Bill Hillar Training Client Lists.
Jan. 12, 2005 to Nov. 11, 2010
High-Risk Clients Web Crawls
Jan. 12, 2005 29 clients
Feb. 6, 2005
Feb. 7, 2005
April 9, 2005 35, 6 new clients
April 15, 2005
Sept. 4, 2005 36, 1 new client.
Public Occupation Clients Web Crawls
Jan. 12, 2005 38 clients, 12 of which were not brought forward to April 9.
April 9, 2005 4 new clients, minus 12 from the previous Jan. 12, list.
Sept. 7, 2005
[Only 3 clients from the 2005 Public Occupation list were carried over to 2010, (with the University of Oregon duplicating the University of Oregon Substance Abuse Prevention Program on the High Risk Client list, and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation duplicating F.B.I. on the High Risk Client List); with five others from the High Risk list---making for a total of 7 clients carried over from 2005 to 2010]
Combined Lists
October 30, 2010 Web Crawl
November 11, 2010 Web Crawl.
[Both are identical, with 35 clients.]

January 12, 2005 Web Crawl
List of Clients from High-Risk Occupations [29]
County of Los Angeles Office of Public Safety
California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee
Idaho Police Officer Standards and Training
Illinois Drug Enforcement Officers Association
Montana Police Officer Standards and Training
Montana Sheriffs' and Peace Officers' Association
Missoula County Sheriffs' Department
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Law Enforcement Division
Oregon Executive Development Institute
U.S. Army Umatilla Chemical Depot
Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency
University of Oregon Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
Oregon State Fire Chief's Association
City of Portland Bureau of Emergency Services
Benton/Franklin County Office of Emergency Services
Richland Police Department
Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission
Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs
FBI All-Agents Conferences: Chicago & Salt Lake City
FBI Intermountain Executive Command College
FBI National Academy Graduates Association
National War College
U.S. Customs Office
U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
A & A Security Systems & Services
American Veterans Specialized Security
National Fire Service Speaker's Bureau
Washington Demilitarization Company
April 9, 2005 web crawl Yellow 6 new to April 9.
List of Clients from High-Risk Occupations [35]
This list reflects approximately the last five years.
County of Los Angeles Office of Public Safety
California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee
Carmel Valley Fire Department
Emergency Services Association, State of Colorado
Colorado Springs Fire Department
Idaho Police Officer Standards and Training
Idaho Chiefs of Police & Sheriff's Association
Illinois Drug Enforcement Officers Association
Montana Police Officer Standards and Training
Montana Sheriffs' and Peace Officers' Association
Missoula County Sheriffs' Department
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Law Enforcement Division
Oregon Executive Development Institute
U.S. Army Umatilla Chemical Depot
Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency
University of Oregon Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
Oregon State Fire Chief's Association
City of Portland Bureau of Emergency Services
Oregon State Law Enforcement and Data Systems (LEDS)
Benton/Franklin County Office of Emergency Services
Richland Police Department
Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission
Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs
Western Fire Chiefs Association
FBI All-Agents Conferences: Chicago & Salt Lake City
FBI Intermountain Executive Command College
FBI National Academy Graduates Association
U.S. Army War College
U.S. Customs Office
U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
A & A Security Systems & Services
American Veterans Specialized Security
National Fire Service Speaker's Bureau
Washington Demilitarization Company
September 4, 2005 web crawl Yellow 1 new to Sept. 4.
