November 29, 1953, New York Times,
Plunge Kills US Defense Aide,
December 1, 1957, New York Times, The Week In Review,
Science Notes - Insanity Chemical;
April 25, 1967, New York Times,
A Listing of New Books,
August 13, 1967, New York Times,
Radio-Today's Leading Events,
July 13, 1968, New York Times,
Washington Proceedings,
July 14, 1968, New York Times Magazine, page SM10,
The Black Flag Of Anarchism, by Paul Goodman,
August 4, 1968, New York Times, page 41,
Double Agents, Mafia and Plot to Kidnap Pope Flit Through London, by Barnard Collier,
September 14, 1969, New York Times,
Criminals At Large, by Allen J. Hubin,
January 8, 1970, New York Times,
Excerpts From Governor Rockefeller's Address at Opening of the Legislature,
June 13, 1971, New York Times Magazine,
Guatemala: Always La Violencia, by Victor Perera,
October 24, 1971, New York Times,
About That Lady Who Wants to Marry The Pope, and Other Innocents Abroad, by Robert Sherrill,
August 9, 1973, New York Times,
Behind Antiwar Veterans' Trial: Watergate, Spies and Break-Ins; Arraigned Last August Eight Hours of Testimony Tells of His Arrest, by John Kifner,
November 11, 1973, New York Times,
This 'Spook' Has No Respect for Human Life, by Meyer Kantor,
June 11, 1975, New York Times,
CIA Panel Finds "Plainly Unlawful" Acts That Improperly Invaded American Rights, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
June 13, 1975, New York Times,
The Rocky Report: Better Than Expected, by Tom Wicker,
June 18, 1975, New York Times,
Criticism of CIA Viewed as Menace By Patriotism Unit,
June 22, 1975, New York Times,
TV VIEW; Stars vs. Executives Who's Greedier?,
June 22, 1975, New York Times,
The Church Committee Must Address That, Among Other Questions; How Deeply Should the C.I.A. Be Looked Into?, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
July 10, 1975, New York Times, page A18,
Report by C.I.A. Puzzles Capital; Release of Data on Internal Spying Believed to Be a Last-Minute Decision, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
July 10, 1975, New York Times, page A1,
File Said to Indicate C.I.A. Had a Man in White House, by John M. Crewdson,
July 10, 1975, New York Times,
Family Plans to Sue C.I.A. Over Suicide in Drug Test,
July 11, 1975, New York Times, page A1,
High-Level Backing Cited in C.I.A. Drug-Unit Spying, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
July 11, 1975, New York Times, page A34,
New Panel Urged In Spying Inquiry; House Committee Proposes Reorganization to End Impasse Over Nedzi, by John M. Crewdson,
July 11, 1975, New York Times,
Detective Said Scientist had 'Severe Psychosis', by Joseph B. Treaster,
July 12, 1975, New York Times,
Death Inquiry Is Reopened in LSD Case,
July 12, 1975, New York Times,
CIA in the Early Nineteen-Fifties Was Among Pioneers in Research on LSD's Effects, by Boyce Rensberger,
July 12, 1975, New York Times, page A1,
C.I.A. Report Says Aides Worked at Other Agencies, by John M. Crewdson,
July 13, 1975,
A Letter From Hotel Statler Night Manager Armond Pastore to Alice Olson, (PDF)
July 18, 1975, New York Times,
Destruction of LSD Data Laid to CIA Aide in '73, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
July 18, 1975, New York Times,
Ex-C.I.A. Aide Says Scientist Who Died Knew About LSD Tests,
July 18, 1975, New York Times,
Ex-CIA Aide Says Scientist Who Died Knew About Experiments With LSD, by Joseph B. Treaster,
July 18, 1975, New York Times,
Destruction of LSD Data Laid to CIA Aide in '73, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
July 19, 1975, New York Times, page A1,
Church Doubts Plot Links to Presidents, by John M. Crewdson,
July 19, 1975, New York Times,
Ex-CIA Employe Took LSD as a "Guinea Pig', by Joseph B. Treaster,
July 19, 1975, New York Times,
Ex-C.I.A. Employee Says He Took LSD As a Reluctant 'Guinea Pig' in Tests,
July 20, 1975, New York Times,
The Nation; In Summary The FBI's Record On Break-Ins,
July 20, 1975, New York Times, The Week In Review,
The Nation; The House Rearranges Its C.I.A. Inquiry,
July 22, 1975, New York Times,
Family in LSD Case Gets Ford Apology,
July 22, 1975, New York Times, Letters to the Editor,
On the Promise of LSD, by Walter Houston Clark,
July 22, 1975, New York Times,
Family in LSD Death Case Gets Ford Apology and Offer of Help,
July 23, 1975, AP - New York Times,
Family in LSD Case Gets Ford Apology,
July 23, 1975, New York Times,
Army Is Said to Be Using Military Personnel in Current Tests of 2 Drugs That Can Cause Hallucinations, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
July 23, 1975, New York Times,
Olsons Reveal That Ford Told CIA to Yield Data; Olsons Say Ford Gave Data Order, by Joseph B. Treaster,
July 23, 1975, AP - New York Times, page A19,
30 Accused In Suit of Opening Mails; Current and Ex-Officials Blamed by Professor,
