August 10, 1961, Village Voice, page 11, Mark Lane On Reform,
Assemblyman Mark Lane and Herbert Evans, Democratic candidate for the City Council, will speak on Reform Movement in This Year's Elections" at a meeting ...

August 30, 1961, New York Times, Mark Lane Struck by Beer Can; Patrolman Hurt in East Harlem,
Assemblyman Mark Lane was struck on the head by a beer can as he rode through East Harlem last night on his way to a political rally. Mrs. Franklin D...
December 22, 1961, New York Times, Campaigning Legislator; Mark Lane,
THE only member of the Legislature who is under a jail sentence is Mark Lane, the freshman Assemblyman from Manhattan's Tenth District. Man in the News ...
March 30, 1962, New York Times, Mark Lane's Case Dropped in Jackson, Hinds County Judge Russell Moore dismissed breach of peace charges today against Mark Lane, Manhattan Assemblyman, and Percy Sutton, New York ...
July 16, 1964, Village Voice, page 12, Mark Lane At Theatre,
Attorney Mark Lane, conductor of his own investigation of President Kennedy's assassination, says he will present the tape he refused to play for the Warren ...

October 7, 1964, Wall Street Journal, Themes and Variations: Mark Lane's Lecture,
The warren Commission's weighty tome is intended, among other things, to refute and stifle speculation about President Kennedy's assassination. A commentary on its immediate effect: One of the chief speculators was so anxious to be refuted he managed somehow to lay hands on the report early, and jumped the official release date two days in working it into his lectures.
March 31, 1967, World Journal Tribune, Mark Lane Flying High on Kennedy Shroud, by Bob Considine,

March 31, 1967, St. Joseph News-Press, page 6B, Considine Pans Mark Lane's Consultation With Garrison, by Bob Considine,

June 3, 1967, New York Times, page 18, The Screen: Mark Lane vs. the Warren Report; 'Rush to Judgment' at Carnegie Hall Cinema, by Bosley Crowther,
Interviews Contradict Official Findings, SINCE there is nothing in the film "Rush to Judgment" that hasn't already been revealed in the ...
June 9, 1968, Los Angeles Times, More Dissent by Mark Lane, by Stanton A. Coblentz,
Mark Lane's attack upon the Warren Report in his "Rush to Judgment" attracted international attention. BY A CITIZEN S DISSENT by ...
August 26, 1968, Evening Independent, Author Mark Lane On Open Mike'
Author Mark Lane On Open Mike' Dick Dyke Show
March 31, 1970, Hartford Courant, Mark Lane To Speak at UofH April 8,
Mark Lane To Speak at UofH April 8 Atty. Mark Lane will speak at the University of Hartford Physical Education Center April 8 at B:30 pm Lane, who practices ...
October 15, 1970, New York Times, House Panel Lists 'Radical' Speakers,
Charles Garry (2, 7). Carlton Goodlett (10). Dick Gregory (4). Deirdre Griswold ...Edward Keating (4). Paul Krassner (12). William Kunstler (6). Mark Lane (3).
January 14, 1971, Palm Beach Post, Where There's Trouble There's Also Mark Lane, by Garry Wills,
It was Mark Lane, the affliction of the afflicted — the worst part of being one of the world's victims today is that you are liable to find Lane sidling up beside or ...

February 26, 1971, Free Lance-Star, Editorial, page 4, Anything Goes,
... Review published a review of Mark Lane's book on war atrocities in Vietnam. ...similarly went behind the charge by attorney Charles Garry that 28 Black Pan ...

March 16, 1971, News-Dispatch, Op-Ed, Nation Drops Self-punishing Daggers, by Nick Thimmesch,
... employed a newsman's curiosity to question a charge by Charles Garry, the Pan ...Yet Mark Lane has been lionized by some journalists and has appeared on TV ...

August 22, 1971, New York Times, Mark Lane and 8 Arrested For Westmoreland Protest, Mark Lane, the author, and eight other persons were arrested on charges of disturbing the peace yesterday for staging a noisy antiwar protest at a motel where ...
April 17, 1975, Chicago Tribune, Mr. Garry, we finally gotcha!,
As author Mark Lane has indicated, the commissioner was trying to protect J. ...unavoidable conclusion is that the guilty party is attorney Charles Garry-the only ...
May 8, 1975, Milwaukee Journal, Congress Will Act, Mark Lane Claims,
Mark Lane, whose book, rush to Judgment," was the first critical account of the findings of the Warren Com mission, spent Wednesday in Milwaukee as part of his ...

September 25, 1977, Los Angeles Times, page W4, Mark Lane's questioning pen turns to King murder, by Grover Sales,
The political assassinations of the '60s continue to haunt America. A cynical public suspects itself ruled by a secret government given to cabal, intrigue and murder as policies of state. Last December, the Gallup Poll found only 11% believed Oswald was the lone assassin of President Kennedy, and only 18% be-...
Such notions were once written off as the paranoia of such "conspiracy cranks" as attorney Mark Lane, whose 1966 "Rush to Judgment" fired the opening salvo ...
October 15, 1970, New York Times, House Panel Lists 'Radical' Speakers,
Charles Garry (2, 7). Carlton Goodlett (10). Dick Gregory (4). Deirdre Griswold ...Edward Keating (4). Paul Krassner (12). William Kunstler (6). Mark Lane (3).
January 14, 1971, Palm Beach Post, Where There's Trouble There's Also Mark Lane, by Garry Wills,
It was Mark Lane, the affliction of the afflicted — the worst part of being one of the world's victims today is that you are liable to find Lane sidling up beside or ...
February 26, 1971, Free Lance-Star, Editorial, page 4, Anything Goes,
... Review published a review of Mark Lane's book on war atrocities in Vietnam. ...similarly went behind the charge by attorney Charles Garry that 28 Black Pan ...

March 16, 1971, News-Dispatch, Op-Ed, Nation Drops Self-punishing Daggers, by Nick Thimmesch,
... employed a newsman's curiosity to question a charge by Charles Garry, the Pan ...Yet Mark Lane has been lionized by some journalists and has appeared on TV ...

August 22, 1971, New York Times, Mark Lane and 8 Arrested For Westmoreland Protest, Mark Lane, the author, and eight other persons were arrested on charges of disturbing the peace yesterday for staging a noisy antiwar protest at a motel where ...
April 17, 1975, Chicago Tribune, Mr. Garry, we finally gotcha!,
As author Mark Lane has indicated, the commissioner was trying to protect J. ...unavoidable conclusion is that the guilty party is attorney Charles Garry-the only ...
May 8, 1975, Milwaukee Journal, Congress Will Act, Mark Lane Claims,
Mark Lane, whose book, rush to Judgment," was the first critical account of the findings of the Warren Com mission, spent Wednesday in Milwaukee as part of his ...

September 25, 1977, Los Angeles Times, page W4, Mark Lane's questioning pen turns to King murder, by Grover Sales,
The political assassinations of the '60s continue to haunt America. A cynical public suspects itself ruled by a secret government given to cabal, intrigue and murder as policies of state. Last December, the Gallup Poll found only 11% believed Oswald was the lone assassin of President Kennedy, and only 18% be-...
Such notions were once written off as the paranoia of such "conspiracy cranks" as attorney Mark Lane, whose 1966 "Rush to Judgment" fired the opening salvo ...
October 25, 1977, New York Times, James Earl Ray Wants Mark Lane To Replace His Tenth Lawyer,
October 25, 1977, The Daily Item, [Sumter, SC] AP, page 3A, Ray Wants To Fire Lawyer; Hire Mark Lane as Consul,
October 25, 1977, Observer-Reporter - AP, page D-4, Ray Wants Mark Lane As Lawyer,
October 25, 1977, New York Times, James Earl Ray Wants Mark Lane To Replace His Tenth Lawyer,
October 25, 1977, The Daily Item, [Sumter, SC] AP, page 3A, Ray Wants To Fire Lawyer; Hire Mark Lane as Consul,

October 25, 1977, Observer-Reporter - AP, page D-4, Ray Wants Mark Lane As Lawyer,

October 26, 1977, Herald-Journal, Ray Hires Mark Lane As Counsel,
—Controversial assassinations buff Mark Lane became James Earl Ray's new attorney Tues day, two days before Ray is scheduled to go on trial for escaping ...

April 3, 1978, Time Magazine, World: West Bank Crackdown, by Donald Neff, diigo,
November 19, 1978, Press-Courier - AP, Lawmaker, NBC News Team Said Killed in Guyana,
Also left behind after the shooting was Mark Lane, the lawyer 'representing ...legislative counsel to Ryan; Lane; Charles Garry, a lawyer; Richard Dwyer, ...

November 19, 1978, Victoria Advocate, page 1, Congressman, Others Slain In S. America,
Also left behind after the shooting was Mark Lane, the lawyer representing ...legislative counsel to Ryan; Lane; Charles Garry, a lawyer; Richard Dwyer, US ...

