in tears while grasping a flier for Amy O'Doherty
By 800 employees---500 of whom had already been let go, then why were so many young people being hired there as associates in the bond trading department? Didn't they see the handwriting on the wall?

Joshua Reiss, 23, was a bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. "He was 23 and making six figures, after only five months at Cantor" says his father.
Brooke Alexandra Jackman, 23, had just started working as an assistant bond trader in "her new job" "But she was not completely fulfilled at Cantor Fitzgerald. 'She decided there were more important things in life than making money,' said her brother. A master's in social work was her goal, and she was in the process of applying to Berkeley and Columbia to achieve it."

Joshua David Birnbaum, 24, was an assistant bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. "DJ Samsson"
Amy O'Doherty 24, Broker's Assistant
Juan Cisneros 24, Bond Trader
James Gadiel, 23, an assistant trader at Cantor Fitzgerald,
Daniel James Gallagher, 23, Red Bank, NJ, "he worked for the international bond desk."
Charles Francis Xavier Heeran, 23, Institutional equities trader, "a little more than a year out of college, Mr. Heeran had risen quickly as a bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald." "He was one of 10 Xavier graduates and 16 twins who disappeared in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. "
Jake Jagoda 24 "So, at the beginning of the summer, he became a trader at Cantor Fitzgerald." N.Y. Times
Michael Marti 26, Bond Trader
Jennifer Mazzotta, 23, "one of Cantor Fitzgerald's youngest traders."
Marc A Murolo 27, Government Bonds - Vice President
Martin Niederer 23, trader, "began working last year as a securities trader. After graduating from college in 1999, Mr. Niederer fulfilled his dream by landing a job on Wall Street at National Discount Brokers. About a year ago, Mr. Niederer, described by his family as "very outgoing with a tremendous charisma," was recruited by Cantor Fitzgerald."
Joshua Piver "He graduated in 2000 with a degree in economics and went to work at Cantor Fitzgerald." N.Y. Times
James Quinn 24, Trade Support Staff "James, 23, loved the excitement of being a fledgling trader at Cantor Fitzgerald." N.Y. Times
Scott Rohner "at 22, just two paychecks into what, had he been given more time to shine as a foreign exchange trader, might have become a dream job at Cantor Fitzgerald." N.Y. Times
Sean Schielke, 27, formerly of Southbury Conn.Schielke moved to New York City three years ago. He became a stock trader for Cantor Fitzgerald five months ago,
Matthew C. Sellitto 24, Trading Desk "Matthew, 23, who traded his snowboard for Brooks Brothers suits when he went to work for Cantor Fitzgerald in February on the 105th floor of 1 World Trade Center." N.Y. Times
Robert J Shay, Jr. 27, Bond Broker
Saranya Srinuan, 23 bond trader
Andrew Stergiopoulos, 23 "an employee"
Matthew Gilbert Vianna, 23 no job listed
Joshua Vitale 28, Trading Sales Assistant "Mr. Vitale, who had been a wanderer, a party animal and something of a lost soul for much of his 20's, got a job at Cantor Fitzgerald's trading desk."
James J Woods 26, Trader's Assistant
Edward Francis 'Teddy' Maloney, of Darien, was 32 years old, but the bond trader started working at Cantor Fitzgerald about three weeks before 9/11. He grew up in Rye, N.Y., and Greenwich, Conn.
Other young people working in different departments should also be noted for being recent hires:
Ssu-Hui (Vanessa) Wen, 23, programmer
Gary Shamay, 23, a computer specialist working at Cantor since August 2000
Jacquelyn P. Sanchez, 23, compliance assistant
Alok Kumar Mehta, 23, manager, of Hempstead, NY
Aleksandr Valeryerich Ivantsov, 23, computer engineer for eSpeed division, In 2000, Anna Ivantsov became a wife. In 2001, she became a widow.
Eric A. Stahlman, 43, was a broker for Cantor Fitzgerald. He joined the company about 10 weeks before September 11. He died on 9/11
Steven Goldstein, 35, had started work for Cantor Fitzgerald two weeks before September 11. He had started and developed an online trading system, which he sold to Cantor Fitzgerald. He died on 9/11.
Marina Romanova Gertsberg, 25, She joined Cantor Fitzgerald as a junior manager one week before September 11, when she died.
According to one report, Cantor Fitzgerald was in the process of downsizing its bond trading staff by 800 before 9-11 hit, as its proprietary digital technology was advanced. 500 bond traders had already been let go, with another 300 or so to go after the switchover to fully electronic trading took place, which happened on September 13, 2001.
"Although much is made of the family-like nature of Cantor Fitzgerald, it was, and still is, a hard-nosed business. Nearly 500 people had lost their jobs before Sept. 11, and 300 more were about to be axed, made obsolete by the success of their electronic bond-trading network, said Peter DaPuzzo, co-president of equities." Knight Ridder, 'Victimized company tries to get on with business,' Houston ChronicleBut were they laying off just bond traders in the restructuring before 9-11?
