Stranger than fiction; scarier than a Heaven's Gate clitorectomy; more reptilian than Laura Bush and Princess Anne combined, but c'mon guys---this has got to be a set up. The 32nd-degree C.I.A. handles this level of fear-mongering for the dark side, and can't you just hear the laughter-silvered peels of amusement at this stale point in the President's first term?
I hope Gacy washed his hands.
I always liked Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, but they worry me---I want to warn them never leave the house without their safety helmets on.
Goldman Sachs is dicking with the double-digit inflation, Ollie North, with his Christian spirit of love and forgiveness is inflaming the Iranian student Muslims; Rockefeller is on yet another tour of his Latin American Chase branches (Actually, I think he has just died---and not on top either!) But the real outrage was replacing George H.W. Bush with Jimmy Carter's Naval Academy Brokeback-buddy, Stansfield Turner---whom nobody ever liked, hence the childish pranks with serial killers
I always get William Colby 1973–1976 and William J. Casey 1981–1987 mixed up. Which one had that unfortunate little boating accident?
I can tell somebody is deliberately steering Gacy's career at this point in history because we are at a transitional stage of liminality, when the unmentionable vice of the Greeks has lost much of its power to outrage, so, the bar has been raised, and now we're putting notches on the bedpost--32 we're told--after Mr. Chubbs has sex with young men and boys he kills them.
You know what comes next in this progression don't you? Yes, that's right, serial rapists have to eat whatever they fuck or kill---Jeffrey Dahmer-style.
Thank goodness we are about at the end of the line. It's Rapture and Revelation time now.
January 22, 1979, Vol. 95, No. 73, The Cornell Daily Sun, page 14, Regards for Alleged Killer,

Photo: United Press International
Regards for Alleged Killer,
Strange Company: First Lady Rosalynn Carter poses with indicted mass murderer John Wayne Gacy at a private reception in downtown Chicago last May. Mrs. Carter then autographed the picture for the man who has told authorities he killed 32 young men and boys after having sexual relations with them.
I mean this guy is acting! He's like Baby-Face Nelson with a Dillinger complex! You don't have to look contrite when your mugshot is being taken---but don't look so wide awake.
Stansfield Turner 1977–1981
A U.S. Naval Academy classmate of Jimmy Carter's, Turner enjoyed the confidence of the White House, but his emphasis on technical methods of intelligence collection, such as SIGINT and IMINT, and his apparent dislike for, and firing of, HUMINT specialists made him quite unpopular within the CIA. Turner eliminated more than 800 operational positions in what was called the "halloween massacre." This organizational direction is notable because his successor William Casey was seen to have a completely opposite approach, focusing much of his attention on HUMINT. Turner gave notable testimony to Congress revealing much of the extent of the MKULTRA program, which the CIA ran from the early 1950s to late 1960s. Reform and simplification of the intelligence community's multilayered secrecy system was one of Turner's significant initiatives, but produced no results by the time he left office. He also wrote a book on his experience at CIA.[11]
During Turner's term as head of the CIA, he became outraged when former agent Frank Snepp published a book called Decent Interval which exposed incompetence among senior American government personnel during the fall of Saigon.[12] He accused Snepp of breaking the secrecy agreement required of all CIA agents, and then later was forced to admit under cross-examination that he had never read the agreement signed by Snepp.[13] Regardless, the CIA ultimately won its case against Snepp at the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court forced Snepp to turn over all his profits from Decent Interval and to seek preclearance of any future writings about intelligence work for the rest of his life.[14] The ultimate irony was that the CIA would later rely on the Snepp legal precedent in forcing Turner to seek preclearance of his own memoirs, which were highly critical of President Ronald Reagan's policies.[13]
Sandy Hook Pre-Reduxed
Wikipedia: Cleveland Elementary School shooting (San Diego)
A benchmark effort by our control masters with a quota of signs, codes, signals and many clues as to its synthetic, manufactured nature.
January 31, 1979, Vol. 95, No. 80, The Cornell Daily Sun, page 2, UPI Stand Alone Photo, Teen in Custody,