November 20, 1978, Evening Times, page 5, Over 300 Bodies Are Found In Sect Horror,
Nor was there any news of American civil rights lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry, both of whom were at the Jonestown settlement when Mr Ryan was shot.

November 20, 1978, Bryan Times, page 1, UPI, Mass suicide follows ambush,
November 20, 1978, Bryan Times, page 1, Friendship Brings Investigation,
Two lawyers .accompanying the party, Mark Lane and Charles Garry, stayed behind In Jonestown and were president Carter hailed Ryan for his attempts to ...

November 20, 1978, Deseret News, page 1, 400 Suicides Add To Grisly Massacre,
November 20, 1978, Deseret News, page 1, Brutal discipline cracked the image,
November 20, 1978, Deseret News, page 2, Lawyer says members used a 'tub of poison',
Mrs. Field-Ridley said lawyers Mark lane and Charles Garry were hi Georgetown and not in custody They had been at the settlement when the shooting incident.

November 20, 1979, Memphis Press-Scimitar, Letter From Mark Lane to Rep. Ryan Warned of 'Embarrassing Situation', by Orville Hancock and Clark Reid,

November 20, 1978, Memphis Press-Scimitar, Lane Threat Reported by Ryan Aide,

November 20, 1978, Memphis Press-Scimitar, Text of Mark Lane’s Letter to Rep Ryan,

November 20, 1978, Memphis Press-Scimitar, page 1, Memphian Mark Lane Recounts Mass Suicide Scene in Guyana, 400 Cultists Drink From Poison Tub,

November 20, 1978, Lakeland Ledger, Jonestown, [Blog]
The blade was at Ryan's throat when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long-time supporters, the weapon. The attacker was cut before he could ...
November 20, 1978, The Star-Phoenix, Thing Thought And Worse . [Blog]
The blade was at Ryan's when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long time supporters, grabbed the weapon. And Ryan's shirt with the attacker's ...
November 20, 1978, Mount Airy News, Following Ambush Killings .Over 400 Suicides Reported, [Blog]
Mrs. Field-Ridley said lawyers Mark lane and Charles Garry were in Georgetown and not in custody. They had been at the settlement when the shooting incident ...
November 20, 1978, Bangor Daily News, Congressman Prob, [Blog]
At least seven persons, including American attorney Mark Lane, had been ... he had Information that Lane and another Charles Garry, were alive in Jonestown.
November 20, 1978, Deseret News, Lawyer Says Members Used A 'Tub Of Poison', [Blog]
Guyana — Attorney Mark Lane said Monday a band of American ... fellow attorney Charles Garry away from the scene. Jones had sent me land away to the ...
November 20, 1978, Milwaukee Sentinel, 350 Believed Dead At Temple, [Blog]
Mark Lane, were listed as missing in the area of the attack, but a State Depart ...Charles Garry, were alive in the camp, known as Jonestown after Peoples ...
November 20, 1978, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 400 Reported Dead In Sect Mass Suicide After Guyana Raid I, [Blog]
Reston said two American lawyers, Mark Lane and Charles Garry, who were on the trip as counsel for sect founder Jim Jones, were unharmed and in Jonestown ...
November 20, 1978, The Windsor Star - Reuters, page 34, A hate-free society?

November 20, 1978, The Lewiston Evening Journal - AP, page 1, Hundreds of bodies are found at Guyana camp of Calif. sect where Cong. Ryan met death; Reportedly lined up for doses of poison, by Martin Merzer, AP Writer

November 20, 1978, The Windsor Star - AP, page 1, Mass suicide follows murders in Guyana; 300-400 bodies found,

November 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Cult Leader Kills Self,
Cult Leader Kills Self "We are all going to die now," attorney Mark Lane said a ...Lane and another American lawyer, Charles Garry, fled through the jungle ...
November 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Conspiracy Theorist Accompanied Ryan,
Attorney Mark Lane has pursued conspiracy theories throughout his career, ...Charles Garry, who has represented the Black Panthers and radical activist ...
November 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Two Dead NBC Men Were Survivors of Asian Battles,
This figure did not include Charles Garry and Mark Lane, believed to be Peoples Temple lawyers, who were reported in Jonestown, according to the State ...
November 20, 1978, Boston Globe, Rep. Ryan among 5 fatally shot,
... for the sect Mark Lane who has figured in controversies about the assassinations of President John Kennedy and Rev Martin Luther King Jr and Charles Garry ...
November 20, 1978, Spokane Daily Chronicle, Reporter Describes Killings In Guyana,
The blade was at Ryan's throat when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long-time supporters, grabbed the weapon. The attacker was cut be ...
November 20, 1978, Lewiston Evening Journal, Reporter Gives His Account Of Guyana Killings .
The blade was at Ryan's throat when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long-time supporters, grabbed the weapon The attacker was cut before ...
November 20, 1978, Lakeland Ledger, Suicide .
Lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry came to Guyana with Ryan to act as counsel for Jones. Lane, who had been reported missing for hours, was not harmed ...
November 20, 1978, Ellensburg Daily Record, Religious Fanatics Commit Suicide .
GEORGETOWN, Guyana Attorney Mark Lane said today a band of American ...had sent him and fellow attorney Charles Garry, away from the scene. Jones had ...
November 20, 1978, Palm Beach Post, From Pace .
The blade was at Ryan's throat when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long-time sup porters, grabbed the weapon. The attacker was cut before ...
November 20, 1978, Palm Beach Post, Cult .
Reston said two American lawyers, Mark Lane and Charles Garry, who were on the trip as counsel for sect founder Jim Jones, were unharmed and in Jonestown ...
November 20, 1978, Lewiston Daily Sun, Guyana Gov't Sends Troops To Site Where Congressman Killed, Including American attorney Mark Lane, had been listed as missing after the ... said In Washington he had Information that Lane and another Charles Garry, ...
November 20, 1978, Lodi News-Sentinel, Rep. Leo Ryan, 3 Newsmen Die In Ambush; Fanatics Kill...
... Sunday that two prominent U lawyers, Mark Lane and Charles Garry, were reported to be still at Jonestown mark Lane and Charles Garry, they stayed behind.
November 20, 1978, The Telegraph, Cultists-suicide — .
The State Department said late Sunday that two prominent US lawyers, Mark Lane and Charles Garry, were reported to be still at Jonestown. mark Lane and ...
November 21, 1978, Williamson Daily News, Doctor, Nurse Brewed Cyanide, Kool-aid Mixture For Suicides...
Mark Lane, controversial American lawyer who has defended James Earl Ray and other infamous clients, and another American lawyer, Charles Garry, fled ...
November 21, 1978, Montreal Gazette, Babies Died First In Ritual Suicide .
... 12 cult survivors yes including northwest the Guyanese capital Charles Garry, ... Garry and fellow lawyer Mark Lane had gone to Jonestown in a 18-member ...
November 21, 1978, Milwaukee Sentinel, Cult Chief, Family Led Suicides,
Two other members of the fact finding group, civil liberties lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry, had stayed behind in Jonestown. They escaped Into the ...
November 21, 1978, Youngstown Vindicator, 400 Dead In Suicides, Murders In Guyana Sect,
Mrs. Field-Ridley said lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry were in Georgetown and not in custody. They had been at the settlement when the shooting incident ...
November 21, 1978, Lodi News-Sentinel, Hundreds Die In Cultist Carnage .Rev. Jones Leads Death...
Mark Lane, an American lawyer who acted as counsel for the cult, told newsmen earlier ... Just before the suicide ceremony Lane said he and Charles Garry, ...
November 21, 1978, Herald-Journal, 409 American Religious Followers, Leader Dead .
American lawyer Mark Lane, who es caped from 'he jungle camp just before the mass ...told reporters of terrifying hours he and another attorney, Charles Garry, ...
November 21, 1978, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Hunt Is On For 500 To 900 Cultists .
American lawyer Mark Lane, who es caped from the jungle camp just before the mass ...told reporters of terrifying hours he and another attorney, Charles Garry, ...
November 21, 1978, The Age, The Town Of Evil .
The blade was at Ryan's throat when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long time supporters, grabbed the weapon. The attacker was cut before ...
November 21, 1978, The Age, Sect Suicide .
The People's Temple's two lawyers who had arrived with Mr. Ryan from San Francisco —prominent attorneys Mark Lane and Charles Garry — grappled with the ...
November 21, 1978, Sydney Morning Herald, Witness Tells Of Death T .If .At Jungle Airstrip .
Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones's lawyers and long-time supporters, grabbed the weapon. it was not for wouldn't be Mark Lane." Mr Ryan lived ...
November 21, 1978, Titusville Herald - AP, page 1, Lane Tells of Scene,

November 21, 1978, Washington Post - AP, Lawyer flees camp as 409 smiling, end lives as followers,

November 22, 1978, Milwaukee Journal, Few Cult Survivors Turn Up In Jungle,
In addition, there was screaming and shooting heard by lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry as they fled into the forest from Jones town when the killing ...
November 22, 1978, Sydney Morning Herald, page 1, Lawyers found,
Two members of Mr. Ryan's party, Mr Mark Lane and Mr Charles Garry, both lawyers, l had been held in the sect's camp since the attack at the airstrip.

