There always was something fishy about the Pentagon ground-floor deck slab following the attack of 9-11; where evidently, a 757-jetliner was flown absolutely level into the first floor of the building without so much as nicking the poured concrete foundation. Even after journeying 300 feet in, with enough explosive energy to punch holes through thick masonry walls (while also deflecting the second-floor slab upward along the way,) the deck was left immaculate enough to roller skate on.

We are told that only a partial basement exists under the Pentagon. One official page, says "the Mall and River sides of the building have a Basement area which includes a partial Mezzanine." A page from the Pentagon Renovation & Construction Program Office Project says, "Basement and Mezzanine levels exist under three fifths of the Pentagon," although in a graphic published on another page, I'd say it looks more like two-fifths.

And it would seem odd that on a sloping site, "...situated between a large man-made lagoon...[and] the highlands of Arlington National Cemetery," planners would have chosen to build a partial basement on the low, boggy side, especially since a history of its original construction tells us, "[t]he decision to move the Pentagon downstream from its planned location placed it within the flood plain of the Potomac River."

Well, we can thank the military historian, Barbara Honegger, for clearing up the space-planning mystery at least. In a piece she published in September 2006 called, The Pentagon Attack Papers: Seven Hours in September: The Clocks that Broke the Lie, she informs us of a previously undisclosed underground facility:
"Immediately after the second WTC tower was struck at 9:03 am, Andrews and his aide left his office and ran as fast as they could down to the Secretary of Defense’s West section basement Counter-Terrorism Center (CTC), beneath the ground-level location of the violent event in the building."
So in another of the endless string of ironies that mark the official story as an absurdity, the inexperienced pilot who was consumed by his suicidal Muslim ideology, crashed his hijacked craft onto the very epicenter of any putative American response to his terrorist act.
Since the crash of Flight 93 was nothing but a hole; and in New York City, it was key the bathtub remain hole free, the absence of any evidence for a downward angle of attack at the Pentagon must be forgiven. Perhaps 9-11 was meant to serve as an exhibition of both total offensive and defensive supremacy.
Supposedly, the following graphic was suppressed from the ASCE report as being too revealing of state secrets. It is in such a low resolution we can only infer the relevant information anyway--I'm guessing it reads that the second floor slab was 14-feet, one-inch above the first. That is the narrow gate between which all the passenger's bodies are said to have passed--if not the contents of their overhead compartments.

The following two historical images of Pentagon construction reveal a truth about a matter where lies have always been omnipresent. The Pentagon's Svengali, the War Department’s Chief of Construction, Brigadier General Brehon B. Somervell, doubled the size of his edifice against a resistant FDR, going from three stories above ground, to four, and eventually to five. God only knows what lies beneath it.

What I have spotted is yet more signs of Pentagon Renovation thievery. This page and this one, have an extensive discussion on the basements and their utilizations.
"The second phase of the Program involves the renovation of the Basement and Mezzanine, which started in September 1994. One third of the Basement has been renovated with many areas now occupied. The original basement slab was lowered in order to accommodate an entirely new level between the basement and the first floor. When completed, this new Mezzanine level will add close to 320,000 square feet of office space to the Pentagon."By March 2000, Segment 1 has been renovated and was occupied by 1,200 Air Force personnel along with a new DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic. Segments 2 and 3 had been demolished and abated of all hazardous materials by October 2000. But is lowering the concrete slab and doing such fundamental structural and waterproofing work considered part of demolition?
Apparently not. In a page called Navy Build-out 2A1 devoted to the relocation of the destroyed Navy Command Center, which is variously described as being 25,000 or 30,000-square-feet in size, the company that was awarded the contract on September 25, 2001,
"Gilford is currently saw cutting the floor slab for installation of helical piers, a new ductbank and plumbing for future build-out. To date they have installed approximately 200 piles within the Navy space's concrete slab. Piles are placed in preparation for a new concrete slab that is to be poured on top of the existing slab. A new structural slab must be poured due to settlement of the existing slab over the years."
"Over 200 Helical screwed piles being installed through the existing slab on grade to support a new structural floor slab."The completion date was scheduled to be March 2003, with tenant move in expected in April 2003.
The entire Phoenix Project rebuilding was expected to be completed by November 2003, only seven months later!
19 months to relocate the Navy Command Center?!?!
Piers and slabs left undone for spaces the size of 25,000 square feet when the basement and underground areas had been the focus of the renovations for almost ten years?!?!

Add Gilford to the list of criminals who will have to pay the price for tyranny.
I'm starting to believe that what's buried in the clover-leaf is a giant magnet. Does that make any sense to physicists out there?
My thinking was that it was built on top of a starfort ( There are starforts all over the western world, at least. These "forts" often have geometric shapes like pentagons. They are part of earth's occulted history and likely related to a previous civilization on earth. I'm curious about what may be in starforts and in the earth generally, as well as real history; glimpses of which we can get also from things like underwater canals all over the earth (suggesting civilizations that existed when the sea level was different).
ReplyDeleteI was in the basement at the Joint Data Support Systms Center, room BE-685 in the late 1980s. It was just a bunch of main frame computers for the NMCC, WWMCCS, and SIOP. Next door was the Army Operations Center (another bunch of computer rooms), the Goal Post dinner/cafe and the famous purple water fountain. It wasn't fancy at all, rather nondescript hallways filled with discarded office furniture and trash awaiting pickup. I once found an old color computer monitor in a dumpster and brought it back and repaired it to use in my computer room. We used to have a smoke room in one of the basement type storage area. Sometimes you would see rats running along the wall. There were cameras everywhere and once the guards got a couple going nasty in the back of the smoke room on a pallet of computer paper!