United Press International
Teen in Custody
Playing Hooky; Sniper suspect Brenda Spencer, 16, is led by policemen in the San Diego police station after a sniper attack on an elementary school which left two dead and 10 wounded.
1rst: is the high-grade stylist who has been at work, and what looks utterly casual is in fact perfectly orchestrated to be sexy and chic, as if Edward Bernays had bounced it off both Sigmund Freud and Coco Chanel. This girl could be a young Jackie O---and it's what Tania Hearst only dreams about. Look too, how the light bounces off the policeman's excellent blond hair. Doubt me? Look below at a photo of Brenda Spencer from 1996 off the Wiki page. She's be only 33 then, but, spooky when left to their own devices, yes? Reconcile the image above with descriptions of her by neighbors and classmates
"as a skinny and frumpy girl, a shy tomboy who was 'really quiet, and unhappy..."
"She had this long, straggly red hair. She was really scrawny --- pretty crummy looking. She's a real little girl---real thin."Maybe the cop is 5'7".
2nd: What teen perp at a fatal school shooting would inspire a caption writer to use the tag, "Playing Hooky"? It's so lighthearted, it sends a subconscious signal we're only play acting, so go along.
3rd: San Diego is as much an epicenter of the American Industrial Complex as the Beltway. I've heard the Copley News Agency is more than marginally C.I.A. (Marcus Stern and Jerry Kammer, won the 2006 National Reporting prize for disclosures that brought down Congressman Randy Cunningham. Marcus Stern is Laurence Stern's son.) If the wayward young Miss Spencer couldn't get the proper attention and discipline in this environment then we should all just move to Tuscany.
4th: An unbalanced casualty count, that's still Yin and Yang, with the principal and a custodian killed. "Eight children and a police officer were injured," with the policeman said to be the most serious, with a bullet wound to the neck. Here is a description of one 8-year-old victim:
A bullet passed through the abdomen of the other wounded child, Mary Clark, 8.I can understand shy, but I also understand bleeding out. Even counting Mary Clark and the three children who were "released after being treated for minor wounds," (i.e. not bullet wounds) I only count eight, not ten injured.
But, a policeman said, "She didn't tell anybody she was shot. She just went back to her class. She was afraid to talk to anyone."
Several hours later, she was taken to a hospital. She is now listed in serious condition.
5th: Intimations of reform-school lesbian prison sex with handcuffs and that mullett.
6th: She kills two and wounds 10 by getting off 30 rounds from a ".22 caliber semiautomatic rifle she got from her father for Christmas," barely a month previous. Did she get any practice time in? Left unexplored.
Media accounts may try to compare this week's Baton Rouge shooting with the horror and rampage of January 29, 1979. That was the date on which 16-year-old Brenda Spencer stuck her rifle out her window and began firing not at her own school, but at her San Diego neighborhood's Cleveland Elementary School, across the street. Before it was over, she had killed two, the school's caretaker and the principal, as well as wounding nine students. When arrested by the police and asked why she did it, Spencer infamously said: "I just don't like Mondays." That quote became an anthem of the era, via a song written by Bob Geldof, and sung by his Boomtown Rats.Actually, the full quote is
A San Diego Tribune reporter began calling homes near the school looking for eyewitnesses.
After Spencer picked up his call, he soon realized he was talking to the shooter. He asked why she was doing it, and Spencer replied, "I like red and blue jackets. I just don't like Mondays. This livens up the day."
January 30, 1979, The Tuscaloosa News – AP, page 1, Patty goes free Thursday

January 30, 1979, The Milwaukee Journal - AP-UPI-LA Times, Sniping Suspect Had a Grim Goal,

January 30, 1979, Evening Independent - AP, School Sniper Suspect Bragged of 'Something Big To Get on T.V.',

January 30, 1979, The Tuscaloosa News – AP, page 1, Girl sniper kills 2 in San Diego,

January 30, 1979, St. Petersburg Times - Los Angeles Times, page 1A, Teen-age girl fires on school; 2 killed, 9 hurt, by Paul Jacobs and Nancy Skelton,

January 31, 1979, St. Petersburg Times – Los Angeles Times,
page 3A, School
near normal after sniper attack, by Cilla Brown and Lanie Jones,

January 31, 1979, Madison Courier - AP, Stunned, Bewildered Students Wonder: Why Did Brenda Spencer shoot at them?, by Norm Clarke, AP Writer,

January 31, 1979, Montreal Gazette - UPI-AP, page 34, Accused schoolyard sniper 'always talking about guns',

February 1, 1979, The Madison Courier - AP, page B5, Brenda Spencer faces 12 charges in shooting spree,

February 25, 1979, Boca Raton News, Brenda Spencer to be tried,

April 22, 1980, Miami News, Loser's Corner, [Boomtown Rats] by Joe Modzelewski,
The Rats' hit song, Don't Like mondays Is based on the statement of a 16 year-old girl,Brenda Spencer, who opened on a group of grade-school children In San ...

