slain In South America, by Peter Masley, Staff Writer; The Washington Post, 980 words
November 19, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Calif. Rep. Ryan Is Reported Slain In South America, Congressman Reported Killed In S. America, by Peter Masley, Staff Writer, 980 words
November 19, 1978, The Washington Post, page A4, Temple's Founder Said to Intimidate His Followers, 272 words
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Rev. Jones Became West Coast Power, by Larry Kramer, Washington Post Staff Writer, Word Count: 1,157
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Mass Deaths Follow Attack on U.S. Group, 300-400 Bodies Found at Cult's Guyana Camp, by Charles A. Krause, Word Count: 2,316
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, 'I Lay There . . . Hoping They'd Think I Was Dead', Word Count: 1,469
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Rev. Jones Became West Coast Power, by Larry Kramer, Staff Writer, 1,157 words
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Rev. Jones Became West Coast Power, by Larry Kramer, Staff Writer, 1,157 words [hathitrust]
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Mass Deaths Follow Attack on U.S. Group, 300-400 Bodies Found at Cult's Guyana Camp, by Charles A. Krause, 2,316 words
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, pages A1-A2, 'I Lay There . . . Hoping They'd Think I Was Dead', by Charles A. Krause, Washington Post Foreign Service, 1,469 words,
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Believed Premonitions of Dissidents; Reporter Describes the Ambush, by Charles Krause,
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, Jim Jones, by Art Harris, 551 words
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Greg Robinson, 143 words
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Rep. Leo J. Ryan, 419 words
November 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A17, Lawmakers, President Laud Ryan, 449 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, pages A1-A2, Cult Head Leads 408 to Deaths in Suicide-Murders, by Leonard Downie Jr.,Washington Post Foreign Service, Extolling 'Beauty of Dying,' Jones Led 408 in Killing, by Leonard Downie Jr. 2,520 words [pqarchiver] [apologetic's hardcopy is titled: Exalting 'Beauty of Dying.' Jones Leads 408 to Death,] [hathitrust] [Blog] [FBI Vol.3]
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Survivor: 'They Started With the Babies', Jonestown: Bodies Bunched at the Altar, by Charles Krause, 1,422 words [Blog] [hathitrust] diigo,
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post page A1-A2, Ryan Kept Pledge, A Trail That Began and Ended in Death Ryan Probe Began, Ended With Death by John M. Goshko Washington Post Staff Writer,
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Temple Cult, Guyana: An Odd Couple, Cult Was on Good Terms With Guyanese Leaders, by Karen DeYoung, Washington Post Foreign Service, 2,019 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Family Saw Cult as 'Beautiful, Cohesive' Love, Brotherhood Drew Them to Cult, by Joel Kotkin and Bill Wallace, 947 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Ryan Kept Pledge, by John M. Goshko, Washington Post Staff Writer, 1,293 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A13, Jones Wrote Mrs. Carter In Bid for Aid to Cuba, 160 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A13, Jones' Son Sees 'Insane Element', 69 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A14, Peoples Temple Had History of Threats, Violence, by Art Harris, Washington Post Staff Writer, 972 words [hathitrust text]
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A14, Temple Unlikely to Continue, by Lou Cannon, Washington Post Staff Writer, 874 words [FBI Vol. 3]
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, Conditions at Jonestown, 614 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, Practice Suicides, 458 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, Performances for Visitors, 247 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, 'The Primary Emotions Were Exhaustion and Fear' 465 words [Deborah Layton Blakley affidavit]
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, A Major Crisis, Word Count: 489
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, Jones Rehearsed Cultists in Mass Suicide, Ex-Members Say, by Larry Kramer, [pqarchiver]
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, Paranoid Vision of World, 351 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A18, Death in Guyana, 620 words
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, Guyana press victims were noted in field,
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post, Zahlocki Vows To Finish What Ryan Started, by T. R. Reid,
November 21, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, Lawyer flees camp as 409 smiling, end lives as followers, [Text]
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Bodies in Guyana Cause Confusion; Many Missing in Jungle, by Leonard Downie Jr., 1,757 words
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Many Missing in Jungle, Confusion Mounts Over Bodies at Guyana Cult Site, by Leonard Downie Jr., 179 words
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Before the Horror, Jones: 'I'm Defeated, I Might As Well Die', by Charles A. Krause, 2,262 words GEORGETOWN, Guyana -- When Rep. Leo J. Ryan's party first reached Jonestown, we were all struck by the neat wooden structures so far from civilization
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A13, Relatives Wait To Know Fate Of Loved Ones,
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, New Violence Is Feared Despite Beefed-Up Security, by Bill Wallace, Special to The Washington Post, 662 words [Text]
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Relatives Wait To Know Fate Of Loved Ones, 644 words [Text]
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Survivors Listed From Temple In Georgetown, 204 words Following is a list of some survivors of the Peoples Temple cult in Guyana who were at the Georgetown headquarters when the weekend mass suicide took place
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Zablocki Vows To Finish What Ryan Started, by T.R. Reid, Staff Writer, 678 words The House International Relations Committee yesterday launched an investigation into "all aspects" of the murders and suicides at Jonestown, Guyana
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, After Guyana Violence, Army Moves to Take Control, [Text]
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Indianapolis to Guyana: A Jim Jones Chronology, 409 words
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, New Violence Is Feared Despite Heavy Security, by Bill Wallace, [pqarchiver] 662 words
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Indianapolis to Guyana- A Jim Jones Chronology, [pqarchiver] 409 words
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, Jim Jones being filmed by NBC’s Bob Brown, who was later killed.
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, AP Photo Gale Robinson, sits by casket of son,
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, Under Police Guard; Survivors Listed From Temple In Georgetown,
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post – AP, Relatives Wait To Know Fate of Loved Ones,
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, Bodies in Guyana Cause Confusion, by Charles A. Krause,
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, Zablocki Unit Working to Finish Probe Begun by Ryan, by T.E. Reid, [Text]
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page B11, The TV Column, by John Carmody,
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Bodies in Guyana Cause Confusion; Many Missing in Jungle, by Leonard Downie Jr., [or by Charles A. Krause] 1,757 words [hathitrust] [Weisberg] [pqarchiver]
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Many Missing in Jungle, Confusion Mounts Over Bodies at Guyana Cult Site, by Leonard Downie Jr., 179 words
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Before the Horror, Jones: 'I'm Defeated, I Might As Well Die', by Charles A. Krause, 2,262 words
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A13, Relatives Wait To Know Fate Of Loved Ones, 644 words [Text] [Weisberg] [pqarchiver]
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, New Violence Is Feared Despite Beefed-Up Security, by Bill Wallace, Special to The Washington Post, 662 words [Text] [Collection Weisberg] by Bill Wallace,
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Survivors Listed From Temple In Georgetown, 204 words Following is a list of some survivors of the Peoples Temple at the Georgetown headquarters,
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Zablocki Vows To Finish What Ryan Started, by T.R. Reid, Staff Writer, 678 words [Weisberg hardcopy titled: Zablocki Unit Working to Finish Probe Begun by Ryan] [Text] [FBI Vol. 1]
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, After Guyana Violence, Army Moves to Take Control, [Text]
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Indianapolis to Guyana: A Jim Jones Chronology, [Hathitrust] diigo, [Collection Weisberg] [pqarchiver] 409 words
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, Jim Jones being filmed by NBC’s Bob Brown, who was later killed.
