Evidence points out that men like Lieutenant General (Dr.) Paul Carlton Jr., Surgeon General of the Air Force, and USAF Master Sergeant Noel Sepulveda, could not have undergone the heroics attributed to them in the narrative. Likewise for the navy, a clear case can be made that Lieutenant Commander David Tarantino and Capt. David Thomas are frauds.
But the most egregious example of unearned honor arising from the deceitful storytelling must belong to a cell of working-class and enlisted conspirators who were outed in a photo caption in the Washington Post on September 14th 2001. Since not a single image emerged following the attack on the Pentagon anywhere in the national news record that was captioned identifying anyone prior to this image's distribution, we can judge the advent of the publicity as having been a significant tactical mistake.

U.S. Marine Dan Pantaleo carries a Marine Corps flag that escaped damage during the September 11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon. Also on hand, from left: firefighter Eric Jones, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Chris Braman and Capt. Jared Hansbrough.

"Volunteer firefighter/paramedic Eric Jones, Army Staff Sgt. Christopher Braman, and Marine Corps Major Dan Pantaleo were featured rescuing a Marine Corps flag from the burning Pentagon on the front pages of newspapers and magazines around the world. It is this image that will remain in our memories as a symbol of American patriotism, unity and strength."16So what happened to Capt. Jared Hansbrough I wonder? Maybe he was smart and tried to maintain a covert status--Googling him brings up only two minor references---so, kudos, if you're CIA, Jared! I mean...oops.

Eric M. Jones
Jones' involvement began, he says, because, "I am a volunteer firefighter who happened to be driving near the Pentagon when the plane crashed into it. I stopped the car and ran to the site." Although he doesn't claim so himself, multiple sources---UPI, AP, The Washington Times, American Forces Press Service, a DoD press release---state that Jones saw Flight 77 impact the Pentagon. An article in Washington Informer7 says that Jones was driving on Interstate 395 on his way to school. "I realized then my skills as a firefighter and paramedic might be helpful as initial rescue personnel had yet to arrive. I pulled into the South parking lot and ran and ran toward the damaged area."
(From Ron Harvey's Pentagon Eyewitness List "They saw the aircraft," Oct. 19th 2002)
"Eric M. Jones, 25, a medical student at GW University and volunteer firefighter with the Hyattsville unit of the Prince George's County, Md., Fire and EMS Department, "was driving through nearby Arlington, Va., when he saw the plane slam into the Pentagon's northwest outer wall."34Strangely, Jones doesn't mention his second big moment in his memoir either, but the DoD put it this way:
"He stopped his car and made his way to the impact area. By this time, the initial response firemen had arrived and were attempting to stop the blaze at the point of impact. Jones saw one fireman in grave danger on a ladder; his suit was on fire. Without hesitation, Jones pulled the burning fireman from the ladder to safety."3This important anecdote never made it into the Arlington County After-Action report either. But a central conclusion the report did concern itself with was the major problem self-dispatching volunteers created within the chain of command. But for some reason, officials allowed Jones to stay and serve independent of that command.
I doubt any claims from eyewitnesses on I-395 who say they saw a plane strike the Pentagon. How Jones navigated his way to the scene so quickly without foreknowledge is also questionable. His story about the fireman on the ladder is highly doubtful. If we needed a clincher, the DoD advisory3, which says, "Jones then entered the building through the impact opening and began helping people," will do nicely for its absurdity. The photographic record of the damage makes this unlikely.
Jones' report states clearly that after only 15 or 20 minutes helping at the scene, a retreat was ordered because of mistaken fears of another plane inbound. The remainder of his 72 hours at the Pentagon was spent, he says, "working with the Army mortuary affairs unit and the FBI to locate, mark, and remove the bodies." How an unknown, uncredentialed, unconnected, and unvetted self-dispatched volunteer firefighter from another county in a different state wound up tasked with such recovery operations is never explained. Jones seems like a quick study though. He says on the morning of the 14th, "some members of the FBI asked Chris Braman and me to go in and assist them, since we had been in numerous times and knew what to expect." How they navigated the notoriously labyrinthine building without lights or power is one thing---how security clearances could be ignored for accessing some of the most top-secret departments in the United States government, is another.