April 23, 1979, The Lakeland Ledger, page 2A, Parents Stop Punk-rock Concert,

April 24, 1980, The Calgary Herald - Reuters, page C9, Monday Was A Bad Day For Rock Group,

January 30, 1979, St. Petersburg Times - Los Angeles Times, page 1A, Teen-age girl fires on school; 2 killed, 9 hurt, by Paul Jacobs and Nancy Skelton,
January 30, 1979, Evening Independent - AP, School Sniper Suspect Bragged of 'Something Big To Get on T.V.',
January 30, 1979, The Milwaukee Journal - AP-UPI-LA Times, Sniping Suspect Had a Grim Goal,
January 30, 1979, The Tuscaloosa News – AP, page 1, Girl sniper kills 2 in San Diego,
January 31, 1979, Vol. 95, No. 80, The Cornell Daily Sun, page 2, UPI Stand Alone Photo, Teen in Custody,
January 31, 1979, Montreal Gazette - UPI-AP, page 34, Accused schoolyard sniper 'always talking about guns',
January 31, 1979, Madison Courier - AP, Stunned, Bewildered Students Wonder: Why Did Brenda Spencer shoot at them?, by Norm Clarke,
January 31, 1979, Chicago Tribune, page B2, Brenda Spencer's'fun', 400 words
January 31, 1979, St. Petersburg Times – Los Angeles Times, page 3A, School near normal after sniper attack, by Cilla Brown and Lanie Jones,
February 1, 1979, The Madison Courier - AP, page B5, Brenda Spencer faces 12 charges in shooting spree,
February 25, 1979, Boca Raton News, Brenda Spencer to be tried,
April 22, 1980, Miami News, Loser's Corner, [Boomtown Rats] by Joe Modzelewski,
April 23, 1979, The Lakeland Ledger, page 2A, Parents Stop Punk-rock Concert,
April 24, 1980, The Calgary Herald - Reuters, page C9, Monday Was A Bad Day For Rock Group,
November 1, 1998, Good Housekeeping, Look back in sorrow: in 1979, a teenage girl opened fire on a suburban San Diego elementary school; today, as the nation reels from a rash of similar tragedies, the survivors still struggle to understand why it happened, by Tamara Jones, diigo,
June 19, 2001, USA Today, Parole denied in school shooting, diigo,
August 21, 2009, CBS 8 news, School Shooter Brenda Spencer Denied Parole,
January 29, 2012, Examiner (Washington, D.C.) Sixteen-year-old girl shoots up school, by Scott McCabe, 281 words diigo,
December 21, 2012, CNN Blog, Opinion: Female mass shooter can teach us about Adam Lanza
February 24, 1984, Ocala Star-Banner - AP, page 1, L.A. Schoolyard Sniper Kills One, Wounds 10,
February 26, 1984, Spartanburg Herald-Journal – AP, page A10, Survivor of Jonestown Suicide May Have Been Reliving Horror,

September 21, 1979, Los Angeles Times, page A1, Brenda Spencer's Lawyers OK More Psychiatric Tests,
The defense team representing accused sniper Brenda Spencer said Thursday that it will agree to her undergoing tests by prosecution-selected psychiatrists.
February 21, 1980, Los Angeles Times, page A1, New Law Affects Brenda Spencer,
Sniper Now Eligible for Juvenile Institution
Jerry Brown has signed legislation allowing young women convicted of major crimes to be sentenced to California Youth Authority facilities in- stead of state ...
January 29, 1998, Los Angeles Times, page A8, Brenda Spencer, 63 words
The fact that Brenda Spencer, convicted of two counts of murder and sentenced to 25 years to life, is even eligible for parole after 18 years is a miscarriage of ...
Apr 17, 2001, The San Diego Union-Tribune, Parole hearing today for Brenda Spencer | She killed 2 in...
Deputy District Attorney Richard Sachs said chances are remote that [Brenda Spencer] will earn parole, which is rarely granted to convicted murderers in ...
February 24, 1984, Ocala Star-Banner - AP, page 1, L.A. Schoolyard Sniper Kills One, Wounds 10,

February 26, 1984, Spartanburg Herald-Journal – AP, page A10, Survivor of Jonestown Suicide May Have Been Reliving Horror,

September 21, 1979, Los Angeles Times, page A1, Brenda Spencer's Lawyers OK More Psychiatric Tests,
The defense team representing accused sniper Brenda Spencer said Thursday that it will agree to her undergoing tests by prosecution-selected psychiatrists.
February 21, 1980, Los Angeles Times, page A1, New Law Affects Brenda Spencer,
Sniper Now Eligible for Juvenile Institution
Jerry Brown has signed legislation allowing young women convicted of major crimes to be sentenced to California Youth Authority facilities in- stead of state ...
January 29, 1998, Los Angeles Times, page A8, Brenda Spencer, 63 words
The fact that Brenda Spencer, convicted of two counts of murder and sentenced to 25 years to life, is even eligible for parole after 18 years is a miscarriage of ...
Apr 17, 2001, The San Diego Union-Tribune, Parole hearing today for Brenda Spencer | She killed 2 in...
Deputy District Attorney Richard Sachs said chances are remote that [Brenda Spencer] will earn parole, which is rarely granted to convicted murderers in ...
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