November 23, 1978, Gadsden Times - AP, page 2 Death Of Cultists Just First Stage Attorney Says,
... Peoples Temple defectors for death, says attorney Mark Lane. only reason to ... Lane and Jones' other lawyer,Charles Garry, escaped the mass suicide and ...

November 23, 1978, Boston Globe, Lawyer says Ryan praised Jones cult,
... after leaving their jungle outpost, sect attorney Charles Garry said yesterday. ... who escaped from the camp with attorney Mark Lane said Jones had been ill ...
November 24, 1978, The Milwaukee Journal, page 1, Troops Find More Dead; Guyana Toll Nears 800, [Continued page 12]
... a long way from Jones town "Mark Lane, an attorney for the Peoples Temple, ...Lane, who escaped into the jungle with Charles Garry, another lawyer for the ...
November 24, 1978, Telegraph-Herald - UPI, page 2, Lawyer: 400 Still In Jungle,
Al though officials are now discounting such claims,Mark Lane, an attorney for ...Lane, who escaped into the jungle with Charles Garry, another lawyer for the ...
November 24, 1978, The Toledo Blade - Washington Post, page 4, Reality Suppressed, Knew Jonestown Conditions, Cult's Attorney Lane Admits, by Charles Krause,
GEORGETOWN, Guyana Mark Lane, the lawyer who ...For his part, Charles Garry, who served as general counsel to the Peoples ...

November 24, 1978, Beaver County [Pa.] Times - UPI, page A-10, Lawyer claims 400 still lost in jungle; Suicides termed mass murder, [Blog]
Al though officials arc now discounting such claims,Mark Lane, an attorney for ...Lane, who escaped into the jungle with Charles Garry, another lawyer for the ...
November 24, 1978, Bryan Times - UPI, page 3, Briefs,
SAN FRANCISCO — A still-bitter Charles Garry says he could have prevented the mass suicides at the Peoples Temple outpost in Guyana if attorney Mark Lane ...

November 24, 1978, Pittsburgh Press, Cult Suicide Toll Rises To 775 .
American lawyer Mark Lane, who es caped with Charles Garry, another law . for the cult, said more than 400 members of the commune fled into the jungle but ...
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, pages A1-A2, Lane Sensed Trouble At Cultists' Camp, by Charles A. Krause Washington Post Foreign Service;

November 24, 1978, St. Petersburg Times, page 1-A, Mark Lane knew more than he told about Jones, cult, by Charles A. Krause, Washington Post, [Continued See Lane 16-A]
Guyana — Mark Lane, the well-known conspiracy lawyer who represented the Peoples Temple and Rev. Jim Jones, knew a great deal more than he was willing ...

November 24, 1978, Washington Post - AP, Lane, Citing His Link to Cultists, Says His Life May Be in Danger,

November 25, 1978, Milwaukee Journal, page 23, Cult's Attorneys Argue Over Knowledge Of Suicide Drills,
Charles Garry, who survived a week end of murder and suicide In Guyana, says he ...Mark Lane knew of the weapons and suicide drills, but failed to tell him.

November 25, 1978, Lewiston Morning Tribune, page 6A Lawyer Says Suicides Didn't Have To Happen,
SAN FRANCISCO — Attorney Charles Garry, survivor of the Peoples Temple ... been able to avert the "holocaust" if Mark Lane, another lawyer for the temple, ...

November 25, 1978, Observer-Reporter, Holocaust Could Have Been Halted,
SAN FRANCISCO - Attorney Charles Garry, survivor of the Peoples Temple ... would have been able to avert the "holocaust" if Mark Lane another lawyer for the .

November 26, 1978, The Spokesman-Review – Washington Post, page H3, Lawyer hid 'real conditions', by Charles A. Krause,

November 27, 1978, Village Voice, Cult Politics Comes Of Age, by Alexander Cockburn and James Ridgeway,
Charles Garry, defender of the Black Panthers, and Mark Lane, the high priest of assassination conspiracies, end up representing the interests of a psychotic-' ...
November 27, 1978, New York Times, Sect Lawyer Explains Role In Custody Fight Over Boy, by Wallace Turner,

November 29, 1978, Palm Beach Post, page A8, Cult Survivors Returning Today,

November 29, 1978, Palm Beach Post, page A8, AP, Mark Lane Gets 'Gift' of Kool Aid,

November 29, 1978, Boston Globe, Jonestown question Mark Lane must answer,
WASHINGTON Mark Lane may have for the 1rst time in career that has ...Lane had been introduced to Jones by the cult s counsel Charles Garry and insisted on ...

November 29, 1978, Students peddle Kool-Aid to mock Lane,

November 29, 1978, Cult leader a genius Lane tells students, by Jennifer Hunter, Staff writer
Jonestown, the site of a ritual suicide by 900 people last. November, "was one of the great pioneering efforts made by..."

November 29, 1978, New York Times - AP, Mark Lane Fears He Is in Danger Because of Connection With Cult,
November 20, 1978, The Star-Phoenix, Thing Thought And Worse . [Blog]
The blade was at Ryan's when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long time supporters, grabbed the weapon. And Ryan's shirt with the attacker's ...
November 20, 1978, Mount Airy News, Following Ambush Killings .Over 400 Suicides Reported, [Blog]
Mrs. Field-Ridley said lawyers Mark lane and Charles Garry were in Georgetown and not in custody. They had been at the settlement when the shooting incident ...
November 20, 1978, Bangor Daily News, Congressman Prob, [Blog]
At least seven persons, including American attorney Mark Lane, had been ... he had Information that Lane and another Charles Garry, were alive in Jonestown.
November 20, 1978, Deseret News, Lawyer Says Members Used A 'Tub Of Poison', [Blog]
Guyana — Attorney Mark Lane said Monday a band of American ... fellow attorney Charles Garry away from the scene. Jones had sent me land away to the ...
November 20, 1978, Milwaukee Sentinel, 350 Believed Dead At Temple, [Blog]
Mark Lane, were listed as missing in the area of the attack, but a State Depart ...Charles Garry, were alive in the camp, known as Jonestown after Peoples ...
November 20, 1978, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 400 Reported Dead In Sect Mass Suicide After Guyana Raid I, [Blog]
Reston said two American lawyers, Mark Lane and Charles Garry, who were on the trip as counsel for sect founder Jim Jones, were unharmed and in Jonestown ...
November 20, 1978, The Windsor Star - Reuters, page 34, A hate-free society?

November 20, 1978, The Lewiston Evening Journal - AP, page 1, Hundreds of bodies are found at Guyana camp of Calif. sect where Cong. Ryan met death; Reportedly lined up for doses of poison, by Martin Merzer, AP Writer

November 20, 1978, The Windsor Star - AP, page 1, Mass suicide follows murders in Guyana; 300-400 bodies found,