High-Risk Occupation Clients (36)
This list reflects approximately the last five years
County of Los Angeles Office of Public Safety
California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee
Carmel Valley Fire Department
Emergency Services Association, State of Colorado
Colorado Springs Fire Department
Idaho Police Officer Standards and Training
Idaho Chiefs of Police & Sheriff's Association
Illinois Drug Enforcement Officers Association
Montana Police Officer Standards and Training
Montana Sheriffs' and Peace Officers' Association
Missoula County Sheriffs' Department
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Law Enforcement Division
Oregon Executive Development Institute
U.S. Army Umatilla Chemical Depot
Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency
University of Oregon Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
Oregon State Fire Chief's Association
City of Portland Bureau of Emergency Services
Oregon State Law Enforcement and Data Systems (LEDS)
Benton/Franklin County Office of Emergency Services
Richland Police Department
Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission
Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs
Western Fire Chiefs Association
Department of the Interior: Office of Inspector General
FBI All-Agents Conferences: Chicago & Salt Lake City
FBI Intermountain Executive Command College
FBI National Academy Graduates Association
U.S. Army War College
U.S. Customs Office
U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
A & A Security Systems & Services
American Veterans Specialized Security
National Fire Service Speaker's Bureau
Washington Demilitarization Company
January 12, 2005, web crawl
38 Clients from Public Occupations
[12 Green were not brought forward to the April 9, 2005 list.]
American Hospital Association
American Institute of Banking
American Lung Association
American Sign and Indicator
American Society for Healthcare Engineering
American Society of Radiologic Technicians
Association for Quality and Participation
Bank of America
City Club of Portland, Oregon
City of Spokane, Washington
Cowles Publishing Company
Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital
Federal Executive Board of Greater Los Angeles
Ford Motor Corporation
Gonzaga University
International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
Key Tronic Corporation
Los Angeles County Management Council
Metropolitan Mortgage & Securities
National Management Association
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sacred Heart Children's Hospital
Safeco Insurance Group
Seafirst Bank
Shearson Lehman American Express
Shriner's Hospital
St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation [Duplicates the F.B.I. on the High Risk Client List.]
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
U.S. Postal Service
University of Oregon [Duplicates the University of Oregon SAPP on High Risk Client List.]
Washington Business Week
Washington Law Enforcement Information and Records Association
Whitworth College
April 9, 2005 crawl
30 clients. [Yellow 4 new to list since Jan. 12.]
List of Clients from Public Occupations
This list reflects approximately the last five years.
Professional Associations & Societies
City Club of Portland, Oregon
Oregon Court Reporters Association
Association for Quality and Participation
National Management Association
Washington Business Week
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
Rotary International
Cowles Publishing Company
Key Tronic Corporation
City of Spokane, Washington
Washington Law Enforcement Information and Records Association
Federal Executive Board of Greater Los Angeles
Los Angeles County Management Council
Excellence in Government West 2004 conference
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation [Duplicates the F.B.I. on the High Risk Client List.]
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Sacred Heart Hospital (Spokane, Wash.)
Shriner's Hospital
St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute (Spokane, Wash.)
American Hospital Association
American Society for Healthcare Engineering
American Society of Radiologic Technicians
International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety
Seafirst Bank
Shearson Lehman American Express
University of Oregon [Duplicates the University of Oregon SAPP on High Risk List.]
Monterey Institute of International Studies
September 7, 2005 Web Crawl
30 Public Occupation Clients
This list reflects approximately the last five years.
Professional Associations & Societies
City Club of Portland, Oregon
Oregon Court Reporters Association
Association for Quality and Participation
National Management Association
Washington Business Week
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
Rotary International
Cowles Publishing Company
Key Tronic Corporation
City of Spokane, Washington
Washington Law Enforcement Information and Records Association
Federal Executive Board of Greater Los Angeles
Los Angeles County Management Council
Excellence in Government West 2004 conference
Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryU.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Sacred Heart Hospital (Spokane, Wash.)
Shriner's Hospital
St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute (Spokane, Wash.)
American Hospital Association
American Society for Healthcare Engineering
American Society of Radiologic Technicians
International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety
Seafirst Bank
Shearson Lehman American Express
University of Oregon
Monterey Institute of International Studies
October 30, 2010 Web Crawl
Client List (Total) 35
This list reflects approximately the last five years.
