June 1, 1979, The Washington Post, Scientology / Jonestown connection: Sensitive FBI Documents Found in Jonestown Ruins, by Charles R. Babcock, Washington Post Staff Writer, diigo, Sensitive FBI documents and the makings of a book about allegedly illegal FBI activities have been found among the ruins of the Peoples Temple cult in Guyana. The discovery has triggered an investigation of the book's author, a former FBI agent who has been cooperating with the Church of Scientology in exposing purported FBI wrongdoing. It also has led to an exchange of accusations between Charles Garry and Mark Lane, attorneys for the Peoples Temple cult led by the Rev. Jim Jones, who died Nov. 18 with more than 900 cult members in a mass suicide-murder. Justice Department and FBI spokesmen declined to comment on the matter yesterday. But in telephone interviews, the former agent and Garry, his attorney, said that FBI agents searched their offices a few weeks ago in an effort to recover other copies of the FBI materials found in Jonestown, Guyana. The documents were said to be unrelated to the Peoples Temple. Sources familiar with the investigation said the matter is considered serious because informants can be identified from some of the documents. One informant involved has received a death threat as a result, they said. Possible charges against the former agent for stealing government documents may be barred. That is because of an understanding given by Justice Department investigators that he would be immune from prosecution for the alleged misdeeds he has described, sources said. The department's Office of Professional Responsibility has interviewed the former agent about his accusations that the FBI routinely created phony informants -- and used illegal surveillance techniques, such as break-ins and wiretaps. The former agent has given press interviews arranged by the Scientologists over the last several weeks. Church officials have been under investigation for spying on federal authorities and have waged a public counteroffensive to discredit those investigators. The former agent, who asked not to be identified, said in a phone interview yesterday that he first learned materials for his book were found in Jonestown about three weeks ago when six FBI agents from Los Angeles, armed with a search warrant, arrived at the boat where he lives. They found no other documents and took only his typewriter, but told him he was under investigation for stealing government documents, he said. He said he had sent the material to Garry's office more than a years ago to safeguard it until he could turn it over to Justice Department investigators. He said he didn't know how the material got to Jonestown in South America. Garry and Lane have wildly divergent versions of how the former agent's book material made its way from Garry's office in San Francisco to Jonestown. Garry said he recently learned that Terri Buford, a key member of the Peoples Temple, had gone through his files about a year ago and copied the documents with the aid of another Temple member. Garry was the Peoples Temple attorney at that time, he said, and had given Buford a key to his office. He said he gave the FBI the name of the Person who would corroborate the story. Lane, Buford's attorney, said yesterday that a Garry associate gave his client the documents, with Garry's approval, to copy and give to both Jones and Dennis Banks, a leader in the American Indian Movement. The two attorneys were present as Peoples Temple lawyers when Rep. Leo J. Ryan (D-Calif.) made the fateful trip to Jonestown in November. Ryan and four members of his party were murdered and then Jones led a mass murder-suicide in which he and more than 900 of his followers died. Lane and Garry escaped the massacre and have since become bitter enemies. Both Garry and Patricia Richartz, Garry's associate, denied Lane's accusation. "I had no idea the documents were in Jonestown until the FBI came to search my office," Garry said. The FBI agents took his copies of the documents found in Guyana, Garry said. He said he didn't know whether they included raw files. Richartz said Buford knew about the former agent's proposed book because she had been introduced to him at Garry's office about a year ago. The former agent said he retired in 1977 after 25 years in the FBI and decided to write a book because he wanted "to get a change in the system." He said the documents included 212 pages of "working information" for a book about his knowledge of illegal FBI activities, as well as a few dozen copies of internal FBI documents he planned to turn over to investigators. He said he didn't believe informants' names could be learned from the material, but noted that some of documents named FBI agents who took part in break-ins. The former agent said he talked with Michael E. Shaheen Jr., head of the office of Professional Responsibility, and his assistant, Richard M. Rogers, last spring and last October. Both declined comment yesterday. The former agent and Garry both said he had been told by Shaheen's office that he would not be prosecuted as a result of his testimony. Other sources agreed. |
Monday, December 23, 2013
June 1, 1979, The Washington Post, Scientology / Jonestown connection: Sensitive FBI Documents Found in Jonestown Ruins, by Charles R. Babcock,
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Afternoon, Nov. 24, 1963, Walter Cronkite: Death to "the 24-year-old Marxist, pro-Castroite."
CBS News Live Coverage of The Assassination of President Kennedy
From The Afternoon of Sunday November 24th 1963,
start: 10:08
This is Walter Cronkite back in our CBS newsroom in New York. We shall be returning to Washington, of course, very shortly, but this is to report, again, that Lee Harvey Oswald, the 24-year-old Marxist, pro-Castroite, who Dallas police said they had a "cinched" case against as the accused assassin of President Kennedy, was himself shot to death in Dallas an hour-and-a-half ago. He was shot in the basement of the city jail, as police attempted to transfer him from that jail where he'd been held since the assassination, to the County jail a few blocks away. The police captured a man at the scene who reporters saw shoot Oswald and have booked him. Police say his name is Jack Ruby, or Rubenstein,
The police capture at man at the scene who reporters saw shoot. He is 52-years-old, a batchelor, a Dallas nightclub operator, who, as far as anyone has been able to find out, had no particular political opinions.
Rubenstein, or "Ruby" as he's known there, had been in Dallas some ten years. He left an automobile just outside the entrance to the basement, leaped a three-foot fence, and with perfect timing dashed into an open door of the basement just as Oswald was led from an elevator from the upstairs jail toward an armored car that had been brought to the jail for special precautions in moving him to the county building.
Ruby, if that---it turns out to be the man involved in the murder of Oswald, ran forward, right up to Oswald and from less than a foot away fired a small caliber pistol. The bullet did mortal damage to Oswald, who apparently never regained consciousness. He was taken to Parkland hospital and died an hour and fifteen minutes after he was shot in an emergency room just ten feet from the room where President Kennedy had dies almost exactly forty-eight hours before.
end 12:15
From The Afternoon of Sunday November 24th 1963,
start: 10:08
This is Walter Cronkite back in our CBS newsroom in New York. We shall be returning to Washington, of course, very shortly, but this is to report, again, that Lee Harvey Oswald, the 24-year-old Marxist, pro-Castroite, who Dallas police said they had a "cinched" case against as the accused assassin of President Kennedy, was himself shot to death in Dallas an hour-and-a-half ago. He was shot in the basement of the city jail, as police attempted to transfer him from that jail where he'd been held since the assassination, to the County jail a few blocks away. The police captured a man at the scene who reporters saw shoot Oswald and have booked him. Police say his name is Jack Ruby, or Rubenstein,
The police capture at man at the scene who reporters saw shoot. He is 52-years-old, a batchelor, a Dallas nightclub operator, who, as far as anyone has been able to find out, had no particular political opinions.
Rubenstein, or "Ruby" as he's known there, had been in Dallas some ten years. He left an automobile just outside the entrance to the basement, leaped a three-foot fence, and with perfect timing dashed into an open door of the basement just as Oswald was led from an elevator from the upstairs jail toward an armored car that had been brought to the jail for special precautions in moving him to the county building.
Ruby, if that---it turns out to be the man involved in the murder of Oswald, ran forward, right up to Oswald and from less than a foot away fired a small caliber pistol. The bullet did mortal damage to Oswald, who apparently never regained consciousness. He was taken to Parkland hospital and died an hour and fifteen minutes after he was shot in an emergency room just ten feet from the room where President Kennedy had dies almost exactly forty-eight hours before.
end 12:15
Bob Huffaker and Dallas Police Detective [Graves?] Discuss the Slaying of Lee "Howard" Oswald, Afternoon, Nov. 24, 1963
Why would they doctor in two uniformed police officers into this photograph? Their feet look like they've melted into the concrete floor. Was it because this was a closed-shop production?
From: Affidavit of B. L. Beaty, Detective, Special Service Bureau, Narcotic Section:

From: Affidavit of B. L. Beaty, Detective, Special Service Bureau, Narcotic Section:
Melba Espinosa, an employee at the Information Desk, was refused admittance to the basement....