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, AP Photo Gale Robinson, sits by casket of son,
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, Under Police Guard; Survivors Listed From Temple In Georgetown,,
November 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page B11, The TV Column, by John Carmody,
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-1, The Final Months: A Camp of Horrors, by Charles A. Krause and Leonard Downie Jr., [Text] 1,337 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-1, Tragedy Numbs Survivors’ Emotions, by Fred Barbash,
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, The Final Months: A Camp of Horrors, by Charles A. Krause and Leonard Downie Jr.,
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, 200 Victims Identified, by Leonard Downie Jr., 1,289 words [Text]
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, 'Death Seemed Sweeter', by Joel Kotkin, 1,028 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A2, 500 Attend Memorial Service For NBC Newsman Don Harris, 285 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A3, Tass: Suicide Symptom of U.S. Life, 249 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A3, Jonestown Mail Flooded State Dept., by T.R. Reid, Staff Writer, 673 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-7, Police Release Names of 32 Jonestown Survivors, [Text] 227 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post - UPI, page A10, Suicide Brew Contained Mix of Drugs, Poison, 212 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A11, U.S. Asks Help Of Jonestown Kin, 61 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A20, Jonestown Story Grew Uglier With Each Chapter, by Leonard Downie Jr.,
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page C-7, Jonestown Massacre: Two Books Due, 222 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, The Final Months: A Camp of Horrors, and Leonard Downie Jr., [pqarchiver] [Text] 1,337 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, 200 Victims Identified, by Leonard Downie Jr., 1,289 words [Text]
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, 'Death Seemed Sweeter', by Joel Kotkin, 1,028 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A2, 500 Attend Memorial Service For NBC Newsman Don Harris, 285 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A3, Tass: Suicide Symptom of U.S. Life, 249 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A3, Jonestown Mail Flooded State Dept., by T.R. Reid, Staff Writer, 673 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A7, Police Release Names of 32 Jonestown Survivors, [Text] 227 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post - UPI, page A10, Suicide Brew Contained Mix of Drugs, Poison, 212 words
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A11, U.S. Asks Help Of Jonestown Kin, Word Count: 61
November 23, 1978, Washington Post, page A11, At the Temple, a Member Says: 'We're Human',
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post, page A20, Jonestown Story Grew Uglier With Each Chapter, by Leonard Downie Jr.,
November 23, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page C7, Jonestown Massacre: Two Books Due, 222 words
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Jones' Body Arrives On Victims' Airlift, by Alice Bonner, Washington Post Staff Writer, [pqarchiver] [Text] [Blog] 1,165 words
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, 40 Bodies Arrive at Dover Air Base, by Alice Bonner, [Text]
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Missing Cultists in Doubt; Officials Think Most Accounted For, by Leonard Downie Jr., [pqarchiver] [Text] 1,588 words
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Lane Sensed Trouble at Cultists’ Camp, by Charles A. Krause, [pqarchiver] [Text] 1,220 words
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A2, Man Accused of Killing Ryan Fears He May Be Murdered, [archiver] [Text] 341 words
November 24, 1978,The Washington Post, page A2, Cultist, 84, Ready to Die for Jones, [pqarchiver] [Text] 119 words
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A3, A Novel of the Absurd, Against a Tropical Backdrop, by Leonard Downie Jr., [pqarchiver] [Text] 1,133 words
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A8, Griffin Family Keeps Phones Hot For News of Relatives in Guyana, by Judith Valente, Staff Writer, [Alternate title - Griffins Await Word About 9 in Guyana] [pqarchiver] [Text] [Blog] 894 words
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A21, Mark Lane, Again, by Nick Thimmesch, [Text]
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, 'Smaller Bodies Found Under Larger...', 370 More Bodies Found at Cult Camp in Guyana, by Leonard Downie Jr., Washington Post Foreign Service, 1,950 words [Text] [jfk.hood]
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, 370 More Bodies Discovered in Jonestown, Air Base Mortuary Is Already Short of Room, by Alice Bonner, Staff Writer, [Text]
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Air Base Mortuary Is Already Short of Room, by Alice Bonner, Staff Writer, 1,228 words [Blog]
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Death Toll in Jonestown Climbs to 775, by Leonard Downie Jr., 7 words [Text]
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Tragedy Numbs Survivors' Emotions, A Week of Tragedy in Guyana Dulls Survivors' Emotions, by Fred Barbash, Staff Writer, 1,008 words
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A4, Jones Used Sex to Manipulate Followers, Ex-Cultists Say, [Text] [pqarchiver] 514 words
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post - UPI, page A5, New Revelation of Jonestown Deaths Shocks Remnant of Peoples Temple, 438 words [jfk.hood] [Text] [FBI Vol.3]
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A5, U.S., Fearing Rights Violations, Ruled Out Investigating Cults, [Text]
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A5, Jones' Burial To Be in Indiana, [Text] [Blog]
November 25, 1978, The Washington Post, Tragedy Numbs Survivors’ Emotions, by Fred Barbash, 1,008 words [jfk.hood] [Text]
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Toll Reaches 910 As U.S. Clears Jonestown Camp, by Fred Barbash, [Text] [pqarchiver]November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page A2, In Today's Washington Post, 837 words
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page A19, Survivors Will Be Flown To Charleston, Not Dover, 215 words
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post - UPI, page A19, Survivors Will Fly to South Carolina, State Lends Air Force Base $25,000,
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page A20, Jonestown Story Grew Uglier With Each Chapter, by Leonard Downie Jr., 2,963 words
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-21, Survivor Tells of Suitcase full of Treasure, by Fred Barbash, [pqarchiver] 385 words [Tim Carter]
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page C1, The Lure Of Our Many Cults, by Henry Allen,
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page C6, Jonestown,
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page C6, Letter to the Editor 3 -- No Title, by Susan Cruzan Guy, Vienna,
November 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Child Corpses Still Stir the Mortuary, by Alice Bonner, Washington Post Staff Writer, Word Count: 699
November 27, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Suicides Called 'Punishment', by Karen DeYoung and Paul Grabowicz, Special to The Washington Post [Text] 1,413 words [hathitrust]
November 27, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, GIs Fly Home After Clearing Cult's Camp, by Fred Barbash, Staff Writer, [Text] [Blog] 850 words
November 27, 1978, The Washington Post, page A16, Guyana Cultists Bared Feelings to Jones in Letters to 'Dad',
November 27, 1978, The Washington Post, page A19, Airlift of Victims' Bodies To Dover Is Completed, by Alice Bonner, Washington Post Staff Writer, [Text]
November 27, 1978, The Washington Post, page A19, Puzzlement, Frustration for Remnants of a Family, by Alice Bonner, [pqarchiver] [Text]
November 27, 1978, The Washington Post, page A23, 'Some Tragedies Cannot be Prevented', by William Raspberry,
November 27, 1978, The Washington Post, page C1, Cult Deaths Arouse Strong Feelings, Interviewees Voice Concern for Young, Suspicion of Eccentric Groups, by James Lardner and Loretta Tofani, Staff Writers, [Text] [pqarchiver]
November 27, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A16, Guyana Cultists Bared Feelings to Jones in Letters,
November 28, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Fear and Suspicion Split Jonestown Survivors, by Fred Barbash, [pqarchiver]
November 28, 1978, The Washington Post, Nixon: Jones Offered 'Something to Believe In,' by Ronald Koven,
November 28, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Fear and Suspicion Split Jonestown Survivors, by Fred Barbash, Washington Post Staff Writer,
November 28, 1978, The Washington Post, page A14, Guyana Still
November 28, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Jones Cabin Contains Large Store of Sedatives
November 28, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, U.S. Officials Are Not Probing Death of Rev. Jones, by Alice Bonner,