Federal Executive Board of Greater Los Angeles
California Fire Chiefs Association (CFCA)
California State Firefighters Association
Georgia Bureau of Investigation
Idaho Falls Police Department
Illinois Drug Enforcement Officers Association
Montana Sheriffs' and Peace Officers' Association
Southwest Oregon Fire Instructors Association
Crime Prevention Association of Oregon (CPAO)
Oregon State Law Enforcement and Data Systems (LEDS)
West Valley City Police Department
Utah Fire and Rescue Academy
Shoreline Fire Department
Tukwila Fire Department
King County Fire Training Officers
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - Region X
Homeland Security and Defense Education Western Conference
Western Fire Chiefs & FEMA Directors
Angeles National Forest
FBI Intermountain Executive Command College
FBI National Academy Graduates Association
National Crime and Information Center (NCIC) State Training and Audit Resources (STARS)
U.S. Army Evaluation Center
U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground
U.S. Forest Service, Law Enforcement Division
The International Justice and Public Safety Network (Nlets)
University of Oregon - Substance Abuse Prevention Program (SAPP)
Monterey Institute of International Studies - Graduate School of International Policy Studies
Southwestern Oregon Community College
Utah Valley State College - Winter Fire School
Anne Arundel Community College (Maryland)
College of Southern Maryland - Corporate & Community Training Institute
Stop Trafficking of Persons (S.T.O.P.)
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Greek Life, University of Oregon
November 11, 2010 Web Crawl.
Client List (Total) 35
This list reflects approximately the last five years.
Federal Executive Board of Greater Los Angeles
California Fire Chiefs Association (CFCA)
California State Firefighters Association
Georgia Bureau of Investigation
Idaho Falls Police Department
Illinois Drug Enforcement Officers Association
Montana Sheriffs' and Peace Officers' Association
Southwest Oregon Fire Instructors Association
Crime Prevention Association of Oregon (CPAO)
Oregon State Law Enforcement and Data Systems (LEDS)
West Valley City Police Department
Utah Fire and Rescue Academy
Shoreline Fire Department
Tukwila Fire Department
King County Fire Training Officers
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - Region X
Homeland Security and Defense Education Western Conference
Western Fire Chiefs & FEMA Directors
Angeles National Forest
FBI Intermountain Executive Command College
FBI National Academy Graduates Association
National Crime and Information Center (NCIC) State Training and Audit Resources (STARS)
U.S. Army Evaluation Center
U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground
U.S. Forest Service, Law Enforcement Division
The International Justice and Public Safety Network (Nlets)
University of Oregon - Substance Abuse Prevention Program (SAPP)
Monterey Institute of International Studies - Graduate School of International Policy Studies
Southwestern Oregon Community College
Utah Valley State College - Winter Fire School
Anne Arundel Community College (Maryland)
College of Southern Maryland - Corporate & Community Training Institute
Stop Trafficking of Persons (S.T.O.P.)
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Greek Life, University of Oregon
[Only 3 Public Occupation clients carried over to 2010, with the University of Oregon duplicating the University of Oregon Substance Abuse Prevention Program from the High Risk list, and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation duplicating the F.B.I. on the High Risk Client List, making for a total of 7 clients carried over from 2005 to 2010]
Comparing 2005 with 2010. Yellow Not Brought Forward.
September 7, 2005 Web Crawl
30 Public Occupation Clients
This list reflects approximately the last five years.
Professional Associations & Societies
City Club of Portland, Oregon
Oregon Court Reporters Association
Association for Quality and Participation
National Management Association
Washington Business Week
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
Rotary International
Cowles Publishing Company
Key Tronic Corporation
City of Spokane, Washington
Washington Law Enforcement Information and Records Association
Federal Executive Board of Greater Los Angeles
Los Angeles County Management Council
Excellence in Government West 2004 conference
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation [Duplicates the F.B.I. on the High Risk Client List.]
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Sacred Heart Hospital (Spokane, Wash.)
Shriner's Hospital
St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute (Spokane, Wash.)
American Hospital Association
American Society for Healthcare Engineering
American Society of Radiologic Technicians
International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety
Seafirst Bank
Shearson Lehman American Express
University of Oregon [Duplicates the University of Oregon SAPP on High Risk List.]
Monterey Institute of International Studies
September 4, 2005 web crawl
High-Risk Occupation Clients (36) Only 6 clients carried over to 2010.