"For some reason, we looked up at the hole in the building and saw an amazing and beautiful sight. In front of us, hidden from view from most angles, standing proud and tall amidst total devastation was an apparently intact U.S. Marine Corps flag."Given how hokey and contrived every aspect of the Pentagon attack story was unfolded, especially the emotionally manipulated themes, this flag rescue is not so bad. Marine Maj. Dan Pantaleo seems to have had some rank on the scene. Jones says,
"The major was great at organizing recovery operations, communicating with fire department and law enforcement agencies, and looking after rescue workers. He helped arraign for President Bush to come over and speak with us."There was no ulterior motive for this flag initiative either. Jones tells us that Pantaleo and Staff Sgt. Christopher D. Braman, "respectfully declined media interviews, and they had no interest in anything other than getting the flag safely to headquarters." This "particularly impressed" Jones, who nonetheless didn't feel equally constrained. He seems handpicked, in fact---a media-ready civilian with deep roots in military culture. Attractive, young, personable, a go-getter, his grandfather was one of the original Tuskegee Airmen, while his father was a Vietnam war hero, who today is a successful businessman. Jones' appearance on Oprah with Sheila Moody was a smash hit. However, his live interview on CNN on the first anniversary of the attack---headlined, 9/11 Hero: Discussion With Eric Jones, was something else, as exemplified by this exchange:
WOLF BLITZER: When you ran inside to rescue people, was that just your adrenaline, your instincts? Did you think about it, or you just moved?That Jones, like George Bush, could find a benefit deriving from 9/11 can not be doubted. Nationally recognized as a hero, awarded the Medal of Valor, the highest award the military gives to civilians.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
ERIC JONES: I think I just moved. Every I was with, we were just going back in, and you could hearing people calling out, you could hear people banging on yelling to saved. It just seems like the right thing do. There wasn't really another option.17

"Fearlessness, altruism, wanderlust and adventure seeking blend harmoniously in his character. Eric Moreland Jones is destined for bigger things in life. It is strange why some of the area universities with Medical Schools are not offering any scholarship to this young man aspiring for a medical degree in emergency medicine and trauma surgery. Who knows if Eric will become another Ben Carson, the world famous pediatric neuro surgeon at Johns Hopkins?"7

I am reminded of a local story about volunteer firemen from Westhampton Beach, NY who were prohibited from going into New York City with their equipment. For regional firefighters, the desire to go in to help out was nearly overwhelming. But the captain of the local fire department had received a directive from officials denying local volunteers access. Ground Zero was locked down almost immediately after the attack with strict controls. For righteous reasons, several firemen disobeyed their orders and went in anyway. They faced stern disciplinary measures as a result. I question how Jones and Company acted with such insider privilege in accessing the site.
The experiences Jones relates from his time in New York are the usual sentimental talking points and memes, but written in a highly exaggerated style. Some of his paragraphs are patently ridiculous. A case in point:
"As I was returning some equipment, I walked through an area I had been previously. It was part of the shopping arcade in the still standing adjacent building. The first night I arrived, I had noticed dozens of cash registers still there, still filled with twenty and fifty-dollar bills. Though the money was in plain view of the hundreds of people, both civilian and rescue personnel, who walked through the area daily, nobody had touched it! Similarly, jewelry stores, clothing stores, and electronic stores remained unlooted. A Ritz camera store, covered in debris and surely destined for demolition, had dozens of wrappers from disposable cameras on the floor. That did not surprise me, because I had seen many people taking pictures of the site for their own memories. What surprised me was the pile of wadded up money on top of the dusty cash register and on the counter. People were taking the cameras and film, but they were leaving money because, despite the devastation, they did not want to feel as if they were stealing. I spoke with an iron worker who had returned to leave ten dollars for a disposable camera he had taken a few days earlier. That day was the first time he had left the site and was able to get some money."12It is in such doubly absurd statements like these that I realize Jones did not author this dairy/memoir. Much looting did in fact occur---like the firemen who soon after the collapses went to the yacht basin and "expropriated" an American flag off of a vessel because they needed a mood change. And picture taking was absolutely controlled in both Arlington and new York---try finding an image of the south face of Building 7 during the day of September 11th, for example. The overwrought sentiments must stem from some secret cult of NSA or CIA writers, who delight in telling lies diametrically opposed to the truth. We had no idea that people could stoop so low on a scale so vast, and we better wake up to the fact their lies are often 180 degrees from the truth.