Saturday, November 16, 2013
1978: Kennedy slaying ‘a conspiracy’,
December 31, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Kennedy slaying ‘a conspiracy’,

July 18, 1979, Wilmington Morning Star - AP, page 3A, Panel; JFK murder conspiracy ‘possible’,

Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the U.S. House of Representatives
C. The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.
November 3, 2013, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer - AP, 5 decades later, some JFK probe files still sealed, by David Porter,
Oswald was a loner and an enigma even to those closest to him. He was "as difficult to understand as anyone I've studied in 35 years as a professional historian," said David Kaiser, whose 2008 book, "The Road To Dallas: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy," drew on tens of thousands of documents released in the 1990s.
September 4, 1988, Deseret News, No Conspiracies, U.S. Says As It Ends Probe of 2 Assassinations,

July 18, 1979, Wilmington Morning Star - AP, page 3A, Panel; JFK murder conspiracy ‘possible’,

Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the U.S. House of Representatives
C. The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.
November 3, 2013, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer - AP, 5 decades later, some JFK probe files still sealed, by David Porter,
Oswald was a loner and an enigma even to those closest to him. He was "as difficult to understand as anyone I've studied in 35 years as a professional historian," said David Kaiser, whose 2008 book, "The Road To Dallas: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy," drew on tens of thousands of documents released in the 1990s.
September 4, 1988, Deseret News, No Conspiracies, U.S. Says As It Ends Probe of 2 Assassinations,
The Justice Department has officially ended its inquiry into the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., finding "no persuasive evidence'' to support conspiracy theories, according to department documents.
A Justice Department memo, obtained by a California ophthalmologist through the Freedom of Information Act, was the department's admittedly long-overdue response to the House Select Committee on Assassinations' recommendation 10 years ago for further investigation.
A Justice Department memo, obtained by a California ophthalmologist through the Freedom of Information Act, was the department's admittedly long-overdue response to the House Select Committee on Assassinations' recommendation 10 years ago for further investigation.
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Hiding In Plain Sight
A technique found employed in the clandestine world is the insertion into a common newspaper photograph of a coded visual element unrecognizable to the general public, but one communicating a message to others trained to spot and interpret it. The lexicon of information it can carry is brief, but to the point: It seems to say, "we are here and in charge. This is our creation"
One such visual code I've come to see the significance of I call "hiding in plain sight." It consists of the partial view of an anonymous figure seen in the background of a news picture. This presence rises from the otherwise unremarkable, for instance, when a too close alignment seems to occur between the camera taking the picture and the intended subject, who blocks, or obscures the identity of the person initiating the code. It is as if someone has dashed behind an object to hide, but deliberately left the presence of his anonymity behind---which in the case of action news photographs, would have required them to maintain an obscured relationship to the photographer over some time---typically, a number of consecutive shots.
This presupposes, of course, that the news photographer is unwitting to the act--or must be by dint of their being professionally credentialed, which may not be the case. But another technique surely requires the connivance of the picture taker, or editor. In this variation of encoding a photograph, a portion, or sliver of a figure will appear to one edge of a picture, mostly out of the picture frame. This usually results from the cropping of a larger image, since it's much more difficult for the code's initiator to maintain a moving relationship with a lens aperture, than with a lens.
In other cases, stylistic evidence within a news image can help prove the image maker, even the newsworthy subjects themselves, were just as cognizant of the covert effort underway as the encoding presence was. In an Associated Press photograph taken in a police station in Dallas during the aftermath of the shooting of President John F. Kennedy, the encoding presence stands behind Marina Oswald, wife of the alleged assassin, but his visage is obscured by the shorter figure of Marguerite Claverie Oswald, the mother of the accused, who stands centered in the foreground of the composition.

Marguerite Oswald seems paired in the foreground with a male figure her age, likely to be her husband and Lee Harvey Oswald's father, both of them with eyes downcast with concern, while Marina Oswald would seem to be paired with a young cowboy, who leans against a wall in the background. Both of them stare directly, even defiantly, back at the camera.
Whether you believe this to be a spontaneous moment captured in a public space between a family suddenly thrust into the national spotlight, and a news-wire photojournalist, whom they've never encountered before, who somehow gained access to the privileged scene, or, if you believe as I do---that the image represents a finely composed scenario with intentionally derivable meaning, which required the cooperation of everyone involved to construct---we all would admit that a tanned figure with a brush haircut, who is also casting his eyes downward in apparent worry or prayer, is standing much too close to the younger Mrs. Oswald for comfort---his, hers, or ours.
It is the sense of alarm that I personally feel at the looming and intentionally masked figure that makes for the presence's significance. In the same way, I feel no emotional identification at all with Marguerite Oswald, who's appearance to me is left a blank, and like Garbo's face requires us to do all the work of projecting, that I feel she is a witting co-conspirator to the killing of a President (although hiring Mark Lane as an attorney probably has something to do with it.)
Bob Jackson Photo Of Marguerite And Marina Oswald, November 1963

Original Source: Jobs Papa, Defunct,
With his back against a closed elevator door, Bob Jackson took this photo of Marguerite Oswald and Marina Oswald (the mother and wife of accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald). The anguish of the moment is readily apparent on the face of Marina.
Marguerite still needs to work on her eye contact, but Marina Oswald is showing such tremendous range, if things had only been just a little bit different---she might have had a real chance at the Tuesday Weld slot.
Bob Jackson must have taken the first shot also, by the same elevator doors---an elevator lobby is really the only way to account for having thrown an attractively sullen young cow poke into the mix. Of course, now Bob and the women and the rest of the guys look rather handled, if you know what I mean.
One such visual code I've come to see the significance of I call "hiding in plain sight." It consists of the partial view of an anonymous figure seen in the background of a news picture. This presence rises from the otherwise unremarkable, for instance, when a too close alignment seems to occur between the camera taking the picture and the intended subject, who blocks, or obscures the identity of the person initiating the code. It is as if someone has dashed behind an object to hide, but deliberately left the presence of his anonymity behind---which in the case of action news photographs, would have required them to maintain an obscured relationship to the photographer over some time---typically, a number of consecutive shots.
This presupposes, of course, that the news photographer is unwitting to the act--or must be by dint of their being professionally credentialed, which may not be the case. But another technique surely requires the connivance of the picture taker, or editor. In this variation of encoding a photograph, a portion, or sliver of a figure will appear to one edge of a picture, mostly out of the picture frame. This usually results from the cropping of a larger image, since it's much more difficult for the code's initiator to maintain a moving relationship with a lens aperture, than with a lens.
In other cases, stylistic evidence within a news image can help prove the image maker, even the newsworthy subjects themselves, were just as cognizant of the covert effort underway as the encoding presence was. In an Associated Press photograph taken in a police station in Dallas during the aftermath of the shooting of President John F. Kennedy, the encoding presence stands behind Marina Oswald, wife of the alleged assassin, but his visage is obscured by the shorter figure of Marguerite Claverie Oswald, the mother of the accused, who stands centered in the foreground of the composition.

