Thursday, February 28, 2008

"Pinch" Paisley--Pentagon Worker Goes on the Offensive

Pinch Paisley, the Pentagon apologist, just sent me a long email wherein he makes several points--but his Masada, the mountain he chooses to die on, are "roll-up" doors in the A&E Drive.

Did you ever work for the Soviets in photographic analysis? I’m asking because they used to do the exact same thing you do with regards to looking at a photo – they’d make up shit when they didn’t know what was going on. There is a great story about the Pentagon that is told – the Soviets would take their overhead satellite photos of the Pentagon and they’d see a long queue of people lined up outside the central structure in the middle of the courtyard. “Access to the secret underground control headquarters!” they would say. It was actually the lunch line outside the Ground Zero café located in the courtyard. Picture attached.

This is a wonderful way to start. I am familiar with the anecdote about the Soviets staring at the satellite images of the Pentagon and assuming an underground bunker was in the center court. However, the "Ground Zero" cafe (somebody gag me with a spoon) wasn't there in 2001, but the famous, lamented hot-dog stand.

The Old Hot Dog Stand/Cafe
( Pinch in a comment appended to this blog said:
"A couple of corrections: The Ground Zero Cafe has been there, in the courtyard, for many decades. It got its name because everyone knew the USSR had more than a couple of ICBMs targeted on it. The "hot dog" stand was only a part of the structure and the owl is still there. Another example of you writing about things you have no idea about so you make shit up."
Yet he obviously doesn't see any inconsistency with what he said in a email to me,

"b) there is some sort of – ANYTHING – AT ALL – historical record of this sort of defense c) ANY historical record ANYWHERE of ANY building self-defense system – and that includes missiles or any sort of fired projectile. I’ll save you some time – there aren’t any. The Pentagon’s “defenses” lay in its location, pure and simple."

Everyone knows the USSR had more than a few ICBM's targeted on the Pentagon but the United States military couldn't care less?"

Pinch goes on:
I stopped by the building today and took a couple of surreptitious pictures for you. I say “surreptitious” because photographs are not permitted inside the building, but I figured a few innocuous ones wouldn’t hurt, all in the name of educating America’s citizen’s.

The first two are not just one (roll up door 1 and 2.jpg), but TWO (count ‘em…2) roll-up doors in the A-E drive. The one titled “overhead door.jpg” is taken inside the building, PROVING that it’s not just outside that they have roll-up garage type doors there. The fourth picture, AE drive.jpg, is where the punch out hole was.

Here I must thank Pinch for catapulting me into the first-ranks of Pentagon researchers, like Craig Ranke, and his CIT buddy Aldo Marquis. I bet they don't have an updated picture of the repaired "punch-out hole." Pinch again:
Now that little foolishness of yours regarding roll-up doors is put to bed, let’s move on to other parts of your email.

When I first moved up to the northern VA area, the Navy reserve unit I was assigned to was in Atlanta, GA. A reserve buddy of mine recruited me to come work on a program he had here in Crystal City, so I moved my kids and me up here in late 1999. He also had me transferred to his command that eh was in charge of – you got it, the Navy Command Center in the Pentagon. I served, in a reserve capacity with that unit, for nearly all of the year 2000. As such, I am familiar with and had seen the spaces that were hit by the aircraft on Sept 11th. I had been gone from the unit for nearly a year by the time 9/11 came around, but I was still familiar with everything that transpired.

So when you talk to me about the Navy Command Center (NCC), you aren’t talking to someone who had just read about it or seen pictures or graphics of it like yourself. Of course there is no roll-up door to the Command Center. However, there are roll up doors in a dozen or more other places all along the A-E drive, along with loading docks, recycle and garbage bins, and all the other usual detritus of an office building. The actual size that made up the NCC that bordered on the outside wall was only a small part of the 580 foot length of the inner wall of the C wing.
OK, let's repeat what Pinch says:

"Of course there is no roll-up door to the Command Center."

"The actual size that made up the NCC that bordered on the outside wall was only a small part of the 580 foot length of the inner wall of the C wing."

But all one needs to do is compare the following three images--the aerial view of the full affected length of the A&E Drive, or the view showing all three blast exits, starting from the "single door," through the "roll-up door," to the "punch out hole," correlated with the diagram of the first-floor of the Pentagon, to see that the "roll-up door" that Pinch is referring to is IN FACT dead center in the Navy Command Center!

Actually, it is quite easy to locate the so-called "roll-up door" directly to the right of a single--unaffected--door which is indicated on the diagram of the NCC as a narrow hall with steps. The "single door" which has been blasted outwards is indicated on the plan as entering a large room in the corner of the NCC.

But now things begin to be extremely problematic with Pinch's story. He says, and I repeat, "When I first moved up to the northern VA area, the Navy reserve unit I was assigned to was in Atlanta, GA. A reserve buddy of mine recruited me to come work on a program he had here in Crystal City, so I moved my kids and me up here in late 1999. He also had me transferred to his command that eh was in charge of – you got it, the Navy Command Center in the Pentagon. I served, in a reserve capacity with that unit, for nearly all of the year 2000. As such, I am familiar with and had seen the spaces that were hit by the aircraft on Sept 11th. I had been gone from the unit for nearly a year by the time 9/11 came around, but I was still familiar with everything that transpired."

