In hierarchical organizations like the one in the Pentagon, a parking space is the supreme perk. So who would get to park their cars just steps away from their workstations, and right under the nose of the soon-to-arrive President Bush? The answer was two very low-level employees: an air traffic controller and his training supervisor (was this yet another first-day-on-the-job employee?)
In "The Story of Ebony & Ivory in the Tower, the Kidd says she, "knew that the Pentagon would immediately heighten security after the attack in New York, so she decided to get her lunch out of her car while she still could," so I guess she used her car as her locker.
This paragraph takes the cake:
Kidd was on her way out to her car when the plane hit. Luckily, Kidd stopped by the restroom before going to her car. "They got us," Kidd said her first thought was. "The lights went out and the ceiling fell in on me," she said. Kidd returned to the bottom of the tower and tried to get to Boger. The stairs were covered with debris and the ceiling had fallen in around him. "I don't know how I got out, but I got out," Boger said. Boger got to the bottom of the tower and was still not sure what was going on. "I grabbed [Kidd] and we both fell to the ground," he said. "We looked back." "What happened?" Kidd asked. "A plane just flew into the Pentagon," Boger responded.(Isn't that a wonderful James Cagney moment? Kidd is sitting on the can and the lights go out and the ceiling tiles fall and she goes, "You got me copper!")
I suspect the cars were parked there to serve as an exhibition of the destructive power of exotic new weaponry, an inference I glean from anomalies in the record. For instance, the article states, "The first thing the two noticed was that both of their cars were on fire," which we can know is an untruth--the cars are never seen burning at the same time. The well-known Will Morris image centers on the burning 3000GT, (interestingly, Russell Pickering calls the car a Nissan 300SX, although his pages are one of the sole sources for the Pentagram article with an alternate identification for the automobile. Russell doesn't explain the discrepancy.) with the pristine green Jeep alongside.
After recreating Russell Pickering's Car Fire Chronology page here--sans his proprietary technology--I've decided to move most of it over to a holding pen at Progressive Independent. I'm going to hire someone over there to do my dirty work for me.
Russell's caption for the following image reads,
"This is the jeep free-burning during the evacuation from a different angle."

Is "Free Burning"anything like "Free Basing" Russell? Or is more like Burninating? Where is the male jogger in the red shirt with the giant arms and the goody bag, Russell? Where is he, huh?

Well why did the Captain take the trouble to turn the equipment 90 degrees? Why didn't he just back them up to the guardrail? Are firetrucks like sailboats? Is the Captain tacking into the wind? Or is he blocking the view?

Hey Russell, why are the firemen playing with crime scene tape here when there is a fire to put out? It's not a big one, surely five men could tackle it. Don't they want too? Why is that Russell?

I like this picture. There has never been anything else like it in the record. I'd like to hit up that pharmacy that DiLorenzo Tri-Care has got going on in the center lanes. And hey, you got only one firetruck working there man. You should get some guys up on that roof--you've got a chance! Use it or lose it!

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