November 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Cult Leader Kills Self,
Cult Leader Kills Self "We are all going to die now," attorney Mark Lane said a ...Lane and another American lawyer, Charles Garry, fled through the jungle ...
November 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Conspiracy Theorist Accompanied Ryan,
Attorney Mark Lane has pursued conspiracy theories throughout his career, ...Charles Garry, who has represented the Black Panthers and radical activist ...
November 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Two Dead NBC Men Were Survivors of Asian Battles,
This figure did not include Charles Garry and Mark Lane, believed to be Peoples Temple lawyers, who were reported in Jonestown, according to the State ...
November 20, 1978, Boston Globe, Rep. Ryan among 5 fatally shot,
... for the sect Mark Lane who has figured in controversies about the assassinations of President John Kennedy and Rev Martin Luther King Jr and Charles Garry ...
November 20, 1978, Spokane Daily Chronicle, Reporter Describes Killings In Guyana,
The blade was at Ryan's throat when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long-time supporters, grabbed the weapon. The attacker was cut be ...
November 20, 1978, Lewiston Evening Journal, Reporter Gives His Account Of Guyana Killings .
The blade was at Ryan's throat when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long-time supporters, grabbed the weapon The attacker was cut before ...
November 20, 1978, Lakeland Ledger, Suicide .
Lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry came to Guyana with Ryan to act as counsel for Jones. Lane, who had been reported missing for hours, was not harmed ...
November 20, 1978, Ellensburg Daily Record, Religious Fanatics Commit Suicide .
GEORGETOWN, Guyana Attorney Mark Lane said today a band of American ...had sent him and fellow attorney Charles Garry, away from the scene. Jones had ...
November 20, 1978, Palm Beach Post, From Pace .
The blade was at Ryan's throat when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long-time sup porters, grabbed the weapon. The attacker was cut before ...
November 20, 1978, Palm Beach Post, Cult .
Reston said two American lawyers, Mark Lane and Charles Garry, who were on the trip as counsel for sect founder Jim Jones, were unharmed and in Jonestown ...
November 20, 1978, Lewiston Daily Sun, Guyana Gov't Sends Troops To Site Where Congressman Killed, Including American attorney Mark Lane, had been listed as missing after the ... said In Washington he had Information that Lane and another Charles Garry, ...
November 20, 1978, Lodi News-Sentinel, Rep. Leo Ryan, 3 Newsmen Die In Ambush; Fanatics Kill...
... Sunday that two prominent U lawyers, Mark Lane and Charles Garry, were reported to be still at Jonestown mark Lane and Charles Garry, they stayed behind.
November 20, 1978, The Telegraph, Cultists-suicide — .
The State Department said late Sunday that two prominent US lawyers, Mark Lane and Charles Garry, were reported to be still at Jonestown. mark Lane and ...
November 21, 1978, Williamson Daily News, Doctor, Nurse Brewed Cyanide, Kool-aid Mixture For Suicides...
Mark Lane, controversial American lawyer who has defended James Earl Ray and other infamous clients, and another American lawyer, Charles Garry, fled ...
November 21, 1978, Montreal Gazette, Babies Died First In Ritual Suicide .
... 12 cult survivors yes including northwest the Guyanese capital Charles Garry, ... Garry and fellow lawyer Mark Lane had gone to Jonestown in a 18-member ...
November 21, 1978, Milwaukee Sentinel, Cult Chief, Family Led Suicides,
Two other members of the fact finding group, civil liberties lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry, had stayed behind in Jonestown. They escaped Into the ...
November 21, 1978, Youngstown Vindicator, 400 Dead In Suicides, Murders In Guyana Sect,
Mrs. Field-Ridley said lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry were in Georgetown and not in custody. They had been at the settlement when the shooting incident ...
November 21, 1978, Lodi News-Sentinel, Hundreds Die In Cultist Carnage .Rev. Jones Leads Death...
Mark Lane, an American lawyer who acted as counsel for the cult, told newsmen earlier ... Just before the suicide ceremony Lane said he and Charles Garry, ...
November 21, 1978, Herald-Journal, 409 American Religious Followers, Leader Dead .
American lawyer Mark Lane, who es caped from 'he jungle camp just before the mass ...told reporters of terrifying hours he and another attorney, Charles Garry, ...
November 21, 1978, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Hunt Is On For 500 To 900 Cultists .
American lawyer Mark Lane, who es caped from the jungle camp just before the mass ...told reporters of terrifying hours he and another attorney, Charles Garry, ...
November 21, 1978, The Age, The Town Of Evil .
The blade was at Ryan's throat when Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones' lawyers and long time supporters, grabbed the weapon. The attacker was cut before ...
November 21, 1978, The Age, Sect Suicide .
The People's Temple's two lawyers who had arrived with Mr. Ryan from San Francisco —prominent attorneys Mark Lane and Charles Garry — grappled with the ...
November 21, 1978, Sydney Morning Herald, Witness Tells Of Death T .If .At Jungle Airstrip .
Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Jones's lawyers and long-time supporters, grabbed the weapon. it was not for wouldn't be Mark Lane." Mr Ryan lived ...
November 21, 1978, Titusville Herald - AP, page 1, Lane Tells of Scene,

November 21, 1978, Washington Post - AP, Lawyer flees camp as 409 smiling, end lives as followers,

November 22, 1978, Milwaukee Journal, Few Cult Survivors Turn Up In Jungle,
In addition, there was screaming and shooting heard by lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry as they fled into the forest from Jones town when the killing ...
November 22, 1978, Sydney Morning Herald, page 1, Lawyers found,
Two members of Mr. Ryan's party, Mr Mark Lane and Mr Charles Garry, both lawyers, l had been held in the sect's camp since the attack at the airstrip.

November 23, 1978, Gadsden Times - AP, page 2 Death Of Cultists Just First Stage Attorney Says,
... Peoples Temple defectors for death, says attorney Mark Lane. only reason to ... Lane and Jones' other lawyer,Charles Garry, escaped the mass suicide and ...

November 23, 1978, Boston Globe, Lawyer says Ryan praised Jones cult,
... after leaving their jungle outpost, sect attorney Charles Garry said yesterday. ... who escaped from the camp with attorney Mark Lane said Jones had been ill ...

November 24, 1978, The Milwaukee Journal, page 1, Troops Find More Dead; Guyana Toll Nears 800, [Continued page 12]
... a long way from Jones town "Mark Lane, an attorney for the Peoples Temple, ...Lane, who escaped into the jungle with Charles Garry, another lawyer for the ...
November 24, 1978, Telegraph-Herald - UPI, page 2, Lawyer: 400 Still In Jungle,
Al though officials are now discounting such claims,Mark Lane, an attorney for ...Lane, who escaped into the jungle with Charles Garry, another lawyer for the ...
November 24, 1978, The Toledo Blade - Washington Post, page 4, Reality Suppressed, Knew Jonestown Conditions, Cult's Attorney Lane Admits, by Charles Krause,
GEORGETOWN, Guyana Mark Lane, the lawyer who ...For his part, Charles Garry, who served as general counsel to the Peoples ...
November 24, 1978, Beaver County [Pa.] Times - UPI, page A-10, Lawyer claims 400 still lost in jungle; Suicides termed mass murder, [Blog]
Al though officials arc now discounting such claims,Mark Lane, an attorney for ...Lane, who escaped into the jungle with Charles Garry, another lawyer for the ...
November 24, 1978, Bryan Times - UPI, page 3, Briefs,
SAN FRANCISCO — A still-bitter Charles Garry says he could have prevented the mass suicides at the Peoples Temple outpost in Guyana if attorney Mark Lane ...

November 24, 1978, Pittsburgh Press, Cult Suicide Toll Rises To 775 .
American lawyer Mark Lane, who es caped with Charles Garry, another law . for the cult, said more than 400 members of the commune fled into the jungle but ...
November 24, 1978, The Washington Post, pages A1-A2, Lane Sensed Trouble At Cultists' Camp, by Charles A. Krause Washington Post Foreign Service;

November 24, 1978, St. Petersburg Times, page 1-A, Mark Lane knew more than he told about Jones, cult, by Charles A. Krause, Washington Post, [Continued See Lane 16-A]
Guyana — Mark Lane, the well-known conspiracy lawyer who represented the Peoples Temple and Rev. Jim Jones, knew a great deal more than he was willing ...

November 24, 1978, Washington Post - AP, Lane, Citing His Link to Cultists, Says His Life May Be in Danger,

November 25, 1978, Milwaukee Journal, page 23, Cult's Attorneys Argue Over Knowledge Of Suicide Drills,
Charles Garry, who survived a week end of murder and suicide In Guyana, says he ...Mark Lane knew of the weapons and suicide drills, but failed to tell him.
November 25, 1978, Lewiston Morning Tribune, page 6A Lawyer Says Suicides Didn't Have To Happen,
SAN FRANCISCO — Attorney Charles Garry, survivor of the Peoples Temple ... been able to avert the "holocaust" if Mark Lane, another lawyer for the temple, ...
November 25, 1978, Observer-Reporter, Holocaust Could Have Been Halted,
SAN FRANCISCO - Attorney Charles Garry, survivor of the Peoples Temple ... would have been able to avert the "holocaust" if Mark Lane another lawyer for the .

November 26, 1978, The Spokesman-Review – Washington Post, page H3, Lawyer hid 'real conditions', by Charles A. Krause,

November 27, 1978, Village Voice, Cult Politics Comes Of Age, by Alexander Cockburn and James Ridgeway,
Charles Garry, defender of the Black Panthers, and Mark Lane, the high priest of assassination conspiracies, end up representing the interests of a psychotic-' ...
November 27, 1978, New York Times, Sect Lawyer Explains Role In Custody Fight Over Boy, by Wallace Turner,

November 29, 1978, Palm Beach Post, page A8, Cult Survivors Returning Today,

November 29, 1978, Palm Beach Post, page A8, AP, Mark Lane Gets 'Gift' of Kool Aid,

November 29, 1978, Boston Globe, Jonestown question Mark Lane must answer,
WASHINGTON Mark Lane may have for the 1rst time in career that has ...Lane had been introduced to Jones by the cult s counsel Charles Garry and insisted on ...

November 29, 1978, Students peddle Kool-Aid to mock Lane,

November 29, 1978, Cult leader a genius Lane tells students, by Jennifer Hunter, Staff writer
Jonestown, the site of a ritual suicide by 900 people last. November, "was one of the great pioneering efforts made by..."