Heidi Olson, now chief administrative officer for equities, had left Cantor when the firm downsized just before the attacks; she came back to work the next day. Tom BarbashAlthough Tom Barbash doesn't specify, I believe the high-level Olson was let go on the Monday, and rehired on the Wednesday. Business Wire reported on Nov. 6, 2001, that Cantor Fitzgerald Names Stephen M. Bliss as a co-head of the NASDAQ/ OTC stock trading business. Informing readers, without apparent self-consciousness, that
"Mr. Bliss rejoins Cantor's equities business after leaving in May 2001...Steve's rejoining the firm gave the team a sense of continuity in Cantor's relationships and way of doing business," said Philip Marber, head of Cantor's U.S. equities business.Did Bliss just take the summer off?
Sean Schielke, 27, formerly of Southbury A 1992 graduate of Pomperaug High School in Southbury, Schielke moved to New York City three years ago. He became a stock trader for Cantor Fitzgerald five months ago, working on the 105th floor of the trade center, said his father, Ken Schielke. The Hartford Courant, 'Focus: Connecticut Victims,' September 17, 2001
Scott Schertzer, 28, worked in the human resources department of Cantor Fitzgerald. On September 10, he felt terrible because he had to give layoff notices to a number of co-workers, but this saved their lives. He died.
Meryl Gordon, writing in New York Magazine, expands upon a luck factor in Howard Lutnick's Second Life,
"The luckiest people in New York? The twenty Cantor Fitzgerald staff members let go on Monday, September 10, most of whom have loyally returned to the firm."In a November 12, 2001 USAToday article, Cantor battles back from tragedy, by Noelle Knox, Lutnick plays his new hand, telling us God dealt it to him
"Bond trading had been shifting to electronic trading even before the attacks, and Lutnick says it is "unlikely" he will replace his bond brokers. "We are not going to try to get back to who we were," he says. "We are going to take the cards that have been dealt to us. Take the assets we still have, which are incredible, and just play a different way."
"The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack." -- Shimon Perez September 11th, 2001From an article entitled "Hundreds of Israelis missing in WTC attack" which appeared in the September 12th internet edition of the Jerusalem Post.
The United States State Department posted the following information:
The following partial list of 76 Jewish World Trade Center victims includes many from companies that were located at or above where the planes hit. These include Cantor Fitzgerald, which lost 658 employees, Marsh & McLellan, which lost 295 employees, Aon Corporation, which lost 176 employees, and others. (Out of the 76, the 60 listed here were Cantor employees.)
Lee Alan Adler, 48, was a computer designer at Cantor Fitzgerald. Mr. Adler was a member of the board of trustees of Temple Beth Ahm in Springfield, New Jersey, where memorial services were held for him. He was married to his wife. Alice, for 15 years and had a 12-year old daughter. His daughter wrote in a February 22, 2002 message on an internet memorial site, "Daddy I love you!"
Joshua Aron, 29, was an equities trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. Joshua's father, Barry Aron, says, "Not a minute goes by in a day that I don't think about Josh. ... It's like part of you being ripped out and you can't replace it." Barry talks to his son's widow, Rachel daily. Mr. Aron and Rachel would have celebrated their first wedding anniversary on September 16, 2001. Memorial services were held at the Oceanside Jewish Center in Oceanside, New York.
Michael Edward Asher, 53, was vice president and senior technology architect at Cantor Fitzgerald. On September 10, 2001, he talked with his son Jeremy, 18, about rebuilding an old Jaguar automobile. Mr. Asher was also survived by his wife Dana and a daughter, Rachel, 16. A memorial service was held for him at the Monroe Temple of Liberal Judaism in Monroe, New York.
Debbie S. Bellows, 30, was an executive assistant at Cantor Fitzgerald. She was survived by her husband Sean, who wrote, "Debbie meant the world to me. ... My heart will always be filled with the love and beauty that filled her soul." A memorial service was held for Ms. Bellows at the Westchester Reform Temple in Scarsdale, New York.
Alvin Bergsohn, 48, was an equities trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. From a picture posted on the Internet, it appears that he was survived by a wife and two sons. A service was held for him at the South Baldwin Jewish Center in Baldwin Harbor, New York.
Joshua David Birnbaum, 24, was an assistant bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. His best friend, Leehe Matalon, wrote, "Josh's smile always managed to light up the faces of those he surrounded himself with. He had a special charm ...." He was survived by his parents, Sam and Marcel, and a sister, Jill. A memorial service was held for him at the Sephardic Congregation of Long Beach in Long Beach, New York.
Kevin Sanford Cohen, 28, was a computer support person for Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his parents, Barry and Marcia, and a brother Neil. His mother said that when she had asked him why he didn't slow down, he replied, "Mom, I believe in living life to the fullest." A memorial service was held for him at Neve Shalom in Metuchen, New Jersey.
Michael Allen Davidson, 27, was an equity options trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. A co-worker named Jay wrote, "He could have been the nicest, most sensitive person I have ever met. Everyone loves him." He was engaged to be married the following July to Dominique DeNardo. Mr. Davidson was survived by his mother Ellen. A memorial service was held for him at Congregation Beth Israel in Scotch Plains, New Jersey.