July 23, 1975, New York Times, page A32,
Hunt Sons Charge C.I.A. Used Agents To Embezzle Funds,
August 11, 1975, New York Times,
Letters to the Editor,
August 11, 1975, New York Times,
Mind-Drug Tests a Federal Project for Almost 25 Years, by Joseph B. Treaster,
August 13, 1975, New York Times,
Army Discloses Man Died In Drug Test It Sponsored; Army Reveals That Patient Died Here 22 Years Ago in Hallucinogenic-Drug Experiment That It Sponsored, by Joseph B. Treaster,
August 13, 1975, New York Times,
Army Reveals That Patient Died Here 22 Years Ago in Hallucinogenic-Drug Experiment That It Sponsored, by Joseph B. Treaster,
August 16, 1975, New York Times,
Rep. Downey Sees Army Cover-Up in Drug Death, by Joseph B. Treaster,
September 4, 1975, New York Times,
$8.5-Million Sought From Army in 1953 Drug Death, by Joseph B. Treaster,
September 11, 1975, New York Times,
CIA Views on Use of Poison Reported; C.I.A. Poison Ideas Reported Known by Nicholas M. Horrock,
September 16, 1975, New York Times,
Panel Told CIA Sent Poison to Africa by Nicholas M. Horrock,
October 1, 1975,
Telegram From Alice Olson to President Gerald Ford, (PDF)
October 19, 1975, New York Times, Op-Ed,
The Other Side Of LSD, by Richard Ashley,
November 8, 1975, New York Times,
Bureau of Narcotics Tied To CIA's Drug Program, by Harold M. Schmeck,
November 18, 1975, New York Times,
Bid to Cut Name in Report on CIA Fails by Nicholas M. Horrock,
December 19, 1975, New York Times,
Olson's Bar a Suit on LSD Death; Hope Congress Will Pass.Damages Bill,
January 11, 1976, New York Times,
C.I.A.'s Files on LSD Death Found to be Contradictory; Review Panel Set Up, by Joseph B. Treaster,
April 27, 1976, New York Times,
Report Says CIA Agents Picked Up Bar Patrons for LSD Experiments, by Joseph B. Treaster,
August 5, 1976, New York Times,
CIA Considered Big LSD Purchase; Agency Data Disclose 1953 Idea to Obtain $240,000 Worth for Experiments,
October 14, 1976, New York Times,
Notes on People; Ford Signs $750000 Grant In LSD Death in CIA Test,
September 29, 1976, New York Times,
Around the Nation; $750000 Voted by Senate For Family of LSD Victim,
July 15, 1977, New York Times,
Lyman Kirkpatrick Termed Choice Of Carter as CIA Deputy Chief, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
July 16, 1977, New York Times,
Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Than Reported In '75,
July 17, 1977, The New York Times,
Files on CIA Drug-Testing Work Said to List 'Prominent' Doctors, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
July 17, 1977, New York Times,
New Paralysis, New Symptoms: Much Uglier,
August 2, 1977, New York Times,
Private Institutions Used In CIA Effort To Control Behavior; 25-Year, $25 Million Program;
August 2, 1977, New York Times,
Mind-Control Studies Had Origins in Trial of Mindszenty
August 2, 1977, New York Times,
Private Institutions Used In CIA Effort To Control Behavior; 25-Year, $25 Million Program,
August 3, 1977, New York Times,
CIA Hired Magician In Behavior Project; Paid Him to Write a Manual as Aid in Secretly Giving Drugs, by Joseph B. Treaster,
August 3, 1977, New York Times,
Drugs Tested by CIA On Mental Patients; Documents Disclose Use in '58 of LSD in Canadian Hospital, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
August 4, 1977, New York Times,
'Field Laboratories' in CIA Tests Are Described, by Joseph B. Treaster,
August 4, 1977, New York Times,
80 Institutions Used In CIA Mind Studies; Admiral Turner Tells Senators of Behavior Control Research Bars Drug Testing Now, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
August 5, 1977, New York Times,
Records Show CIA Tested LSD on Sex Psychopaths,
August 7, 1977, New York Times,
Alarm Sounds and CIA Wakes Up in Nightmare Alley,
August 7, 1977, New York Times,
CIA Mind Probes Now More Benign, by Joseph B. Treaster,
August 9, 1977, New York Times,
Researchers Say That Students Were Among 200 Who Took LSD in Tests Financed by C.I.A. in Early '50's, by Joseph B. Treaster,
August 10, 1977, New York Times,
C.I.A. Head Offers Drug-Test Files If Justice Department Has Inquiry, by Anthony Marro,
September 3, 1977, New York Times,
CIA Says It Found More Secret Papers On Behavior Control, by Jo Thomas,
September 4, 1977, New York Times,
Around the Nation; CIA Tells Oklahoma U. Of Mind-Research Role,
September 5, 1977, New York Times,
Files Show Tests For Truth Drug Began in OSS; Marijuana Derivative Reported Used,
September 5, 1977, Washington Post, page A1,
The Diaries Of a CIA Operative, by John Jacobs,
September 7, 1977, New York Times,
Ex-CIA Aide Asks Immunity To Testify; Questioning of Biochemist Who Led Behavior Experiments Is Delayed While Application Is Filed, by John C. Crewdson and Jo Thomas
September 20, 1977, New York Times,
Abuses in Testing Of Drugs by C.I.A. To Be Panel Focus; Senate Panel to Focus on CIA Actions, by by John M. Crewdson and Jo Thomas,