November 29, 1978, New York Times - AP, Mark Lane Fears He Is in Danger Because of Connection With Cult,

November 29, 1978, St. Petersburg Times, Mark Lane Saw A Conspiracy As Usual, by Mary McGrory, Washington Star,
Mark Lane may have, for the first time in a career that has earned him the ... Lane had been introduced to Jones by the cult's counsel, Charles Garry,

November 29, 1978, Toledo Blade, page 22, Op-Ed, Mark Lane's Conduct Merits Bar Scrutiny, by Mary McGrory,
November 30, 1978, The Fredericks Post - AP, Master murder plan revealed,

December 1, 1978, New York Times, Most Companies Drop Insurance Of Properties of People's...
... 31 million for losses caused Dy tire, theft, vandalism' and liability,Charles Garry, ... sect, Mark Lane, has mentioned the possible existence of such accounts.
December 2, 1978, Youngstown Vindicator, About Jonestown .What Did Lane Know?, by Mary McGrory,
Mark Lane is still a member of the bar. ... Charles Garry, who es caped with Lane, is now saying that if Lane had told him what he knew, the horror might have ...

December 4, 1978, Lakeland Ledger – WaPo, page A-1, Reporters Urged: Get Show Moving, by Charles A. Krause and Laurence Stern, (Second of a Series) [Text]
And how finally, with the arrival of the temple's attorneys, Mark Lane and Charles Garry, Ryan decided to fly, uninvited, to Jonestown despite threats and ...
December 4, 1978, Calgary Herald - New York Times, page D14, Days after the deaths; Hit squad paranoia rampant,
December 4, 1978, Calgary Herald - New York Times, page D14, Battle for fortune Jones left begins; Byzantine secret banking network holds more than $10 million; Aide, by Robert Lindsey,

December 4, 1978, Calgary Herald, page B-3, Suicide sect – part II, Tedium turns to tension as group heads into jungle, by Charles Krause and Laurence Stern,

December 4, 1978, Calgary Herald - AP, page D14, Pilot won't fly Temple members back to U.S.,
December 4, 1978, Ocala Star-Banner, page 4A, Marxist Roots Of Jonestown Madness, by Pat Buchanan, The attorneys he chose to defend Peoples Temple from alleged government harassment, Charles Garry and Mark Lane, are both apologists and customary ...

December 5, 1978, The Washington Post, page A-21, Mark Lane, Again, by Nick Thimmesch,

December 5, 1978, Los Angeles Times, page A-1, Peoples Temple Paid Fee to Lane; Lawyer Was to launch Offensives at 'Enemies', by Henry Weinstein and Robert Scheer,

December 5, 1978, Lakeland Ledger – Washington Post, page A-1, Jonestown Visitor Saw Little Evil, by Charles Krause and Laurence Stern, [Text]
Mark Lane and Charles Garry were seated across the table talking to a man in his forties, who wore a red sports shirt and glasses and had jet black hair. He sat ...
December 5, 1978, The Calgary Herald - Universal Press Syndicate, page G1, Suicide sect Part III: The Meeting With Father Jim Jones Of Jonestown, by Charles Krause,
He asked my name and when I told him, he smiled.mark Lane told us about you.... Mark Lane and Charles Garry were seated across the table talking to a man ...
December 6, 1978, Palm Beach Post, page A13, Morality And Mark Lane, by Anthony Lewis,
But there is one reassuringly familiar element in the story: the presence of Mark Lane. Lane is -the lawyer-publicist who has operated as chief ghoul of American ...

December 8, 1978, Palm Beach Post, Hearings Today on Ryan Slayings,
... witnesses are expected to include members of the temple in San Francisco and defectors, as well as two attorneys for the temple, Charles Garry and Mark Lane.
December 8, 1978, Sarasota Herald-Tribune - UPI, Federal Probe Into Ryan Slaying Begins Today, by Donald B. Thackrey,
... as well as two attorneys for the temple, Charles Garry and Mark Lane, who were at Jonestown when Ryan was shot and killed along with four other persons.

December 8, 1978, New York Times, Memo Discusses Smuggling Witness into Guyana; Testimony Found to Be Useless Controversy on Lane's Role; Questions About Warnings, by Nicholas M. Horrack,
December 8, 1978, New York Times, Lane Wrote Cult Might Depart Guyana to Hurt U.S.,

December 9, 1978, Knoxville News-Sentinel, Lane Tried To Smuggle Woman Into Jonestown, Memo Says, by Clark Reid,

December 9, 1978, Youngstown Vindicator, page 5, The Suicide Cult Part III, Jones Screams For Mother Amid Bloodbath,
Suddenly we heard a commotion in the pavilion where we - had left Congressman Leo Ryan and the two lawyers, Mark Lane and Charles Garry. A cheer rang ...
December 9, 1978, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - AP, page 7, Survivors Of Cult Suicide Testify Before Ryan Probe .
They said nothing, and Peoples Temple attorney Charles Garry, who accompanied them ... a number of defectors from the cult and Temple attorney Mark Lane.
December 9, 1978, Palm Beach Post, page A13, Survivors Of Temple Testify To Jury Probing Murders,
They said nothing, and Peoples Temple attorney Charles Garry, who ... to subpoena a number of defectors from the cult and Temple attorney Mark Lane.

December 9, 1978, Memphis Press-Scimitar, page 1, Temple Memo Says Lane Sought Guyana Refuge for Miss Walden, by Clark Reid,

December 11, 1978, Southeast Missourian, page 18, Attorneys,
Attorneys . Attorneys . Mark Lane, above, is the lawyer who accompanied the Ryan party to Jonestown. At left is Charles Garry. People's Temple lawyer.

December 11, 1978, Southeast Missourian, page 1, Airport massacre, mass suicide, by Ron Javers, [Cont. page 18, Cult]

December 11, 1978, Deseret News, Jonestown Exit Not Fast Enough, Conclusion, by Ron Javers,
Suddenly we heard a commotion in the pavilion whore we had left Congressman Leo Ryan and the two lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry. A cheer rang ...

December 12, 1978, Memphis Press-Scimitar, page 10, TV News and Views; Special Eyes Guyana Tragedy, by Mary Ann Lee,

December 14, 1978, The Windsor Star, page 39, Jonestown massacre left behind; Pair flees into unknown jungle terrors, by Mark Lane, Special to The Star, Part Four; A night of terror in the jungle, [Cont. page 45, Jungle held new peril for fleeing pair]

Magistrate Krishna Veni Shinta
Coroner Haroon Bacchus
Chief defense attorney Rex McKay.
Prosecutor Nandram Kissoon.
December 14, 1978, The Montreal Gazette - UPI, Cult survivor says doctor was a sadist,

Dr. Lawrence Schacht, of Houston, TX,
Leslie Wilson, 21, and her son, Jakari, 3,
Wilson's mother-in-law, Ann Freeland, of Monmouth County, NJ, who lost 11 relatives, including her son, two sisters, and several nieces and nephews.
"Wilson said a group of approximately 11 people called Clark 'Moses' because he led them out of the community."
"But two weeks before the fatal visit of Rep. Leo Ryan, she began expressing her displeasure to Clark's wife at the medical department where they both worked."
"Her 24-year-old husband Joseph, her mother, her sister and her brother-in-law died."
December 14, 1978, Plattsburgh Press-Republican - UPI, page 16, Hearing on over killing of Leo Ryan,

December 14, 1978, Plattsburgh Press-Republican - UPI, page 16, Jonestown potion-mixer called a sadistic doctor,

December 14, 1978, Knoxville News-Sentinel, page 7, Probers May Call on Lane To Provide Clues to Massacre, by Clark Reid,