Steven Mark Fogel, 40, was vice president and assistant general counsel for Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Kori, a son and a daughter. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Emanuel in Westfield, New York.
Morton H. Frank, 31, was an insurance equities broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. In college, he was a member of the Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi. A childhood friend said he had "a fun-loving spirit and a wonderful heart." He had married his wife Jessica 14 months before 9/11.
Arlene Eva Fried, 49, was vice president and assistant general counsel at Cantor Fitzgerald. She met her future husband Ken when she was 15 and he was 17. When the youngest of their three daughters entered kindergarten, Arlene went back to school to study law. Her parents, Nicholas and Ronnie Joseph, were both survivors of Nazi concentration camps; her mother had been at Auschwitz. They wrote, in a October 13, 2003 internet tribute, "As Arlene Joseph Fried's parents, the loss is indescribable; a daughter with indescribable warmth and love toward her whole family and friends -- losing her left an unhealable wound in our hearts." A memorial service was held for her at Temple Beth Shalom in Roslyn, New York.
Douglas B. Gardner, 39, was a vice chairman at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife, Jennifer, and two children. Memorial services were held at the Stephen Weiss Free Synagogue in New York City.
Steven Paul Geller, 52, was an institutional trader for Cantor Fitzgerald. Mr. Geller loved to cook with his daughter, Hali, 12. He was also survived by his wife, Debra. A memorial service was held for him at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City.
Marina Romanova Gertsberg, 25, was one of 16 Russian-speaking Jews who perished in the 9/11 attacks, according to World Congress of Russian Jewry. Her family had emigrated from Odessa, Ukraine to the United States when Marina was four so that her father would not have to serve with Soviet forces in Afghanistan. She joined Cantor Fitzgerald as a junior manager one week before September 11. A memorial service for her was held at the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center in Brooklyn, New York.
Jeffrey Grant Goldflam, 48, was senior vice president and chief financial officer at Cantor Fitzgerald. Mr. Goldflam was survived by his wife Risa and two children. He was a track and soccer star in high school. Robert Kayton, a college acquaintance, remembered Mr. Goldflam as "easygoing, friendly, and helpful." A memorial service was held for him at Temple Beth Tohar in Melville, New York.
Monica Goldstein, 25, was an accounts specialist at Cantor Fitzgerald. She spent long hours at her older sister's house, caring for her two young nephews and visiting with her sister. Her father said, "Her smile and her laugh were infectious. ... The loss has totally changed our lives. We'll never be the same anymore. ... She was a very, very special person." Ms. Goldstein was engaged to be married in September 2002. A memorial service was held for her at the Congregation B'nai Israel in Bay Terrace, New York.
Steven Goldstein, 35, had started work for Cantor Fitzgerald two weeks before September 11. Working in his basement, he had started and developed an online trading system, which he sold to Cantor Fitzgerald. His wife said his motivation was to make a lot of money and retire so he could spend time with his family. She said he loved nothing more than spending time with his one-year old son Harris and three-year old daughter Hanna. Mr. Goldstein had been a member of the Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi when at the University of Michigan.
Marcia Hoffman, 52, was vice president and senior technical architect at Cantor Fitzgerald. A former child-welfare worker, she switched to a career in computers. She was survived by her husband, Jim, and her daughter, Lara. A memorial service was held for her at the Kane Street Synagogue in New York City.
Aaron Horwitz, 24, was a bond broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was described as a showman who loved entertaining people, someone who "seized souls, not letting go until he made them merry." A memorial service was held for him at the Brotherhood Synagogue in New York City.
Daniel Ilkanayev, 36, was a senior programming analyst at Cantor Fitzgerald. Mr. Ilkanayev was born in Baku, Azerbaijan, in the former Soviet Union. He was one 16 Russian-speaking Jews who perished in the 9/11 attacks, according to World Congress of Russian Jewry.
Brooke Alexandra Jackman, 23, had just started working as an assistant bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. On September 10, 2001, she had told her mother she was applying to Columbia University's School of Social Work because "there is more to life than making money." A crowd of 1,000 to 1,500 attended her memorial service at the Jewish Center in Oyster Bay, New York. She had volunteered a community soup kitchen and a thrift shop for cancer patients.
Aaron Jacobs, 27, was a vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was making plans for a honeymoon, perhaps to Africa, with his bride-to-be, Jeannine McAteer. He had backpacked through Europe, taught English in Mexico, and climbed a volcano in Greece. His dream was to retire at an early age and travel. He also taught job skills to welfare recipients. A memorial service for him was held at Temple Emanuel in Newton, Massachusetts.
Shari Ann Kandell, 27, was a support staffer at Cantor Fitzgerald. She loved the theater and was studying for a degree in English in the evenings. Her father said, "the overwhelming and outstanding quality that Shari showed all her life was her total selflessness." Many at her memorial service at Temple Beth Rishon in Wyckoff, New Jersey spoke of her giving priority to the needs of others.
Andrew Keith Kates, 37, was a senior managing director of Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Emily Terry, two daughters, Hannah, 5, and Lucy, 3, and a son, Henry, 1. His wife said that although Mr. Kates was a serious bike rider, swimmer, and runner, having run the New York Marathon in three hours and 15 minutes, his family came first. Every Saturday morning, the children would crowd into bed with Mr. Kates and his wife. A memorial service for him was held at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City.
