Vexing alternate subtitle: Do you bring the principle to the understanding, or the understanding to the principle?
May 10, 1968, Ukiah Daily Journal, Page 6, Statement that will hopefully bring understanding to the principle, by Jim Jones…,

July 8, 1968, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 7, Ad, An Open Letter To Rev. Jones, His Family and His Church Members,

But who is stirring the drama pot here? Jim Jones and his 150 little Horace Greeley's haven't been in California but for three years. He's barely winterized the swimming pool yet. Now everybody's rumor mongering about six strange, made-up reasons (when I can think of a half-dozen more enticing ones,) which were supposed to be said behind his back anyway, and not center stage.
Such bounders. Just look how badly they handled Christmas that year!
December 20, 1968, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 3, The Bogue Family and Mrs. Stockton,

December 13, 1968, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Church group to play Santa to underprivileged children,

Handling 'Bi-Sexual' Passion, circa 1969
March 31, 1969, Ukiah Daily Journal, Minister reviled, threatened,

April 8, 1969, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Charges filed against Ukiah hair stylist,

"When my enemies stop hissing, I shall know that I am slipping."
--Maria Callas
April 11, 1969, Ukiah Daily Journal, 'Family speaks Sunday at Peoples Temple,
It's all so coded. Linda Amos claimed she was once a member of the Manson family and I believe her.
May 9, 1969, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 3, Peoples Temple selected for retreat, study,

What is a "unique social action ministry" to "create a training atmosphere for Christian stewardship and fellowship?" We're talking men, youths, and an indoor pool here.
July 3, 1969, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 11, Redwood Valley had unique ‘working’ church group, by Mike Williams,

Yep. It's the pool.
But look how nice Christmas is this year! Somebody changed PR agents!
December 16, 1969, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 3, Pastor's home is 'pet haven', by Mike Williams,
Almost a White Christmas, but not quite.
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