Customs and Border Protection, says
leadership training helps her understand the different personality types of
her fellow federal employees. Bill Hillar, right, has led seminars for Los
Angeles employees for six years.
All pages say "Copyright Leadership Consultation & Training 2004. All rights reserved."
DiPietro, Beth
Jan. 5, 2005
Jan. 12, 2005
Jan. 12, 2005
Feb. 6, 2005
April 15, 2005
Jan. 5, 2009
Oct. 5, 2009
Oct. 20, 2010
Oct. 29, 2010
Oct. 29, 2010
Jan. 5, 2005 web crawl
Bio Info
Training for High-Risk Occupations
Training for Public Occupations
Client Testimonials
Contact Information
Oct. 29, 2010 web crawl
Bio Info
Contact Information
Jan. 12, 2004,
Client Testimonials
from Public Occupations | |||
Client Testimonials
from High Risk Occupations | |||
Image titled: FBICommandCollege-4
FBI Command College
Jan. 12, 2005 Presentations web crawl
Presentation Descriptions
Bill Hillar Training provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations. Bill's presentations on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, are consistantly well-received and applicable to anyone serving in civilian, government, or high-risk occupations.
Jan. 5, 2009 Presentations Web crawl
Jan. 12, 2005 Presentations web crawl
Presentation Descriptions
Presentations for Public Occupations
Presentations for High-Risk Occupations
Presentations can be tailored in terms of length and content to fit your organization's training needs.
Presentations for High-Risk Occupations
Presentations can be tailored in terms of length and content to fit your organization's training needs.
Presentation Descriptions
for Public Occupations |
Unless otherwise noted, these presentations are geared to be either a half or full day. Each also can be a keynote address of 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half. All presentations can be tailor-made to fit clients' needs. Transformational Leadership: Tomorrow's Skills Today This workshop examines leadership development as a dynamic process whereby successful leaders continually revise their learning plans to meet the challenges of the workforce of the 21st century. The foundation for this session is based on the following assumptions:
How to Keep from Losing Your Life Before You Die This presentation is skillfully crafted to engage each participant to address:
He Who Laughs Lasts! The Power of Humor Do not attend this workshop if you:
Presentation Descriptions
for High Risk Occupations |
Unless otherwise noted, these presentations are geared to be either a half or full day. Each also can be a keynote address of 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half. All presentations can be tailor-made to fit clients' needs. Premeditated Leadership September 11th was a mandate to American law-enforcement and security services to either learn the new game, its rules, the roles of the participants, and how to score, or to continue practicing our present skills thereby becoming the best players in a game that is no longer played. This workshop is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the skills of premeditated leadership and how to achieve the outcomes necessary to succeed and thrive in our new circumstances. Domestic and International Terrorism (2-day workshop) We have entered an era where global economies, cultural beliefs, and deeply-engrained ideologies have combined to create clear and present dangers to our country and to the way of life of the world's citizens. It is vitally important to understand the components and workings of terrorist organizations and their potential effect on our future and us. This course will present a comprehensive and understandable picture of the historical antecedents of current terrorists, present day threats to our society, and actions necessary to mitigate and prevent serious effects of terrorist events. Anti-Terrorist Tool Kit (2-day workshop) This course addresses steps and actions necessary to insure maximum safety to personnel and minimal loss of property after a terrorist event occurs. Participants will learn standard operating procedures to assist emergency responders to prevent greater loss. Incident command structures, data and other required information, psychological effects on personnel, expectations from emergency services personnel, training and educational drills, minimizing loss prevention, and reducing litigious actions will be covered. Leadership Development (2-day workshop) This course is based on the understanding that leaders are made, not born. The old command-and-control style of leadership, previously used by our military and paramilitary organizations, is no longer effective or efficient in today's world. In fact, the leaders of the United States Joint Special Operations Command state that the old style is "not good for leadership…nor followership". This course will address leadership development using the guidelines, principles, and values of the Joint Special Operations Command. The transition from military use to use by civilian law enforcement is a natural step to developing the leadership skills of all personnel. Ethics and Integrity in Law Enforcement The most conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court and the most liberal chief justice both wrote about the role of the peace officer in our society, in almost identical terms: "There is no role in a free and democratic society that enjoys more responsibility and discretion than that of the peace officer -- for no one else in our system is legally able to make an instant decision which, absent any review or appeal, can legally deprive a person of his privacy, his property, his freedom or even his life."In our society, peace officers hold awesome discretionary authority and therefore can and must be held responsible for the public trust. This workshop will examine and discuss credibility, integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, courtesy, and professionalism as it relates to peace officers' responsibility to the public and to what he or she must demand from their own profession. From the Battlefield to the Boardroom Many of us are curious, if not amazed, at how U.S. Special Operations Forces can be so successful and focused under the most trying circumstances confronting their mission and roles. We learn something from their experiences that can be applied to our own civilian occupations to make our careers and organizations just as adaptable and resilient. This dynamic course will examine the established operational techniques used by our Special Forces and identify the ways and means of applying them to the corporate world. Topics covered will include recruitment, training, team building, retention, motivation, leadership, recognition, coaching, mentoring, and learning. Preventing and Mitigating Delayed Stress Syndrome This hands-on workshop looks at preventing and minimizing delayed stress syndrome, one of the most financially and operationally devastating occurrences affecting law enforcement agencies today. Topics will include mitigation of this problem via proper recruitment, background checks, basic training, and FTO (field training officer) do's and don'ts. Additionally, participants will examine the relationship between self-esteem, behavior, and attitude. Learn how to develop and support a corporate culture that focuses on identifying danger signs and pre-symptoms to prevent erosion of individual and operational integrity. |
Presentation Descriptions
Bill Hillar Training provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations. Bill's presentations on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, are consistently well-received and applicable to anyone serving in civilian, government, or high-risk occupations.

Bill Hillar Training provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations. Bill's presentations on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, are consistently well-received and applicable to anyone serving in civilian, government, or high-risk occupations.
Keynote Addresses
Presentations for
High-Risk Occupations
Colleges, Universities
& Civic Organizations
Presentations for
High-Risk Occupations
Colleges, Universities
& Civic Organizations
Presentations can be tailored in terms of length and content to fit your organization's training needs.
1 captures
1 captures
6 captures
30 Oct 10
Stress & Creativity Presentation Descriptions
Unless otherwise noted, these presentations are geared to be either a half or full day. Each also can be a keynote address of 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half. All presentations can be tailor-made to fit clients' needs.
How to Keep from Losing Your Life Before You Die
Stress & Creativity Keynote Addresses Bill Hillar makes keynote addresses all across the nation to groups such as federal agencies, professional associations, and non-profit organizations. He tailors each presentation to meet the specific needs of his listeners. Some of the most frequently requested are:Finding Your Reset Button How to fall back in focus with your future. Change and Stuff Going from "Oh, *@%^#!" to "Wow...I can hardly wait!" Nobody on Their Death Bed Ever Wishes They'd Spent More Time at Work Time is life...not money. Pre-Meditated Leadership No snowflake in an snowstorm ever thinks it was responsible for the avalanche. Preventing and Mitigating Delayed Stress Syndrome (PTSD) This hands-on workshop looks at preventing and minimizing delayed stress syndrome, one of the most financially and operationally devastating occurrences affecting law enforcement agencies today. Topics will include mitigation of this problem via proper recruitment, background checks, basic training, and FTO (field training officer) do's and don'ts. Additionally, participants will examine the relationship between self-esteem, behavior, and attitude. Learn how to develop and support a corporate culture that focuses on identifying danger signsand pre-symptoms to prevent erosion of individual and operational integri |
30 Oct 10 -
Transnational Issues Presentation Descriptions
Unless otherwise noted, these presentations are geared to be either a half or full day. Each also can be a keynote address of 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half. All presentations can be tailor-made to fit clients' needs.