November 28, 1978, The Washington Post - L.A. Times, page A23, Woman Apparently Wrote Jones Note,
November 28, 1978, The Washington Post, page C1, Auschwitz Survivor Understands Jonestown, by Richard Cohen,
November 29, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-18, Uncertainty Surrounds Survivors of Jonestown, by Warren Brown, [pgarchiver]November 29, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-18, Jonestown Survivors Begin Trip Home, by Leonard Downie Jr., [pqarchiver]
November 29, 1978, The Washington Post, page A2, Lane Tells of Cultist Plan To Kill Top U.S. Officials, [Blog]
November 29, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A-18, Doctor's Body Identified By FBI Among the Dead, [pqarchiver] [Text]November 29, 1978, The Washington Post, page A18, Pravda: Cultists Sought Justice in Guyana Jungles,
November 29, 1978, The Washington Post, Opinion, Jonestown: ‘The Dark Impulses That Lurk in Every Private Psyche’, by Meg Greenfield,
November 29, 1978, The Washington Post, page B14, The TV Column,
November 29, 1978, The Washington Post, page A2, Lane Tells of Cultist Plan To Kill Top U.S. Officials,
November 30, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, U.S. Stymied in Jonestown Probe, by Charles R. Babcock, Washington Post Staff Writer,
November 30, 1978, The Washington Post, page A14, Cities of Violence,
November 30, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, 'Explaining' Jonestown to the Children, by Colman McCarthy,
November 30, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, 'Explaining' Jonestown to the Children, by Colman McCarthy,
November 30, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page A22, Schorr Reveals Rep. Ryan as Source of Angola Leak, [pqarchiver]
November 30, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Black Rabbi Symbolizes Guyana's Cult Policy, by Fred Barbash, Staff Writer,
November 30, 1978, The Washington Post, page A23, 7 Elderly Jonestown Survivors Arrive in U.S., by Lee Lescaze and Fred Barbash, [pqarchiver]
November 30, 1978, The Washington Post, page B1, Rules Do Not Apply To 'Useful' Persons, by Richard Cohen,
December 1, 1978, Washington Post, Jones' Tape of 'White Night' Reveals Dissent to Suicides, by Leonard Downie, Jr.,
December 1, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Justice Dept. Vows To Probe Causes Of Guyana Deaths, by Leonard Downie Jr. and Charles Babcock, 1,746 words [Text via St. Petersburg Times]
December 1, 1978, The Washington Post, page A12, Schorr Denies Saying Ryan Leaked Data to Him,
December 1, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, page 12, Aide Denies That Ryan Leaked Data to Schorr, [Text]
December 1, 1978, The Washington Post, page A19, What the Media Did, by Charles B. Seib, [Text] [hathitrust]
December 1, 1978, The Washington Post, page A19, ...And What Government Can't Do, by William Raspberry,
December 1, 1978, The Washington Post, page C-2, The Guyana Tragedy: A Pair of Paperbacks, The Tragedy in Print—And Perhaps on TV, by Don Shirley, [Text]
December 2, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-17, 43 Jonestown Survivors to Fly Home,
December 2, 1978, The Washington Post, page A17, 43 Jonestown Survivors to Fly Home, [Text]
December 2, 1978, The Washington Post, page C4, 'Guyana: A CBS Option, by Don Shirley, [Text]
December 3, 1978, The Washington Post, page A2, In Today's Washington Post, 776 words
December 3, 1978, The Washington Post, page A12, Six Jonestown Survivors Are Flown to New York, 588 words [FBI Vol 5]
December 3, 1978, The Washington Post, page C1, How the Press Took Over Guyana, by Laurence Stern and Richard Harwood,
December 3, 1978, The Washington Post, page G1, 'I Didn't Want Her To Go...', After the Jonestown Tragedy -- Six Family Portraits After Jonestown: Six Family Portraits After Jonestown, 5,501 words
December 3, 1978, The Washington Post, page A2, In Today's Washington Post,
December 3, 1978, The Washington Post, page C1, How the Press Took Over Guyana, by Laurence Stern and Richard Harwood, 1,841 words
December 3, 1978, The Washington Post, page C1, Jonestown Revisited: The Final Horror, by Charles A. Krause, 2,353 words
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, Jonestown Physician Said to Mix Poison Described as Sadist,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page A6, Pilot Won't Carry Jonestown Men,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Jonestown (Cont.), by Harold Cannon, Annandale,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Letter to the Editor 1 -- No Title, by Keith Strange, College Park,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Letter to the Editor 2 -- No Title, by Paul R. Fenwick, Alexandria,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Letter to the Editor 3 -- No Title, by Richard W. Miller, Washington,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Letter to the Editor 4 -- No Title, by Jo Pierce, Bethesda,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Letter to the Editor 7 -- No Title, by Joan Cambridge, College Park,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Letter to the Editor 8 -- No Title, by Leonard Greenberg, Reston,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Letter to the Editor 9 -- No Title, by Rudolph Von Abele, Washington,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Letter to the Editor 10 -- No Title, by Paul M. Currer, Arlington,
December 4, 1978, The Washington Post, page B2, Personalities, by Ann Corbett,
December 5, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-14, The Story Is Officially Over, but the Imprint Remains, by Fred Barbasli, [Text]
December 5, 1978, The Washington Post, page A14, Peoples Temple Leader Reportedly Hid At Least $10 Million in Banks Abroad,
December 5, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-14, Family Backs Hill Aide to Succeed Ryan, [Vol.1]
December 5, 1978, Washington Post - UPI, page A-14, Guyana Suspect Mute in Court, [Charles E. Beikman]
December 5, 1978, The Washington Post, page A14, Peoples Temple Leader Reportedly Hid At Least $10 Million in Banks Abroad,
December 5, 1978, The Washington Post, page A14, Family Backs Hill Aide to Succeed Ryan,
December 6, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, House Unit Plans A Detailed Probe Of Temple Assets,
December 6, 1978, The Washington Post, page A6, Many Cult Ex-Members Living in Fear, by Paul Grabowicz,
December 6, 1978, The Washington Post, page A8, Cultist Accused of Helping Mother Kill 3 Children,
December 6, 1978, The Washington Post, page A8, Peoples Temple Files Petition for Dissolution,
December 7, 1978, The Washington Post, page A3, Feared 'Guards,' Other Cultists Return; FBI Questions Them, by Fred Barbash, Staff Writer, [Weisberg] [Text]
December 7, 1978, The Washington Post, page A22, Other Voices, The [Jonestown] story is another example of the special quality of America: that country where the best is better, but the worst is also worse than anywhere else on the globe.
December 8, 1978, The Washington Post, page A18, 'Signing Up Students for Profit',
December 8, 1978, The Washington Post, page A25, Police Say $1 Million Found Around Jonestown Cult Camp,
December 8, 1978, The Washington Post, page A25, Grand Jury to Question Peoples Temple Members,
December 8, 1978, The Washington Post, page D1, Orchids And Ritual, by Henry Allen,
December 9, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Jones' Tape of 'White Night' Reveals Dissent to Suicides, by Leonard Downie Jr., 1,316 words [Text]
December 9, 1978, The Washington Post, page A12, No Fugitives In Ryan Slaying Remain Alive, by Charles R. Babcock and Fred Barbash, 522 words
December 10, 1978, The Washington Post, page A35, Relatives Start to Remove Jonestown Dead for Burial, by Leonard Downie Jr., [Blog] [Text]
December 12, 1978, The Washington Post, page A13, FBI Chief Backs Death Penalty For Presidential Assassinations, by George Lardner Jr., Staff Writer,
December 13, 1978, Washington Post, page A-1, Guyana Wants to Question Lane About Attack on Ryan and Party, by Charles A. Krause, [Text] [pqarchiver]
December 13, 1978, The Washington Post, page A21, What We Don't Know..., by Meg Greenfield,
December 13, 1978, The Washington Post, page D18, The TV Column, by John Carmody,
December 14, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Cultist Jones Did Not Order Attack, [pqarchiver]
December 14, 1978, The Washington Post, page A9, Jonestown Physician Called a Sadist by Settlement Survivor, [Lane]
December 14, 1978, The Washington Post, page A21, Doubt Remains on Jones Suicide, by Charles A. Krause,
December 15, 1978, The Washington Post, Chart Found in Jonestown Details Structure of Cult, by Charles A. Krause, [text] [pqarchiver]
December 16, 1978, The Washington Post, page A3, Autopsies Are Performed On Jones' Body, 6 Others
December 16, 1978, The Washington Post, page A3, U.S. Reveals It Rejected Idea to Police Cult Camp, by George Lardner Jr., Staff Writer,
December 16, 1978, The Washington Post, page A3, California Cults Facing Investigations and Loss of Support, by Paul Grabowicz and Joel Kotkin, Special to The Washington Post,
December 17, 1978, The Washington Post, page A2, Guyana Pathologist: Most Deaths Forced,
December 17, 1978, The Washington Post, page A2, Jonestown Is an Eerie Ghost Town Now, by Charles A. Krause,