Marguerite Oswald seems paired in the foreground with a male figure her age, likely to be her husband and Lee Harvey Oswald's father, both of them with eyes downcast with concern, while Marina Oswald would seem to be paired with a young cowboy, who leans against a wall in the background. Both of them stare directly, even defiantly, back at the camera.
Whether you believe this to be a spontaneous moment captured in a public space between a family suddenly thrust into the national spotlight, and a news-wire photojournalist, whom they've never encountered before, who somehow gained access to the privileged scene, or, if you believe as I do---that the image represents a finely composed scenario with intentionally derivable meaning, which required the cooperation of everyone involved to construct---we all would admit that a tanned figure with a brush haircut, who is also casting his eyes downward in apparent worry or prayer, is standing much too close to the younger Mrs. Oswald for comfort---his, hers, or ours.
It is the sense of alarm that I personally feel at the looming and intentionally masked figure that makes for the presence's significance. In the same way, I feel no emotional identification at all with Marguerite Oswald, who's appearance to me is left a blank, and like Garbo's face requires us to do all the work of projecting, that I feel she is a witting co-conspirator to the killing of a President (although hiring Mark Lane as an attorney probably has something to do with it.)
Bob Jackson Photo Of Marguerite And Marina Oswald, November 1963

Original Source: Jobs Papa, Defunct,
With his back against a closed elevator door, Bob Jackson took this photo of Marguerite Oswald and Marina Oswald (the mother and wife of accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald). The anguish of the moment is readily apparent on the face of Marina.
Marguerite still needs to work on her eye contact, but Marina Oswald is showing such tremendous range, if things had only been just a little bit different---she might have had a real chance at the Tuesday Weld slot.
Bob Jackson must have taken the first shot also, by the same elevator doors---an elevator lobby is really the only way to account for having thrown an attractively sullen young cow poke into the mix. Of course, now Bob and the women and the rest of the guys look rather handled, if you know what I mean.
Monday, November 04, 2013
Ukiah Daily Journal, Dec. 18 - 27,
December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Monday from the desk, by Jim Garner,
December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 9, Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Jack Anderson, [GSA scandals]
December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Stephan Jones confesses to Amos family murder,
December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 15, Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Jack Anderson, [Patricia Hearst's acquittal]
December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 2, Government acts to safeguard Jones' foreign bank accounts,
December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Jones' son charged in Georgetown slayings,
December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Jones; A dying man driven mad,
December 20, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Wednesday from the desk, by Jim Garner,
December 20, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Did temple engage in voter fraud in SF?
December 21, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Buford 'anxious' to talk about temple's crimes,
December 21, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 4, Editorial, 'Fast buck' writers quickly reap profits from Jonestown massacre,
December 22, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Friday from the desk, by Jim Garner,
December 24, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 5, Coroner’s jury rules Jones death murder,
December 26, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 4, Editorial, Indianapolis, Ukiah women praised for courageous fight against Jones,
December 27, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 6, Letter, Confiscate his license, by Lew Haydon,
December 31, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Kennedy slaying ‘a conspiracy’,
December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Monday from the desk, by Jim Garner,

December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 9, Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Jack Anderson, [GSA scandals]

December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Stephan Jones confesses to Amos family murder,

December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 2, Government acts to safeguard Jones' foreign bank accounts,

December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Jones' son charged in Georgetown slayings,
December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Jones; A dying man driven mad,

December 20, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Wednesday from the desk, by Jim Garner,

December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 15, Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Jack Anderson, [Patricia Hearst’s Presidential pardon]

December 20, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Did temple engage in voter fraud in SF?

December 21, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Buford 'anxious' to talk about temple's crimes,

December 21, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 4, Editorial, 'Fast buck' writers quickly reap profits from Jonestown massacre,

December 22, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Friday from the desk, by Jim Garner,

December 22, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Katsaris recalls events of ‘Black Saturday’, by George Hunter,

December 24, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 5, Coroner’s jury rules Jones death murder,

December 26, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 4, Editorial, Indianapolis, Ukiah women praised for courageous fight against Jones,

December 27, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 6, Letter, Confiscate his license, by Lew Haydon,

December 28, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, Stand Alone Photo, Official Welcome for Guyanese Visitors,

December 31, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Kennedy slaying ‘a conspiracy’,

December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 9, Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Jack Anderson, [GSA scandals]
December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Stephan Jones confesses to Amos family murder,
December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 15, Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Jack Anderson, [Patricia Hearst's acquittal]
December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 2, Government acts to safeguard Jones' foreign bank accounts,
December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Jones' son charged in Georgetown slayings,
December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Jones; A dying man driven mad,
December 20, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Wednesday from the desk, by Jim Garner,
December 20, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Did temple engage in voter fraud in SF?
December 21, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Buford 'anxious' to talk about temple's crimes,
December 21, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 4, Editorial, 'Fast buck' writers quickly reap profits from Jonestown massacre,
December 22, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Friday from the desk, by Jim Garner,
December 24, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 5, Coroner’s jury rules Jones death murder,
December 26, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 4, Editorial, Indianapolis, Ukiah women praised for courageous fight against Jones,
December 27, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 6, Letter, Confiscate his license, by Lew Haydon,
December 31, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Kennedy slaying ‘a conspiracy’,
December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Monday from the desk, by Jim Garner,

December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 9, Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Jack Anderson, [GSA scandals]

December 18, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Stephan Jones confesses to Amos family murder,

December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 2, Government acts to safeguard Jones' foreign bank accounts,

December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Jones' son charged in Georgetown slayings,
December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Jones; A dying man driven mad,

December 20, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Wednesday from the desk, by Jim Garner,

December 19, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 15, Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Jack Anderson, [Patricia Hearst’s Presidential pardon]

December 20, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Did temple engage in voter fraud in SF?

December 21, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Buford 'anxious' to talk about temple's crimes,

December 21, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 4, Editorial, 'Fast buck' writers quickly reap profits from Jonestown massacre,

December 22, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Friday from the desk, by Jim Garner,

December 22, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 1, Katsaris recalls events of ‘Black Saturday’, by George Hunter,

December 24, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 5, Coroner’s jury rules Jones death murder,

December 26, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 4, Editorial, Indianapolis, Ukiah women praised for courageous fight against Jones,

December 27, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, page 6, Letter, Confiscate his license, by Lew Haydon,

December 28, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal, Stand Alone Photo, Official Welcome for Guyanese Visitors,

December 31, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 1, Kennedy slaying ‘a conspiracy’,

Sunday, November 03, 2013
Friends, relatives sought for 97 Jonestown victims
A very valuable historical resource pertaining to the destruction of the Peoples Temple settlement at Jonestown, Guyana on or about Nov. 18, 1978 can be found in the weekly publication, the Baltimore Afro-American, founded in 1892. Utilizing staff writers as well as a more pointed version of the UPI, the uniquely black perspective addresses what would seem to be fairly obvious issues, and concerns that are absent from the more mainstream media.
The difference in sensibility is often striking, and a collection of AFRO articles which I've begun to assemble here, hold rich veins of irreconcilable detail which will only add to the dross of the improbable official story, prospected at the highest levels of the United States government, then sold us by its fourth estate.
First appearing on Dec. 17, 1978, in at least one newspaper, after being made available to the UPI by the State Department, and republished here on Jan. 6, 1979, or 48 days or so after the tragic events in South America, was a sublist of victims with a plaintive angle: "Friends, relatives sought for 97 Jonestown victims." Purporting that