December 14, 1978, The Galveston Daily News - UPI, page 35, Guyana Opens Hearing On Whether To Try Cultist
GEORGETOWN, Guyana (UPI) — A court began a formal hearing Wednesday on whether to send to trial Peoples Temple cult member Larry Layton on charges of killing Rep. Leo Ryan and four others in a jungle airport ambush that triggered the 913 Jonestown murder-suicides.
Coroner Haroon Bacchus also began an investigation of whether murder charges can be brought in the death of any of the Jonestown Peoples Temple commune victims, including cult leader the Rev. Jim Jones.
Layton, 32, of San Francisco, was clean shaven and appeared composed as Magistrate Krishna Veni Shinta began the hearing into whether the follower of the Rev. Jim Jones should be brought to trial. A magistrate's hearing under British law is similar to a grand jury hearing in U.S. jurisprudence. Layton was charged with the Nov. 18 slayings of Ryan, a California Democrat, NBC reporter Don Harris and cameraman Robert Brown, San Francisco Examiner photographer Gregory Robinson and People's Temple defector Patricia Parks, 44.
Mrs. Park's son, Dale, 27, who survived the ambush at the Port Kaituma airstrip, was the first witness at the court hearing. He was expected to testify at a later court session. Dale Parks testified Jones was irate and threatened his life after learning the Parks family — Mrs. Parks, husband Gerald, 46, Dale and his sisters Brenda, 18, and Tracy, 12 and grandmother Edith — wanted to leave Jonestown with Ryan.
Parks said a total of 17 Temple defectors elected to leave with Ryan and the reporters, who went to the jungle commune 150 miles northwest of Georgetown to check on complaints some cult members were being held against their will.
Asked how close Layton was to Jim Jones, Parks testified the commune was run by Jim Jones, his adopted son Johnny, and Lee Ingram, the coach of the cult's basketball team. He said the commune had a 50-man security force headed by another of Jones's adopted sons, Jim Jr., who was assisted by yet another adopted son, Lou, and a man identified as Joe Wilson.
In the remote jungle community of Matthew's Ridge, the village nearest to Jonestown, Coroner Bacchus began a two-day investigation into whether any of the Jonestown victims did not commit suicide but were murdered. There have been reports as many as 70 of the bodies showed needle marks, a sign they have been forcibly injected with the fatal cyanide poison. Jones was found shot through the head. Guyanese authorities also have expressed doubt that the estimated 260 children found dead in the commune could have chosen freely to drink the poison.
December 17, 1978, The New York Times, Lane Denies Seeking Cult's Secret Funds; Lawyer Says He Did Not Travel to Switzerland to Get at Bank Accounts of Jones Sect Funds for Victims' Families, by David Binder,
December 17, 1978, Washington Star-News, page F-8, Lane Denies Seeking Temple's Accounts,

Date?, Lane Called Rebel Looking For Cause, by Michael Lollar,

December 20, 1978, Washington Post, page A15, Jones Apparently Committed Suicide, Pathologist Says, by George Lardner,
December 20, 1978, Washington Post, Jones' Son Is Charged With 4 Murder Counts In Cult Throat-Slashing, by Charles A Krause,
December 21, 1978, The Washington Post - News Services, page A13, Key Aide to Rev. Jim Jones Testifies Before Grand Jury Probing Killings, [Weisberg]

December 21, 1978, Victoria Advocate, page 8A, Goldwater, Nixon On Cult Hit List,
Mark Lane, Ms. Buford's attorney, told reporters she made the same charges ...Ms. Buford said attorney Charles Garry, who took over as the cult's attorney ...

December 21, 1978, Victoria Advocate – LA Times, page 8A, Bodies Decision Coming,

December 22, 1978, The Washington Post, page A9, Goldwater, Stennis On Cult's Hit List, Ex-Member Says,
December 22, 1978, Observer-Reporter - AP, page A-3, Goldwater On 'Hit List,' Former Cult Member Says,
December 22, 1978, Bangor Daily News, page 10, Goldwater And Stennis Reported On Cult's 'hit' List,
Mark Lane, Ms. Buford's attorney, told reporters made the same charges ... Ms. Buford said attorney Charles Garry, who took as the attorney after Stoen left in ...
December 22, 1978, The Washington Post – AP, Ex-Cult Official Claims ‘Hit List’ Included Stennis and Goldwater,

December 23, 1978, Lakeland Ledger – AP, Jury Holds Jones Responsible,

December 23, 1978, Titusville Herald, Jones Ruled Criminally Responsible,

December 24, 1978, Sunday Times-Sentinel, Jim Jones Murdered, Coroner Jury Decides,
... Jones at first refused to allow them into his commune. But Temple lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry intervened, however, and persuaded Jones to.

December 24, 1978, The Washington Post Magazine, Two questions that grow out of the Guyana tragedy;
Two questions that grow out of the Guyana tragedy: How much money does Peoples' Temple lawyer Mark Lane charge for lectures now? And was Jim Jones ordained in the same church that Lyndon Johnson was baptized in?
Lane receives about $3,000 per lecture, and as of this writing he is planning to write a book about his involvement with the bizarre cult. Yes, Jones was a minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) which was also Lyndon Johnson's church. That particular church prides itself in its organizational decentralization, but of course Jones' actions in recent years bore little resemblance to the Disciples' teachings.

December 26, 1978, Chicago Tribune, Tempo, page A-1, Guyana tragedy puts lawyer Lane back in the limelight, by Roger Worthington,
Mark Lane and fellow attorney Charles Garry(right) talk with cult leader Jim Jones the day before the Guyana killings. Jones had a nervous trait of ...

December 31, 1978, Victoria Advocate, Paperback Guide By Martin Levin,
Attorney Mark Lane had heard that there were plans to drug the grilled cheese sandwiches served to the visitors at the Peoples' ...Lawyer Charles Garry. Lane's ...

January 1, 1979, New York Times, page A35, A Jones Aide Says Move to Soviet Was Imminent Before the Deaths; Stoen Called the Mastermind, by John Kifner,

January 3 1979, Frederick Post - Frederick, Maryland,
Newspaper Archive
Text: "... of 900 cultists at Magistrate Krishna Veni Chinta ordered a trial after a three-week preliminary inquiry into the Nov. 18 shooting death of who was investigating the three U.S. newsmen and a defecting..."
January 3 1979, News - Frederick, Maryland,
Newspaper Archive
Text: "... to stand trial in Ryan's death GEORGETOWN Guyana AP A Guyanese magistrate has ordered Peoples Temple member Larry Layton to stand trial for the murder of Rep Leo Ryan Magistrate Krishna Veni Chinta ruled..."
January 3 1979, The Post-Standard - Syracuse, New York,
Newspaper Archive
Text: "... Guyana A Guyanese trate ruled Tuesday that Peoples Temple member Larry Layton must stand trial in the killing of U.S Rep Leo preceded the mass deaths of 900 cultists at Jonestown Magistrate Krishna Veni..."
January 3 1979, Indiana Gazette - Indiana, Pennsylvania,
Newspaper Archive
Text: "... ordered Peoples Temple member Larry Layton to stand trial for the murder of Rep Leo Ryan Magistrate Krishna Veni Chinta ruled against the 32 year-old X-ray technician from San Francisco Tuesday at the end..."
January 3 1979, Ottawa Herald - Ottawa, Kansas,
Newspaper Archive
Text: "... Ryan Suspect Bound Over Guyana Guyanese magistrate has ordered Peoples Temple member Larry Layton to stand trial for the murder of Leo Magistrate Krishna Veni Chinta ruled against the 32-year-old X-ray..."
January 3 1979, The Paris News - Paris, Texas,
Newspaper Archive
Text: "... ordered Peoples Temple member Larry Layton to stand trial for the murder of Rep Leo Ryan Magistrate Krishna Veni Chinta ruled against the 32 year-old X-ray technician from San Francisco Tuesday At the end..."
January 3 1979, Daily Herald - Chicago, Illinois,
Newspaper Archive
Text: "... in the murder of U S Rep Leo Ryan Magistrate Krishna Veni Chinta made the ruling after a three-week preliminary inquiry into the shooting deaths of the California Democrat and three newsmen at the Port Kaituma..."
January 4, 1979, European Stars and Stripes - Darmstadt, Hesse - Jan 4 1979
Newspaper Archive
Text: "... like it in Larry an X-ray technician at the Peoples Temple was ordered Tuesday to stand trial before the Supreme Court in the murder of Magistrate Krishna Veni made the ruling after a preliminary After..."
January 7, 1979, Wall Street Journal, FBI Papers at Jonestown,

January 12, 1979, New York Times, Inquiry by Legal Grievance Unit Sought on Mark Lane; News Clipping Attached 'Shocked' by 'Misconduct', by John M. Crewdson,
January 14, 1979, Boston Globe, page 28, Mark Lane's Guyana Conduct Probed,
January 25, 1979, Washington Post, page A18, Guyana Tape Raises Questions on Lane, by Charles Krause,

January 27, 1979, The Commercial Appeal, Lane Called Rebel Looking For Cause, by Michael Lollar,