December 18, 1978, The Washington Post, page A1, Cult Leader Earmarked $7 Million for Soviets, by Charles A. Krause,
December 18, 1978, The Washington Post, Jones Reportedly Wooed GOP as Early as 1968,
December 19, 1978, The Washington Post, page A21, Jones' Son Claims Role In Killing of 4 in Guyana, by Charles A. Krause, [Lane]
December 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, Jones Apparently Committed Suicide, Pathologist Says, by George Lardner Jr., Staff Writer, [Text]
December 20, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, Jones' Son Is Charged With 4 Murder Counts In Cult Throat-Slashing, by Charles A. Krause, [Text]
December 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A13, Court Hears Explanation Of Killing of Ryan, Others,
December 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A13, Cult Defectors Trying to Leave Guyana Criticize U.S., by Gregory Rose,
December 21, 1978, The Washington Post - News Services, page A13, Key Aide to Rev. Jim Jones Testifies Before Grand Jury Probing Killings, [Lane]
December 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page A15, Jonestown: On the Literary Trail to Paradise, by Karl E. Meyer,
December 21, 1978, The Washington Post, page C10, The TV Column, by John Carmody,
December 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A8, Cults Get Millions in Tax Dollars, Inquiries Show, by John Berthelsen, [Weisberg Collection]
December 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A9, Goldwater, Stennis On Cult's Hit List, Ex-Member Says, [Lane]
December 22, 1978, The Washington Post – AP, Ex-Cult Official Claims ‘Hit List’ Included Stennis and Goldwater, [Lane]
December 23, 1978,The Washington Post, Guyanese Panel Rules All but 2 Were Murdered, by Charles A. Krause, diigo, [Text] [pqarchiver]
December 23, 1978, The Washington Post, Some Cult Ex-Members Suspicious of 'Defector', by Paul Grabowica, diigo,
December 23, 1978, The Washington Post - AP, 12 Jonestown Survivors Arrive in United Stales, diigo, [pqarchiver]
December 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page A10, Questions Raised on Guyanese Government's Ties to Cult, by Charles A. Krause, [Text]
December 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page B1, All of These Greetings And Happy New Year, by Richard Cohen,
December 24, 1978, The Washington Post, page SM4, Newsweeklies On Jonestown,
December 26, 1978, The Washington Post, page A23, Not-Quite-Utopia at Bishop Hill, by Charles Paul Freund,
December 28, 1978, The Washington Post, page C7, Tim Jones, Cult Leader's Son, Pleads Fifth,
December 29, 1978, The Washington Post, page A20, Jonestown Massacre '78's Best-Known Event, With 98% Aware of It, by George Gallup,
December 29, 1978, The Washington Post, page A20, Large Quantity Of Drugs Found At Jonestown,
December 29, 1978, The Washington Post, page W20, New Version Of Snatchers A Natch', by Debbie Prager,
December 30, 1978, The Washington Post, page A3, Jones Aide Slips Into U.S. Undetected,
January 2, 1979, The Washington Post, page B1, Three Hours of 'Family', by Tom Shales,
January 6, 1979, The Washington Post, page A4, Jonestown Bodies,
January 6, 1979, The Washington Post, page A1, Sensitive FBI Papers Found in Jonestown, by Charles R. Babcock, Staff Writer,
January 10, 1979, The Washington Post, page B1, Church Lease Plan Upsets Neighbors, by Neil Henry, Staff Writer,
January 11, 1979, The Washington Post, page DC5, A Reflection: Why Were So Many Blacks Attracted to the Cult at Jonestown?, by Dr. James P. Comer and Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint,
January 13, 1979, The Washington Post, page A4, W. Va. Is Eyed As Jonestown Burial Ground,
January 13, 1979, The Washington Post, page A8, Mark Lane's Conduct in Guyana. Probed, by George Lardner Jr. Washington Post Staff Writer, [Link]
January 14, 1979, The Washington Post, page G8, The Age of Un-Reason, by Patrick Brogan,
January 16, 1979, The Washington Post, page A2, Ryan Aide Quits Hospital, Recalls Terror of Guyana, by J. Regan Kerney, Staff Writer,
January 19, 1979, The Washington Post, page A7, Temple Bank Data Given to Grand Jury,
January 19, 1979, The Washington Post, page A12, Ex-'Moonies' Tell of Suicide Options,
January 21, 1979, The Washington Post, page A7, Governor Inaugurated,
January 23, 1979, The Washington Post, page A6, U.S. Sues Cult for Airlift Cost, by Charles R. Babcock, Washington Post Staff Writer,
January 23, 1979, The Washington Post, page A17, Finessing AID in the Jonestown Body Lift, by Daniel S. Greenberg,
January 24, 1979, The Washington Post, page A17, Guyana Outlines Handling of Cult Funds, by Charles A. Krause,
January 24, 1979, The Washington Post, page B1, Doomsayer of the Me Decade, by Henry Allen,
January 25, 1979, The Washington Post, page A18, GAO Is Investigating Reports That Agencies Sent More Than 150 Foster Children to Jones Cult, [Weisberg Collection]
January 25, 1979, The Washington Post, page A18, Guyana Tape Raises Questions on Lane, by Charles Krause, [Weisberg Collection] [Lane]
January 26, 1979, The Washington Post, page C14, 'New Religions' Seen Filling a Need, by Lee Lescaze, Staff Writer,
January 28, 1979, The Washington Post, page SM31, By Association, by Bertell Ollman,
January 28, 1979, The Washington Post, page A22, Cultists' Relatives Sue, [Weisberg]
January 29, 1979, The Washington Post, page A1, FBI Has Copy of Cult's Radio Order to Kill, by Charles A. Krause, [Weisberg]
January 30, 1979, The Washington Post, page A16, 'New Foundation', by Henry Lychenheim,
January 31, 1979, The Washington Post, page A8, Hearing on Cults Draws Unified Protest, by Marjorie Hyer, [Weisberg]
February 1, 1979, The Washington Post, page A14, Guyana Exploits KGB Tie to Jonestown, by Charles A. Krause, [Blog]
February 4, 1979, The Washington Post, page SM5, Suspicion?,
February 6, 1979, The Washington Post, page A14, Public Relations a Factor As Sen. Dole Opens Session, by T.R. Reid, Staff Writer,
February 6, 1979, The Washington Post, page A14, Hill Cults Hearing Noisy, Tense, by Marjorie Hyer, Staff Writer, [Text] diigo,
February 6, 1979, The Washington Post, page B1, Look's New Look Is Like Life Itself, by Tom Zito,
February 7, 1979, The Washington Post, page A22, Guyanese Magistrate Frees Rev. Jones' Son,
February 9, 1979, The Washington Post, page C1, 'Til Millions Do Them Part,
February 12, 1979, The Washington Post, page A20, Reporter Is Cited For GSA Articles, by Susanna McBee, Staff Writer,March 3, 1979, The Washington Post, page A18, For the Record,
March 3, 1979, The Washington Post, page B4, The Yalie Who Was Disarmed by a Dogma, Reviewed by Richard Conniff,
March 4, 1979, The Washington Post, page A8, Ryan House Vacancy Causes Angry Fight Among Californians, by Lou Cannon, Staff Writer,
March 8, 1979, The Washington Post, page A22, For the Record,
March 9, 1979, The Washington Post, page B1, New Season Ushers In A Time to Resume Life, by Judy Mann,
March 13, 1979, The Washington Post, page A12, Swiss Block Bank Accounts Of Peoples Temple Leaders,
March 14, 1979, The Washington Post, page A20, Flamboyant Grenada Leader Is Reported Ousted in a Coup, by Karen DeYoung,
March 14, 1979, The Washington Post, page A22, Guyana: 'We Fear a Cover-Up', by Janet Jagan,
March 15, 1979, The Washington Post, page C11, Tape Has Jones Urging Suicide Upon Followers,
March 19, 1979, The Washington Post, page A23, The Salesman of Death, by Roger Rosenblatt,
March 23, 1979, The Washington Post, page WK6, Feasting the Eyes as You Go to the Stacks, by Hank Burchard,
March 28, 1979, The Washington Post, page B2, Personalities, by Jura Koncius and Snrnh Booth Conroy,
April 6, 1979, The Washington Post, page A15, Pride Of the Press, by Charles B. Seib,
April 9, 1979, The Washington Post, page A16, Chapter 9: The Media Corps' All-Out Invasion,
April 15, 1979, The Washington Post, page SM4, Front Page People, by Rudy Maxa,
April 18, 1979, The Washington Post, page A5, Addenda,
April 20, 1979, The Washington Post, page A21, Vandals Desecrate Cemetery Selected For Jonestown Dead,
April 27, 1979, The Washington Post, page A37, Jonestown Cultists' Bodies Are Trucked to California,
April 27, 1979, The Washington Post, page C1, News Magazines: 11th-Hour Guesswork, by Tom Zito,
May 4, 1979, The Washington Post, page A1, State Dept. Faulted on Jonestown Warnings, by Fred Barbash, Staff Writer,
May 6, 1979, The Washington Post, page SM84, National Challenge, by J. Baxter Newgate,
May 12, 1979, The Washington Post, page E42, Middletown,
May 15, 1979, The Washington Post, page A4, Activities Today in Congress,
May 16, 1979, The Washington Post, page A26, Jonestown Legacy: Death Squad Feared Still Stalking in U.S.,
May 20, 1979, The Washington Post, page H1, A Commune's Last Stand in The Tennessee Hill Country, by Alice Alexander,
May 21, 1979, The Washington Post, page C24, Drug Kingpins Plotted to Kill Hill Group, by Jack Anderson,
May 26, 1979, The Washington Post, page C1, Politics on The Couch, by Hollie I. West,
May 27, 1979, The Washington Post, page E1, Futurists Prospering Again, by Bradley Graham, Staff Writer,
May 27, 1979, The Washington Post, page A2, Post Writer, Photographer Win Prizes for Jonestown Coverage,
June 25, 1979, The Washington Post, page A19, 'Doing a Number' on the Churches, by William Raspberry,
July 19, 1979, The Washington Post, page A18, Reinventing the Administration (Cont.)