Domestic and International Terrorism (2-day workshop) Anti-Terrorist Tool Kit (2-day workshop) This course addresses steps and actions necessary to insure maximum safety to personnel and minimal loss of property after a terrorist event occurs. Participants will learn standard operating procedures to assist emergency responders to prevent greater loss. Incident command structures, data and other required information, psychological effects on personnel, expectations from emergency services personnel, training and educational drills, minimizing loss prevention, and reducing litigious actions will be covered. Human Trafficking Human trafficking is modern-day slave trading. In fact, the slave trade today is more global and greater in sheer numbers than the African slave trade during the 1700s and 1800s. Traffickers use violence, coercion, and deception to take people away from their homes and families. Whether trafficked within or between countries, people are used as domestic workers, prostitutes, manual laborers, factory workers, soldiers, sex slaves, and for body parts and organs.The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of global human trafficking. We will examine causes and costs, as well as political and other means of reducing the problem. Students will learn ways to personally impact this world-wide disgrace and disregard for human dignity. Transnational Drug Smuggling The "War on Drugs" is still raging and has been since before the Civil War. We seem to win many battles but make questionable headway in the overall war. We will take a microscopic view of the legal-moral, social-behavioral, and medical-psychiatric elements of this pervasive problem and see the roles that prevention, treatment, and enforcement entities play.The purpose of this course is threefold:
International Criminal Gangs One of the many unexpected consequences of our global economy is the emergence of "new" criminal gangs. Not those of television and film, but highly sophisticated multinational organizations whose use of violence, extreme wealth, and the internet make them a real threat to the security of many nations. We will examine:
1 captures
30 Oct 10 -
Leadership Presentation Descriptions
Unless otherwise noted, these presentations are geared to be either a half or full day. Each also can be a keynote address of 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half. All presentations can be tailor-made to fit clients' needs.
Transformational Leadership: Tomorrow's Skills Today
Leadership - Followership: New Rules! New and rapid changes in the global economy, political issues, and public expectations necessitate an examination of traditional leadership and followership roles in both the public and private sector. This workshop will help the participants: Premeditated Leadership September 11th was a mandate to American law-enforcement and security services to either learn the new game, its rules, the roles of the participants, and how to score, or to continue practicing our present skills thereby becoming the best players in a game that is no longer played. This workshop is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the skills of premeditated leadership and how to achieve the outcomes necessary to succeed and thrive in our new circumstances. From the Battlefield to the Boardroom How are U.S. Special Operations Forces so successful and focused under the most trying circumstances and missions? We can learn from their experiences to make our own careers and organizations just as adaptable and resilient. This dynamic course will examine the established operational techniques used by our Special Forces and identify the ways and means of applying them to the corporate world. Topics covered will include recruitment, training, team building, retention, motivation, leadership, recognition, coaching, mentoring, and learning. Ethics and Integrity in Law Enforcement The most conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court and the most liberal chief justice both wrote about the role of the peace officer in our society, in almost identical terms:
In our society, peace officers hold awesome discretionary authority and therefore can and must be held responsible for the public trust. This workshop will examine and discuss credibility, integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, courtesy, and professionalism as it relates to peace officers' responsibility to the public and what must be demanded from the profession. |
The "Home" page.
Changes old photograph from Jan. 12, 2005 to new photograph April 15, 2005
4 captures
Bill Hillar
Finally somebody hits home about cops and stress. Bill Hillar's message is real, necessary and life-changing
---Chicago FBI All-Agents Conference
No matter what we ask him to present, Bill Hillar always gets a standing ovation. Our agents can't seem to get enough of his savvy. ---Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Law Enforcement Division
Brilliant, outstanding and very real. Bill Hillar provides the missing ingredients in real training: authenticity, reality, and integrity Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
Though there are over 300 people in this conference, this man has the uncanny ability to make you feel like he is talking directly to you, and not only do you totally understand him but you want to take him home because he knows how to listen. ----Hewlett-Packard
Changes old photograph from Jan. 12, 2005 to new photograph April 15, 2005
4 captures
12 Jan 05 - 30 Oct 10
Bill Hillar
Speaker & Consultant
What clients are saying about Bill Hillar's presentations and workshops...
Bill Hillar
Bill Hillar
Jan. 12, 2005 web crawl
Bill Hillar
Speaker & Consultant
What clients are saying about Bill Hillar's presentations and workshops...
| William G. Hillar |
Bill Hillar
Speaker & Consultant
What clients are saying about Bill Hillar's presentations and workshops...
| Bill Hillar |
Finally somebody hits home about cops and stress. Bill Hillar's message is real, necessary and life-changing
---Chicago FBI All-Agents Conference
No matter what we ask him to present, Bill Hillar always gets a standing ovation. Our agents can't seem to get enough of his savvy. ---Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Law Enforcement Division
Brilliant, outstanding and very real. Bill Hillar provides the missing ingredients in real training: authenticity, reality, and integrity Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
Though there are over 300 people in this conference, this man has the uncanny ability to make you feel like he is talking directly to you, and not only do you totally understand him but you want to take him home because he knows how to listen. ----Hewlett-Packard
The 2010 list was posted at
I found another email address for professor bill......