The lead-in states
Furthermore, a targeted approach would seem in order, given that everyone's "last known residence" was in California:
Moreover, a subset of just over ten percent of this subgroup of slightly more than ten percent of the stated total of fatalities were left uncredentialed by the simplest of passport record information:
Most damaging to this argument are some serious internal boo boos on their list.
Take for instance Daren Richard Janero, born 3-1-64, in California, with a L.K.R. in Redwood Valley, California, age 14.
On the Who Died/Who Survived List, for which I'm obligated to credit Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple, we're told that Claire Elaine Janaro, age 39, and Richard Mario Janaro, age 51, the documented mother and father of young Daren, both survived the catastrophe---Richard because he was aboard the supply ship Cudjoe in neutral waters, his regular gig; and Claire, who was "in Georgetown on business" that weekend, or so we're told by Natalia Danesi, who has 3,492 Memorials Added to the Find A Grave website, and that's some fucking fetish.
How could two out of an announced 87 Temple survivors in Guyana at the time of the massacre, be overlooked by the special government task forces (like State and Justice---we don't talk about the C.I.A., N.S.A., FBI, D.I.A., F.C.C., A.T.F., etc.) along with a corp of journalists in Guyana that totaled 150 from the U.S. alone, escape notice? That's nearly two Yank journalists per survivor!
Daren Richard's biological sister, Mauri Kay Janaro, also died, two days shy of her 16th birthday. Why her name is not on this list, but on another list of victims whose relatives had been proper notified, is the question, Apparently, a slight misspelling of "Janero" as "Janaro" was the bureaucratic snafu, but what explains the parental? They also had a "foster" brother, Marvin Wesley Sellers Janaro, who was a further victim, but his name doesn't appear on either list. And since when do foster children take on the last name of their government subsidized benefactors? Natalia Danesi speaks of Marvin Wesley, saying, "He had written his birth mother and warned her not to come to Jonestown, Guyana." Good boy. Now did he explain to her the serious and permanent change in his identity and legal status that a name only symbolizes?
All three of these children supposedly wound up in the mass grave in Evergreen Cemetery, in Oakland, California, where Daren Richard received no special berth, marker or consideration just because he once had the status of being "identified." Both of his parents were members of the "Planning Commission," the high-level, read-in Group of 140, who ran the Peoples Temple gangster show, so they can't cry poverty---apparently, they just didn't care.
Birth: May 1, 1964
Panorama City, Los Angeles County
California, USA Death: Nov. 18, 1978
Barima-Waini, Guyana
He lived in Redwood Valley, California 95470 before moving to Jonestown, Guyana where he lived in Cottage 12. He was a Student. He entered Guyana on April 6, 1977. Son of Claire Elaine Janaro and Richard Mario Janaro. Brother of Mauri Kay Janaro and foster brother of Marvin Janaro aka Marvin Wesley Sellers. Other records spell first name "Darren." His parents, Claire and Richard, were not in Jonestown on November 18, 1978. Claire was in Georgetown on business while Richard was aboard the Cudjoe boat. His father, Richard Janaro, died in 2003. He is survived by his beloved mother, Claire Janaro, of Los Angeles, California.
Family links: Parents: Richard Mario Janaro (1920 - 2003)
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery
Oakland, Alameda County, California, USAPlot: Jonestown Memorial
Created by: Natalia Danesi
Record added: Nov 01, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 31053788

Richard Mario Janaro
Birth: 1920
Death: 2003
He was a member of the People's Temple who was aboard the boat off the coast of Guyana on November 18, 1978. He is survived by his wife, Claire, another temple member who was in Georgetown, Guyana on November 18, 1978. Their children, Mauri Kay Janaro and Darren Richard Janaro both died in Jonestown, Guyana on November 18, 1978. They also lost their foster son, Marvin Wesley Sellers Janaro, in Jonestown.
Family links: Children:
Mauri Kay Janaro (1962 - 1978)*
Marvin Wesley Sellers Janaro (1963 - 1978)*
Daren Richard Janaro (1964 - 1978)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Unknown
Created by: Natalia Danesi
Record added: Nov 11, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 31287718
Mauri Kay Janaro
Birth: Nov. 20, 1962
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Death: Nov. 18, 1978
Barima-Waini, Guyana
She lived in Redwood Valley, California 95470 before moving to Jonestown, Guyana where she lived in Dorm 5. She was a student. She entered Guyana on August 4, 1977. Daughter of Claire Elaine Janaro and Richard Mario Janaro. Sister of Daren Richard Janaro and foster sister Marvin Janaro aka Marvin Wesley Sellers. Her parents were not in Jonestown, Guyana on November 18, 1978. Her mother, Claire, was in Georgetown on business while her father Richard was on the Cudjoe boat. Her father died in 2003. She is survived by her beloved mother, Claire Janaro, of Los Angeles, California.
Family links: Parents: Richard Mario Janaro (1920 - 2003)
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery
Oakland, Alameda County, California, USA
Plot: Jonestown Memorial
Created by: Natalia Danesi
Record added: Nov 01, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 31053991

Marvin Wesley Sellers Janaro
Birth: Apr. 9, 1963
Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA
Death: Nov. 18, 1978
Barima-Waini, Guyana
Also known as Marvin Wesley Sellers. He lived in Cottage 52 in Jonestown, Guyana. He was a student. He entered Guyana on July 27, 1977. Biological son of Alta Sellers and foster son of Claire Elaine Janaro and Richard Mario Janaro. Foster brother of Darren Richard Janaro and Mauri Kay Janaro. His foster parents were not in Jonestown, Guyana on November 18, 1978. Claire was in Georgetown while Richard was aboard the boat, Cudjoe, both on Temple business. He had written his birth mother and warned her not to come to Jonestown, Guyana.
Family links: Parents: Richard Mario Janaro (1920 - 2003)
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery
Oakland, Alameda County, California, USA
Plot: Jonestown Memorial
Created by: Natalia Danesi
Record added: Nov 01, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 31053875

You might think it couldn't get any worse but you'd be wrong. Note that Lew E. Jones' name is on the list of those forensically identified bodies for which no family contact information could be found by federal government officials. He may have only been Jim Jones' adopted 22-year-old son, but his was a long-term relationship since brought over as an infant, and not acquired as he'd hit a comely prepubescence, like most of the crew transparently seem.
Lew's maternal grandparents were back in Indiana (with some sources saying they'd left Guyana the week before Ryan's visit) and the grandmother, Charlotte Baldwin, was frequently in the news in the early days as plans developed for the burial of her daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren. This began as casket interments in a hometown cemetery in Indiana, but that shifted, eventually becoming both cremation, and the casting of the ashes on the high seas, just to be safe.
The difference in sensibility is often striking, and a collection of AFRO articles which I've begun to assemble here, hold rich veins of irreconcilable detail which will only add to the dross of the improbable official story, prospected at the highest levels of the United States government, then sold us by its fourth estate.
First appearing on Dec. 17, 1978, in at least one newspaper, after being made available to the UPI by the State Department, and republished here on Jan. 6, 1979, or 48 days or so after the tragic events in South America, was a sublist of victims with a plaintive angle: "Friends, relatives sought for 97 Jonestown victims." Purporting that
The U.S. State Department is seeking the next of kin or friends of 97 Jonestown murder-suicide victims who have been positively identified.Anyone familiar with other victims or survivors lists published in the contemporaneous aftermath, or the more recent work of assemblage made by fabulists such as Fielding M. McGehee III and Mary McCormick Maaga, will note the characteristics that set this work apart, and vouchsafe an official origin. Constructed, for the most part, with the sort of information found on American passports---things like middle initials, and the date and state where born, and with only three "AKA's" among the whole lot---it could help to settle the troubling issue of identity that mars the memory of both the Jonetown living and dead. That is if we could abide its central premise---that a year abroad, and several days of putrification, could render a specious subgroup as forensically (if not actually lawfully) identifiable, yet still lovelorn and lost, shades unwashed, unburied and unmourned.