But in a Feb. 5, 2002, DefenseLink News Article, Old Guard Honors Battlefield Tradition, by Linda D. Kozaryn, General John Keane, Army vice chief of staff, had this to say about honor and military duty:
"We had a formidable task ahead of us to find the remains and remove them. We went to see the fire marshal and the special agent in charge and told them that as far as we were concerned, this was a battlefield and those were our dead. We have a way of dealing with this. On the battlefield, we take care of own and that's what we intend to do here. We intended to remove (all the remains) using United States Army soldiers to do it. That's our tradition. That's our custom. So we asked the fire and rescue people to call us when they located (remains.)"46The whole house of cards begins to crumble at this point from the inconsistencies in logic and principle. So much double talk has gone into finessing this issue of victim's remains---it is likely that none of the supposed Flight 77 passengers died at the Pentagon. This may also be true for some or many of the Pentagon work force fatalities. This is the only possible explanation for the secrecy and duplicity afoot.
But the dead are mere ministerial details compared to the manufactured stories of heroic live rescues, which were central to the upcoming narrative of American retaliation. The ultimate meaning to understand about 9/11 lies in the illegal and immoral wars that stemmed from it.
A single person was said to have been rescued, only to die in the hospital. She was 35-year-old Antoinette Sherman, a civilian employee of the Army. She died at 5:18 a.m. on September 18th at Washington Hospital Center, of burns received at the Pentagon, and I mourn the unmistakable reality of her loss. U.S. Army Sgt. Chris Braman was the man credited in the attempt to save her life.

If Eric Jones is entirely a fake, made-up creation, could the same be true of other rescuers? I think so. The details of Sgt. Braman's rescue of Antoinette Sherman sleep with the fishes, but his other big save of the day was supposedly Sheila Moody. Paired together, Braman and Moody prayerfully went on the Oprah Show, then like so many other survivors, Braman was launched out onto the Christian motivational speaker circuit.53
A problem in this narrative pairing though, is it appears to have been an afterthought, and early contradictory information in the record waits to be uncovered beneath its veil of robot.txt.
It would seem, Firefighter Alan Wallace was Moody's intended suiter for the role of savior.
In a fascinatingly early and comprehensive piece by David Maraniss published on page one of the Washington Post on September 18th, Maraniss introduces 49 individuals by name from all aspects of the 9/11 events. Titled, appropriately, "Steve Miller Ate a Scone, Sheila Moody Did Paperwork, Edmund Glazer Boarded a Plane: Portrait of a Day That Began in Routine and Ended in Ashes," Moody and Wallace are paired in context, and the public relations value of this could not have been accidental. She goes first,
"Sheila Moody, in Room 472, heard a whoosh and a whistle and she wondered where all this air was coming from. Then a blast of fire that left as fast as it came. She looked down and saw her hands aflame, so she shook them. She saw some light from a window but could not reach it and could not find anything to break it with in any case. Then she heard a voice. "Hello!" a man called out. "I can't see you." Hello, she called back, and clapped her hands. She heard him approach and sensed the shoosh of a fire extinguisher and then saw him through a cloud of smoke, the rescuer who would bring her out and ease her fear that she would never get to see her grandchildren."43The article only places Wallace nearby, at the exit point for rescuers,
"About 9:40, Alan Wallace...looked up and saw a jetliner coming straight at him. It was about 25 feet off the ground, no landing wheels visible, a few hundred yards away and closing fast...Wallace could hear voices crying for help and moved toward them. People were coming out a window head first, landing on him."43However, in his undated personal essay (archive.org dates the original page April 8, 2002. It was taken down October 3, 2003) where he shares his 9/11 experience, Wallace makes the connection with Moody more explicate,
"I do not think I went into the building any further than 20 feet. I would see fire and spray the extinguisher on it. It makes a very loud noise when being discharged and I did so several times. Out of nowhere, I heard the clear voice of a woman yell “hey!” She had heard the sound of the fire extinguisher and realized she was near another person. She did not sound panicked. I yelled back “I can’t see you” and she clapped her hands. I was waving my flashlight. I did not go after her, and later I questioned my courage about why I hadn’t."Out of such tiny narrative acorns grow the mighty oaks of history. To uproot it, we will need to prove that Braman was unlikely to have been at this location at this time by finding contradictory evidence in the record, along with further supporting evidence that Alan Wallace was here---windows located beside the fire station where he worked, which served as an exit route for several people. Wallace says,