September 20, 1977, New York Times - The Week In Review,
Senate Panel to Focus on CIA Action; Abuses in Testing Of Drugs by C.I.A. To Be Panel Focus, by John M. Crewdson and Jo Thomas, September 21, 1977, New York Times,
CIA Sought To Spray Drug On Partygoers; Senate Panel Is Told of Tests on Humans, by Jo Thomas,
September 22, 1977, New York Times,
Key Figure Testifies in Private on CIA Drug Tests, by Jo Thomas,
February 17, 1978, New York Times,
Learning the Details One at a Time; Watergate: Theories About the Break-In and the Cover-Up,
January 30, 1979, New York Times,
TV: An 11:30 pm Look At Mind-Control Studies, by John J. O'Connor,
August 10, 1979, AP - New York Times,
Plaintiffs in a Suit on Drug Tests Win Limited Victory Over CIA; Support for Drug Victim Reported,
March 5, 1980, New York Times,
Hiding CIA Blunders, by William Wilson,
April 6, 1980, New York Times Magazine,
Putting Back the Bite in the CIA, by Tad Szulc,
June 16, 1980, New York Times,
CIA Secrets: Poison Pellets, Marshmallows; Many Details Are Deleted,
October 1, 1980, New York Times,
Dr. Harold A. Abramson Is Dead; Authority on Allergy and Asthma;
December 4, 1980, New York Times,
CIA Linked to Mind-Control Drug Experiments; No Evidence of Major Psychoses,
September 24, 1981, New York Times Book Review,
Books Of The Times,
February 24, 1984, New York Times, Op-Ed,
Behavior Modification Is Not Brainwashing
May 16, 1988, New York Times,
C.I.A. Is Criticized Over a Turncoat, by Stephen Engelberg,
August 10, 1988, New York Times,
Points West; A Mecca for Psychedelic Pilgrims?, by Anne Taylor Fleming,
October 6, 1988, New York Times,
C.I.A. Near Settlement of Lawsuit By Subjects of Mind-Control Tests, by Philip Shenon,
October 12, 1988, New York Times,
U.S. to Pay $750,000 In Suit on LSD Testing,
November 23, 1988, New York Times,
Carl C. Pfeiffer, Pharmacologist, Dies at 80,
August 6, 1993, New York Times,
Alice Wicks Olson, Forced an LSD Inquiry, Dies at 77,
May 7, 1996, New York Times,
William E. Colby, Head of C.I.A. in a Time of Upheaval, Dies at 76,
August 26, 1993, New York Times,
Alice Wicks Olson, Forced an LSD Inquiry, Dies at 77,
August 29, 1993, New York Times, Week in Review,
Files and Whispers: The C.I.A.Opens Its Safe, by Tim Weiner,
December 3, 1993, New York Times, "
The CIA Drug Connection Is as Old as the Agency," by Larry Collins.January 11, 1994, New York Times, Letter,
Human Guinea Pigs Are American as Apple Pie, by Samuel Chavkin, [
March 1994, Spin Magazine,
Altered States of America; Interview with George White's Assistant Ike Feldman, by Richard Stratton,
March 6, 1995, New York Times, Obit,
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Jr., 77, Longtime C.I.A.Official, Dies, by Dennis Hevesi,
October 4, 1995, New York Times,
Books of the Times - Four Old Boys and Their Adventures at the C.I.A., by Richard Bernstein,
April 30, 1996, New York Times,
Ex-Director of C.I.A. Disappears While Canoeing on Choppy River, by Tim Weiner,
May 7, 1996, New York Times,
William E. Colby, 76, Head of CIA in a Time of Upheaval, by Tim Weiner,
July 17, 1996, New York Times,
Exercising Mind Control,
September 17, 1996, New York Times,
U.S. Knew in 1953 North Koreans Held American POW's, by Philip Shenon,
May 28, 1997, New York Times,
C.I.A. Plotted Killing of 58 in Guatemala,
July 20, 1997, New York Times,
Aging Shop of Horrors: The C.I.A. Limps to 50,
September 19, 1997, New York Times,
Master Creator of Ghosts Is Honored by C.I.A., by Tim Weiner,
September 26, 1997, New York Times,
FILM REVIEW; Will the Real Fiend Please Curl a Lip?, by Stephen Holder,
May 24, 1998, New York Times Magazine,
Sunday: May 24, 1998: Resting Places; If You Bury It, He Will Come,
June 14, 1998, New York Times Magazine,
If You Bury It, He Will Come,
March 10, 1999, New York Times,
Sidney Gottlieb, Took LSD to C.I.A., Dies at 80,
November 26, 2000, New York Times,
The Secret to Box-Office Success Is to Mirror Public Moods,
March 9, 2001, New York Times,
Film Review; For Whom (or Is It Who?) the Bay Tolls, by Stephen Holden,
March 18, 2001, New York Times,
FILM; Thank You, 'Saturday Night Live,' for Firing Me, by Douglas McGrath,
April 1, 2001, New York Times Magazine,
What Did the C.I.A. Do to Eric Olson's Father?,
April 22, 2001, New York Times Magazine,
What Did The C.I.A.Do to His Father?,
April 22, 2001, New York Times Magazine,
April 22, 2001, New York Times Magazine,
What Did The C.I.A. Do to His Father?,
November 13, 2001, New York Times,
The Prankster's Death,
November 18, 2001, New York Times, Week in Review,
Psychodelia's Middle-Aged Head Trip, by John Leland,
July 12, 2002, New York Times,
Movie Guide,
May 11, 2003, New York Times,
F.Y.I., by Ed Boland,
March 1, 2004, New York Times,