The lead-in states
The department asks anyone with information as to next of kin or friends to call (202) 632-3712 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. EST.I have to ask in return: Why must a request such as this be advertised in a newspaper, especially one in Baltimore? The families of the Jonestown dead were denied the sort of hope that drove family members to blanket Manhattan with mimeographed Missing Person's posters of a loved one's face following the attacks of September 11th, 2001, under the apparent delusion that they might be wandering around New Jersey, dust-covered and amnesiac. Surely if over seven weeks had passed since Jonestown fell, with no stewards coming forward to claim rights over the properly identified remains of those who'd slipped the mortal coil, then a general announcement of calling hours on the East Coast would do little by way of an enticement.
Furthermore, a targeted approach would seem in order, given that everyone's "last known residence" was in California:
The list of 97 includes name and, where available, state where born, birth date and last known residence:This casts doubt on the fervor of an ideological emigration since most had been situated in the wilds of Guyana for over a year, on a permanent basis, mind you, without the stateside visits enjoyed by a privileged few. Shouldn't "their last known residence" be Jonestown? Where did information of a former domicile come from in the first place? If authorities had it in hand, why didn't they start inquiries there?
Moreover, a subset of just over ten percent of this subgroup of slightly more than ten percent of the stated total of fatalities were left uncredentialed by the simplest of passport record information:
- Farris, Lore R.
- Jackson, Karen
- Jay, Love or Lave
- Johnson, Karl
- Johnson, Rosa
- Kay, Marie
- Logan, Henry L.
- Miller, Lucy S.
- Olhe, Marie
- Oman, Edna M.
Most damaging to this argument are some serious internal boo boos on their list.
Take for instance Daren Richard Janero, born 3-1-64, in California, with a L.K.R. in Redwood Valley, California, age 14.
On the Who Died/Who Survived List, for which I'm obligated to credit Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple, we're told that Claire Elaine Janaro, age 39, and Richard Mario Janaro, age 51, the documented mother and father of young Daren, both survived the catastrophe---Richard because he was aboard the supply ship Cudjoe in neutral waters, his regular gig; and Claire, who was "in Georgetown on business" that weekend, or so we're told by Natalia Danesi, who has 3,492 Memorials Added to the Find A Grave website, and that's some fucking fetish.
How could two out of an announced 87 Temple survivors in Guyana at the time of the massacre, be overlooked by the special government task forces (like State and Justice---we don't talk about the C.I.A., N.S.A., FBI, D.I.A., F.C.C., A.T.F., etc.) along with a corp of journalists in Guyana that totaled 150 from the U.S. alone, escape notice? That's nearly two Yank journalists per survivor!
Daren Richard's biological sister, Mauri Kay Janaro, also died, two days shy of her 16th birthday. Why her name is not on this list, but on another list of victims whose relatives had been proper notified, is the question, Apparently, a slight misspelling of "Janero" as "Janaro" was the bureaucratic snafu, but what explains the parental? They also had a "foster" brother, Marvin Wesley Sellers Janaro, who was a further victim, but his name doesn't appear on either list. And since when do foster children take on the last name of their government subsidized benefactors? Natalia Danesi speaks of Marvin Wesley, saying, "He had written his birth mother and warned her not to come to Jonestown, Guyana." Good boy. Now did he explain to her the serious and permanent change in his identity and legal status that a name only symbolizes?
All three of these children supposedly wound up in the mass grave in Evergreen Cemetery, in Oakland, California, where Daren Richard received no special berth, marker or consideration just because he once had the status of being "identified." Both of his parents were members of the "Planning Commission," the high-level, read-in Group of 140, who ran the Peoples Temple gangster show, so they can't cry poverty---apparently, they just didn't care.
Claire Elaine Janaro enjoying the farm life and the cool afternoon air in Northern California
The use of a Zip Code is a homey touch. The picture is atrocious.
Daren Richard JanaroBirth: May 1, 1964
Panorama City, Los Angeles County
California, USA Death: Nov. 18, 1978
Barima-Waini, Guyana
He lived in Redwood Valley, California 95470 before moving to Jonestown, Guyana where he lived in Cottage 12. He was a Student. He entered Guyana on April 6, 1977. Son of Claire Elaine Janaro and Richard Mario Janaro. Brother of Mauri Kay Janaro and foster brother of Marvin Janaro aka Marvin Wesley Sellers. Other records spell first name "Darren." His parents, Claire and Richard, were not in Jonestown on November 18, 1978. Claire was in Georgetown on business while Richard was aboard the Cudjoe boat. His father, Richard Janaro, died in 2003. He is survived by his beloved mother, Claire Janaro, of Los Angeles, California.
Family links: Parents: Richard Mario Janaro (1920 - 2003)
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery
Oakland, Alameda County, California, USAPlot: Jonestown Memorial
Created by: Natalia Danesi
Record added: Nov 01, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 31053788

Natalia Danesi even gave 83-year-old Richard Mario his own death record when his time came, which is kind of sweet.
Richard Mario Janaro
Birth: 1920
Death: 2003
He was a member of the People's Temple who was aboard the boat off the coast of Guyana on November 18, 1978. He is survived by his wife, Claire, another temple member who was in Georgetown, Guyana on November 18, 1978. Their children, Mauri Kay Janaro and Darren Richard Janaro both died in Jonestown, Guyana on November 18, 1978. They also lost their foster son, Marvin Wesley Sellers Janaro, in Jonestown.
Family links: Children:
Mauri Kay Janaro (1962 - 1978)*
Marvin Wesley Sellers Janaro (1963 - 1978)*
Daren Richard Janaro (1964 - 1978)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Unknown
Created by: Natalia Danesi
Record added: Nov 11, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 31287718
Mauri Kay Janaro
Birth: Nov. 20, 1962
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Death: Nov. 18, 1978
Barima-Waini, Guyana
She lived in Redwood Valley, California 95470 before moving to Jonestown, Guyana where she lived in Dorm 5. She was a student. She entered Guyana on August 4, 1977. Daughter of Claire Elaine Janaro and Richard Mario Janaro. Sister of Daren Richard Janaro and foster sister Marvin Janaro aka Marvin Wesley Sellers. Her parents were not in Jonestown, Guyana on November 18, 1978. Her mother, Claire, was in Georgetown on business while her father Richard was on the Cudjoe boat. Her father died in 2003. She is survived by her beloved mother, Claire Janaro, of Los Angeles, California.
Family links: Parents: Richard Mario Janaro (1920 - 2003)
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery
Oakland, Alameda County, California, USA
Plot: Jonestown Memorial
Created by: Natalia Danesi
Record added: Nov 01, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 31053991