This list reflects approximately the last five years
County of Los Angeles Office of Public Safety
California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee
Carmel Valley Fire Department
Emergency Services Association, State of Colorado
Colorado Springs Fire Department
Idaho Police Officer Standards and Training
Idaho Chiefs of Police & Sheriff's Association
Illinois Drug Enforcement Officers Association
Montana Police Officer Standards and Training
Montana Sheriffs' and Peace Officers' Association
Missoula County Sheriffs' Department
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Law Enforcement Division
Oregon Executive Development Institute
U.S. Army Umatilla Chemical Depot
Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency
University of Oregon Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
Oregon State Fire Chief's Association
City of Portland Bureau of Emergency Services
Oregon State Law Enforcement and Data Systems (LEDS)
Benton/Franklin County Office of Emergency Services
Richland Police Department
Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission
Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs
Western Fire Chiefs Association
Department of the Interior: Office of Inspector General
FBI All-Agents Conferences: Chicago & Salt Lake City
FBI Intermountain Executive Command College
FBI National Academy Graduates Association
U.S. Army War College
U.S. Customs Office
U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
A & A Security Systems & Services
American Veterans Specialized Security
National Fire Service Speaker's Bureau
Washington Demilitarization Company
William Hillar Indictment, February 1, 2011, [23]
FBI Salt Lake City Division 4/21/1998 $1,010.00
Federal Executive Board of Los Angeles 2000-2010 $27,140.00
Illinois State Police 3/10/2002 $850.00
FBI Chicago Division 6/4/2002 $1,000.00
University of Oregon 2002-2010 $33,025.00
Montana Sheriff and Peace Officers Association 6/11/2003 $9,500.00
Monterey Institute of International Studies 2005-2010 $32,500.00
College of Southen Maryland 2005 $3,072.75
U.S. Army (Aberdeen Proving Ground) 3/5/2007 $3,625.00
Utah Valley State College 2007-2008 $8,430.00
California Fire Chiefs Association 10/4/2007 $1,980.81
State Training and Audit Resource Seminar (STARS) 12/11/2007 $4,000.00
Southwestern Oregon Fire Instructors Association 5/12/2008 $2,241.00
National Law Enforcement Telecoms Systems (NLETS) 2008 Conference 5/30/2008 $2,500.00
Georgia Terminal Agency Coordinators (TAC) Conference 10/3/2008 $1,240.50
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) 10/9/2009 $2,400.00
Murray City Corporation 10/29/2009 $2,400.00
U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs 3/11/2010 $2,135.50
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Command College 5/28/2010 $1,449.40
City of Redmond 6/10/2010 $1,609.00
City of Lander, WY 8/25/2010 $1,800.00
Salt Lake City Corporation 9/9/2010 $2,583.00
Freemont Community College 9/23/10 $1,000.00
Total $147,491.96
March 17 article from the Monterey Herald, states that:
Hillar, originally charged with one count of mail fraud, was arraigned last week on a new 16-count indictment [document never made public] accusing him of multiple counts of mail and wire fraud. The indictment states Hillar received about $164,000 from 23 educational, law enforcement and military organizations for workshops, courses and speeches based on his concocted biography
William Hillar Plea Agreement, March 22, 2011 [24]
University of Oregon 2002-20 10 $33,025.00
Monterey Institute of International Studies 2005-20 10 $32,500.00
Federal Executive Board of Los Angeles 2000-2010 $27,140.00
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Command College 2000-2010 $17,369.38
Montana Sheriff and Peace Officers Association 6/11/2003 $9,500.00
Utah Valley State College 2007-2008 $8,430.00
California Fire Fighters Association 2003 & 2005 $6,208.00
State Training and Audit Resource Seminar (STARS) 2007 conference 12/11/2007 $4,000.00
U.S. Army (Aberdeen Proving Ground) 3/5/2007 $3,625.00
National Law Enforcement Telecom Systems, 2008 Con. (NLETS) 5/30/2008 $3,129.00
College of Southern Maryland 2005 & 2006 $3,088.75
Salt Lake City Corporation 9/9/20 10 $2,583.00
Murray City Corporation 10/29/2009 $2,400.00
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) 10/9/2009 $2,400.00 [The "U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency" appears on the earliest January 12, 2005 Web Crawl, and throughout 2005, but is not on the 2010 lists, so an 2009 date misrepresents the total exposure.]