August 3, 1979, The Washington Post, page A20, Swiss Reveal Shift of Cult Fund, by Dusko Doder, Staff Writer,
August 25, 1979, The Washington Post, page A11, U.S. Charges in Slaying Of Rep. Ryan Not Likely, by Charles R. Babcock, Staff Writer,
September 23, 1979, The Washington Post, page E4, Delving Into Dover, Delaware, by Elizabeth C. Mooney,
October 12, 1979, The Washington Post, page A13, Jonestown Group Sues Ryan Estate,
October 30, 1979, The Washington Post, page C1, The Bard of Nigeria, by Joseph McLellan,
November 11, 1979, The Washington Post, page SM5, After Guyana: The Forgotten Children,
November 18, 1979, The Washington Post, page A19, Jonestown: Mass Frenzy or Symbol of Modern America?,
November 18, 1979, The Washington Post, page A19, Macabre Events Reduced to Host Of Lawsuits, by Charles A. Krause,
November 18, 1979, The Washington Post, page A19, Survivor Regrets Missing the 'Honor' Of Drinking Poison, by Paul Grabowicz,
November 20, 1979, The Washington Post, page A1, Jonestown Now: Debris of Tragedy, by Charles Krause,
December 2, 1979, The Washington Post, page G1, 'Them Snakes Can Mean Death', by Sandy Kyle Bain,
December 2, 1979, The Washington Post, page C1, Roaring Toward Apocalypse In a Decade That Almost Wasn't, by Henry Allen,
December 7, 1979, The Washington Post, page A6, Half of 913 Guyana Temple Victims Had Received Calif. Welfare Checks,
December 16, 1979, The Washington Post, page H1, Footnotes On the Seventies, by Alan M. Kriegsman,
December 16, 1979, The Washington Post, page A18, Jonestown Tragedy Casts Pall on Holiday,
December 29, 1979, The Washington Post, page B5, A Decade of Turmoil, Cults, Vivid Scenes,
December 30, 1979, The Washington Post, page C1, In the 1970s, This Is What Happened, by Richard Cohen,
December 31, 1979, The Washington Post, page B1, A Decade's Last Sunday,
January 3, 1980, The Washington Post , page C-1, How Stable Is the 'Secret Kingdom' of Saudi Arabia?, by David B. Ottaway,
January 13, 1980, The Washington Post, page SM22, Jonestown,
January 29, 1980, The Washington Post, page B1, 'Guyana' Sleaze, by Tom Shales,
February 1, 1980, The Washington Post, page W17, Films, by Guy Arnold,
February 3, 1980, The Washington Post, page A6, After the Tragedy of Jonestown, by Kenneth Wooden, [Lane]
February 8, 1980, The Washington Post, page A17, People's Temple Wants Assets Back
February 11, 1980, The Washington Post, page A1, Colonia Dignidad: Nobody Comes, Nobody Goes, by Charles A. Krause,
February 17, 1980, The Washington Post, page Bw3, The Way We Talk Now, by Willard R. Espy,
February 20, 1980, The Washington Post, page A20, Agencies Would Resettle Refugees at Jonestown,
March 9, 1980, The Washington Post, page C6, 'Pride and Prejudice in Rockville', by Harold Goldstein,
March 10, 1980, The Washington Post, page A10, Pentagon Warning System Defective, Experts Claim, by Michael Putzel;,
March 14, 1980, The Washington Post, page A33, Md. Panel Urged to Probe Cults, by Stephanie Mansfield Washington Post Staff Writer,
March 16, 1980, The Washington Post, page A1, The Making of an Asian Holocaust, by William Shawcross,
March 19, 1980, The Washington Post, page A1, Thailand Still Wary of Accepting Swarms of Desperate Refugees, by William Shawcross,
March 21, 1980, The Washington Post, page A19, The Rev. Dr. Slick and the First Amendment, by William Raspberry,
March 23, 1980, The Washington Post, page SM49, National Challenge, by J. Baxter Newgate,
March 30, 1980, The Washington Post, page BW1, Naipaul And the Empire of Discontent, by Patrick Breslin,
April 2, 1980, The Washington Post, page A24, Iraqi Official Wounded,
April 15, 1980, The Washington Post, page B1, Gross Product, by Tom Shales,
May 2, 1980, The Washington Post, page C16, Cult Advice Aimed At Jewish Parents, y Roy Larson, Chicago Sun-Times,
May 4, 1980, The Washington Post, page A28, High Saudi Official Ridicules Reports of Political Instability,
May 6, 1980, The Washington Post, page A2, Calif. Didn't Act on Probe Of Jonestown Child Abuse, by John Berthelsen, Special to The Washington Post,
May 8, 1980, The Washington Post, page A15, Witness Accuses Layton In Jonestown Ambush Trial,
May 23, 1980, The Washington Post, page A30, Guyanese Jury Acquits People's Temple Member,
June 20, 1980, The Washington Post, page C1, Bundled 'boogie', by Joseph McLellan,
July 2, 1980, The Washington Post, page C1, FBI Quizzes Deputy Whose Remarks Touch on Judge in Scientology Case, by Laura A. Kiernan Washington Post Staff Writer,
July 9, 1980, The Washington Post, page A24, Rumors of CIA Involvement In Jonestown Probed on Hill,
July 27, 1980, The Washington Post, page B1, Reporter's Car Left on Bay Bridge, by Jefferson Morley Washington Post Staff Writer,
August 1, 1980, The Washington Post, page A13, Scrutiny And Mutiny, by Mark Shields,
August 15, 1980, The Washington Post, page A19, Chinese Cult Leader Executed After Killings,
September 27, 1980, The Washington Post, page E45, Ryan Kin: How Much Did U.S. Know? by Jack Anderson,
October 11, 1980, The Washington Post, page A28, Judge in Guyana Bars Extradition Of Cult Member,
October 19, 1980, The Washington Post, page G1, The Perils Of Paradise, by Haynes Johnson,
November 5, 1980, The Washington Post, page A12, Black Hebrews Denied Residence,
November 7, 1980, The Washington Post, page A19, America Held Hostage, by Meg Greenfield,
November 18, 1980, The Washington Post, page A18, The Dark Memories Of Jonestown Live On,
November 24, 1980, The Washington Post, page A1, Israel's Black Hebrews, by William Claiborne Washington Post Foreign Service,
November 25, 1980, The Washington Post, page C1, A Few Dollars More, by Tony Kornheiser,
January 9, 1981, The Washington Post, page E1, Kingdom Of Right, by Jacqueline Trescott,
January 12, 1981, The Washington Post, page C1, Leo Ryan's Daughter Joins Cult, by William Endicott, Los Angeles Times,
January 23, 1981, The Washington Post, page B1, The Hostage Deals: And Now, Part II, by Stephanie Mansfield,
January 28, 1981, The Washington Post, page A-19, U.S. Black Leaders Urge Israel Not to Deport Controversial Cult, by William Claiborne, Washington Post Foreign Service,
February 11, 1981, The Washington Post, page C-1, Cover To Cover, by Tom Zito,
March 15, 1981, The Washington Post, page BW6, Mysteries, by Jean M. White,
March 20, 1981, The Washington Post, page E-9, TV Might Have Prevented Jonestown, by Jack Anderson,
April 5, 1981, The Washington Post, page BW2, Books,