Marvin Wesley Sellers Janaro
Birth: Apr. 9, 1963
Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA
Death: Nov. 18, 1978
Barima-Waini, Guyana
Also known as Marvin Wesley Sellers. He lived in Cottage 52 in Jonestown, Guyana. He was a student. He entered Guyana on July 27, 1977. Biological son of Alta Sellers and foster son of Claire Elaine Janaro and Richard Mario Janaro. Foster brother of Darren Richard Janaro and Mauri Kay Janaro. His foster parents were not in Jonestown, Guyana on November 18, 1978. Claire was in Georgetown while Richard was aboard the boat, Cudjoe, both on Temple business. He had written his birth mother and warned her not to come to Jonestown, Guyana.
Family links: Parents: Richard Mario Janaro (1920 - 2003)
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery
Oakland, Alameda County, California, USA
Plot: Jonestown Memorial
Created by: Natalia Danesi
Record added: Nov 01, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 31053875

You might think it couldn't get any worse but you'd be wrong. Note that Lew E. Jones' name is on the list of those forensically identified bodies for which no family contact information could be found by federal government officials. He may have only been Jim Jones' adopted 22-year-old son, but his was a long-term relationship since brought over as an infant, and not acquired as he'd hit a comely prepubescence, like most of the crew transparently seem.
Lew's maternal grandparents were back in Indiana (with some sources saying they'd left Guyana the week before Ryan's visit) and the grandmother, Charlotte Baldwin, was frequently in the news in the early days as plans developed for the burial of her daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren. This began as casket interments in a hometown cemetery in Indiana, but that shifted, eventually becoming both cremation, and the casting of the ashes on the high seas, just to be safe.
I wouldn't be surprised if the C.I.A. had developed working D.N.A. tools a good ten years before Jerry Springer got them. In any event, there was no question of anyone later bringing Osama bin Laden's body back to the Dover mortuary; or digging up "Jim Jones" from a sanctified resting spot, but the winds of portend were surely blowing in: See the October 5, 1981, New York Times, Oswald's Body Is Exhumed -- An Autopsy Affirms Identity, (diigo.)
The Families of Jonestown web page is a tangled web lost in the warp of an endless woven tapestry. For the record, this is how the Jones family breaks down:
The Families of Jonestown web page is a tangled web lost in the warp of an endless woven tapestry. For the record, this is how the Jones family breaks down:
James Warren Jones9 Marceline Mae Baldwin Jones Stephanie Jones3; Suzanne Jones3; Agnes Paulette Jones (35)3; Lew Eric Jones (21)3; Stephan Gandhi Jones (19) 4; Timothy Glenn Tupper Jones (18)3; James Warren Jones, Jr. (18) 3, 4
Forrest Ray Jones Agnes Paulette Jones1 William Dillon Dean (17); Stephanie Lynn Bishop aka Stephanie Jones (14); James Arthur Bishop, aka James Arthur Jones (13); Michael Ray Jones (7)
Johnny Jones, aka Johnny Moss Brown, Jr.
Ava Phenice Jones aka Ava Cobb Stephanie Brown (9)2, 4, Marchelle Jacole Jones (infant)
Timothy Glenn Tupper Jones Sandra Yvette Cobb aka Sandy Jones Monyelle Maylene Jones (infant)3
Lew Eric Jones Terry Carter, aka Terry Jones Chaeoke Warren Jones (1)
You will notice that Sandra Yvette Cobb's name is on the list of the identified yet sadly unclaimed. Legally speaking, she's Jim and Marceline Jones's daughter-in-law, but you didn't read it in the Washington Post. Footnote 3 indicates an adopted child, and the one which Tim Tupper and Sandra Yvette got as a weddding present (he was just 18) they named Monyelle Maylene Jones, since their first choice, Placenta Tylenol, had been usurped by a pretend first cousin.
Notice also how the water has been muddied around the problematic Stephanie Jones. The Stephanie Jones attributed to Jim and Marceline died in 1959 as a young child in a highly suspicious car accident. That she remained included in the counting 19 years later only added to the confusion, and was positively macabre, as though Anthony Perkins were still setting a place for her at the dinner table.
Agnes Paulette Jones, 35, was adopted by Jim Jones when she was 11 and he 23, which is an odd way to start a rainbow family. As she moved along in life from a Mr. Dean, to a Mr. Bishop, she named her first daughter Stephanie in 1964, which makes perfect sense, since it honors the brief period in 1959 when she had a younger sister. That Agnes Paulette wound up back with a Mr. Jones, meant she could go back to using the monogrammed tea towels she had as a maiden.
Things start to get pretty confusing here, even the Jones Family tree doesn't really help. Two of the Jones' boys married sisters, nee Cobb, one of whom had a middle name Yvette, while a different Jones boy married a girl whose first name was also Yvette. Apparently, and this is only conjecture, Ava Phenice Cobb married John Moss Brown before he was adopted by Jim Jones, and when John was adopted she came along in the bargain---which is the only way she could get a name like Ava Phenice Cobb Brown Jones. When Agnes' Stephanie was five-years-old, Ava had a daughter and named her Stephanie too, since she was still a Brown and only a later child was a straight up Jones.
But the little nine-year-old throat-slashing survivor candidate was named Stephanie Jones in all the early publicity--not Brown--although the details of her lineage with the Reverend shifted with the reporter telling the story.
Lynetta Jones Family Tree

Charlotte Baldwin
Cobb Family Tree
Chaikin, David Lee 1-21-63, Calif. (Redwood Valley, Calif.)
Chaikin, Gail S. 2-26-61, Calif.
Chaikin, Phyllis 5-6-39, Calif. (Redwood Valley, Calif.)
Chakin, Eugene B. 12-18-32, Calif.
December 13, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal – UPI, page 4, 601 Jonestown victims identified by FBI,
You will notice that Sandra Yvette Cobb's name is on the list of the identified yet sadly unclaimed. Legally speaking, she's Jim and Marceline Jones's daughter-in-law, but you didn't read it in the Washington Post. Footnote 3 indicates an adopted child, and the one which Tim Tupper and Sandra Yvette got as a weddding present (he was just 18) they named Monyelle Maylene Jones, since their first choice, Placenta Tylenol, had been usurped by a pretend first cousin.
Notice also how the water has been muddied around the problematic Stephanie Jones. The Stephanie Jones attributed to Jim and Marceline died in 1959 as a young child in a highly suspicious car accident. That she remained included in the counting 19 years later only added to the confusion, and was positively macabre, as though Anthony Perkins were still setting a place for her at the dinner table.
Agnes Paulette Jones, 35, was adopted by Jim Jones when she was 11 and he 23, which is an odd way to start a rainbow family. As she moved along in life from a Mr. Dean, to a Mr. Bishop, she named her first daughter Stephanie in 1964, which makes perfect sense, since it honors the brief period in 1959 when she had a younger sister. That Agnes Paulette wound up back with a Mr. Jones, meant she could go back to using the monogrammed tea towels she had as a maiden.
Things start to get pretty confusing here, even the Jones Family tree doesn't really help. Two of the Jones' boys married sisters, nee Cobb, one of whom had a middle name Yvette, while a different Jones boy married a girl whose first name was also Yvette. Apparently, and this is only conjecture, Ava Phenice Cobb married John Moss Brown before he was adopted by Jim Jones, and when John was adopted she came along in the bargain---which is the only way she could get a name like Ava Phenice Cobb Brown Jones. When Agnes' Stephanie was five-years-old, Ava had a daughter and named her Stephanie too, since she was still a Brown and only a later child was a straight up Jones.
But the little nine-year-old throat-slashing survivor candidate was named Stephanie Jones in all the early publicity--not Brown--although the details of her lineage with the Reverend shifted with the reporter telling the story.
Lynetta Jones Family Tree