BOOKS OF THE TIMES; In Chess as in Life, Nasty Guys Really Can Finish First, by Janet Maslin,
October 28, 2004, New York Times,
BOOKS OF THE TIMES - A Girl Gone and a 60's Eden Vanishing, by Janet Maslin,
April 7, 2005, New York Times,
True Tales Odd Enough to Stop a Farm Animal's Heart, by Janet Maslin,
February 12, 2006, New York Times, Sunday Book Review,
'World as Laboratory: Experiments With Mice, Mazes, and Men', by David Brooks,
December 26, 2006, New York Times Magazine,
Bad Shepherds, by Virginia Heffernan,
May 6, 2007, New York Times, Sunday Book Review,
Sex, Drugs and Hot Tubs, by Diane Johnson,
June 2, 2007, New York Times,
World View Podcast, by Greg Winter,
June 27, 2007, Washington Post,
Experimenting With the Mind, by Thomas E. Ricks,
October 4, 2007, New York Times,
Notes on the News: A Chili Moment, by Mike Nizza,
November 2, 2007, New York Times,
Living It Up at the Hotel Pennsylvania, by Jake Mooney,
January 24, 2008, New York Times,
Remembering Doc, by Rachel Donadio,
February 17, 2008, New York Times,
The Paranoiac and The Paris Review, Essay About Doc Humes and The Paris Review, by Rachel Donadio,
February 24, 2008, New York Times,
Memories of a C.I.A. Officer Resonate in a New Era, by Scott Shane,
March 9, 2008, New York Times,
The Unstudied Art of Interrogation, by Scott Shane,
March 29, 2008, New York Times, Op-Ed,
Your Comments on my Anti-Intellectualism Column, by Nicholas D. Kristof,
April 21, 2008, New York Times,
Onstage With Denis Johnson, by Gregory Cowles,
April 22, 2008, Washington Post,
Detainees Allege Being Drugged, Questioned; U.S. Denies Using Injections for Coercion, by Joby Warrick,
May 4, 2008, New York Times,
Albert Hofmann -LSD - A Psychedelic 'Problem Child' Comes Full Circle, by Benedict Carey,
May 13, 2008, New York Times,
Murray Jarvik, 84, Whose Research Helped Lead to Nicotine Patch Dies, by Bruce Weber,
July 6, 2008, New York Times,
Mind Games - Remembering Brainwashing - Cold War Thinking, by Tim Weiner,
October 23, 2008, New York Times Magazine,
The Post-Materialist | Cold War Modern, by Nick Currie,
April 20, 2009, New York Times, Op-Ed,
Morning Skim: Pot vs. Booze, Bank Loans, Waterboarding and More, by Eric Etheridge,
May 12, 2009, New York Times,
A Grand Conspiracy Theory From Pakistan, by Robert Mackey,
October 7, 2009, New York Times,
Excerpt - 'A Bomb in Every Issue', by Peter Richardson,
October 29, 2009, New York Times,
Podcast: Honoring the Fallen and C.I.A.Cash Payments, by David D. Kirkpatrick,
October 30, 2009, New York Times,
Art in Review - Review, by Ken Johnson,
January 15, 2010, New York Times, Op-Ed,
Weekend Competition: Workplace Lingo,
July 29, 2010, New York Times,
Inside Art - 'New Photography 2010' Coming to MoMA, by Carol Vogel,
September 9, 2010, New York Times,
Turn On, Tune In, Drop By, by Steve Pulimood,
December 7, 2010, New York Times,
5 at Columbia Are Charged in Drug Sales, by Mosi Secret and Karen Zraick,
May 24, 2011, The Washington Post,
Reporter subpoenaed in leaks case, by Ellen Nakashima,
June 15, 2011, New York Times,
New York Public Library Buys Timothy Leary's Papers, by Patricia Cohen,
June 17, 2011, New York Times, Sunday Book Review,
Psychedelic Universe; What Physics Owes the Counterculture, by George Johnson,
June 19, 2011, New York Times,
Imagining the Future of Military Gadgetry,
March 3, 2012, New York Times,
Peter Leggieri's East Village Other - The Local East Village Blog, by Peter Leggieri,
November 26, 2012, New York Times,
Suit Planned Over Death of Man CIA Drugged, by James Risen,
November 27, 2012, AP - New York Times,
Suit Set Over Death of Man C.I.A.Drugged,
March 6, 2013, New York Times,
A New Global Drug Problem, by Scott Johnson,
November 8, 2013, The New York Times, Sunday Book Review,
'Overt and Covert'; The Brothers,' by Stephen Kinzer,
December 21, 2013, New York Times,
Cleve Backster, b. 1924, He talked to plants. And they talked back,
December 31, 2013, New York Times, Great Expectations for 2014,
December 21, 2013, New York Times,
How Shadow Morton Helped Launch the '60s
April 3, 2014, New York Times Magazine,
Peter Matthiessen's Homegoing, by Jeff Himmelman,
April 5, 2014, New York Times,
Peter Matthiessen, Lyrical, Adventurous Writer and Naturalist, Is Dead at 86, by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt,
May 23, 2014, New York Times Magazine,
I Don't Let It Snow on My Fiesta; Tom Robbins, Cosmic Lounge Lizard, by Rob Liguori,
July 2, 2014, New York Times,
Stephen Gaskin, Hippie Who Founded an Enduring Commune, Dies at 79, by Douglas Martin,
September 4, 2014, New York Times,
Fall Arts Preview - Film,
November 29, 1953, New York Times,
Plunge Kills us Defense Aide,
A man identified as Frank Olson, a bacteriologist for the Defense Department in Washington, died early yesterday in a plunge from a tenth-story room of the ...
View original in TimesMachine,