"Several days later, I noticed an article in the Washington Post which mentioned me. It also described a woman, Sheila Moody, who heard the swoosh of a fire extinguisher from someone, called out, and was answered by and rescued by a firefighter. I do not remember making contact with her. I believe it was my fire extinguisher she heard, but I also believe she was intercepted by another firefighter. But had I not had the fire extinguisher but had taken the garden hose attached to the fire station, she might not have known she was very near the outside of the building and near rescuers."30
"I was later told by a civilian rescuer that I helped him climb into the window of the Pentagon where most of the victims exited the building. I don’t remember helping him up. But I definitely remember him being there. I feel he was instrumental in organizing the rescue effort at this area of the Pentagon. At the time, I described him as a civilian 35-40 years old wearing black jeans, black polo shirt with a red logo on the shirt. In April, 2002, I learned that the identity of this ‘civilian’ was Blair Bozek. He turns out to be a Lt. Col. USAF, (Ret.). He was one of the SR71 Spy plane pilots. Ha!"30He is talking about, Lt.Col. Blair Bozek, a Reconnaissance Systems Officer who flew 70 missions in the hush-hush Blackbird aircraft, including the "11,000 mile, 10.9 hour-long 'Giant Scale II' mission in 1988." Earlier he flew as a Weapons Systems Officer in F-4 Phantom II's. Bozek is now a senior defense analyst with SAIC and he has "supported the Director of Air Force Test and evaluation in the Pentagon since May of 2001."
Alan Wallace provides the sorts of details that truth is constructed from:
- forgetting that he gave someone a boost up through a window
- giving away the credit for organizing the rescue
- feeling shame at his lack of courage to go any deeper into the smoky interior
- not being afraid to mention his fear
- casually offering up the name of a likely operative
- one which could then be cross referenced by others)
- and in making it perfectly clear for the record that he didn't see a plane impacting with the Pentagon building..
This misspelling of names has a long tradition in covert life. In an article found at archive.org, little known because of it, the normally reliable Jim Garamone misspells Sheila Moody's name by calling her Sheila Mundy.
"Sheila Mundy had just started her second day on the job at the Pentagon when the plane hit. A personnel specialist, she told Rumsfeld of an incredible rescue.I don't think this was a simple mistake. Moody's cute reference to a "Corporal Burns" sounds like code to me. Garamone had written an article and taken a photograph just the month before, when Mrs. Rumsfeld visited Moody in the hospital on September 13. 55 How did he then get her name wrong when writing on October 7th?48 Someone seems to be using Moody to make a deliberate veiled statement here. Would Moody have gotten both the name and the rank wrong?
After the explosion, Mundy and another woman struggled to reach a window in an attempt to flee the building. Neither had a clue what had happened nor that a gaping hole had been blown in the building, she said.
"A soldier, I believe his name was CPL Burns, he came in with a fire extinguisher," Mundy continued. "I heard him say, ‘Is anybody in there?’ And I said, ‘Yes, we’re here!’"
The smoke was too thick for Mundy to breathe. She had to clap her hands to get the corporal’s attention. "He came toward the sound, and he put out the flames between us. I stepped over some of the rubble, and he led me outside," she said.
She told the corporal about the other woman inside. The man turned around, went back in and rescued her. "He’s an angel to have come in to get me," Mundy concluded."48

In Earl Swift's extraordinary work in The Virginian Pilot, in a four-part series that began September 8, 2002, we are given a carefully worded backhanded hint of the location of "the 45-seat restaurant that served the Army's top brass," where Chris Braman did his work, like "cater[ing] a twice-weekly prayer breakfast." Swift references the food facility, saying,
"One floor down and 200 feet clockwise around the mammoth Pentagon doughnut [from the kitchen,] in the big room of cubicles occupied by the Army's deputy chief of staff for personnel, the moment felt significantly different."41The personnel office is dead center in the violent-event strike zone, between Corridor 4 and the firewall dividing wedges 1 and 2. This would mean Braman's workplace is on the third floor, and well south of Corridor 4. So, did Braman exit out of Corridor 4 right into the heart of the action? Well, no.