Charlotte Baldwin
Cobb Family Tree
The interesting pattern found in these family trees is told in color--no pun intended. The red is for survivors and the blue are minor dependents. The only minor to survive among this batch was Stephanie Jones, who survived with her throat slashed.
Larry Layton lost his second wife Karen Layton, as well as his first. Apparently, Ruletta Brown, judging by her issue---Marquess Dwight Rhodes Jr.---was survived by two men, Odell Rhodes and Robert Paul, while her sister Jocelyn was jilted by only one---and a suitcase full of cash has that effect on a man. Then again, Odell Rhodes also claimed the paternity for a baby born to Juanita Bogue, who grew to the age of 19, when he killed an Oakland, California policeman. (See: January 13, 1999, San Francisco Chronicle, Oakland Man Charged, by Gregory Lewis, diigo)
The real issue at Jonestown doesn't appear to have been racism as much as sexism (And don't let the handful of powerful dragon ladies fool you either. There has always been a market for female sadism, and they were making more coffee, than policy. The meteoric rise of 25-year-old Terri Burford from a third-rate college, and a year or so as a secretary at the cable company, to the life of an international money launderer, who always wound up in the bed of the man left on top, was symptomatic of the problem, not the solution. That vicious inside track competes directly with every man or woman who goes to school then work, plays by the rules, while deluding themselves that in "open democracy" is a level playing field.
Brown Family Tree
Carter Family Tree
Ijames Family Tree
Why is David Lee Chaikin, age 15, found on the un-notified list, while his two parents and sister are on the relatives-notified one? The family makes for a nice, square family tree. And if officials must throw in a somewhat interpretive former place of residence, "where available," couldn't they at least have been consistent?
Chaikin, Gail S. 2-26-61, Calif.
Chaikin, Phyllis 5-6-39, Calif. (Redwood Valley, Calif.)
Chakin, Eugene B. 12-18-32, Calif.
Armstrong, Oreen (AKA Poplin) 10-11-04, Texas (San Francisco) 74
Beal, Geneva M. 9-4-40, Miss. (San Francisco) 38
Beck, Daniel J. 5-13-66, Calif. (Redwood Valley, Calif.) 12
Bell, Alfred 3-12-09, Ark. (San Francisco) 69
Bell, Beatrice C. 2-3-55, Ark. (San Francisco) 23
Bell, Elsie I. 6-11-18, Ark. (San Francisco) 60
Bower, Donald R. 2-3-27, Calif. (Oakland, Calif.) 51
Bowie, Kenneth B. 4-20-60, La. (Redwood Valley, Calif.) 18
Bowman, Anthony 2-7-64, Calif. (Los Angeles) 14
Bowman, Delores 9-23-49, La. (Los Angeles) 29
Brown, Luelia H. 6-1-19, La. (Redwood Valley, Calif.) 59
Buckley, Loreatha 7-10-57, Ind. (Ukiah, Calif.) 21
Cain, Ruthie M. (AKA Quinn) 9-30-40, Miss. (Los Angeles) 38
Canada, Mary Francis 1-20-01, La. (Pittsburgh, Calif.) 77
Chaikin, David Lee 1-21-63, Calif. (Redwood Valley, Calif.) 15
Chambliss, Jose E. 6-30-02, Va. (San Francisco)
Cobb, Sandra Yvette 11-16-56, Ind. (San Francisco)
Cole, Arvelle 1912, Miss. (San Francisco) 66
Coleman, Mary 7-23-94 Texas (San Francisco) 84
Coley, Alma (AKA Coachman) 3-10-24 La. (San Francisco) 54
Conley, Corlis D. 3-12-59, Calif. 19
Davis, Cynthia 12-3-49, Texas (San Francisco) 29
Davis, Frances B. 3-14-28, Oakland, Calif. 50
Davis, Margaret V. 1-10-50, Pa. (San Francisco) 28
Farris, Lore R.
Fitch, Thomas R. 3-17-49, Mass. (San Francisco) 29
Gardener, John L. 9-20-60, Calif. (Ukiah, Calif.) 18
Gernandt, Eugenia 3-12-23, N.M. (San Francisco) 55
Godshalk, Viola May 2-10-21, Calif. (Redwood Valley, Calif.) 57
Harris, Dorothy L. 1-17-61, Ga. (Ukiah, Calif.) 17
Harris, Josephine 12-24-07, Miss. (Los Angeles) 71
Jackson, David B. 12-1-92, La. (Los Angeles) 86
Jackson, Karen
Jackson, Luvenia 7-5-97, La. (Los Angeles) 81
Jackson, Ralph E. 6-9-52, Calif. (San Francisco) 26
Jackson, Thelma 8-27-36, La. (San Francisco) 42
James, Margaret 2-27-18, Miss. (San Francisco) 60
Janero, Daren Richard 3-1-64, Calif. (Redwood Valley, Calif.) 14
Jay, Love or Lave
Johnson, Denise 10-23-61, Calif. (San Francisco) 17
Johnson, Helen 11-23-2, Miss. (Los Angeles) 76
Johnson, Karl
Johnson, Rosa
Johnson, Verna L. 11-30-58 Calif. (San Francisco) 20
Jones, Ava P. 8-66-51, Ind. (San Francisco) 27
Jones, Lew E. 11-23-56, Korea (Redwood Valley, Calif.) 22
Jones, Mary T. 8-10-34, Mont. (San Francisco) 44
Jones, Valerie Y. 11-20-58, Texas (San Francisco) 20
Kay, Marie
Keeler, Elaine R. 3-8-44 N.Y. (San Francisco) 34
Kendall, Ellreida 10-30-09, Texas (Los Angeles, Calif.) 69
Lang, Lossie M. 2-16-04, Texas (San Francisco) 74
Langston, Carrie O. 2-10-23 La. (Redwood Valley, Calif.) 55
Logan, Henry L.
Looman, Carolyn S. 3-7-43 Ohio (San Francisco) 35
Lowe, Love L. 12-2-88, Mo. (Redwood Valley, Calif.) 90
Malloy, Lillian 8-10-05, N.C. (San Francisco) 73
Mason, Irene 11-13-92 Ala. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 86
Middleton, Virginia 10-23-13, N.Y. (San Francisco) 65
Miller, Lucy S.
Mitchell, Beverly D. 11-14-62, Calif. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 16
Mitchell, Tony L. 8-13-65, Calif. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 13
Moore, Betty K. 4-26-30, Calif. (San Francisco) 48
Morehead, Leola K. 2-26-26, Ark. (Oakland, Calif.) 52
Morgan, Lydia 10-4-48 Calif. (San Diego, Calif.) 30
Morrison, Lugenia 6-22-27, Texas (Los Angeles, Calif.) 51
Morrison, Yvonne 10-12-39, Calif. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 39
McIntyre, Joyce F. 10-23-37, Miss. (San Francisco) 41
McKinis, Levatus V. 7-1-06, Miss. (Berkeley, Calif.) 72
McKnight, Earl 2-18-95, Miss. (San Francisco) 83
Theodore D. 6-7-58, Wash. (Oakland, Calif.) 20
Nelson, Enola M. 12-9-20, Texas (Los Angeles) 58
O Bryant, Winnieann Z. 2-2-09, Okla. (Redwood Valley, Calif.) 69
Olhe, Marie
Oman, Edna M.
Parker, Victoria G. 2-7-70, Calif. (Pittsburg, Calif) 8
Payney, Lucille E. 9-4-99 Ill. (Ukiah, Calif.)
Perkins, Lenora 4-7-13, Ark. (Los Angeles)
Poindexter, Amanda 10-9-81 Va. (Redwood Valley, Calif.)
Pugh, James R. 3-15-17 Iowa (Redwood Valley, Calif.)
Robinson, Benjamin O. 6-30-53 Ga. (Los Angeles)
Rochelle, Anthony E. 3-30-72 Calif. (San Francisco)
Rosas, Kay 6-19-40 Calif. (Redwood Valley, Calif.)
Russell, D'Andrea Moton 3-2-19
Santiago, Ahda R. 3-27-58 N.Y. (San Francisco)
Scott, Karen L. 10-23-59 Okla. (San Francisco)
Sharon, Rose O. 7-22-07 Va. (San Francisco)
Smith, Kivin 1-12-48 New Jersey (Oakland, Calif)
Solomon, Dorrus H. 12-23-56, Ga. (Redwood Valley, Calif.)