I wonder if University of Oregon knows bill is a liar and a fraud?
Bill Hillar
Client Testimonials
from High Risk Occupations
High-Risk Occupation Client Testimonials
Presentation Descriptions
Bill Hillar Training provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations. Bill's presentations on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, are consistently well-received and applicable to anyone serving in civilian, government, or high-risk occupations.

Stress & Creativity
Transnational Issues
Presentation length and content can be tailored to fit your organization's training needs.
I found another email address for professor bill......
I wonder if University of Oregon knows bill is a liar and a fraud?
Bill Hillar
Client Testimonials
from High Risk Occupations
High-Risk Occupation Client Testimonials
Presentation Descriptions
Bill Hillar Training provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations. Bill's presentations on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, are consistently well-received and applicable to anyone serving in civilian, government, or high-risk occupations.
Stress & Creativity
Transnational Issues
Presentation length and content can be tailored to fit your organization's training needs.
(831) 236-1531
The "About Bill" page.
6 captures
April 9, 2005 web crawl
Sept. 10, 2005 web crawl
About Bill
William G. Hillar is a retired Colonel of the U.S. Army Special Forces. He has served in Asia, the Middle East, and Central and South America, where his diverse training and experiences included tactical counter-terrorism, explosive ordnance, emergency medicine and psychological warfare.
His military expertise led him not only to cross-train and serve with Special Forces from allied countries, but to advise governments and military organizations in several foreign nations. He holds a B.A. in Psychology, an M.A. in Education, a Ph.D. in Health Education, and an honorary doctorate in Intercultural Relations.
Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Highly sought after as a speaker on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, his clients' comments are consistently full of respect and appreciation. Hillar's wisdom is imperative for anyone serving in civilian, government, and high-risk occupations.
Oct. 29, 2010 web crawl
About Bill
William G. Hillar is a retired Colonel of the U.S. Army Special Forces. He has served in Asia, the Middle East, and Central and South America, where his diverse training and experiences included tactical counter-terrorism, explosive ordnance, emergency medicine and psychological warfare.
His military expertise led him not only to cross-train and serve with Special Forces from allied countries, but to advise governments and military organizations in several foreign nations. He holds a B.A. in Psychology, an M.A. in Education, a Ph.D. in Health Education, and an honorary doctorate in Intercultural Relations.
Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Hillar is also an adjunct professor at Monterey Institute of International Studies and the University of Oregon. His courses and workshops include:
(831) 236-1531
The "About Bill" page.
6 captures
12 Jan 05 - 29 Oct 10
April 9, 2005 web crawl
Sept. 10, 2005 web crawl
About Bill
Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Highly sought after as a speaker on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, his clients' comments are consistently full of respect and appreciation. Hillar's wisdom is imperative for anyone serving in civilian, government, and high-risk occupations.
About Bill
Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Hillar is also an adjunct professor at Monterey Institute of International Studies and the University of Oregon. His courses and workshops include:
- Transnational Drug Smuggling
- Human Trafficking
- Tactical Counter-terrorism
- Transnational Criminal Gangs
January 5, 2010 web crawl.
William G. Hillar is a retired Colonel of the U.S. Army Special Forces. He has served in Asia, the Middle East, and Central and South America, where his diverse training and experiences included tactical counter-terrorism, explosive ordnance, emergency medicine and psychological warfare.
His military expertise led him not only to cross-train and serve with Special Forces from allied countries, but to advise governments and military organizations in several foreign nations. He holds a B.A. in Psychology, an M.A. in Education, a Ph.D. in Health Education, and an honorary doctorate in Intercultural Relations.

Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Hillar is also an adjunct professor at Monterey Institute of International Studies and the University of Oregon. His courses and workshops include:
- Transnational Drug Smuggling
- Human Trafficking
- Tactical Counter-terrorism
- Transnational Criminal Gangs
Highly sought after as a presenter and keynote speaker, his reviews are consistently full of respect and appreciation. Hillar's wisdom and knowledge is essential for anyone serving in civilian, government, and high-risk occupations. If you are seeking someone to help you better understand how you are affected and can make a difference in this rapidly-changing world, then ask Bill Hillar to be that change agent.