January 27, 1979, The Commercial Appeal, Ray Files Petition For a New Trial,

February 4, 1979, New York Times, Looking Behind Lawyer's Image Turns Up Some Contradictions
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23 — The credentials presented by Mark Lane to his client, the People's Temple, were impressive, judging from a biography that rested in the Temple's files.
The biography quoted Fred J. Nichol, a Federal judge from South Dakota, as describing Mr. Lane as "the finest investigator in the country." It went on to note that Mr. Lane had been a member of the New York State Legislature, had managed John F. Kennedy's 1960 Presidential campaign in the New York City area and had been a professor of law at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
Judge Nichol, who presided in 1975 over the Wounded Knee trial at which Mr. Lane served as a defense counsel, said in a telephone interview that he was "not sure" he had made such a statement but "I might've been carried away."
However, the Kennedy Library in Cambridge, Mass., said it had no record indicating Mr. Lane was involved in the 1960 Presidential campaign. And Sue Nelson, an information officer at Catholic University, said Mr. Lane was never employed there as a professor of law, although he was retained a few years ago as an untenured lecturer for an evening class of about 20 law students.
Known as Defender of the Poor
According to the best available sources of information, Mark Lane was born in New York City Feb. 24, 1927. He graduated from Brooklyn Law School in 1951 and shortly afterward set up practice in East Harlem, where he acquired a reputation as a defender of the poor and the oppressed.
Seymour Ostrow, his law partner then, said recently that Mr. Lane's reputation was largely an illusion. Their small firm, Mr. Ostrow said, drew its clients mostly from the impoverished neighborhood. But he said Mr. Lane seemed to be "motivated more by his ambition and quest for publicity than any dedication to a cause or concern for the interests of his clients."
He said Mr. Lane made much of his role in helping found a narcotics clinic that purported to have a cure for drug addiction, a cure that Mr. Ostrow said did not exist. "I don't think they did terribly much except publicize themselves," he said of the clinic's operators.
When the shaky law partnership broke up in the late 1950's, Mr. Lane began to associate with the fledgling civil rights movement, and he was arrested with some Freedom Riders in Mississippi.
Mr. Lane had political ambitions. In 1960 he was elected to the state Assembly from Manhattan's 10th District, which embraced East Harlem and Yorkville„ where Mr. Lane lived.
His two years in Albany were stormy. He accused the Speaker, Joseph F. Carlino, of a conflict of interests in having promoted the construction of fallout shelters while holding a financial interest in a company that produced them. The Assembly sided with Mr. Carlin, endorsing, 143 to 1, a committee report that cleared the Speaker. Mr. Lane cast the dissenting vote.
Bentley Kassel, one of Mr. Lane's fellow Assemblymen and now a State Supreme Court Justice, said that Mr. Lane "seemed dedicated to publicity" during his two years in Albany and that, aside from the Carlin fight and a few instances in which Mr. Lane would "take old bills and retread them," the Assembly "didn't see much" of him.
Near the end of his term, Mr. Lane announced that he would seek the Democratic nomination for Congress from the 19th District, but Mr. Kassel beat Mr. Lane in pre-primary voting by the reform Democrats and Mr. Lane never ran for elective office again, returning instead to the civil rights movement, which was in full flower.
In a recent interview with The Memphis Commercial Appeal, Mr. Lane recalled being arrested with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King while trying to desegregate a Baltimore amusement park. But D'Army Bailey, a Memphis lawyer who, with Mr. Lane, was among the 200 or so protesters arrested at the demonstration on July 4,1963, said he had no recollection of Dr. King's being present.
Several Books Plus One
Mr. Lane is currently engaged in attempting to free James Earl Ray, Dr. King's confessed killer, who now says he did not commit the crime but was coerced into confessing.
A few months after the Baltimore demonstration, President Kennedy was assassinated, and it was Mr. Lane's early, loud criticism of the Warren Commission's investigation — especially in his book "Rush to Judgment" — that propelled him to national prominence.
In the intervening years Mr. Lane has written other books about controversial events with which be has become involved, and soon there is to be one about his involvement with the People's Temple in Jonestown, Guyana.
In a recent interview, Mr. Lane said he planned at least one book after that, an autobiography or a memoir. He had decided on a title, he said: "Fly in the Ointment."
February 4, 1979, Lakeland Ledger, Disbarment Try Puts Spotlight On Jonestown Attorney,
SAN FRANCISCO - Last September, Mark Lane was proclaiming Jonestown a ...Charles Garry, who left Jonestown with Lane shortly before the mass deaths, ...

February 7, 1979, Knoxville News-Sentinel – AP, Lane Says He Will Sue Government, Reporters,

February 8, 1979, The SoHo Weekly News, Mark Lane's Road to Jonestown, by Paul Hoffman,
February 8, 1979, Ocala Star-Banner – New York Times, page 8A, Mark Lane; In Shadow of the Law, by John M Crewdson,

February 8, 1979, Ocala Star-Banner – New York Times, page 9A, Lane's Credentials Impressive At First, Dimmed Later By Fact,

February 10, 1979, Madison Courier - AP, Cults' Attorneys At Center Of Big Controversy, by Nadine Joseph, AP Writer,
Former Temple members have leveled several accusations at the Temple's three lawyers —Tim Stoen, Charles Garry and Mark Lane — and all three have ...
February 12, 1979, Harlan Daily Enterprise - AP, page 3, Cult Attorneys In A Swelling Storm, by Nadine Joseph,

February 12, 1979, Daily Sentinel, Editorial Opinions, Ethics, The Cult Attorney, by Nadine Joseph,
Former Temple members have leveled several accusations at the Temple's three lawyers —Tim Stoen,Charles Garry and Mark Lane — and all three have been .

February 13, 1979, Milwaukee Journal, page 5, Lane Under Fire For Jonestown Role,
—Last September, Mark Lane was proclaiming Jonestown a Socialist paradise and pro fessing ...And the chief counsel for the Peoples Temple, Charles Garry,

February 13, 1979, Esquire Magazine, The Case Against Mark Lane, by Steven Brill, Scavenger of death: Mark Lane has built a career exploiting the public's paranoia about political assassination. The conclusion: He has only two motives—profit and headlines
February 14, 1979, Williamson Daily News - AP, page 9A, Cult Attorneys Find Themselves At Center of Storm Over Ethics,

February 15, 1979, St. Petersburgh Times, page 19A, Mark Lane draws boos from college students,

March 11, 1979, The Atlanta Journal & Constitution Magazine, Mark Lane: Making a Career Out of Tragedies, by Margaret Shannon,

March 19, 1979, Los Angeles Times, page OC-A1, Attorneys For People's Temple Trade Charges, by Tracy Wood Fullerton,
Former People's Temple attorney Charles Garry Sunday accused attorney Mark Lane of contributing to the "hysteria" which ...
April 26, 1979, New York Times, Mark Lane Is Investigated for Alleged Grand Theft; Affidavit Is Cited Bodies to Be Transferred, by Robert Lindsey,
The Los Angeles County District Attorney's office is investigating Mark Lane, the lawyer and author, in connection with allegations of possible grand theft in his ...
April 29, 1979, New York Times, Headliners; Accuser Accused,
April 30, 1979, Los Angeles Times, New Theory, by Bella Stumbo,
PHOENIX-Mark Lane was in a mellow mood. ... the massacre himself, fleeing into the jungle with fellow Temple attorney Charles Garry.
May 27, 1979, Spokesman-Review - Los Angeles Times, Without a shred of evidence; Lanes's lectures link CIA to Guyana deaths, by Bella Stumbo,
But Mark Lane can't slow down. American people deserve to know the truth," he said pleasantly, turning his face to the sun. Besides, he feels he has an ...

September 20, 1979, Press-Courier - AP, page 3, Cult Deaths Cited,
LOS ANGELES Charles Garry, lawyer for the People's Temple cult which ... mass suicide last year, Wednesday blamed the deaths on attorney Mark Lane. ...

September 20, 1979, San Francisco Chronicle, Garry Blames Lane For Temple Deaths,

September 21, 1979, New York Times, Notes on People; After a Hiatus, and a Scare, Carter Is..., by Clyde Haberman and Albin Krebs,
Fellow Lawyer Accuses Mark Lane in Jonestown Deaths Charles R. Garry and Mark Lane, both of whom served as lawyers for the Rev. Jim Jones before the ...
November 17, 1979, San Francisco Chronicle, Rev. Jones’ Attorneys Land and Garry Are Still Sparring, by Ron Javers,

December 11, 1979, The Frederick Post, Lane sues in Peoples Temple matter,

December 18, 1979, Washington Star-News, Lane Vs. the Times,

February 3, 1980, Book World, page 6, After the Tragedy of Jonestown, by Kenneth Wooden,

December 18, 1979, Boston Globe, page 5, Mark Lane sues Times for Jonestown coverage,

December 23, 1979, Boston Globe, 910 deaths laid to cultist,
... to allow them into his commune Temple lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry intervened however and persuaded Jones to admit them Annibourne said.
February 20, 1980, Milwaukee Sentinel, Jonestown Massacre Survivor Feels Truth Has Yet To Be Told .
... leading question with a on know, don't you, that Charles Garry and I will tell ...MARK LANE, a survivor of the Jonestown massacre in which nearly 1.000 ...
January 18, 1981, Victoria Advocate, George Burns Looks Back .By Lois Scott,
Mark Lane, one of the country's most gifted lawyers and investigated
September 2, 1981, Ellensburg Daily Record - UPI, Layton Called 'zombie' in Trial,
Charles Garry, once Jones' lawyer, testified he was present In Jonestown on the... Garry testified he and his' rival, attorney Mark Lane, wrestled a knife ...ive reporters, offers ... Tim Stoen and Charles Garry (the lawyers for the Peoples Temple), and ...