Stewart, Aurora M. 9-17-67 Calif. (Santa Barabra)
Struder, Adeleine M. 12-13-04 Colo. (Ukiah, Calif.)
Thomas, Evelyn 11-1-41 Calif. (San Pablo, Calif.)
Thompson, Etta 2-22-04 Texas (Ukiah, Calif.)
Tupper, Larry H. 12-3-64, Calif. (Redwood Valley, Calif.)
Turner, Bruce E. 4-11-34, Texas (Redwood Valley, Calif.)
Wilkinson, Deanna K. 10-19-50, Ill. (Los Angeles)
Winter, Curtis L. 1-9-23, Ind. (Redwood Valley, Calif.)
That's about enough I suppose, so I'll end with this---the possible significance of which, has only recently entered my conspiratorial sphere of cognition.
It is a compilation of pages of FBI documents that goes by the identifier BQ 89-495, but what's significant about it is that it's maintained online by www.guyana.org, a Guyanese owned and operated news and information portal. I haven't researched this yet, but I'd bet $50 that these same pages aren't in the extensive online posting of documents put up by the FBI. It goes without saying that Fielding and Rebecca don't link here either. The pages are numbered, although the sequence begins abruptly on page 249, and runs to page 313, when very politely it's marked that a deletion has occurred, as it jumps to page 369, then running to page 417---with a handwritten page "369" & "370" tacked on to end. I know this should come out to 123 pages, but I can't make it work. Sorry.
Anyway, on page 251, is found this:
CLAIRE JANERO - white/female, PC, never to Jonestown
RICHARD JANERO - white/male, PC, dead, purchasing agent for PT
The Claire Janero reference is somewhat ambiguous, but as it's found elsewhere in the document pages, it could really mean "never in Guyana" at all. 45 people sleeping in an eight-bedroom Georgetown villa---by scheduled plan and design intent---is only desirable in contrast to Jonestown, not San Francisco.
The Richard Janero reference is unambiguous. It's presence here isn't indicative of any truth necessarily, only that there are honest teams of good FBI agents doing their jobs, and there are teams of bad ones, and it's been this way at least since J. Edgar started, and gangsters, mafia, and Cuban nationals got all mixed up. The G-men play off each other in a sort of training exercise, I imagine, but there's never any doubt who will prevail. It was this way on 9/11 too, when the good FBI were sent off to exercises in Monterrey and not in their usual positions on the right coast. Even the Scientologists were on board by then.
The Richard Janero reference is unambiguous. It's presence here isn't indicative of any truth necessarily, only that there are honest teams of good FBI agents doing their jobs, and there are teams of bad ones, and it's been this way at least since J. Edgar started, and gangsters, mafia, and Cuban nationals got all mixed up. The G-men play off each other in a sort of training exercise, I imagine, but there's never any doubt who will prevail. It was this way on 9/11 too, when the good FBI were sent off to exercises in Monterrey and not in their usual positions on the right coast. Even the Scientologists were on board by then.
My point is, we are very shortly coming up to the 50th anniversary of one of the really big seminal contracts, with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. (And frankly, I found the John Wayne Gacy op to have been far more sinister than anything dreamed up for Jonestown, which was a botched terror operation in both planning and execution.)
The former way of doing business by enforced secrecy is no longer sustainable, IMHO. It is a system based on lies, and now even the big lies are failing. We live surrounded by a matrix of corruption and cruelty that is absolutely appalling, and it's time for everybody to grow up and face the fact. What's in store for us is unknown. Things could get much worse. But until then, I'll try to maintain my faith in the goodness of human nature by telling all the Ayn Rand queens and Aleister Crowley whores they can go suck a bag of dicks.
The former way of doing business by enforced secrecy is no longer sustainable, IMHO. It is a system based on lies, and now even the big lies are failing. We live surrounded by a matrix of corruption and cruelty that is absolutely appalling, and it's time for everybody to grow up and face the fact. What's in store for us is unknown. Things could get much worse. But until then, I'll try to maintain my faith in the goodness of human nature by telling all the Ayn Rand queens and Aleister Crowley whores they can go suck a bag of dicks.
Here is the better copy of the list of dead whose kin were not notifiable, where it looks even odder attached to the larger official list. They're playing with their cardinal rule of not making names public without first notifying affected families. Apparently, there were no other affected families, with the last several hundred victims, discovered tardily, and said to be hidden under the primary layer of victims, were simply fabricated to balance out the accounts on a massive scheme of government fraud. I prefer this scenario to the alternative---where the Black Watch Regiment with U.S. Green Berets and Special Forces came in for a messy extermination when some other plan came unglued,
They don't even mark the transition between Curtis L. Winter and Stephen Michael Addison.
They don't even mark the transition between Curtis L. Winter and Stephen Michael Addison.
The AFRO counted 97 names but somebody's going to have to count the longer list and I think it's going to be me. Then I can correct my transcription errors above.
December 17, 1979, Ukiah Daily Journal - UPI, page 7, Guyana Dead,

Compare the naming of 97 victims on Dec. 17, whose relations had both not come forth, while the State Dept. had been unable to locate them, with the same news wire's story of four days earlier, where unnamed plural "authorities" stated that "Relatives of those [601 already identified] victims have been notified..." As to "the remaining 312 bodies," State Department spokesman Hodding Carter III, said,
"For those who have not been identified or may not be claimed, we have not reached a final decision on how we are going to handle the disposition."
(The existence of up to two dozen Guyanese victims---including adopted children---tend to skew such precise number counting.)
December 13, 1978, Ukiah Daily Journal – UPI, page 4, 601 Jonestown victims identified by FBI,

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