Peter Rodney Kellerman, 35, was a vice president and equities trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Robi. Mr. Kellerman had a doctor's appointment on the morning of September 11, but came to work when the appointment was rescheduled. Friend Jon Bott wrote how he misses Mr. Kellerman's "infectious humor, your wonderful wit and how comfortable and easy you made people feel." A memorial service was held for him at the Park Avenue Synagogue in New York City.
Mary Jo Kimelman, 34, had worked for Cantor Fitzgerald for 13 years. Friends and family say she was an extremely loyal, outgoing person who wrote poetry and enjoyed traveling. Her boyfriend, Thierry LeBras, said she had a special talent of listening to people she had just met, getting them to open up about their lives. A memorial service was held for her at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.
Glenn Davis Kirwin, 40, was a senior vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was also an avid cyclist, runner, golfer, and skier, who would go on 80-kilometer bicycle rides. His wife, Joan, says he always found time to play with his sons, Miles, 10, and Troy, 7, even after long workdays. A memorial service was held for him at Westchester Reform Temple in Scarsdale, New York.
Alan Kleinberg, 39, was just days away from transferring to a different Cantor Fitzgerald office on September 11. He was survived by his wife, Mindy, a three-year old son, Sam, a seven-year old daughter, Lauren, and a nine-year old son, Jacob. His mother said Mr. Kleinberg limited his outside interests so he could spend more time with his family. A memorial service was held for him at the Jewish Center in East Brunswick, New Jersey.
Karen Joyce Klitzman, 38, worked at Cantor Fitzgerald. She and her twin sister Donna spoke with each other every day on the phone. Karen had taught English for two years in Macao and Beijing, China, and traveled in Siberia and throughout the Middle East. A memorial service was held for her at Stephen Weiss Free Synagogue in New York City.
Nicholas Craig Lassman, 28, was a computer technician for Cantor Fitzgerald. Mr. Lassman studied computers after several years of teaching golf in Florida. He also taught himself how to play the guitar and learned Russian and German so he could read books in those languages. He spoke to his parents, Ira and Laura Lassman, almost every day. A memorial service for Mr. Lassman was held at Temple Beth-El in Cloister, New Jersey.
Steven Barry Lillianthal, 38, was a mortgage bond broker for Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Adina, 4-year old twins, Emma and Gabriel, and a three-month old son, Sam. A memorial service was held for Mr. Lillianthal at Temple B'nai Abraham in Livingston, New Jersey.
Stuart T. Meltzer, 32, was an energy broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. He had two young sons; the eldest, Jacob, was four years old when he died. His brother, Larry, said he talked with Stuart at least five days a day, often discussing sports. A memorial service for Mr. Meltzer was held at Temple Emeth in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Nancy Morgenstern, 32, was an administrative assistant at Cantor Fitzgerald. She was an Orthodox Jew whose passions were cycling and skiing. She would bring kosher food and the pots and pans needed to stay kosher on cycling racing trips. In a website dedicated to her memory, her mother wrote, "Nancy, I miss you more than mere words can express. Not only were you my daughter, but you were also my best friend." A co-worker described Nancy as "one of the most thoughtful, disciplined, funny, crazy, independent women I ever knew." Fifty-eight friends wrote tributes to her on her memorial website.
Laurence M. Polatsch, 32, was a partner in equities sales at Cantor Fitzgerald. A prankster, Mr. Polatsch donned a tuxedo and crashed the 2000 wedding of celebrities Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas. He ate with actor Jack Nicholson before security guards asked him to leave. Mr. Polatsch's mother said he once flew back from college to present her with flowers on her birthday. Recently, Mr. Polatsch had resumed a relationship with childhood sweetheart Marni Wasserman, and they were expected to marry. Guttermann Funeral Home in Woodbury, New York confirmed that Mr. Polatsch was Jewish.
Joshua Reiss, 23, was a bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. An enterprising young man, Joshua began delivering newspapers at age 10, worked in the family business before attending college, and worked full-time as a waiter while also being a full-time student with a double major at college. More than 1500 people attended his memorial service at Adath Israel Synagogue in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. On August 27, 2002, his mother wrote on the internet, "We miss you and still want you to come home. I will always have a void in my soul."
Brooke David Rosenbaum, 31, was supervisor in the overseas division of Cantor Fitzgerald. He was sick on September 10, but went to work the next day because, according to a friend, he felt that without him, "the whole place would fall apart." He was survived by his mother, Dorothy. A memorial service was held for him at the Jewish Center in Rego Park, New York.
Sheryl Lynn Rosenbaum, 33, was an accountant and partner at Cantor Fitzgerald. Her father described her as the "glue" of their family. She was survived by her husband, Mark, and two children, aged 3 months and 17 months. A memorial service was held for her at Temple Har Shalom in Warren, New Jersey.