Contact Bill for more information |
April 9, 2005 web crawl
About Bill
William G. Hillar is a retired Colonel of the U.S. Army Special Forces. He has served in Asia, the Middle East, and Central and South America, where his diverse training and experiences included tactical counter-terrorism, explosive ordnance, emergency medicine and psychological warfare.
His military expertise led him not only to cross-train and serve with Special Forces from allied countries, but to advise governments and military organizations in several foreign nations. He holds a B.A. in Psychology, an M.A. in Education, a Ph.D. in Health Education, and an honorary doctorate in Intercultural Relations.
Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Highly sought after as a speaker on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, his clients' comments are consistently full of respect and appreciation. Hillar's wisdom is imperative for anyone serving in civilian, government, and high-risk occupations.
Sept, 10, 2005 web crawl
Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Highly sought after as a speaker on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, his clients' comments are consistently full of respect and appreciation. Hillar's wisdom is imperative for anyone serving in civilian, government, and high-risk occupations.
Sept, 10, 2005 web crawl
About Bill
William G. Hillar is a retired Colonel of the U.S. Army Special Forces. He has served in Asia, the Middle East, and Central and South America, where his diverse training and experiences included tactical counter-terrorism, explosive ordnance, emergency medicine and psychological warfare.
His military expertise led him not only to cross-train and serve with Special Forces from allied countries, but to advise governments and military organizations in several foreign nations. He holds a B.A. in Psychology, an M.A. in Education, a Ph.D. in Health Education, and an honorary doctorate in Intercultural Relations.
Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Highly sought after as a speaker on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, his clients' comments are consistently full of respect and appreciation. Hillar's wisdom is imperative for anyone serving in civilian, government, and high-risk occupations.
Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Highly sought after as a speaker on leadership, ethics, stress, and creativity, his clients' comments are consistently full of respect and appreciation. Hillar's wisdom is imperative for anyone serving in civilian, government, and high-risk occupations.
Oct. 29, 2010 web crawl
About Bill
William G. Hillar is a retired Colonel of the U.S. Army Special Forces. He has served in Asia, the Middle East, and Central and South America, where his diverse training and experiences included tactical counter-terrorism, explosive ordnance, emergency medicine and psychological warfare.
His military expertise led him not only to cross-train and serve with Special Forces from allied countries, but to advise governments and military organizations in several foreign nations. He holds a B.A. in Psychology, an M.A. in Education, a Ph.D. in Health Education, and an honorary doctorate in Intercultural Relations.
Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Hillar is also an adjunct professor at Monterey Institute of International Studies and the University of Oregon. His courses and workshops include:
Hillar provides training and consultation to law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responder organizations where quick reaction and rapid recovery are essential for survival. Hillar is also an adjunct professor at Monterey Institute of International Studies and the University of Oregon. His courses and workshops include:
- Transnational Drug Smuggling
- Human Trafficking
- Tactical Counter-terrorism
- Transnational Criminal Gangs
Bill Hillar’s clients’ comments are consistently full of respect and appreciation for his training and consultation. Audience members remember his expertise and approachability long after his seminars. Bill Hillar Training’s numerous clients overwhelmingly recommend his presentations to other organizations and invite Bill back year after year.