"On the Pentagon's third floor, a chef dashed into Staff Sgt. Chris Braman's office, eyes wide, asking: What do we do? Braman ran past the man into the kitchen, which still had lights, and shut off the stoves. The hall was crowded with people running and shouting and ordering evacuation. In the time it took Braman to lock the kitchen door, they were gone. He was alone.In a scene from the movie 12 Angry Men, deliberating jurors measure out the steps a crippled man has to take to get out of bed, timing his travel down a long hallway. Braman will have to close down his facility in response to an unknown crisis, then travel across the entire distance of the building internally---from the south west corner to "the Pentagon's northeast side." He has to deal with the crowds, while gathering information along the way. He doesn't encounter an opportunity to be of service until he's outside, where he takes a baby from a policeman, (and possibly its soldier-mother?) delivering it to a triage "65 yards" away. Then he'll have to make a mad dash for "the breach" to successfully complete three separate missions.
"He walked the empty halls and stairs and kicked open an emergency door on the Pentagon's northeast side. A crowd had gathered at the Remote Delivery Facility, where little more than an hour before he'd been unloading groceries. All eyes seemed to be on something beyond his view, around the Pentagon's curving perimeter.
"Braman started toward the throng. On the way he encountered a Pentagon police officer trying to carry a wounded soldier and a baby. The cook took the baby, whose hair had been singed, and who didn't make a sound on the 65-yard walk to a first-aid station.
"It was there that Braman got his first glimpse of the new wedge's outer wall. Flames shot from the windows and a large, irregular hole in the limestone. Smoke erupted in plumes that folded over themselves, curled into tubes, swirled into dirty brown twisters. Braman handed off the baby and without thinking, ran for the breach."41
In a surprisingly controversial assessment, the Arlington County After-Action Report states,
"At about 9:55 a.m. on September 11, Captain Gibbs [...] observed what appeared to be a slight structural movement at the initial impact area. He ordered everyone out of the building. Within minutes, the upper floors collapsed onto those below. Captain Gibbs’ quick and decisive action prevented serious injuries to firefighters in a part of the impact area where there were no surviving victims."Criticism of this conclusion contends that this most sober of documents got the monumental fact of a partial building collapse of the Pentagon wrong by 15 minutes, mixing up warnings of a collapse with the actual event. But work I've done analyzing local television coverage in D.C. leads me to believe that at least two stations cooperated in shielding the timing of the collapse, delaying "live" coverage of the event for 15 minutes.
Even Sgt. Braman admits he cut it close,
"Braman went on to say that his "training and belief in God" allowed him to accomplish the mission at hand without fear or hesitation. Two minutes before the building collapsed, Braman made his final trip into the building and pulled out his lastbut accepting 9:38am as the time of a crash, and a 10:00am building collapse, would leave only a 28 minute window of opportunity.
survivor, Sheila Moody, who dubbed him her 'guardian angel.'"31
But in the public record, the only infant figuring in the narrative, at least on this side of the Pentagon, is April Gallup's baby boy. It is said that Gallop and her child made an escape out of the blast hole itself. However, in this well-known Carmine Burgess photograph, baby-boy Gallup is seen as traveling north.