Lloyd Daniel Rosenberg, 31, was a bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Glenna and three daughters, Samantha, 5, Kaylee, 3, and Alyssa, 1. His wife said that "Lloyd's passion was being a ‘daddy.' His girls were his pride and joy. I will forever miss the Saturday mornings when I would sneak downstairs and watch him reading them a book or playing ‘horsie.'" A memorial service was held for him at Temple Shalom in Aberdeen, New Jersey.
Andrew Ira Rosenblum, 45, was a broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. He married his wife, Jill, at Temple Hillel in North Woodmere, New Jersey, and their sons Jordan and Kyle were 14 and 11, respectively, when their father died. Mr. Rosenblum's friend, Steve Cohen, said, "Andy was the kind of guy that had many circles of friends and many dear friends within each circle."
Joshua M. Rosenblum, 28, was an assistant trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was only four days away from marrying colleague Gina Hawryluk on September 11. Ms. Hawryluk stayed home from work that day to plan their wedding. Mr. Rosenblum and co-workers smashed out windows with computers on the 104th floor to let smoke escape. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Beth El in Cedarhurst, New York.
Richard Rosenthal, 50, was vice president of finance at Cantor Fitzgerald. Mr. Rosenthal was treasurer of the Jewish Center in Fair Lawn, New Jersey and also treasurer of the Dysautonomia Foundation. His son Evan, 18 years old when Mr. Rosenthal died, suffers from dysautonomia, a disorder of the nervous system that confines him to a wheelchair. Evan has needed a feeding tube to eat since he was 2. Friends say Mr. Rosenthal "was always with [Evan]." His younger son Seth, 15 years old when Mr. Rosenthal died, said, following September 11, "I'm going to keep calling him on the cell phone until he answers."
Michael Craig Rothberg, 39, was a managing director for Cantor Fitzgerald. Mr. Rothberg was an avid skier, boater, and jogger. Described as "modest and unassuming" and extremely loyal to his co-workers, Mr. Rothberg raised money for multiple sclerosis in a bike-a-thon and for a friend who had cancer. A memorial service was held for him at the Temple Sholom in Greenwich, Connecticut.
Eric Sand, 36, was an equity trader at cantor Fitzgerald. Mr. Sand, a talented musician who had once pursued a career in music, had more recently played guitar for a special audience -- his young son, Aaron, who was 18 months old when Mr. Sand died. Mr. Sand's wife, Michelle, said he would rush home from work to spend as much time as possible with his son. A memorial service was held for Mr. Sand at Congregation B'nai Yisrael in Armonk, New York.
Scott Schertzer, 28, worked in the human resources department of Cantor Fitzgerald. On September 10, he felt terrible because he had to give layoff notices to a number of co-workers, but this saved their lives. Mr. Schertzer was an excellent soccer and baseball player who could bench press 102 kilograms, even though he weighed only 70 kilograms. A memorial service was held for him at Congregation B'nai Ahavath Shalom in Union, New Jersey. On December 5, 2001, his mother, father and sister posted this note on an internet memorial site: "We can never say ‘Good-bye.' You will always be with us. We love you and will always love you."
Ian Schneider, 45, was a senior managing director for Cantor Fitzgerald. His lifelong friend Howie Kessler said, "This guy loved life. No one danced harder at a party or shouted louder at a ball game." His wife Cheryl said that when he arrived home, his three children Rachel, 11, Jake, 9, and Sophie, 7, fought for the right to jump first into his arms. Almost 2000 people attended Mr. Schneider's memorial service at Temple Sharey Teflio-Israel in South Orange, New Jersey. Many were families of the children he coached on soccer, softball, and baseball teams, a chore he undertook so he could spend more time with his children.
John Burkhart Schwartz, 40, was a bond broker for Cantor Fitzgerald. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.
Jason Sekzer, 31, was a vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald. His father, Will Sekzer, who is active in a fraternal society of Jewish New York policemen, described his son as "handsome, smart, humble, and polite." Mr. Sekzer had married Nastasha Makshanov eight months before he died. On September 10, the photographer called to say that their album of wedding photographs was ready. A memorial service was held for him at East Midwood Jewish Center in Brooklyn, New York.
Allan Abraham Shwartzstein, 37, was a managing director and partner at Cantor Fitzgerald. "He was about the most considerate person I knew," longtime friend Mark Madoff said. One thousand people attended the memorial service for him at Temple Beth El in Chappaqua, New York. He was survived by his wife, Amy, a five-year old daughter, Jessica, and a four-year old son, Matthew.
Kenneth Alan Simon, 34, was an equities trader for Cantor Fitzgerald. He and his wife, Karen, had adopted a daughter, Maya, who was 10 months old when he died. "You should have seen his face when he looked into her big brown eyes for the first time," his wife said. "He just melted." The Simons had plans to adopt more children. Mr. Simon called his wife after the plane hit to say that he was going to look for his father, Arthur Simon, who worked 11 stories below him. A memorial service was held for both father and son at Temple Beth El in Spring Valley, New Jersey.
William E. Spitz, 49, was a government bonds broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. He had a degree in elementary education. A memorial service was held for him at Oceanside Jewish Center in Oceanside, New Jersey.