Quotes from Public Occupation Clients
Quotes from High-Risk Occupation Clients
Unless otherwise noted, these presentations are geared to be either a half or full day. Each also can be a keynote address of 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half. All presentations can be tailor-made to fit clients' needs. Premeditated Leadership September 11th was a mandate to American law-enforcement and security services to either learn the new game, its rules, the roles of the participants, and how to score, or to continue practicing our present skills thereby becoming the best players in a game that is no longer played. This workshop is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the skills of premeditated leadership and how to achieve the outcomes necessary to succeed and thrive in our new circumstances. Domestic and International Terrorism (2-day workshop) We have entered an era where global economies, cultural beliefs, and deeply-engrained ideologies have combined to create clear and present dangers to our country and to the way of life of the world's citizens. It is vitally important to understand the components and workings of terrorist organizations and their potential effect on our future and us. This course will present a comprehensive and understandable picture of the historical antecedents of current terrorists, present day threats to our society, and actions necessary to mitigate and prevent serious effects of terrorist events. Anti-Terrorist Tool Kit (2-day workshop) This course addresses steps and actions necessary to insure maximum safety to personnel and minimal loss of property after a terrorist event occurs. Participants will learn standard operating procedures to assist emergency responders to prevent greater loss. Incident command structures, data and other required information, psychological effects on personnel, expectations from emergency services personnel, training and educational drills, minimizing loss prevention, and reducing litigious actions will be covered. Leadership Development (2-day workshop) This course is based on the understanding that leaders are made, not born. The old command-and-control style of leadership, previously used by our military and paramilitary organizations, is no longer effective or efficient in today's world. In fact, the leaders of the United States Joint Special Operations Command state that the old style is "not good for leadership…nor followership". This course will address leadership development using the guidelines, principles, and values of the Joint Special Operations Command. The transition from military use to use by civilian law enforcement is a natural step to developing the leadership skills of all personnel. Ethics and Integrity in Law Enforcement The most conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court and the most liberal chief justice both wrote about the role of the peace officer in our society, in almost identical terms: "There is no role in a free and democratic society that enjoys more responsibility and discretion than that of the peace officer -- for no one else in our system is legally able to make an instant decision which, absent any review or appeal, can legally deprive a person of his privacy, his property, his freedom or even his life."In our society, peace officers hold awesome discretionary authority and therefore can and must be held responsible for the public trust. This workshop will examine and discuss credibility, integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, courtesy, and professionalism as it relates to peace officers' responsibility to the public and to what he or she must demand from their own profession. From the Battlefield to the Boardroom Many of us are curious, if not amazed, at how U.S. Special Operations Forces can be so successful and focused under the most trying circumstances confronting their mission and roles. We learn something from their experiences that can be applied to our own civilian occupations to make our careers and organizations just as adaptable and resilient. This dynamic course will examine the established operational techniques used by our Special Forces and identify the ways and means of applying them to the corporate world. Topics covered will include recruitment, training, team building, retention, motivation, leadership, recognition, coaching, mentoring, and learning. Preventing and Mitigating Delayed Stress Syndrome This hands-on workshop looks at preventing and minimizing delayed stress syndrome, one of the most financially and operationally devastating occurrences affecting law enforcement agencies today. Topics will include mitigation of this problem via proper recruitment, background checks, basic training, and FTO (field training officer) do's and don'ts. Additionally, participants will examine the relationship between self-esteem, behavior, and attitude. Learn how to develop and support a corporate culture that focuses on identifying danger signs and pre-symptoms to prevent erosion of individual and operational integrity. |
6 captures
12 Jan 05 - 30 Oct 10
Feb. 5, 2005 Web Crawl
Contact Information
Presentation length and content are tailored to fit the client's training needs. Contact Bill Hillar to discuss your organization's requirements and expectations. Call or e-mail for availability, fees, or for more information:
Bill Hillar Training
P.O. Box 4921
Carmel, CA 93921
P.O. Box 4921
Carmel, CA 93921
26 Chadwick Circle, K
03062, New Hampshire 03062
United States
Created on: 02-Mar-04
Expires on: 02-Mar-11
Last Updated on: 01-Mar-10
Administrative Contact:
DiPietro, Beth
26 Chadwick Circle, K
03062, New Hampshire 03062
United States
8055502815 Fax --
Technical Contact:
DiPietro, Beth
26 Chadwick Circle, K
03062, New Hampshire 03062
United States
8055502815 Fax --
Domain servers in listed order:
26 Chadwick Circle, K
03062, New Hampshire 03062
United States
Created on: 02-Mar-04
Expires on: 02-Mar-11
Last Updated on: 01-Mar-10
Administrative Contact:
DiPietro, Beth
26 Chadwick Circle, K
03062, New Hampshire 03062
United States
8055502815 Fax --
Technical Contact:
DiPietro, Beth
26 Chadwick Circle, K
03062, New Hampshire 03062
United States
8055502815 Fax --
Domain servers in listed order:
38 URLs have been captured for this domain.
Filter results (i.e. '.txt'):
May 29, 2004 crawl main page only
(Contains the infamous testimonial: "Brilliant, outstanding and very real. Bill Hillar provides the missing ingredients in real training: authenticity, reality, and integrity Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training.")