Chris Bauman is found piggybacking onto other bits and pieces of the narrative too. Compare the following two references by Lt. Col. Ted Anderson:
"Lt. Col. Ted Anderson kicked open an interior door and with the help of two others, carried a heavy woman out of the building and boosted her through the broken window. Then back inside a dark corridor, Anderson said he saw a flash go by and realized a man's clothes were on fire. He tackled the employee and rolled him on the ground to extinguish the flames."25
"Anderson was picking himself up, “when I noticed a brilliant flash of orange light shoot past me like a jet. I didn’t know if part of the roof was falling down or what. But whatever it was, it bounced up against the window in front of me like a rubber band. I suddenly realized it was someone on fire—a guy. The whole front of him was on fire, and I realized he was trying to find his way out of the building, and he must have thought that window was a door. The sergeant and I jumped on top of him, and smothered the flames, and grabbed him—his feet and hands, anything we could grab—and pulled him out of the building."51with an identical reference in Swift's Virginia-Pilot article attributed to Braman:
Outside the new wedge, Staff Sgt. Chris Braman and another rescuer, an Army lieutenant colonel, clambered through a broken first-floor window and into the E Ring's fiery wreckage. Just inside, Braman saw a bright light, and turning, discovered that it was a man engulfed in flames. The man sprinted for an unbroken window, bounced off the glass and flopped to the floor. Braman and the colonel pounced on him, smothered the fire with their bodies, then threw him to rescuers outside.39Sheila Moody has gotten more and more imprecise recollecting her role in her rescue, especially with the timeline. At this year's anniversary, in a perceptive piece in the Utica Observer-Dispatch, she just went with plural guardian angels.
"Moody also is looking forward to meeting one of her rescuers, retired firefighter Alan Wallace. She and Wallace have been exchanging holiday cards ever since, she said, but will be meeting face-to-face for the first time.Obviously she misspells her angel's name in the interview, which the reporter neglects to fact check.
“Even today, there are still bits and pieces of the events, the timeline of things that happened, that are still fuzzy to me,” she said. “And I’ve talked to the sergeant (Chris Brayman) quite a few times, but I’ve never talked to any of the other rescuers that were there that day. So I’m very anxious to sit down and talk to him."33

44 At the Pentagon, fear and anger, Scripps Howard News Service By M.E. Sprengelmeyer and Ryan Alessi, Sept. 11, 2001
45 Pentagon Fire Out; Interim Morgue Set Up, Washington Post, By D'Vera Cohn, Sept. 12, 2001
55 Mrs. Rumsfeld Shares Sympathy, Good Wishes With Attack Victims, American Forces Press Service, By Jim Garamone, Sept. 13, 2001
43 September 11, 2001: Steve Miller Ate a Scone, Sheila Moody Did Paperwork, Edmund Glazer Boarded a Plane: Portrait of a Day That Began in Routine and Ended in Ashes, Washington Post, By David Maraniss, Sept. 16, 2001;
25 Heroes saved lives in Pentagon, 9/11 Army News Service, By Gary Sheftick, Marcia Triggs Sept. 19, 2001
50 Survivors, public try to cope, Washington Post By Donna St. George and Avram Goldstein, Sept. 24, 2001
54 Attack victims relate stories, Army Communicator, Voice of the Signal Regiment, by Jim Garamone, Fall 2001 Vol. 26 No. 3
10 Army Hero Recalls Pentagon 9-11 Rescue-Recovery Efforts, American Forces Press Service, By Gerry J. Gilmore March 13, 2002
16 Recognition of Public Safety and Military Personnel Efforts on September 11, Congressional Record Extension of Remarks E1885 the Hon. Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania in the House of Representatives, Oct. 12, 2001
32 Pentagon Honors Its Heroes Army News Service, Official Site of the Defense of Freedom Medal, by Staff Sgt. Triggs, Oct. 25, 2001
49 Never Leave Them Behind: Pentagon Staffers Who Ran Back Inside to Save Their Colleagues, ABCNEWS.com Nov. 2, 2001
36 Army Ranger Pulled Survivors From Pentagon Debris, Transcript CBS Evening News with Dan Rather By Dan Rather and Sharyl Attkisson, Nov. 16, 2001
51 Washington’s Heroes: On the ground at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, Newsweek Web Exclusive Nov. 23, 2001