December 1, 1957, New York Times, The Week In Review,
Science Notes - Insanity Chemical;

April 25, 1967, New York Times,
A Listing of New Books, The Use of LSD In Psychotherapy and Alcoholism, edited by Harold A. Abramson, M.D., introduction by Frank Fremont-Smith, M.D. (Bobbs-Merrill, $17.50)

August 13, 1967, New York Times,
Radio-Today's Leading Events,
10:30-11 A.M., WNBC: Man Probe. "The Mind Finders," discussion of mental rehabilitation with Dr. D. Ewen Cameron and Dr. Thomas A Lambo, psychiatrist; Dr. Harry L. Shapiro, anthropologist,
2-3:30, WRVR: Harvard Law School Forum. "LSD: Methods of Control," discussion with Dr. Timothy Leary, leader of the LSD movement, and Dr. Norman E. Zinberg, psychiatrist.
July 13, 1968, New York Times,
Washington Proceedings,
The House passed and sent to the Senate an omnibus health services bill covering LSD.

July 14, 1968, New York Times Magazine, page SM10,
The Black Flag Of Anarchism, by Paul Goodman, (We are back to "Religion is the opium of the people" or perhaps "LSD is the opium
PDF, PAGE NUMBERS 71, 266, 268, 270, 271, 273, 275, 277, ...