Unfortunately, the spaces he says he is familiar with weren't occupied until March of 2001, several months after he left his gig with the commander of the Navy Command Center.

On March 14, 2001, a key turn over ceremony was held to commemorate the first Navy tenants to move into Wedge 1.

Pinch is careful not to say he actually worked in the part of the Pentagon struck on 9-11. He says he was under the command of the commander of the NCC, but he doesn't say who he or she is or where he physically was deployed.

At this point, before I continue with Pinch's email, I think it fair to say that either Pinch is deeply confused about the details of his NCC deployment or he is an outright liar. His "roll-up door" is centered directly within the territory of the NCC and, apparently, security was very lax if he was allowed tours in a construction zone being outfitted for some of the most sensitive work in the Navy. Pinch goes on:

Your blog post of the “missile batteries” being built in the cloverleaf was what necessitated the opening question about Soviet photographic intelligence. To make that leap, to see construction going on, in a cloverleaf no less (!) and jumping the shark to call that a missile installation construction is why I simply have to add you into the category of “moonbat”. That construction in the photo was a new access for delivery trucks and construction materiel that included a covered secure search facility. I worked in the building during that time and parked in the South Parking quite often.

I guess Pinch doesn't know what I was talking about in the photograph. Here it is again.

The Remote Delivery Facility (RDF) is to the north of the Pentagon. I am speaking about construction taking place near the underpass where Route 27 (Washington Blvd) goes over Columbia Pike (which terminates in South Parking.) Maybe I should go work for the Soviets. Pinch goes on:

And I don’t know how to tell you that what you think you see in that E-ring collapse photo is absolutely not “artillery shells” I was the one that called them 8-inch shells – know how I got that? I did a Yahoo search for “howitzer”, went to an Army artillery weapons museum page, found a big ass gun, and voila – 8” shell. Your comment of “back-handed confirmation” is also hilarious. You really need to get a better grasp on sarcasm in a post when you see it because that was all that the “painted shells” was. Artillery shell casings are *never* painted. Ever. It would present an incredible fire hazard with the heat generated at ignition and firing. You won’t want a flaming shell casing ejected in the midst of your firing crew and the other ordnance sitting around.

The comment about painted shells was left by somebody named Byron Audler over at Instapinch. He said, "BTW, I’ve seen lots of pictures of fired artillery rounds. The shell casings aren’t normally still painted. And the casings were NEVER anywhere near the explosion: the cannon-cockers are too good at what they do to have that happen." Pinch continues:

And for your information, it is not up to me to disprove anything. You have no proof other than your own fervent imagination that these were “artillery shells”. The onus is on you to prove that a) there were buried howitzers in the ground (do you have any idea of the firing mechanics of a weapon like that? How it would operate from a buried position?) b) there is some sort of – ANYTHING – AT ALL – historical record of this sort of defense c) ANY historical record ANYWHERE of ANY building self-defense system – and that includes missiles or any sort of fired projectile. I’ll save you some time – there aren’t any. The Pentagon’s “defenses” lay in its location, pure and simple.

“Exotic weaponry” – let’s just say that whatever I said about Judy Wood in my blog applies to you, as well, if you want to bring that up. I always ask if we were using such effective “exotic weaponry” on ourselves at the Pentagon or the WTC, why the hell aren’t we using it in Iraq? Nobody can seem to answer that.
Tell me what the following five images depicted Pinch old man!

The rest of Pinch's email is just drivel. The Pentagon exerted complete control over the roadways surrounding it. No one had a view of the impact area except for who the Pentagon wanted to. That means the entirety (well, almost) of the eyewitness record is fabricated with plants and shills lying out of some sort of misguided patriotism or craven self-interest.
I am resistant to all of your “points” because they make no sense and are bullshit – pure and simple. And you do yourself a huge disfavor by lumping ME and other military professionals into some sort of group-think environment. If you had ever been in a tactical jet flying off carriers, you would know that the vast majority of our decision making is done on our own.

It is also quiet apparent that you subscribe to that (again, and I overuse it but it is so apropos – hilarious) notion that all this happened in a vacuum and that NOBODY was around to see anything. When you state that you think it was possible some sort of weapon was fired from the cloverleaf – seriously, Steve, *think about this*. Washington Boulevard was full of traffic that morning. The were probably also cars ON that cloverleaf. There were another couple of thousand or whatever it was on 395. Don’t you think that SOMEONE – ANYONE - AT LEAST 1 person would have been resistant to the forget-it drug secretly fed to all those people by the Bush Evil Cabal (how they were all identified, I don’t know) and would have come forth by now, stating that they SAW all this stuff? I have absolutely (let me say that word again – ABSOLUTELY) no problem with your hatred of George Bush. Fine. Dandy. Bully! I have my own problems with some of what he’s done – I hated his immigration position, I think he’s too polite with the liberal assholes in congress (especially in this, his last year – he should tell them what Sarkosi told that idiot “Get lost, dumbass!”), I think he’s been weak in a number of areas. But when you make up shit from these photos you so eagerly pour over and imagine crap that isn’t there based on a mind made ill by such a severe case of Bush Derangement Syndrome, that is where the bullshit flag flies.

