401354 04: (L to R) Christine Lategano-Nicholas, Rev. Patrick Fitzgerald, New York City Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta, Dympna Jessich, twin sister of Father Mychal Judge, and New York Waterway President Arthur E. Imperatore Jr. christen "The Father Mychal Judge" high-speed ferry February 20, 2002 in New York City. Judge was the New York City Fire Department chaplain who died along with 342 firefighters in the September 11th World Trade Center attacks. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images) Dateline: New York, NY, United States[Christine Lategano was the assistant with whom Mayor Rudi Giuliani was having an affair. She should be hung upside down beside Il Duce after the tribunals, so I hope she's wearing some nice underwear.]

Consider this an artistic response to a thread, 9/11 And September Clues, Q & A with Simon Shack, which along with a thread dedicated to Father Judge, means to discuss the "reality" of Father Mychal Judge---victim, or vicsim, depending on who you talk to, number one in the 9/11 psy-op.
The images are off my hard drive, downloaded at some distant point in time. They would appear to be from a book published in 2006 called, 'The Saint of 9/11: Father Mychal Judge'. (Available for purchase, I should think, guys.)
Most come with apparent documented publishing history and authorship.

Father Judge was famously involved in ministering in the aftermath of the TWA Flight 800 disaster, and that should have some documentation too. He appears to have been quite the publicity hound---and certainly not shy. The rather tacky detail about his stopping to comb his hair in the mirror and apply hair spray after he had gotten the call to go down to the WTC site says more than a 1000 pictures could.
I suppose these images might not have been available for some reason on Google image search. I can think of no other reason why the great assortment of clairvoyant depth researchers at Reality Shack could have missed them. What else are they missing I wonder?
If you have an hour-and-a-half to spare, why don't you watch the movie? There is not one sincere, authentic moment in the entire work.
just when I LOVE reading you, you leave the shack.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't my fault! They did it to me!
ReplyDeleteI took the time to watch the video. Starting at about 43:05 the witness makes a statement on Judge’s understanding about G-d, in as much that Judge believes that G-d does not know the future. In my opinion, Judge’s opinion indicates a narrow and shallow understanding about the nature of G-d; G-d most assuredly knows the future. However, my opinion on Judge’s opinion is irrelevant. Judge, with his own personal beliefs and not constricted by the control of “organized religion “, did what no other person did, or possibly could have done. He consoled hurting people and gave them hope. The opinions of his critics are not important; they were not there doing what Judge did. Further, only a person with Judge’s personality and character could have accomplished what was needed to be done.
ReplyDeleteJudge not less ye be judged.
Father Giovanni
“Father Judge was famously involved in ministering in the aftermath of the TWA Flight 800 disaster and that should have some documentation too.” Or not so ‘famously’. There’s no mention of it until years later. Dave Mattingly gives Judge a nod in this easily findable CNN ‘rush’ transcript for an article that aired Apr 2008. It’s Mattingly who mentions Judge, right before he continues with “coming up, a conspiracy that just won’t go away,” referring to the TWA missile claims.
(http://edition.cnn.com/CNN/anchors_reporters/mattingly.david.html Mattingly in the right place at the right time: “…cut short a vacation near Shanksville, Penn, to become one of the first reporters to cover the crash…”)
Judge also gets a TWA mention in this 2006 NBC/Assoc Press hoohar, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13773369/. Apparently he ‘acted as a counselor [sic] to the mourners for years afterward…’ How might you investigate your way out of that bag?
I almost agree with you, “this doesn't necessarily mean they [the pics] are ‘real’… but they would indicate a ‘back story’ of some rather extreme effort…”, but the extremity of the effort is hardly breathtaking seeing that it falls into the context of fooling the world that planes had hit buildings... war in small countries etc. The images help to establish that a chap posed for the photos.
I don’t really see your angle here. You say “the rather tacky detail about his stopping to comb his hair… says more than a 1000 pictures could.” So what; he was a bit image conscious? Then you acknowledge that the film contains ‘not one sincere, authentic moment’; so does that make you think the character is not authentic?
Remember that RS is a chat format, not a publication alternative for journalists. It is a place to bring heads together and to hash out ideas. Your insults aside, you shouldn’t expect every post in a chat thread to be a complete statement in itself, or to be a polished work like each of your postings.