August 4, 1968, The New York Times, page 41,
Double Agents, Mafia and Plot to Kidnap Pope Flit Through London, by Barnard Collier,
LONDON, Aug. 3 -- A series of conspiracy cases being prosecuted here is producing enough evidence of international criminal Intrigue, Mafia links, double agentry and clandestine police and intelligence work to keep thriller writers in dark plots for years.
I Alan Bruce Cooper, 37, the i i crown witness who claims CIA affiliation, described him- self ... who has been arrested for manufacturing and illegally selling LSD.

September 14, 1969, The New York Times Book Review, page 16,
Criminals At Large, by Allen J. Hubin, The defector proves to be Reinecke, and Mills incinerates him, LSD secret and all . And now, how does he keep M16, the CIA and KGB at bay as he s made ...

January 8, 1970, The New York Times,
Excerpts From Governor Rockefeller's Address at Opening of the Legislature,
June 13, 1971, New York Times Magazine,
Guatemala: Always La Violencia, by Victor Perera,

October 24, 1971, The New York Times,
About That Lady Who Wants to Marry The Pope, and Other Innocents Abroad, by Robert Sherrill, Some of them insist the FBI, is after them or that the CIA is following them ... the stoned night and day on LSD, and hashish and heroin and everything she can get.

August 9, 1973, The New York Times,
Behind Antiwar Veterans' Trial: Watergate, Spies and Break-Ins; Arraigned Last August Eight Hours of Testimony Tells of His Arrest, by John Kifner,

November 11, 1973, The New York Times,
This 'Spook' Has No Respect for Human Life, by Meyer Kantor, He trains them in the CIA methods of killing and sends groups of young men ... filled the air like stale tobacco smoke, and Jwe needed no marijuana or LSD. to ...

June 11, 1975, The New York Times,
CIA Panel Finds "Plainly Unlawful" Acts That Improperly Invaded American Rights; Tightened Controls Over Agency Urged; by Nicholas M. Horrock, Panel Finds C.I.A. Acted Illegally;

June 13, 1975, New York Times,
The Rocky Report: Better Than Expected, by Tom Wicker,

June 18, 1975, New York Times,
Criticism of CIA Viewed as Menace By Patriotism Unit,

June 22, 1975, New York Times,
TV View; Stars vs. Executives Who's Greedier?,
As if we didn't have enough to worry about the C.I.A. sneaking up on us with LSD; "Africanized" killer bees advancing on us from Brazil; Andrew Sarris and Molly Haskell impersonating Johnny Cash and June Carter in the pages of the Village Voice along comes Robert D. Wood, president of CBS-TV, animadverting on actors who refuse to honor their commitments to the networks. Mr. Wood...
June 22, 1975, New York Times,
The Church Committee Must Address That, Among Other Questions; How Deeply Should the C.I.A. Be Looked Into?, by Nicholas M. Horrock,

July 10, 1975, New York Times, page A1,
File Said to Indicate C.I.A. Had a Man in White House, by John M. Crewdson,

July 10, 1975, page A18,
Report by C.I.A. Puzzles Capital; Release of Data on Internal Spying Believed to Be a Last-Minute Decision, by Nicholas M. Horrock,

July 10, 1975, New York Times, page A1,
Family Plans to Sue C.I.A. Over Suicide in Drug Test,
Archived, "I'm very angry at the C.I.A. because they let us grow up thinking that our ... given LSD by two C.I.A. employees during the research meeting.

July 11, 1975, New York Times, page A34,
Detective Said Scientist had 'Severe Psychosis', by Joseph B. Treaster,
Times Machine,

July 11, 1975, New York Times, page A1,
High-Level Backing Cited in C.I.A. Drug-Unit Spying, by Nicholas M. Horrock,
WASHINGTON, July 10 John N. Mitchell, the former Attorney General, and Richard Helms, former Director of Central Intelligence, authorized a secret program to infiltrate the Bureau of Narcotics and Dan- gerous Drugs with agents, a program that the Rockefeller commission later found illegal, authoritative sources reported today.

