Where once, the ancient curse I often employ, which I thought was under effect: Everything you touch will turn to shit from here on out busters! (with its sweet corollary as my collateral: Everything you touch dear, precious evolved Steven will turn to gold in your hands.) has been superseded in full, by a new and improved version of the old curse-on-them, what I call the Bernie Madoff: Until you get right with God jerks, everything you touch is going to turn to shit and then cost you another $50 billion, U.S.
I happened to stumble on a credible source in the following article in the Christian Science Monitor, describing the first rocket-attack deaths in Israel, in Sderot, natch, lets get real. After three long years of volleys---then it took a little three-year-old boy as he entered nursery school. As I started to read the piece, I wondered to myself if any truth would rise up noticably to reveal itself. But when I finally got to the relevant passage, the truth jumped up and gave me a big old fat kiss on the lips! Read it and see what you think:
After 200 near misses, Israeli town suffers first fatalities; Palestinian rocket attacks on a town near Gaza Monday killed two Israelis, including a 3-year-old boy.
(WORLD) June 29, 2004 www.highbeam.com
The Christian Science Monitor
June 29, 2004
Byline: Ben Lynfield Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
SDEROT, ISRAEL -- For three years, Palestinian Kassam rockets rained down on the area of Sderot, a poor Israeli town near the Gaza Strip. But the primitive missiles seldom hit anything, and never killed anyone - until Monday.
Kassams fired by Hamas militants claimed their first-ever fatalities in Israel, killing two Israelis and injuring 11.
One primitive rocket landed outside the Lilac Nursery School, killing 3-year-old Afik Ohayon, and also taking the life of a 50-year-old man. This new escalation in Gaza is driving home a painful reality here: The transition to a possible Israeli withdrawal in the crowded coastal enclave is to be accompanied not by tranquility but by bloodshed on both sides.
In other violence, late Sunday night, an Israeli soldier was killed and five others wounded near the town of Khan Yunis when their position was blown apart by Palestinian militants who tunneled underneath it. Three Palestinians, including 11-year-old Mohammed al-Shourbaji, were killed and seven others wounded during Israeli army gunfire after the incident.
The rockets touched a raw Israeli nerve, since the government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is anxious to avoid the appearance that its moves toward dismantling the 21 Israeli settlements in Gaza is a result of Palestinian pressure. After the rocket firings, Mr. Sharon met with Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz to weigh a response, and officials warned they will not allow the Palestinians to gain the initiative in the fighting at Sderot's expense.
"The disengagement [from Gaza] will continue as planned, but there will be no withdrawal under fire," a senior official said. Earlier, Sharon announced that compensation to Gaza settlers choosing to leave would be made available immediately instead of in August, as was initially planned.
After previous Kassam firings, the Israeli army has raided the Palestinian border town of Beit Hangout, from which the army said the rockets originated. The army raids have focused on destroying citrus orchards the military says offer cover to the rocket firings, but have also included widespread destruction of factories in what Palestinians consider collective punishments.
Last month, Israeli forces invaded and occupied the southern Gaza town of Rafah, causing heavy casualties, many of them civilians, after five Israeli soldiers were killed in an ambush in a border corridor. The army said the operation's aim was to stop weapons smuggling from Egypt.
For Sderot, whose residents include a large Russian immigrant population and many Jews of Moroccan descent, Monday's fatalities mark the realization of a nightmare.
"This is the horrible scenario I have been warning about for three years," says Mayor Eli Moyal. Previously, some 200 Kassam rockets fell in and around the town, he says. But in what residents saw variously as luck or divine intervention they caused only a handful of light injuries, he adds. "We have woken up to a new reality, and we do not know what will happen now," says Mr. Moyal. "The main impact is on people's sense of personal security. Now they will be afraid to send their children to school, to go out to the supermarket, to go out to have a good time or even to go jogging. This impacts every facet of life."
Simcha Revivo, who works at the nursery, says she knew Afik Ohayon, the slain toddler, well because he arrived first among the 35 children every morning, at 7:20 a.m. He would talk to her about his father, cousins, birthday parties, and family celebrations, she recalls. "He was a delightful and very cute boy," she says. Monday, Afik arrived near the entrance to the nursery late, at 8:15, exactly when the Kassam landed. "There was a loud blast, and after it another blast. We brought all the children into the shelter and gave them water to drink and calmed them. I went outside and saw Afik's mother lying on the ground with Afik on top of her. The mother was turning her head around. It seemed as if she could not speak."
About a half mile away, at the corner of Jerusalem and Moshe Dayan Streets, another rocket fell, lightly wounding a man, knocking the electricity out, and paralyzing life for several hours. For all the mayhem it caused, it made only a small physical impact - a crater about a foot deep in the sidewalk.
The explosion blew out supermarket cashier Rosa Sabry's windows and littered her bedroom with glass shards. Her response was immediate: She sent her two daughters, ages 9 and 5, to stay with cousins more than an hour away in the town of Dimona.
"My husband has wanted to leave here for years but I was born here and wanted to stay," she says. "But now the idea of leaving is making more sense. When it enters your home, it changes things."
She said her husband, Yosef, was changing the oil of his car when he heard the whistle of the rocket and moved backward, narrowly missing being injured. "It is a miracle, but you cannot count on always having miracles," she says.
Is not such a truth self-evident, seen in hindsight, now at least, with all of our subsequent therapy and work? So casually given away in a guileless extended quote as sweet as pie. Knowing now the chances for these over-class manipulations and the management of "situations," will be ever be able to just say things again? Or must we go mute?
I'm sure we could cross reference this date, shortly before June 29th, 2004, correlating it with some heavy politically machinations going on, something necessary to TODDLER MURDER ISREAL! How do you like them fighting words, Livni---you criminelle de guerre?
For it was the child who always came first to the nursery school, who was the special favorite of Miss Teacher, who shared special sharing times with him, the little Afik Ohayon. But it just happened to be that that would be the one day he had to come late, 55-minutes late to be exact, that was the day--that a Palestinian rocket was to land right upon him! Can you say Palestinian, little boy? No? Cause your dead? Fancy the luck of that poor Mr. Madoff!
Doesn't it send a chill down your spine too? And don't you just love, (sotto voce) "the Lilac Nursery School?" And what's up with a mother who is willing to contract for the sacrifice of her own 3-year-old child?!?!?! YUMMERS DEMONS!!
But wait just one minute here! Doesn't something like that also figure as some major episode in that Old Testament Jewish thing too? Something about just being willing to let God's will happen right? With your son spread eagle on the cold stone alter? That turned out all right, didn't it? The right thing happened there huh? Oh gee, thank you, dear Lordy and Master Jehovah!
Such a thing even happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, so I was primed, so there! And what about that later episode, in Sderot?---you know the one, where a youngish boy actually suffered one below the knee amputation from a rocket attack? Wasn't his father also involved, over-acting with his own leg injuries in that same episode too? Were they casting lots for roles?
I like this one even better! Selling a child's parts---but doing it slowly, in bits and pieces, to draw it out! A good liver could go next to a rich Chinese dowager! Do I smell lemon chicken cooking somebody, or matzo ball soup?
"Young Palestinian girls giggle as they are photographed in front of a house at sunset, January 22, 2008"
Nah, nah, nah, nah...
I see you.
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