April 14, 1912, New York Times, A Charity So Rich It Can't Spend Its Money; So the Trustees of Sailors Snug Harbor Are Asking the Courts to Help Them Solve the Problem of What to Do About Their Property and the Enormous Revenue It Brings.

April 12, 1949, The New York Times, Lease Widens Hold of NYU In 'Square',

Morris's Memorial History of Staten Island, New York, Volume 2, by Ira K. Morris, West New Brighton, Staten Island, 1900)
Chapter XXXIII. The Sailors' Snug Harbor,
The Sailors' Snug Harbor: A History, 1801-2001, by Gerald J. Barry (2000)
History his creditors and he met Captain Randall, who was impressed with the young man ... Meanwhile, Captain Randall and his son Robert Richard, in business as ..
The New York Preservation Archive, Sailors' Snug Harbor Board of Trustees, History,
Barry, Gerald J. The Sailor’s Snug Harbor: 1801 – 1976. Fordham University Press, New York 2000.
June 18, 1892, The Illustrated American, Volume 11, Issue 122, page 207, The Sailors' Snug Harbor,
May 1, 1936, The New York Times, Letter to the Editor, by Hamlin Talbot
June 11, 1967, The New York Times, Snug Harbor Due for Big Changes, by Thomas Ennis,
March 23, 1968, The New York Times, Snug Harbor is Saved by Court Decision,
April 7, 1996, The New York Times, Streetscapes | The Music Hall at Snug Harbor Cultural Center; A Low–Budget Revival for a Grand 1890 Theater. by Christopher Gray,
October 18, 1965, The New York Times, First Official Landmarks of City Designated; 20 Sites Listed -- Each to Get Year's Grace, by Farnsworth Fowle,

February 9, 1902, New York Times, The Old Van Beuren Mansion to Remain.; "Colonnade Row."

May 30, 1902, New York Times, Fraunces's Tavern,
Our readers know that we are not always in sympathy with the well-meaning persons who desire to preserve what they call historical relics in New York. In particular, we have been able to see nothing in the proposition to move the "Colonnade Row," which was one of the sights of New York half a century ago, from its original habitat, in Lafayette Place, to Bryant Park, and set it up there.
May 30, 1902, New York Times, Fraunces's Tavern,

November 5, 1916, New York Times, Tyler House Gives Way To Business; Marble Landmark in Colonnade Row Where President Ate Wedding Breakfast. Built by David Gardiner; Neighbors Were John Jacob Astor, Gov. E.D. Morgan, Franklin Delano, and John Milhau.
The old house on Lafayette Street in which President John Tyler and his bride ate their wedding breakfast over seventy years ago will soon be torn down to make way for business. It is one of the four survivors of the celebrated Colonnade Row of marble houses which, when erected in 1838, made Lafayette Place famous

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski
Snug Harbor

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