Eric A. Stahlman, 43, was a broker for Cantor Fitzgerald. He joined the company about 10 weeks before September 11. He was survived by his wife, Blanca, who is from Ecuador, a seven-year old daughter, Allison, and a four-year old son, Jacob. Long friendships and close family ties were the things he cherished most, family members said. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Beth El in Papchoque, New York.
Alexander Robbins Steinman, 32, was a vice president in equities sales for Cantor Fitzgerald. Mr. Steinman had attended the wedding in Italy of lifelong friend Richard Diamond on the weekend before September 11. He then rushed home to get back to work, which he loved. "Alex had an incredible sense of humor and he got as much out of life as anybody possibly could," Mr. Diamond said. He said Mr. Steinman had been "the life of the party" at his wedding in Italy. A memorial service was held for Mr. Steinman at Temple Israel in Staten Island, New York.
Kenneth W. Van Auken, 47, was a bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Lorie, and two children, Matthew and Sarah. His wife says Mr. Van Auken was her "rock," the loving spirit in her life, and someone who was always willing to interrupt what he was doing to have some fun with his children. He was also a skilled carpenter, building a deck, bookcases, and other projects around his home. A memorial service was held for him at Temple B'nai Shalom in East Brunswick, New Jersey.
David Thomas Weiss, 50, was vice president and deputy general counsel for Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Marcia and daughter Gina. He was described as a "very private man with a kind, sweet and generous heart and ... above all else ... limitless devotion to this family." A memorial service was held for him at the Brotherhood Synagogue in New York City.
Michael Wittenstein, 34, was a bond broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was scheduled to marry his fiancée, Carrie Bernstein, on October 20, 2001. His uncle, Mark Hershkowitz, said he had thought many times after the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 about buying Michael a parachute, and wishes he had. "Michael was one of those people who always had a smile, always seemed happy at whatever he was doing," relative Warren Treuhaft wrote. As in the Jewish tradition, Mr. Wittenstein was buried with some of his possessions.
Marc Scott Zeplin, 33, was an equities trader for Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife, Debra, and two sons, Ryan, 3, and Ethan, 10 months old. Mr. Zeplin once dreamed of becoming a professional sportscaster, having broadcast hockey games at the University of Michigan. His friends formed the Marc S. Zeplin Foundation, which helps children who lost a parent or loved one on September 11. A memorial service for Mr. Zeplin was held at the Jewish Community Center in Harrison, New York.
Charles A. Zion, 54, was a senior vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald. Mr. Zion was survived by his wife, Carole, and his 16-year old son, Zachary. "He was a great guy and a great husband," his wife said. A memorial service for Mr. Zion, who was the son of a rabbi, was held at the Greenwich Reformed Synagogue in Greenwich, Connecticut.
A List of 142 Cantor Fitzgerald Employees Under Age 30
Paul Andrew Acquaviva 29
Donald L. Adams 28
Shannon Lewis Adams 25
Joanne Ahladiotis 27
Laura Angilletta 23
Peter Paul Apollo 26
Frank Thomas Aquilino 26
Joshua Aron 29
Colleen Ann Barkow 26
Guy Barzvi 29
Alysia Basmajian 23
Bryan Craig Bennett 25
Dominick J. Berardi 25
Bella Bhukhan 24
Joshua David Birnbaum 24
Balewa Albert Blackman 26
Craig Michael Blass 27
Martin Boryczewski 29
Shawn Edward Bowman Jr. 28
Michelle Renee Bratton 23
Lloyd Brown 28
Brandon J. Buchanan 24
Matthew J. Burke, 28,
Brian Joseph Cachia 26
Richard M. Caggiano 25
Jonathan N. Cappello 23
Charles Lawrence (Chip) Chan 23
Swede Joseph Chevalier 26
Frances Ann Cilente 26
Nestor Andre Cintron 26
Juan Pablo Alvarez Cisneros 24
Kevin Sanford Cohen 28
Joseph A. Corbett 28
Michael S. Costello 27
Jeannine Marie Damiani-Jones 28
Michael Allen Davidson 27
Monique E. DeJesus 28
Joseph A. Della Pietra 24
Douglas Frank DiStefano 24
Neil Dollard 28
Joseph M. Doyle 25
Joseph Anthony Eacobacci 26
Paul Robert Eckna 28
Samantha Egan 24
Fanny M. Espinoza 29
Judy Hazel Fernandez, 27,
Anne Marie Sallerin Ferreira 29
Claudia Alicia Martinez Foster 26
James Andrew Gadiel 23
Grace Galante 29
Daniel James Gallagher 23
Giovanna (Genni) Gambale 27
Francesco Garfi 29
Rocco Gargano 28
Terence D. Gazzani 24
Marina R. Gertsberg 25
Monica Goldstein 25
Michael Edward Gould 29
Scott Hazelcorn 29
Charles Francis Xavier Heeran 23