21 Headline: Eye On America (September 11/Jones) The recovery work of graduate student/paramedic Eric Jones, CBS Evening News for Wednesday, Dec 19, 2001, (Washington: Sharyl Attkisson)
18 CNN Live Event/Special Bush Speaks at Olympic Torch Bearing Ceremony, CNN.com Transcripts, Aired December 22, 2001 - 08:17 ET
20 President Welcomes Olympic Torch Runners to White House, Remarks by the President at 2002 Olympic Torch Relay Ceremony, The South Lawn, The White House Press Release, 8:27 A.M. December 22, 2001
11 Sept. 11 Heroes Carry Torch in D.C., KSL TV Eyewitness News at 5, By Bruce Lindsay December 21, 2001
22 Bush Honors Area's Faces of Courage: 37 Torchbearers Continue Olympic Flame's Journey Into District, Washington Post, By Michael Amon December 23, 2001
24 Olympic Ceremony Honors Pentagon Heroes, American Forces Press Service, By Linda D. Kozaryn December 21, 2001
31 Local Hero Christopher Braman Joins DCMA in CFC Victory Celebration Ceremony Defense Contract Management Agency Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, By Dianne Ryder, February 2002
46 Old Guard Honors Battlefield Tradition, DefenseLink News Article By Linda D. Kozaryn, Feb. 5, 2002
52 Pentagon Burn Victim Gets Purple Heart Award, The 700 Club, By Tim Branson, March 15, 2002
9 DoD Honors Private Citizens, The Official Site of the Medal of Valor, By Arlo Wagner July 12th, 2002
3 "Sept. 11 Heroes to Receive Medal of Valor" U.S. Dept. of Defense Press Advisory No. 129-02, July 12,2002
10 Army Hero Recalls Pentagon 9-11 Rescue-Recovery Efforts, American Forces Press Service, By Gerry J. Gilmore March 13, 2002
6 Two Civilians Honored for Sept. 11 Heroics, United Press International, July 12, 2002
12 Diary of Sept. 11 Pentagon Hero: Stubborn Defiance, By Eric M. Jones, ABC News, July 15, 2002
5 Defense Honors Private Citizens for Pentagon Heroism, (Steve A. DeChiaro and Eric M. Jones receives Office of the Secretary of Defense Medal of Valor) American Forces Press Service, By Jim Garamone July 15, 2002
4 Pentagon Heroes Receive Medals, Associated Press Online, By Derrill Holly, July 15, 2002
1 2 receive Medals of Valor for aid; Helped in rescue after terror attack, The Washington Times, July 16, 2002
2 Another Medal for Valor is in order.(Letters) The Washington Times, By Charles P. McDowell, Reva, Va., July 20, 2002
8 Hell's Heroes: A Personal Memoir of September 11th, GW Magazine (George Washington University Alumni) Fall 2002
35 Remembering Sept. 11: Pentagon Soldier Became a Hero on Sept. 11, The Columbian, Olympia Wash. By Nichole Gress Sept. 9, 2002
17 CNN Live Event/Special 9/11 Hero: Discussion With Eric Jones, CNN.com Transcripts, Aired 12:42ET September 11, 2002
14 'It feels good seeing they rebuilt it' 'Hard-hat Patriots' Honored at Pentagon, Rocky Mountain News, By M.E. Sprengelmeyer; with Tara Copp and Jennifer Sergent of Scripps Howard News Service, September 12, 2002
23 'Mystery Flt 77? Fuselage? Part at Pentagon,' zetaboards.com/LooseChangeForums/topic/705826/1/
15 America Remembers--Heroes: Eric Jones; 'Heroic efforts, horrific memories, Grad student joined Pentagon and Ground Zero rescue efforts', CNN.com 2002
26 9-11 hero recalls Pentagon tragedy, Pointer View Weekly Newspaper for the Members of the West Point Community, By Master Sgt. Jon Connor September 6, 2002
40 Out of Nowhere: Inside the Pentagon on 9/11, The Virginian-Pilot, By Earl Swift, Sept. 7, 2002
41 Inside the Pentagon on 9/11: Trial by Fire, The Virginian-Pilot, By Earl Swift, Sept. 8, 2002
37 Trial by Fire Without Warning, An Airliner had torn into Pentagon Offices Crowded with Workers. The
Minutes that Followed Decided their Fate, The Virginian-Pilot Norfolk, VA) By Earl Swift, September 8, 2002
42 Inside the Pentagon on 9/11: Life after Death, The Virginian-Pilot, By Earl Swift, Sept. 10, 2002
39 Inside the Pentagon on 9/11: The Call to Duty, The Virginian-Pilot, By Earl Swift, Sept. 9, 2002
29 Sheila Moody's Story American Forces Press Service, By Linda D. Kozaryn Sept. 9, 2002
19 GW hero reflects on rescue, The GW Hatchet-An Independent Student Newspaper, by Julie Gordon September 12, 2002
7 9/11 Hero's Valor Stems from Heroic Parentage, Washington Informer, By Joe Elam, September 18, 2002
28 Rebuilding at the Pentagon: Limestone, sweat, and the will to prevail, U.S. News & World Report, By Angie Cannon, November 3, 2002
30 Actual Account of Fire-Fighter Alan Wallace www.911myths.com