All other pages first crawl January 12, 2005.
URLFROMTO ↑CAPTURESDUPLICATESUNIQUES May 29, 2004 Nov 11, 2010 10 4 6 Jan 12, 2005 Oct 29, 2010 6 1 5 Oct 30, 2010 Nov 11, 2010 2 1 1 Jan 12, 2005 Sep 4, 2005 6 3 3 Jan 12, 2005 Jan 5, 2009 4 2 2 Jan 12, 2005 Oct 30, 2010 5 2 3 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 2 1 1 Jun 26, 2011 Jun 26, 2011 1 0 1 Jun 26, 2011 Jun 26, 2011 1 0 1 Jun 26, 2011 Jun 26, 2011 1 0 1 Jun 26, 2011 Jun 26, 2011 1 0 1 Jun 26, 2011 Jun 26, 2011 1 0 1 Jun 26, 2011 Jun 26, 2011 1 0 1 Jun 26, 2011 Jun 26, 2011 1 0 1 Jun 26, 2011 Jun 26, 2011 1 0 1 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 3 2 1 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 3 2 1 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 3 2 1 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 3 2 1 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 3 2 1 Jun 26, 2011 Jun 26, 2011 1 0 1 Jun 26, 2011 Jun 26, 2011 1 0 1 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 3 2 1 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 3 2 1 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 3 2 1 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 3 2 1 Jan 12, 2005 Oct 30, 2010 4 1 3 Oct 30, 2010 Oct 30, 2010 1 0 1 Oct 30, 2010 Oct 30, 2010 1 0 1 Jan 12, 2005 Oct 30, 2010 6 2 4 Jun 23, 2011 Jul 3, 2011 3 2 1 Jan 12, 2005 Oct 29, 2010 6 2 4 Jan 12, 2005 Sep 7, 2005 3 0 3 Jan 12, 2005 Jan 5, 2009 5 2 3 Jan 12, 2005 Jan 5, 2009 5 1 4 Jan 12, 2005 Aug 28, 2008 6 2 4 May 29, 2004 Jul 3, 2011 26 24 2 Oct 30, 2010 Oct 30, 2010 1 0 1
Filter results (i.e. '.txt'): has been crawled 10 times going all the way back to May 29, 2004.
A crawl can be a duplicate of the last one. It happens about 25% of the time across 420,000,000 websites. FAQ
May 29, 2004 crawl main page only
(Contains the infamous testimonial: "Brilliant, outstanding and very real. Bill Hillar provides the missing ingredients in real training: authenticity, reality, and integrity Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training.")
All other pages first crawl January 12, 2005.
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Stress & Creativity Presentation Descriptions
Unless otherwise noted, these presentations are geared to be either a half or full day. Each also can be a keynote address of 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half. All presentations can be tailor-made to fit clients' needs.
How to Keep from Losing Your Life Before You Die
Stress & Creativity Keynote Addresses Bill Hillar makes keynote addresses all across the nation to groups such as federal agencies, professional associations, and non-profit organizations. He tailors each presentation to meet the specific needs of his listeners. Some of the most frequently requested are:Finding Your Reset Button How to fall back in focus with your future. Change and Stuff Going from "Oh, *@%^#!" to "Wow...I can hardly wait!" Nobody on Their Death Bed Ever Wishes They'd Spent More Time at Work Time is life...not money. Pre-Meditated Leadership No snowflake in an snowstorm ever thinks it was responsible for the avalanche. Preventing and Mitigating Delayed Stress Syndrome (PTSD) This hands-on workshop looks at preventing and minimizing delayed stress syndrome, one of the most financially and operationally devastating occurrences affecting law enforcement agencies today. Topics will include mitigation of this problem via proper recruitment, background checks, basic training, and FTO (field training officer) do's and don'ts. Additionally, participants will examine the relationship between self-esteem, behavior, and attitude. Learn how to develop and support a corporate culture that focuses on identifying danger signs and pre-symptoms to prevent erosion of individual and operational integrity.
Contact Information
Contact Bill Hillar to discuss your organization's requirements and expectations. Presentation length and content can be tailored to fit your training needs. For availability, fees or for more information, call or email:
Bill Hillar Training
(831) 236-1531 |
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