Mark D. Hindy 28
Michele L. Hoffman 27
Michael Horn 27
Aaron Horwitz 24
Zuhtu Ibis 25
Christopher N. Ingrassia 28
Todd A. Isaac 29
Aleksandr Valeryerich Ivantsov 23
Brooke Alexandra Jackman 23
Aaron Jacobs 27
Jake Jagoda 24
Shari Kandell 27
Douglas D. Ketcham 27
Danielle Kousoulis 29
Ganesh K. Ladkat 27
Christopher Randall Larrabee 26
Nicholas C. Lassman 28
Eugen Lazar 27
Alexander Lygin 28
Michael A. Marti 26
Jennifer Mazzotta 23
Darryl Leron McKinney 26
Robert C. McLaughlin Jr. 29
Alok Kumar Mehta 23
Wilbert Miraille 29
Lynne Irene Morris 22
Peter James Mulligan 28
Michael Joseph Mullin 27
Marc A. Murolo 28
Frank Naples 29
Manika Narula 22
Francis J. Nazario 28
Martin Niederer 23
Michele Ann Nelson 27
Brian Felix Nunez 29
Amy O'Doherty 23
Jason Douglas Oswald 28
Todd Joseph Ouida 25
Davin Peterson 25
Kaleen E. Pezzuti 28
Josh Piver 23
Beth Ann Quigley 25
James Francis Quinn 23
Gregg Reidy 26
Joshua Scott Reiss 23
John Armand Reo 28
Raymond J. Rocha 29
Scott Rohner 22
Eric Thomas Ropiteau 24
Angela Rosario 27
Joshua M. Rosenblum 28
Christina Sunga Ryook 25
Thierry Saada 27
Jude Elias Safi 24
Carlos Samaniego 29
Jacquelyn P. Sanchez 23
Maria Theresa Santillan 27
Vladimir Savinkin 21
Scott M. Schertzer 28
Sean Schielke 27
Matthew Carmen Sellitto 23
Khalid M. Shahid 25
Gary Shamay 23
Robert J. Shay Jr. 27
Peter A. Siracuse 29
Wendy L. Small 26
Saranya Srinuan 23
Andrew Stergiopoulos 23
Brian J. Terrenzi 29
Robert Frank Tipaldi 25
Felix Antonio Vale 29
Ivan Vale 27
Matthew Gilbert Vianna 23
Joshua S. Vitale 28
Scott Jeffrey Weingard 29
Vincent Wells 22
Ssu-Hui (Vanessa) Wen 23
Adam S. White 26
John C. Willett 29
Brian Patrick Williams 29
James J. Woods 26
Martin M. Wortley 29
According to research posted at http://www.scribd.com/Ersun_Warncke_6762
by user Ersun Warncke, apparently the business/economy reporter for the
[Oregon] Salem-News, where Warncke cross references the CNN 9/11 Memorial Victims list with the SSA Death Index, only 100 Cantor Fitzgerald employees are in the SSA Death Index:
Cantor Fitzgerald Employees with Listings in the SSN Death Index
Vincent Abate 40
Daniel Thomas Afflitto 32
David Agnes 46
Joanne Ahladiotis 27
Guy Barzvi 29
Dominick J. Berardi 25
Alvin Bergsohn 48
Michelle Renee Bratton 23
Brandon J. Buchanan 24
Keith James Burns 39
Brian Joseph Cachia 26
Scott W. Cahill 30
Thomas J. Cahill 36
Dominick E. Calia 40
Sandra Patricia Campbell 45
John A. Candela 42
Jonathan N. Cappello 23
Leonard M. Castrianno 30
Charles Lawrence (Chip) Chan 23
Swede Joseph Chevalier 26
Juan Pablo Alvarez Cisneros 24
Joseph J. Coppo Jr. 47
Michael S. Costello 27
Thomas A. Damaskinos 33
Michael Allen Davidson 27
Monique E. DeJesus 28
Stephen P. Dimino 48
Joseph M. Doyle 25
Paul Robert Eckna 28
William J. Erwin 30
Michael Bradley Finnegan 37
Timothy J. Finnerty 33
Claudia Alicia Martinez Foster 26
Thomas Edward Galvin 32
John T. Gnazzo 32
Michael Gogliormella 43
Andrew H. Golkin 30
Michael Edward Gould 29
Donald H. Gregory 62
Kevin James Hannaford 32
William Ward Haynes 35
Erik Hans Isbrandtsen 30
Jake Jagoda 24
Shari Kandell 27
Andrew Kates 37
Bojan Kostic 34
Ganesh K. Ladkat 27
Robin Larkey 48
Gary H. Lee 62
Jorge Luis Leon 43
Steven B. Lillianthal 38
Craig Damian Lilore 30
Alexander Lygin 28
Michael Lynch 34
Sean Lynch 34
Thomas Anthony Mahon 37
Edward Mazzella Jr. 62
Kaaria Mbaya 39
Darryl Leron McKinney 26
Sean Peter McNulty 30
William J. Meehan Jr. 49
Alok Kumar Mehta 23
David R. Meyer 57
Corey Peter Miller 34
Michael Matthew Miller 39
Nancy Morgenstern 32
Lynne Irene Morris 22
Ann Nicole Nelson 30
Brian Novotny 33
Vinod K. Parakat 34
Robert Emmett Parks Jr. 47
Jon A. Perconti 32
Joshua Scott Reiss 23
Leo A. Roberts 44
Antonio Augusto Tome Rocha 34
Eric Thomas Ropiteau 24
Andrew I. Rosenblum 45
Richard David Rosenthal 50
Christina Sunga Ryook 25
Carlos Samaniego 29
Maria Theresa Santillan 27
Scott M. Schertzer 28
Matthew Carmen Sellitto 23
Gary Shamay 23
Karl Trumbull Smith 44
Ruben Solares 51
Corina Stan 31
Richard H. Stewart Jr. 35
Anthony Tempesta 38
Walter (Wally) P. Travers Jr. 44
Michael Patrick Tucker 40
John Damien Vaccacio 30
Felix Antonio Vale 29
Matthew Gilbert Vianna 23
Robert A. Vicario 40
Joshua S. Vitale 28
Peter M. West 54
Adam S. White 26
Brian Patrick Williams 29
James J. Woods 26
Add on for recent hire:
ReplyDeleteBryan C. Bennett, 25, New York (formerly of Greenwich)
Bryan Bennett started at Cantor Fitzgerald's eSpeed division in customer support last year, where he worked on the 104th floor of the north tower. He lived in Manhattan, wanting to remain close to his family, including his mother and sister, Lili O'Malley, who live in Greenwich. He has another sister, Lourdes O'Connor, who lives in Houston.