34 Ron Harvey's Pentagon Eyewitness Compilation "They saw the aircraft," October 19th 2002
47 WRAMC provides support following Pentagon attack, Stripe, by Bernard S. Little, Sept. 5, 2002
48 Attack victims relate stories, American Forces Press Service, by Jim Garamone, Oct. 7, 2002
53 One Year Later: How Campus Crusade for Christ responded to the attacks on America, Worldwide Challenge Magazine, By Jennifer Abegg, Sept./Oct. 2002,
38 For Soldier and Hero, 'So Much Death' Eventually Took Its Toll, The Washington Post, By Philip Rucker, May 4, 2008
33 9/11 memorial opens Thursday at Pentagon: Former Whitesboro resident will be there Utica Observer-Dispatch By Staff and Wire Reports Sept. 08, 2008
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ReplyDeleteFACTS)Christopher Braman was arrested for Domestic violence agaisnt his still abused batterd wife Samaria Braman at Fort Lewis while serving. He had began the abuse her when Samaria a Freshman him a sophmor in high school-he would do discusting sexual thing to her as she was blind folded. braman would open up all the curtains for all the nieghbor kids to watch him sadamise her-most are to sickning to post.his father followed suit by beating their mother while younger brother Andrew Braman followed his brothers path and beat every girl he went out with. I came into this SICK Familys world in 1995 and within months I found myself locked up like an animal n being beatin daily-I conceived a baeutiful chid out of rap, even the pregnancy didnt stop the abuse. The whole family put on a good enough show that I bought into. The Bramans (MONSTERS) mother (Corol Miranda Patten )was able to con me into moving up to washington State where she had promices if she saw even one mark on me-She would call the police. I arrived in Washington the day befor easter of 96 and was welcomed to Chris Braman beating my sister in-law. he had tied her up threw her into the hall closet n said come on everyone lets go out to eat. I went to try and get her out of the closet when Chris came from behind me with a milaty rifle-put his hand around my neck, pointed the gun into my face and said "Go for it" The worse hasnt even begon yet-my child and I were finaly taken out of his brothers home June 20th 2005 and the hell continues to this day. Bramans Uncles are High ranking officers with Santa Ana PD (Gary n Tony Miranda) and his cousin the Augurries(Cory is an attorney repasenting these slime bags n the other is Judge Augurrie) I till this date have been asulted,pyscaly,verbaly and mentaly by the balif Aillio,,commisinor wilson and clerk M Pambogo,judge Miller. But even worse since this was going on in the west. Christopher Braman rapped my neice on her 16th birthday while my EX sister in-law stood by and watched. I still have two other neices living under that roof and am scared to death what they are doing to them now? There is alot more abuse etc... that this whole family is involved with but I think they should be more careful on whom they consider a HERO!!! PLEASE HELP my Neices,myself n my Child from any more abuse and put these animals in cages where they belong.
ReplyDeleteClearly you have a lot of questions. I appreciate people like you doing research to keep things honest, but you are mistaken on many things. For example, you state that "Jones' appearance on Oprah was a smashing hit...". Actually, Eric Jones declined to be on Oprah. If you watch the show, it was Sgt. Braman and Sheila Moody on Oprah, and yes it was a very well received show. Sgt. Braman was a hero, and he saved lives that day. I know because I worked with him for four days and witnessed it first-hand. As were many other men and women during that time. You can believe whatever you want, but I would hope that you would try to get your facts straight before going through so much effort to discredit good people. I would be more than happy to meet with you sometime to help clarify things for you and address some of your questions. For those of us that were actually there, we know what really happened. True, all of the facts did not make it into mainstream media, but this was a matter of respect, not because of some "secret NSA or CIA cult". Feel free to contact me if you would ever like to hear my version of what happened, instead of trying to piece together bits and pieces of information from soundbites and articles. Take care,
Eric Jones