April 29, 1984, Boston Globe, Drama Probes the Horrors of Jonestown
April 21, 1989, The Charlotte Observer, Mark Lane Might Represent Hinckley, by James Rowley,
AP Lane has written a number of books about people he had represented in criminal cases. these people,`` Hinckley said. "I am sure ...
January 19, 1992, News-Journal, Mark Lane .First Primary Slippery Way To Woo Voters,
The first presidential primary is still a month away and al ready this presidential election season is breaking new ground. It kicked off with George Bush's trip to ...
January 20, 1992, Chicago Tribune, Talking plots with Mark Lane,
We're talking plots with assassination-conspiracy maven Mark Lane, the bearded , intense, 65-year-old Washington, DC, attorney, of "Rush to Judgment" fame, ...
January 9, 1993, News-Journal, Mark Lane.Warning: Anniversary Year Ahead,
I don't know when anniversary journalism started. If I did, would write a piece celebrating Its anniversary. As It Is, I can only predict much more of It in 1993 In ...
January 3, 2004, Star-News, Mark Lane .Why Not Try Celebrity Court?,
Looking ahead at the stories that will dominate the coming year, it seems 2004 will be The Year of the Celebrity Trial. Michael Jackson is charged with child ...
March 19, 2009, Fox11online.com, SIST hires new attorney,
SHAWANO - Mark Lane is a well known trial lawyer and best-selling author. ...Although Jim Jones was represented by attorney Charles Garry, Lane says he ...
Boston Globe - Apr 29, 1984
Episodes with Peoples Temple apostates (and even with the Temple's attorneys Mark Lane and Charles Garry) reveal clear memories suddenly developing out ...
San Jose Mercury News -Nov 18, 1988
Charles Garry and Mark Lane may have been the strangest bedfellows Jonestown produced. Both attorneys came to the story already lugging weighty reputations. ...
House Panel Lists 'Radical' Speakers
New York Times - Oct 15, 1970
Charles Garry (2, 7). Carlton Goodlett (10). Dick Gregory (4). Deirdre Griswold ...Edward Keating (4). Paul Krassner (12). William Kunstler (6). Mark Lane (3).
Mark Lane Is Investigated for Alleged Grand Theft; Affidavit...
New York Times - Apr 26, 1979
The Los Angeles County District Attorney's office is investigating Mark Lane, the lawyer and author, in connection with allegations of possible grand theft in his ...
Kentucky New Era
Guyana Jungle Sect Camp, Lewiston Evening Journal,
Iran, Mark Lane's Conduct Merits Bar... Toledo Blade,
Night Before Death Spokesman-Review,
Ocala Star-Banner - Afro American
Jones Confers With Lawyers . Free Lance-Star,
Former Cult Aides Contend Jones... New York Times($3.95)
Rev. Jones Left Secret Accounts . Youngstown Vindicator,
Free Lance-Star,
Sarasota Herald-Tribune,
Trip Cursed From The Start .Montreal Gazette,
Cult Lawyers End Up In Center Of... Herald-Journal,
April 29, 1979, New York Times, Headliners; Accuser Accused,

April 30, 1979, Los Angeles Times, New Theory, by Bella Stumbo,
PHOENIX-Mark Lane was in a mellow mood. ... the massacre himself, fleeing into the jungle with fellow Temple attorney Charles Garry.
May 27, 1979, Spokesman-Review - Los Angeles Times, Without a shred of evidence; Lanes's lectures link CIA to Guyana deaths, by Bella Stumbo,
But Mark Lane can't slow down. American people deserve to know the truth," he said pleasantly, turning his face to the sun. Besides, he feels he has an ...
September 20, 1979, Press-Courier - AP, page 3, Cult Deaths Cited,
LOS ANGELES Charles Garry, lawyer for the People's Temple cult which ... mass suicide last year, Wednesday blamed the deaths on attorney Mark Lane. ...

September 20, 1979, San Francisco Chronicle, Garry Blames Lane For Temple Deaths,

September 21, 1979, New York Times, Notes on People; After a Hiatus, and a Scare, Carter Is..., by Clyde Haberman and Albin Krebs,
Fellow Lawyer Accuses Mark Lane in Jonestown Deaths Charles R. Garry and Mark Lane, both of whom served as lawyers for the Rev. Jim Jones before the ...
November 17, 1979, San Francisco Chronicle, Rev. Jones’ Attorneys Land and Garry Are Still Sparring, by Ron Javers,

December 11, 1979, The Frederick Post, Lane sues in Peoples Temple matter,

December 18, 1979, Washington Star-News, Lane Vs. the Times,

February 3, 1980, Book World, page 6, After the Tragedy of Jonestown, by Kenneth Wooden,

December 18, 1979, Boston Globe, page 5, Mark Lane sues Times for Jonestown coverage,

December 23, 1979, Boston Globe, 910 deaths laid to cultist,
... to allow them into his commune Temple lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry intervened however and persuaded Jones to admit them Annibourne said.
February 20, 1980, Milwaukee Sentinel, Jonestown Massacre Survivor Feels Truth Has Yet To Be Told .
... leading question with a on know, don't you, that Charles Garry and I will tell ...MARK LANE, a survivor of the Jonestown massacre in which nearly 1.000 ...
January 18, 1981, Victoria Advocate, George Burns Looks Back .By Lois Scott,
Mark Lane, one of the country's most gifted lawyers and investigated
September 2, 1981, Ellensburg Daily Record - UPI, Layton Called 'zombie' in Trial,
Charles Garry, once Jones' lawyer, testified he was present In Jonestown on the... Garry testified he and his' rival, attorney Mark Lane, wrestled a knife ...ive reporters, offers ... Tim Stoen and Charles Garry (the lawyers for the Peoples Temple), and ...
April 29, 1984, Boston Globe, Drama Probes the Horrors of Jonestown
April 21, 1989, The Charlotte Observer, Mark Lane Might Represent Hinckley, by James Rowley,
AP Lane has written a number of books about people he had represented in criminal cases. these people,`` Hinckley said. "I am sure ...
January 19, 1992, News-Journal, Mark Lane .First Primary Slippery Way To Woo Voters,
The first presidential primary is still a month away and al ready this presidential election season is breaking new ground. It kicked off with George Bush's trip to ...
January 20, 1992, Chicago Tribune, Talking plots with Mark Lane,
We're talking plots with assassination-conspiracy maven Mark Lane, the bearded , intense, 65-year-old Washington, DC, attorney, of "Rush to Judgment" fame, ...
January 9, 1993, News-Journal, Mark Lane.Warning: Anniversary Year Ahead,
I don't know when anniversary journalism started. If I did, would write a piece celebrating Its anniversary. As It Is, I can only predict much more of It in 1993 In ...
January 3, 2004, Star-News, Mark Lane .Why Not Try Celebrity Court?,
Looking ahead at the stories that will dominate the coming year, it seems 2004 will be The Year of the Celebrity Trial. Michael Jackson is charged with child ...
March 19, 2009, Fox11online.com, SIST hires new attorney,
SHAWANO - Mark Lane is a well known trial lawyer and best-selling author. ...Although Jim Jones was represented by attorney Charles Garry, Lane says he ...
Boston Globe - Apr 29, 1984
Episodes with Peoples Temple apostates (and even with the Temple's attorneys Mark Lane and Charles Garry) reveal clear memories suddenly developing out ...
San Jose Mercury News -Nov 18, 1988
Charles Garry and Mark Lane may have been the strangest bedfellows Jonestown produced. Both attorneys came to the story already lugging weighty reputations. ...
House Panel Lists 'Radical' Speakers
New York Times - Oct 15, 1970
Charles Garry (2, 7). Carlton Goodlett (10). Dick Gregory (4). Deirdre Griswold ...Edward Keating (4). Paul Krassner (12). William Kunstler (6). Mark Lane (3).
Mark Lane Is Investigated for Alleged Grand Theft; Affidavit...
New York Times - Apr 26, 1979
The Los Angeles County District Attorney's office is investigating Mark Lane, the lawyer and author, in connection with allegations of possible grand theft in his ...
Kentucky New Era
Guyana Jungle Sect Camp, Lewiston Evening Journal,
Iran, Mark Lane's Conduct Merits Bar... Toledo Blade,
Night Before Death Spokesman-Review,
Ocala Star-Banner - Afro American
Jones Confers With Lawyers . Free Lance-Star,
Former Cult Aides Contend Jones... New York Times($3.95)
Rev. Jones Left Secret Accounts . Youngstown Vindicator,
Free Lance-Star,
Sarasota Herald-Tribune,
Trip Cursed From The Start .Montreal Gazette,
Cult Lawyers End Up In Center Of... Herald-Journal,