Since Tuesday, His tight-knit group of friends, which reach back to his days growing up in Glen Ridge, N.J., have has been searching for him in New York City. Those friends have continued to be a strong support for the family.
"The quality of young men who have been surrounding us is a tribute to Bryan, because you are who your friends are," said his mother said. "And it's a tribute to them." A 10 a.m. memorial service is set for Saturday, Sept. 22, at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Riverside.
Add on for recent hire:
ReplyDeleteJoseph Coppo, 47, New Canaan
Coppo joined Cantor Fitzgerald less than a year ago, after the giant bond firm bought out a small, successful company co-owned by Coppo that traded in municipal bonds.
Coppo moved into Cantor's offices on the 104th floor of 1 World Trade Center, the north tower.
On the morning of Sept. 11, the father of four was on the phone with a close friend from California. At 8:48, he abruptly cut into the conversation.
"He said, `A plane just hit the building. I've got to get out of here,''' Coppo's son, Matthew, 18, recounted.
That is all the family knows.
Matt's brother, Joseph, 19, went to Cantor Fitzgerald's information center at a hotel in lower Manhattan, but could learn nothing about his father.
Coppo was the captain of the Manhattan College baseball team in the early 1970s, and imparted his love of sports to his children. He coached youth baseball and basketball in New Canaan.
"For him, everything centered on us,'' said Matt, a senior at St. Luke's in New Canaan.
"He taught us a lot of things through sports. He never forced us, but if we didn't go out for something, he'd ask why. He used sports as a base point.''
Coppo's wife, Patricia, is a homemaker, and his daughter, Kathleen, 22, teaches school in Rye, N.Y. Joseph is a sophomore at Boston College, and the youngest, John, 13, is an eighth-grader at St. Luke's.
Add on for recent hire, in the bond department!
ReplyDeleteEdward Francis 'Teddy' Maloney, 32, Darien
Maloney, a bond trader, started working at the financial securities and brokerage firm Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center about three weeks ago. He grew up in Rye, N.Y., and Greenwich, Conn., and went to New England College and Proctor Academy in New Hampshire.
His aunt Nancy Shepard said the family hasn't given up hope that "Teddy" will come home. "There are all these hot shots and jerks on Wall Street. But he was the sweetest guy you'll ever meet," she said.
His daughter, Mason, 1, hurts the most. "They were so attached. She doesn't understand what's going on, but she took a nap in her father's old room, and gravitated to it. She kissed his picture and didn't want to let it go," Shepard said.
Maloney and his wife, Brinley, are expecting another child.
Add on for recent shifting:
ReplyDeleteWilliam J. Meehan, 49, Darien
Meehan is the most visible financial analyst at one of the country's biggest bond firms.
But neighbors on close-knit Oak Park Avenue know him best as a caring husband and father of three, and a fixture at block parties on the cul-de-sac.
On Thursday, his wife, Maureen Meehan, and other family members and close friends waited at home for some word about him.
"We're trying to figure out what to do to help," said neighbor Candace Hanau. "It is very, very difficult. The people who can offer support to the family are there now."
Meehan is the oft-quoted chief market strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald, perhaps the hardest hit of the dozens of firms that were located at the World Trade Center. Meehan had worked at the firm's Darien office for about four years, before shifting to the World Trade Center in late August.
Of the 1,000 Cantor employees who worked on the 101st, 103rd, 104th, and 105th floors of the north tower - the first to be hit in Tuesday's terrorist attack - only about 270 have been accounted for.
Shortly after the first hijacked plane slammed into the north tower, staffers in Meehan's office described the horror over the telephone to Cantor colleagues in Los Angeles.
"Somebody's got to help us. ... We can't get out. ... The place is filling with smoke,'' one person in the New York office said. Then the connection was lost.
You left off Steven Russin who also had new twins born 4 days after his death