April 5, 1981, The Washington Post, page BW1, Jim Jones: The Piper Of Doom, by Robert Coles,
April 5, 1981, The Washington Post, page K1, Masada, by Tom Shales,
April 18, 1981, The Washington Post, page A2, Tapes Replay Vows of Death In Jonestown,
April 19, 1981, The Washington Post, page B1, Jonestown's Last Days: NPR Replays the Tapes and the Terror, by Richard Harrington,
May 5, 1981, The Washington Post, page X1, It's for Their Own Good, But Where Does It Stop?, by Richard T. Cohen, 802 words,
May 10, 1981, The Washington Post, page A1, Where the Dreams Died, by Sara Rimer and Saundra Saperstein , 5,775 words The Ellis Family's Dream Becomes a Nightmare,
May 29, 1981, The Washington Post, page C4, Corridors of Corruption: The Ugly Side of Politics, Reviewed by Kenneth Wooden,
June 2, 1981, The Washington Post, page A-19, The Man, the Deed and Islam, by Fouad Ajami,
June 22, 1981, The Washington Post, page B4, Stanley Carpenter, 64, Retired Diplomat, Dies,
July 22, 1981, The Washington Post, page B5, Coping: The Cult Phenomenon, by Lorraine Pecarsky,
August 19, 1981, The Washington Post, page A12, Layton Is Called 'Inside' Man As Peoples Temple Trial Opens, by Jay Mathews Staff Writer,
August 29, 1981, The Washington Post, page A8, FDA Refuses to Block Executions Using Drugs,
August 30, 1981, The Washington Post - AP, page B5, Slain Congressman's Former Wife, 129 words
September 22, 1981, The Washington Post, page A2, 3 Layton Jurors Ill With Virus
September 27, 1981, The Washington Post, page A1, Mistrial for Layton,
October 4, 1981, The Washington Post, page C3, U.S. Settlers in Palestine 100 Years Ago, by William Claiborne, 1,317 words
October 13, 1981, The Washington Post, A1, The Way of Many, by Sandra G. Boodman, Staff Writer,
December 31, 1981, The Washington Post, page A1, A Spiritual Turn in Search for Order, Youth, in Quest of Order, Look Toward the Spiritual Movements, by Dan Morgan, Washington Post Staff Writer,
Ohio-Based Sect Claims 40,000, Aims Recruiting Efforts Here Recruiters for 'The Way' Are Active in D.C. and Tidewater Areas 'The Way' Methods Disturb Congressmen
February 7, 1982, The Washington Post Magazine, page SM8, Trouble Among the Children of the Prophets, by Bradford Fish, Once the Black Hebrews Were Seen Mainly as a Colorful Religious Group Seeking Residence in Israel; Then Some Prominent Members Were Indicted or Convicted of Felonies Ranging From Bank Theft to Passport Fraud
Shouts of "Amen" and "Make it dear!" bounced off the pink walls of All Souls' Unitarian Church, through open windows and into a fading evening light. The Columbia Heights neighborhood formed its nightly front-porch clutches near 16th and Harvard streets. In a curbside car, a federal agent watched people come and go.
February 14, 1982, The Washington Post, page A1, Family Bears the Scars of Cult Battle, by Chip Brown, Washington Post Staff Writer,
On a mild afternoon last December, a middle-aged couple from Silver Spring stood impassively in a Denver courtroom, accused of imprisoning their grown daughter Emily. Esther and Leonard Deitz were intelligent, law-abiding people -- a general surgeon who had served as chief of staff at a major hospital in suburban Maryland and his wife, a former nurse.
February 15, 1982, The Washington Post, page A-1, Parents Versus Cult: Frustration, Kidnaping, Tears, by Chip Brown, Washington Post Staff Writer,
March 12, 1982, The Washington Post, page B-4, Bill on Guardians for Cult Members Elicits Emotional Testimony on Both Sides of Issue, by John Feinstein, Washington Post Staff Writer,
April 16, 1982, The Washington Post. page W31, A Year in Photographs, by Joanne Ostrow,
April 17, 1982, The Washington Post. page C-12, Oregon Town Seeing Red Over Bhagwan and His Cult, by Steve Twomey, Knight-Ridder,
June 12, 1982, The Washington Post, page A10, Kin of Ryan, Others Settle Temple Claims,
October 3, 1982, The Washington Post, page B1, What Are the Soviets Not Up to in the Middle East?, by William G. Hyland,
October 10, 1982, The Washington Post, page, All About Project 'Z', [the secret Pentagon plan to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the Soviet Union]
November 13, 1982, The Washington Post, page A12, Payment Near for Peoples Temple Survivors,
December 22, 1982, The Washington Post, page D-12, Leo Ryan's Daughter Weds Guru Disciple
March 25, 1983, The Washington Post, page A2, Final Payment Approved for Kin, Survivors in Guyana Massacre, by Bill Prochnau, Washington Post Staff Writer,
April 15, 1983, The Washington Post, page C-5, Health Talk: Sects and Sanity, by Sandy Rovner,
May 12, 1983, The Washington Post, page A25, Austere Mission Draws American Settlers, by Jackson Diehl, Washington Post Foreign Service,
May 27, 1983, The Washington Post, page E1, The Temple of Tomorrowland, by Curt Suplee,
October 6, 1983, The Washington Post, page C1, Slain Bethesda Woman Linked To Cult Chief, Guyana Envoy,
October 26, 1983, The Washington Post, page A-1, The Waiting, And the News, by David Maraniss Washington Post Staff Writer, 2,469 words
November 2, 1983, The Washington Post, page A14, Gayana's Leader Defiant After Grenada Invasion, by Juan Williams, Washington Post Foreign Service,
November 5, 1983, The Washington Post, page A-14, Marines Honor Their Dead and the 'Brotherhood', by Elsa Walsh Washington Post Staff Writer,
November 6, 1983, The Washington Post, page B1, Tragedy Followed Jonestown Survivor to Bethesda, by Saundra Saperstein Washington Post Staff Writer,
November 7, 1983, The Washington Post, page B1, Jonestown's Haunted Son, by Cynthia Gorney,
November 7, 1983, The Washington Post, page B-1, The Victims, Dead and Alive, by Cynthia Gorney;
November 8, 1983, The Washington Post, page A6, Guyana's President Burnham Assails U.S. Move Into Grenada, by Juan Williams, Washington Post Foreign Service,
November 18, 1983, The Washington Post, page E1, Ohio Fugitive Bolsters Guyana's Leader, by Juan Williams, Washington Post Staff Writer,
March 25, 1983, The Washington Post, page A2, Final Payment Approved for Kin, Survivors in Guyana Massacre, by Bill Prochnau, Washington Post Staff Writer,
October 6, 1983, The Washington Post, page C1, Slain Bethesda Woman Linked To Cult Chief, Guyana Envoy, by Nancy Lewis and Joanne Ostrow, The woman shot to death Monday night in her Bethesda apartment was a former trusted aide of Peoples Temple cult leader, the Rev. Jim Jones, and the man police said killed her, their son and then himself was the Guyanese ambassador to the United States from 1975 to 1981.
