Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Walter Arndt: My Hero.

From the: 1910 The New York Red Book

Albany Legislative Correspondents

The Associated Press
John F. Tremain, Manager
Edward R. Ankler
Frederic T. Cardoze
George H. Boothby
S. C. Dermott
Frank E. Vaughn

United Press Associations
Jos. J. Judd, Manager
F. J. Lockner
Robert A. Delaney
H. E. Cole

Albany Times-Union, F. A. Tierney
Albany Times-Union, Harry Gott
Albany Evening Journal, W. H. Brainerd
Albany Evening Journal, John C. Crary
Albany (Evening?) Journal, William H. Owen
Albany Argus, George E. Griffin
Albany Argus, H. W. Smith
(Albany) Press-Knickerbocher, John Roger
Albany Freie-Blatter, Albert Kaestner

Brooklyn Standard-Union, Joseph J. Early
Brooklyn Citizen, George M. Janvrin
Brooklyn Eagle, Chas. F. Kerrigan
Brooklyn Times, H. F. Guest
Brooklyn Freie Presse, Otto Cruewell

Buffalo Times, W. A. Marakle
Buffalo Express, S. H. Evans
Buffalo News, F. G. Whiston
Buffalo Commercial, H. W. Smith
Buffalo Courier, J. E. MacBride

Glen Falls Star, J. T. McNally
Little Falls Times, Harold J. Hichman
Lockport Sun, A. E. Hoyt

New York American, J. E. MacBride
New York American, Louis D. Lang
New York Herald, W. H. Brainerd
New York Herald, Don Martin
New York Evening Journal, Samuel J. T. Coe
New York Evening Mail, H. C. McMillan
New York Evening Post, W.T. Arndt
New York Evening Sun, W. E. Harg
New York Sun Bureau, Jos. L. McEntee, Manager
New York Press, P. T. Rellihan
New York Times, W. Axel Warn
New York Tribune, F. W. Crone
New York World, Fred W. Wose
New York World, Louis J. Seibold
New York World, Chas. S. Hand

Rochester Democrat Chronicle, W. A. Marakle
Staats Zeitung, Franz Richter
Syracuse Post Standard, Fred W. Wose
Troy Record, George W. Franklin
Troy Press, E. C. Cuyler
Utica Press, E. C. Cuyler

January 2, 1932, New York Evening Post, Obit, Walter T. Arndt,

One of New York's most useful citizens is lost in the death of Walter Tallmadge Arndt. With the background of a wide and exact knowledge of public affairs gained in his years of distinguished service as Albany correspondent of the EVENING POST, he fought valiantly in one position after another for higher standards in politics and government. If his most notable activities were those in connection with his duties as secretary of the Citizens Union, he also played an important part in the Constitutional Convention of 1915 and in the historic work of the State Reorganization Commission, of which he was secretary. At the time of his death he was secretary of the Committee of One Thousand. In all these places he displayed a practical ideality which left its impress not on upon legislation but also upon the framework of government and was a dynamic force in enlightening public opinion.

The story of the Arndts: the life, antecedents and descendants of Bernhard Arndt who Emigrated to Pennsylvania in the Year 1731, by John Stover Arndt, Philadelphia: Christopher Sower Co., 1922; page 370.

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