Southwestern Oregon Fire Instructors Association 5/12/2008 $2,241.00
U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs 3/11/2010 $2,135.50 [Not to be confused with the Department of the Interior: Office of Inspector General, from the September 4, 2005 web crawl]
California Fire Chiefs Association 10/4/2007 $1,980.81
City of Lander, WY 8/25/2010 $1,800.00
City of Redmond 6/10/2010 $1,609.00
Georgia Terminal Agency Coordinators (TAC) Conference 10/3/2008 $1,240.50
FBI Salt Lake City Division 4/21/1998 $1,010.00
FBI Chicago Division 6/4/2002 $1,000.00
Freemont County Community College 9/23/2010 $1,000.00
Illinois Drug Enforcement Officers Association 3/10/2002 $850.00
TOTAL $171,415.13
24 items

William Hillar search warrant affidavit
13. Bank records from an account in Hillar's name indicate payment was made in the form of a check to Hillar from the following sources in 2010 alone:
Los Angeles Federal Executive Board 7/15/2010 $3,000.00
City of Redmond 6/10/2010 $1,609.00
Salt Lake City Corporation 8/19/2010 $183.00
Salt Lake City Corporation 9/9/2010 $2,400.00
City of Lander WY 8/25/2010 $1,800.00
Freemont County Community College 9/23/2010 $1,000.00
Monterey Institute 11/3/201 $2,040.00
Monterey Institute 7/7/2010 $2,145.00
University of Oregon 9/16/2010 $278.00
University of Oregon 10/29/2010 $779.17
University of Oregon 7/30/2010 $779. 17
FBI Command College 5/28/2010 $1,449.40
University of Oregon 5/28/ 2010 $ 779.17
Total--- $18,241.91
14. Investigation has also revealed that the following sources claim to have paid Hillar for teaching and speaking in the amounts listed below. These amounts are in addition to the amounts listed above.
STARS - 2007 conference $4,000.00
NLETS - 2008 conference $2,500.00
College of Southern Maryland $3,072.75
Illinois State Police $850.00 [How was this confused with the "Illinois Drug Enforcement Officers Association 3/10/2002?" See: Plea Agreement, March 22, 2011, and the January 12, 2005 Web Crawl,]
California Fire Chiefs Association $1,980.81
FBI Salt Lake City Division $1,010.00
FBI Chicago Division $1,000.00
Murray City Corporation $2,400.00
University of Oregon $30,409.49
Monterey Institute $28,315.00
Federal Executive Board of Los Angeles $24,140.00
Total--- $99,678.05
National Fire Service Speaker's Bureau
The National Fire Service Speakers Bureau has speakers available for all your fire service needs.
Our sole purpose is to provide your organization with the highest quality training available. Our speakers are from around the nation, which allows them to share their divergent regional dynamics with your department.
Whether you are planning a conference, in-house training or a workshop, we can provide speakers and trainers known throughout the fire service.
The National Fire Service Speakers Bureau is sponsored through the Oregon Fire Chiefs¹ Association and is managed by Griffin-Tabor Inc.
The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. (FBI NAA) is a non-profit, international organization of nearly 18,000 senior law enforcement professionals dedicated to providing our communities, states, countries, and profession with the highest degree of law enforcement expertise, training, education and information. We are the strongest law enforcement leadership network in the world and are dedicated to strengthening the rule of law around the globe. Some of our members have given their lives in carrying out these responsibilities.
From its inception in 1935, the FBI National Academy has long been a vital element in the continuing improvement of law enforcement standards, knowledge, and cooperation throughout the world. The National Academy and the FBI National Academy Associates provide a wide range of leadership and specialized training, as well as an opportunity for professional law enforcement officials to share ideas, techniques, and experiences. President John F Kennedy realized the value in sharing this learning and networking experience with the international community. In 1964 the FBI National Academy began including international law enforcement executives as attendees.