July 11, 1975, New York Times, page A34,
New Panel Urged In Spying Inquiry; House Committee Proposes Reorganization to End Impasse Over Nedzi, by John M. Crewdson,

July 12, 1975, New York Times,
Death Inquiry Is Reopened in LSD Case,

July 12, 1975, New York Times, page A1,
C.I.A. Report Says Aides Worked at Other Agencies, by John M. Crewdson,

July 12, 1975, New York Times,
CIA in the Early Nineteen-Fifties Was Among Pioneers in Research on LSD's Effects, by Boyce Rensberger, The Central Intelligence Agency was one of the pioneers in studying the drug LSD, having begun its research eight years before Dr. Timothy Leary swallowed

July 13, 1975,
A Letter From Hotel Statler Night Manager Armond Pastore to Alice Olson, (PDF) Document Courtesy of Eric Olson,

July 18, 1975, New York Times,
News Summary and Index; The Major Events of the Day ...
Robert V. Lashbrook, a former employe of the C.LA., said in an interview that Mr. Olson had knowingly participated in the CIA experiment with LSD: ...
July 18, 1975, New York Times, page A1,
Destruction of LSD Data Laid to C.I.A. Aide in '73, by Nicholas M. Horrock,

July 18, 1975, New York Times, page A6,
Ex-CIA Aide Says Scientist Who Died Knew About Experiments With LSD, by Joseph B. Treaster, In describing the LSD incident, the Rockefeller panel did not identify the scientist who died, but a colleague later told his widow and children that the scientist ...

July 19, 1975, New York Times,
Ex-C.I.A. Employee Says He Took LSD As a Reluctant 'Guinea Pig' in Tests,
July 19, 1975, New York Times,
Ex-CIA Employe Took LSD as a "Guinea Pig', by Joseph B. Treaster, Robert V. Lashbrook, who worked for the CIA for 12 years as a research ... R. Olson, another government scientist, to New psychiatric after Mr. Olson had LSD in ...

July 19, 1975, New York Times, page A1,
Church Doubts Plot Links to Presidents, by John M. Crewdson,

July 20, 1975, New York Times, The Week In Review,
The Nation; In Summary The FBI's Record On Break-Ins, ... former chief of the agency s LSD testing program had destroyed the program s ... The House Rearranges Its CIA Inquiry o postal authorities disclosed that 100 ...

July 20, 1975, New York Times, The Week In Review,
The Nation; The House Rearranges Its C.I.A. Inquiry,

July 22, 1975, New York Times,
Family in LSD Case Gets Ford Apology,
July 22, 1975, New York Times,
Family in LSD Death Case Gets Ford Apology and Offer of Help,... after he was given a dose of LSD by Central Intelligence Agency agents in 1953. ... members of the family of Frank R. Olson, who reportedly died in a CIA test.

July 22, 1975, New York Times, Letters to the Editor,
On the Promise of LSD, by Walter Houston Clark,
TimesMachine, To the Editor: The recent news relative to the C. LA. experiments with LSD and the subsequent unfortunate suicide of Frank Olson...

July 23, 1975, New York Times,
Olsons Reveal That Ford Told CIA to Yield Data; Olsons Say Ford Gave Data Order, by Joseph B. Treaster,

July 23, 1975, AP - New York Times, page A19,
30 Accused In Suit of Opening Mails; Current and Ex-Officials Blamed by Professor,

July 23, 1975, UPI - New York Times, page A32,
Hunt Sons Charge C.I.A. Used Agents To Embezzle Funds, DALLAS, July 22 (UPI) Two sons of H. L. Hunt, the late billionaire contending they were discriminated against because of their conservative views, charged today that the Central Intelligence Agency infiltrated the family oil empire and used secret agents to help embezzle more than $50-million from them.

September 5, 1977, Washington Post, page A1,
The Diaries Of a CIA Operative, by John Jacobs, Washington Post Staff Writer,
July 23, 1975, New York Times,
Army Is Said to Be Using Military Personnel in Current Tests of 2 Drugs That Can Cause Hallucinations, by Nicholas M. Horrock, WASHINGTON, July 22 The Army is currently testing on military personnel at the Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland two drugs that can cause hallucinations, ...

August 11, 1975, New York Times, Letters to the Editor,
Destructive LSD, by Dr. Michael Robbins,
Waiter Clark laments that the publicity from the Frank Olson-LSD-C.LA. incident may revive popular fears about LSD and other unspecified "psychedelic" drugs ...

August 11, 1975, New York Times,
Mind-Drug Tests a Federal Project for Almost 25 Years, by Joseph B. Treaster, ... attempt suicide, many research. nra Despite the death of Frank Olson, which occurred in the fall of 1953, apparently not long after the C.LA. began on humans ...