I have a deep-seated bent to want to like and respect William "Pinch" Paisley and others like him. I've given him every chance to express himself and his point of view only to see him dig himself in deeper and deeper into a miasma of lies and distortions. Who do these military figures take the American people for? Fools? Everybody connected with this enterprise in the government and the military are second-rate no-shows who couldn't pass muster in the new world order if their asses were on fire. The Disneyification of national intelligence came a few years too late. My cracked sixth sense was utilized in support of the Constitution of the United States of America. Men like Pinch are traitors to that cause. Sorry to be the one to tell you guys.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Do the Ingersoll Shots Depict Spent Munitions?

Subtitle: "For the record, I am a 0938 time of impact kind of guy."

A recent email exchange with a military man, William Paisley, (he's the Oh-niner-38 kind of guy,) inspired me to reexamine an important finding of mine: whether or not three shots taken by Marine Corporal Jason Ingersoll depict spent artillery shells lying in the muddy foreground before a damaged and collapsed Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

Mr Paisley posts over at his Instapinch blogsite and it was his sardonic discovery of my Pentagon work that led to our back and forth. As a former Navy flier, Mr. Paisley says he is experienced in high explosives and that what we see depicted in the Ingersoll shots is definitely not what I claim it to be.

To judge for yourselves it is best to go to the official government site to see the images in the highest resolution possible. The best way to get there is to go to and put in the search term Ingersoll.

Two images will come up:

seen here:
and a glancing view here at:
seen here:
another significant view is DM-SD-02-03911, which is no longer current in the government archives but a copy is here:

In any of these images, click on the expanded view and scroll down to the lower right-hand corner. There you'll see what I take to be spent high-explosive casings but what Mr. Paisley contends are rolls of roofing-tar paper, or some other kind of rolled construction material.

I've taken the liberty of blowing up the bottom right corner to enlarge the area.

Truth be told, I have zero background in munitions or high-explosives. But after ruling out construction materials as an explanation, my gut instinct told me these were recently exploded ordinances of some kind. The only collaborating evidence I found on the web was an antique example from a forestry archive at Yale University. It nonetheless provided me with some verification as to the scale and mass of a high-explosive shell.

I contend that the rounds were fired off from within the buried rectangular metal vaults we see in the foreground of the photographs. These would have been antiquated but still functioning defense systems at the time in 2001, I should think. The actual mechanics of firing off cannon are also not in my area of expertise. Several commenters at the Instapinch blog raise interesting objections to my theory. One states that used shells wouldn't be found within the blast area. It is difficult to estimate how far removed from the building these buried defenses were. The photographic record of 9-11 is distorted in its entirety by special lens meant to affect depth perception. Using the following unmeasured plan as a guide, I recall that the distance between the outer line of columns at the Pentagon was said to be approximately ten feet. If that is true, the buried vaults could be as much as sixty feet away from the facade of the building. Whether this distance is far enough away to fire ordinances into an already opened wound is a question to be answered. Two other commenters at Instapinch provided me with a sort of back-handed verification. One described the shells sarcastically as eight-inch rounds. This was helpful because I didn't know if caliper was measured by the inner diameter or the outer. Another poster said that the paint is "usually" not still found on the shells after firing. This was helpful as apparently they are painted at least before.

"Pinch" as Mr. Paisley is called (The men at Instapinch have already given me nicknames too: boy, and steve-oh are their terms of endearment for me. At least I hope they are affectionate.) found my concept of missile defense at the Pentagon absolutely hilarious. He couldn't get over my naiveté! Especially when I told him about the following image, in which it appears the Pentagon is installing similar buried rectangular defenses in the cloverleaf of Route 27 and Columbia Drive, over by South Parking.

(Not to mention, in Arlington National Cemetery.)

Pinch also insists that there was a roll-up door from the A&E Drive into the Navy Command Center that was blown out by the force of an airplane crash and subsequent fire. Since I tend to doubt this contention, I also doubt Pinch's assertion about the exploded ordinances. I'm sure he's a great guy and I don't mean to expunge his credibility in all matters but I would like the larger military community to weigh in on the matter. If I'm wrong about this, I'm sure I'll start catching on pretty quick once the information starts being vetted in a public forum. And if I am wrong, I'm going to owe an awful lot of people an apology--especially Pinch. He'll have to settle for a steak dinner and my sincerity then.

Oh, by the way, I'm a 0920 kind a guy. Can I buy you a drink?

Modular Propelling Charges

might be the technical name for the debris we see out front of the Pentagon of September 11th, 2001.