November 6, 1983, The Washington Post, page B1, Tragedy Followed Jonestown Survivor to Bethesda, by Saundra Saperstein, Staff Writer, Paula Jean Neustel, one of a handful of survivors of the Jonestown mass suicide-murder and a trusted aide to the Rev. Jim Jones...
November 6, 1983, The Washington Post, page B1, Tragedy Followed Jonestown Survivor to Bethesda, by Saundra Saperstein, Washington Post Staff Writer,
November 7, 1983, The Washington Post, page B1, The Victims, Dead and Alive, by Cynthia Gorney,
November 7, 1983, The Washington Post, page B1, Jonestown's Haunted Son, Five Years After the Deaths in Guyana, Stephan Jones Confronts His Father's Shadow, by Cynthia Gorney,
November 18, 1983, The Washington Post, page E1, Ohio Fugitive Bolsters Guyana's Leader, y Juan Williams, Washington Post Staff Writer,
December 18, 1983, The Washington Post, page C1, Grenada Isn't Our Only Caribbean Problem, by Juan Williams,
February 25, 1984, The Washington Post, page A-3, Sniper Firing at School Kills Child, Injures 13 Before Shooting Himself, by Jay Mathews Washington Post Staff Writer, 1,188 wordsApril 20, 1984, The Washington Post, page A1, Blacks for Mondale Face 'Jackson Factor',
April 29, 1984, The Washington Post, page K-4, San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein, by E.B.,
May 7, 1984, The Washington Post, page C7, Backstage, by Joe Brown,
June 25, 1984, The Washington Post, page B1, Dianne Feinstein in the Corridors of Power, by Cynthia Gorney,
July 15, 1984, The Washington Post, page K1, Lane Kirkland: Made in America, by Kathy Sawyer,
September 16, 1984, The Washington Post, page D1, Fugard's 'Mecca' Shines Among The New Plays, by Richard L. Coe,
September 24, 1984, The Washington Post, page A19, The Bus to Rajneeshpuram, by William Raspberry,
September 25, 1984, The Washington Post, page A1, Oregon County Fears Takeover by Outsiders, by Laura Parker,
September 27, 1984, The Washington Post, page A2, The Threat of Extinction Is Bonding the Democrats Together, by Mary McGrory,
October 4, 1984, The Washington Post, page C1, Suspicions, by Dorothy Gilliam,
November 19, 1984, The Washington Post, page B1, Jonestown Massacre Recalled, by Sandra Evans Washington Post Staff Writer,
November 20, 1984, The Washington Post, page A1, Civil Rights Panel Head Attacks Black Leaders, by Juan Williams, Staff Writer,
November 21, 1984, The Washington Post, page A6, NAACP Leader Assails Rights Commission Head,
November 26, 1984, The Washington Post, page F3, Reassessing Black Politics, by Dorothy Gilliam,
November 30, 1984, The Washington Post, page C4, Leo Ryan Honored, by Jacqueline Trescott Washington Post Staff Writer,
December 1, 1984, The Washington Post, page A20, Letter to the Editor, by Anita McCurdy, Washington,
December 9, 1984, The Washington Post, page A21, Once Thriving Guyana Slides Into Bankruptcy, by Jackson Diehl, Washington Post Foreign Service,
December 16, 1984, The Washington Post, page F7, Black Republicans: Poor Tactics. by Eddie N. Williams,
January 19, 1985, The Washington Post, page A3, Reagan Says Black Leaders Misled Voters, by Kathy Sawyer, Washington Post Staff Writer,
January 21, 1985, The Washington Post, page C3, Issues Amid Festivities, by Jacqueline Trescott, Washington Post Staff Writer,
March 8, 1985, The Washington Post, page A23, Pendleton's 'Misjudgment', by William Raspberry,
March 11, 1985, The Washington Post, page D3, A Bad Penny, by Dorothy Gilliam,
March 24, 1985, The Washington Post, page A11, Jackson Urges Response To Criticism, by Juan Williams, Washington Post Staff Writer,
March 24, 1985, The Washington Post, page BW8, Shiva Naipaul: The Roving Writer, by Wendy Law-Yone,
March 30, 1985, The Washington Post, page A21, First, Get Their Attention, by Martin K. Barrack;
April 28, 1985, The Washington Post, page A4, Guru's Followers Keep the Faith, by Mary Thornton, Washington Post Staff Writer;
August 7, 1985, The Washington Post, page B6, Forbes Burnham, President Of Guyana, Dies at Age 62, by J.Y. Smith Washington Post Staff Writer,
August 13, 1985, The Washington Post, page C1, 'West 57th': Streetwise At CBS, by Tom Shales Washington Post Staff Writer,
September 11, 1985, The Washington Post, page F8, The TV Column
October 9, 1985, The Washington Post, page C3, Buckley Hears National Review Lambasted in Libel Trial Here, by Lawrence Feinberg Washington Post Staff Writer;
November 16, 1985, The Washington Post, page B6, Religious Events,
November 18, 1985, The Washington Post, page C3, Presummit Protesters Rally in D.C., by John Mintz, Washington Post Staff Writer,
November 30, 1985, The Washington Post, page D10, Cults Retain Appeal Despite Adverse Publicity,
February 25, 1986, The Washington Post, page F1, Borman-Bryan Feud Spurs Showdown, by Peter Perl and Peter Behr, Washington Post Staff Writers,
March 3, 1986, The Washington Post, page A8, Larson Takes on 'Most Challenging' Case, by Ruth Marcus, Jerry Whitworth's chief defense lawyer, James Larson, is no stranger to defending underdogs.