Membership in the Association is limited only to those law enforcement leaders who have completed the FBI’s prestigious National Academy Program. The Association is comprised of forty-four domestic chapters and four international chapters, the Association’s Executive Board, and the Executive Office. The Association’s Executive Office is located at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. The Association is a non-governmental organization incorporated in Virginia and is not a part of the FBI. The Association is funded primarily by membership dues but does receive support from select corporate partners, academic and strategic alliances.
To continue the opportunity for graduates to receive training and networking opportunities following graduation, the Association sponsors major training and development conferences each year, both domestically and internationally.
The Association is firmly guided by its historic values and faithfulness to its values, vision and mission.
[FBI National Academy Program in Quantico, Va.]
Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) is a US Army facility located approximately 85 miles (140 km) southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah in southern Tooele County and just north of Juab County. It encompasses 801,505 acres (3,243 km², or 1,252 sq mi) of the Great Salt Lake Desert, an area the size of the state of Rhode Island, and is surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges. It had a resident population of 2,016 persons as of the 2000 census, all of whom lived in the community of Dugway, Utah, at its extreme eastern end.
Dugway's mission is to test US and Allied biological and chemical weapon defense systems in a secure and isolated environment. DPG also serves as a facility for US Army Reserve and US National Guard maneuver training, and US Air Force flight tests - mostly from nearby Hill AFB in Ogden. DPG is controlled by the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC). The area has also been used by US Army Special Forces for training in preparation for deployments to the War in Afghanistan.[4]
U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) is a United States Army facility located near Aberdeen, Maryland, (in Harford County). APG is the U.S. Army's oldest active proving ground, established on October 20, 1917, six months after the U.S. entered World War I. Its location allowed design and testing of ordnance materiel to take place near contemporary industrial and shipping centers. The first gun was tested, and fired there on January 2, 1918. The proving ground was created as a successor to the Sandy Hook Proving Ground, which was too small for some of the larger weapons being tested. At the peak of World War II, APG had billeting space for 2,348 officers and 24,189 enlisted personnel.
National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System is a secure information sharing system for state and local law enforcement agencies. It provides electronic messaging to allow information exchange between state, local, and federal agencies and support services to justice-related computer programs. The network is operated by Nlets, a non-profit corporation owned and operated by the states and funded solely by fees for service.
The network operates primarily through a secure private network through which each state has an interface to the network, and all agencies within the state operate through this portal. The federal and international components operate very similarly. Users include all U.S. states and territories, Federal agencies with a justice mission, and certain international agencies. The primary operational site for the network is housed in Arizona, with a secure backup site located in the East Central U.S. for full continuity of operations in less than thirty minutes.
Information exchange is voluntary and includes everything from motor vehicle registrations, driver's data, Interpol warrants, Canadian 'Hot File' records, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) databases, to state criminal history records. Nearly 90 million messages are sent each month.
The National Crime Information Center, or NCIC, was launched on January 27, 1967 with five files and 356,784 records. By the end of 2009, NCIC contained more than 15 million active records in 19 files. NCIC averages 7.5 million transactions per day.
NCIC helps criminal justice professionals apprehend fugitives, locate missing persons, recover stolen property, and identify terrorists. It also assists law enforcement officers in performing their official duties more safely and provides them with information necessary to aid in protecting the general public.
About the records: The NCIC database currently consists of 19 files. There are seven property files containing records of stolen articles, boats, guns, license plates, parts, securities, and vehicles. There are 12 persons files containing the Supervised Release; National Sex Offender Registry; Foreign Fugitive; Immigration Violator; Missing Person; Protection Order; Unidentified Person; U.S. Secret Service Protective; Gang; Known or Appropriately Suspected Terrorist; Wanted Person; and Identity Theft Files. The system also contains images that can be associated with NCIC records to help agencies identify people and property items. The Interstate Identification Index, which contains automated criminal history record information, is accessible through the same network as NCIC. See details on the files.
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