November 17, 1986, The Washington Post, page A23, Cults Still a Threat, Victims Warn, by Tom Vesey, Washington Post Staff Writer;
December 2, 1986, The Washington Post - AP, page A5, Ex-Cult Member Convicted In Death of Rep. Leo Ryan,
March 4, 1987, The Washington Post, Layton Receives Life Sentence for Jonestown Attack, 322 words diigo, [pqarchiver]
July 2, 1987, The Washington Post, Group Claims TM Movement Is a Cult, by Phil McCombs, 700+ words diigo,
December 25, 1987, Washington Post, page A29, German Settlement Stirs Controversy in Chile, by Bradley Graham, Washington Post Foreign Service, [Text]
October 26, 1988, Washington Post, Slain Bethesda Woman Linked to Cult Chief, Guyana Envoy, by Nancy Lewis and Joanne Ostrow,
November 26, 1988, The Washington Post, page B10, 10 Years After Mass Suicides, Jungle Buries Most of Jonestown, by Sharief Khan;
November 27, 1988, Washington Post, Jim Jones' Temple of Doom, by James S. Gordon,
January 19, 1989, The Washington Post, page E1, Guyana Seeks Foreign Help to Develop Wealth, by Alan Tomlinson,
January 24, 1989, The Washington Post, Massacre Boosts Sales of Assault Rifle; California Gun Shops Tie Increase to Threat to Ban AKM Weapon, by Jay Mathews, diigo,
October 24, 1989, The Washington Post, page D34, Soviets Back Off Disinformation Drive, by Jack Anderson and Dale Van Atta,
The Soviet Union has eased up on its bizarre campaign of lies about the United States because of a secret "disinformation pact" negotiated by former U.S. Information Agency director Charles Z. Wick
March 6, 1992,The Washington Post, page C5A, Autumn Mead Ryan,
March 1, 1993, The Washington Post, A1, Sect Is Marked by Schisms and Dire Predictions, by Gustav Niebuhr,
March 1, 1993, The Washington Post, page A1, 4 Agents Killed, 16 Hurt in Raid on Cult, by Joan Biskupic and Pierre Thomas,

March 2, 1993, The Washington Post, A4, Cult's Isolation From Society Seen as Factor in Violence, by Gustav Niebuhr and William Hamilton,
March 2, 1993, The Washington Post, A1, Fear of a 'Jonestown' Led to Raid, by Michael Isikoff and Pierre Thomas,
March 2, 1993, The Washington Post, A1, Texas Standoff Continues; Cult Leader Frees 10 Children, by Mary Jordan and Sue Pressley,
April 20, 1993, The Washington Post, Authorities Had Feared Tragedy That Koresh Foretold, by Gustav Niebuhr, 700+ words diigo,
May 4, 1993, The Washington Post, page A1, The Lure of a Cult, by Gustav Niebuhr,
August 10, 1993, The Washington Post, John R. Burke, Ambassador, Dies at Age 68, 700+ words [pqarchiver]
October 6, 1994, The Washington Post, page A1, 48 Cult Followers Found Shot, Burned In Swiss Villages, by William Drozdiak,
October 7, 1994, The Washington Post, page A28, Villagers Describe 'Tall and Handsome' Cult Leader, by William Drozdiak,
October 8, 1994, The Washington Post, page A26, Swiss Issue Arrest Warrants For Cult Leader and Associate, by William Drozdiak,
November 6, 1994, The Washington Post, page O5, Uncommon Sense; Predators and Prayers, by Jeanne Laskas,
November 21, 1999, The Washington Post, Jonestown, 697 words, diigo,
November 26, 2004, The Washington Post, Walls of 'Power' Photos Show Off Political Clout; Office Displays Change With Seats, by Maureen Fan, 700+ words, diigo,
September 1, 2005, The Washington Post, The Cordial Nominee Once Had Choice Words for Lawmakers, by Jo Becker and Brian Faler, 700+ words [Blog] _________________________________________________________________________________
January 22, 2006, The Washington Post, The Peekaboo Paradox, by Gene Weingarten, diigo, ________________________________________________________________________________
February 2, 2007, The Washington Post, Jim Jones's Temple of Doom; Documentary Gives A Matter-of-Fact Treatment to the Matter of Mass Killing, by Stephen Hunter, diigo,
November 19, 2008, The Washington Post, Town Without Pity, by Charles A. Krause, diigo,
January 16, 2011, The Washington Post, Returning to public, with more caution, by Philip Rucker and David A Fahrenthold, diigo,
The Online Books Page, Guyana -- Politics and government
October 15, 1961, Meet the Press, Interview Transcript, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, with Lawrence Spivak, Ned Brooks, Ted Poston, and Tad Szulc,
The Negro Family in British Guiana (Internet edition), by Raymond Thomas Smith, contrib. by Meyer Fortes
Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas (second edition, 1997), ed. by John K. Boggan, V. A. Funk, Carol L. Kelloff, and Michel Hoff (PDF with commentary at Smithsonian)
A Selective Guide to the English Literature on the Netherlands West Indies, With a Supplement on British Guiana (New York: Netherlands Information Bureau, 1943), by Philip Hanson Hiss (PDF with rotated pages at
Guyana British Guiana (originally published 1962, may be updated), by Raymond Thomas Smith,
Guyana: Country Studies, by Tim Merrill, 1993,
Guyana and Belize: Country Studies, ed. by Tim Merrill (HTML at LOC)
Peoples Temple Agricultural Project: Progress Report, Summer 1977 (San Francisco: Peoples Temple, 1977), by Peoples Temple (PDF at
"A Feeling of Freedom": A Collection of Photographs and Comments About the Community of Jonestown by Residents and Visitors at the Peoples Temple Agricultural/Medical Project in Guyana, South America (San Francisco: Peoples Temple, 1978) (PDF at
Peoples Temple Agricultural Project: Progress Report, Summer 1977 (San Francisco: Peoples Temple, 1977), by Peoples Temple (PDF at
The Performance of the Department of State and the American Embassy in Georgetown, Guyana, in the People's Temple Case (ca. 1979), by John H. Crimmins and Stanley S. Carpenter (PDF and HTML with commentary at
Jonestown Mass Suicide, Jonestown, Guyana, 1978
The Assassination of Representative Leo J. Ryan and the Jonestown, Guyana Tragedy: Report of a Staff Investigative Group to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives(Washington: GPO, 1979), by United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs Staff Investigative Group (page images at HathiTrust)
The Death of Representative Leo J. Ryan, People's Temple, and Jonestown: Understanding a Tragedy (Washington: GPO, 1979), by United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, PDF at sdsu.ed
page images at HathiTrust
The Performance of the Department of State and the American Embassy in Georgetown, Guyana, in the People's Temple Case (ca. 1979), by John H. Crimmins and Stanley S. Carpenter (PDF and HTML with commentary at
Mexicans Plan Cult Move
The Washington Post (1974-Current file); Feb 16, 1979; A10;
Rhodesia Opens First Tobacco Sale in 15 Years
The Washington Post (1974-Current file); Apr 9, 1980; A22;
Reviews Mixed in Area's First Big Cable TV Venture
By Sandra G. Boodman Washington Post Staff Writer; The Washington Post, Apr 29, 1980; C1;
Chinese Cult Leader Executed After Killings
The Washington Post (1974-Current file); Aug 15, 1980; A19;
Massachusetts Town Mobilizes Against Moonies
By Marjorie Hyer Washington Post Staff Writer; The Washington Post, Aug 25, 1980; A1;
El Salvador Hostages
The Washington Post (1974-Current file); Sep 19, 1980; A32;
The Myth-Master
By Sandy Rovner; The Washington Post (1974-Current file); May 24, 1981; L1;
. . .And I got this funny feeling that dunes are like waves, and it's only a matter of the time scale that changes. Dunes are slow waves. -- Frank Herbert, on the genesis of the Dune tetralogy "DUNE" WAS A sure thing. How could a book miss with these elements:
Boyce, Still Not Eating, Moved to Prison Hospital
The Washington Post (1974-Current file); Sep 2, 1981; A1;
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Convicted spy Christopher Boyce, apparently determined to die by fasting rather than spend the rest of his life behind bars, arrived last night at the Medical Center for Federal Prisoners.
January 12, 1982, The Washington Post, page B6, Grisly Tale of Polygamist Cults and Killers, by Carolyn Banks,
January 12, 1982, The Washington Post, page B6, Grisly Tale of Polygamist Cults and Killers, by Carolyn Banks,
November 3, 1986, The Washington Post, page A17,Apparent Mass Suicide Stirs Japan, by John Burgess, Washington Post Foreign Service,
July 17, 1987, The Washington Post, page A8, Being Stood Up by Mayor Leaves Radio Host Fuming,
October 6, 1989, The Washington Post, page A1, Bakker Convicted On All 24 Fraud, Conspiracy Counts, by Art Harris,
September 10, 1991, The Washington Post, page F1, The Nominee's Soul Mate, by Laura Blumenfeld, Washington Post Staff Writer,
January 1, 1992, The Washington Post, page A32, Fumes Kill Mexican Preacher, 29 Congregants,
May 26, 1992, The Washington Post, page A1, Church Bids for Legitimacy, by Laurie Goodstein,
September 29, 1992, The Washington Post, page A1, Minister's Vision of Deliverance Spawns Empire, by William Claiborne,
July 17, 1987, The Washington Post, page A8, Being Stood Up by Mayor Leaves Radio Host Fuming,
October 6, 1989, The Washington Post, page A1, Bakker Convicted On All 24 Fraud, Conspiracy Counts, by Art Harris,
September 10, 1991, The Washington Post, page F1, The Nominee's Soul Mate, by Laura Blumenfeld, Washington Post Staff Writer,
January 1, 1992, The Washington Post, page A32, Fumes Kill Mexican Preacher, 29 Congregants,
May 26, 1992, The Washington Post, page A1, Church Bids for Legitimacy, by Laurie Goodstein,
September 29, 1992, The Washington Post, page A1, Minister's Vision of Deliverance Spawns Empire, by William Claiborne,