August 13, 1975, New York Times,
Army Discloses Man Died In Drug Test It Sponsored; Army Reveals That Patient Died Here 22 Years Ago in Hallucinogenic-Drug Experiment That It Sponsored, by Joseph B. Treaster, The Army disclosed yesterday that a 42-year-old patient at the New York State Psychiatric Institute died 22 years ago in an Army-sponsored experiment with ...

August 16, 1975, New York Times,
Rep. Downey Sees Army Cover-Up in Drug Death, by Joseph B. Treaster, Representative Thomas J. Downey, who has been investigating the military's drug experiments with humans, said yesterday that there appeared to have been a ...

September 4, 1975, New York Times,
$8.5-Million Sought From Army in 1953 Drug Death, by Joseph B. Treaster, A New York woman announced yesterday that she had filed a claim against the Army for $8.5-million for the "wrongful death" of her father, Harold Blauer, in an ...

September 11, 1975, New York Times,
CIA Views on Use of Poison Reported; C.I.A. Poison Ideas Reported Known by Nicholas M. Horrock,

September 16, 1975, New York Times,
Panel Told CIA Sent Poison to Africa by Nicholas M. Horrock,

September 21, 1975, New York Times,
'I Just Want to Be Normally Insane'; Brando,
... around trying ,to drum up things-and in the middle, the CIA shooting everybody , or planning to, or causing them to jump out of windows by giving them LSD.
October 1, 1975,
Telegram From Alice Olson to President Gerald Ford, (PDF) Document Courtesy of Eric Olson,
October 19, 1975, New York Times, Op-Ed,
The Other Side Of LSD, by Richard Ashley,
Especially is this true of the recent coverage given to the suicide of Frank Olson after his adverse reaction to the LSD administered to him by the C.LA. Reports ...
November 8, 1975, New York Times,
Bureau of Narcotics Tied To CIA's Drug Program, by Harold M. Schmeck, After initial tests on Americans who knew they were getting hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD, the C.LA: studies were ,broadened to include unwitting 'subjects.

November 18, 1975, New York Times,
Bid to Cut Name in Report on CIA Fails by Nicholas M. Horrock, ... involvement in political assassinations might endanger the life of a former cia official ... program of an Army scientist in 19 as a result of an overdose of LSD.

December 19, 1975, New York Times,
Olson's Bar a Suit on LSD Death; Hope Congress Will Pass.Damages Bill, ... tests that caused Frank Olson's death were illegal and unconscionable, adding that they believed that their contention had been vindicated.

January 11, 1976, New York Times,
C.I.A.'s Files on LSD Death Found to be Contradictory; Review Panel Set Up, by Joseph B. Treaster, (on the
Colby documents) ... Kairys in Philadelphia, "these documents make it quite clear that Frank Olson was unknowingly , given LSD by C.LA. officials as a result of which he died on ...

April 27, 1976, New York Times,
Report Says CIA Agents Picked Up Bar Patrons for LSD Experiments, by Joseph B. Treaster, For nine years, beginning in 1954, employees of the Central Intelligence Agency, randomly picked up unsuspecting patrons in bars in the ...

August 5, 1976, New York Times,
CIA Considered Big LSD Purchase; Agency Data Disclose 1953 Idea to Obtain $240,000 Worth for Experiments, ...The Central Intelligence Agency in 1953 discussed purchasing 10 kilograms of LSD, enough for 100 million doses and worth $240000, ...

September 29, 1976, New York Times,
Around the Nation; $750,000 Voted by Senate For Family of LSD Victim, Olson, widow of Dr. Frank Olson, and the" couple s three children was passed with-. out objection and sent to the White ". House. Dr. Olson, a civilian biochemist ...

October 14, 1976, New York Times,
Notes on People; Ford Signs $750,000 Grant In LSD Death in CIA Test, President Ford has signed a law giving $750000 to the family of the late Frank R. Olson, who leaped to his death from the Statler-Hilton Hotel here 22 years ago

July 15, 1977, New York Times,
Lyman Kirkpatrick Termed Choice Of Carter as CIA Deputy Chief, by Nicholas M. Horrock, LSD Inquiry As inspector general, Mr. Kirkpatrick had the ticklish job of investigating some internal agency actions that, years later, were branded " abuses" by the ...

July 16, 1977, New York Times,
Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Than Reported In '75, Agency Says Alcoholics, Addicts and Terminally Ill May Have Been Unwitting Subjects in '50's C.I.A. Records Destroyed, by Anthony Marro, The Central Intelligence Agency said today that it had found additional information that an unknown number of Americans, including alcoholics, drug addicts and ...

July 17, 1977, New York Times,
Trouble Topside at the C.I.A.,, The unhappy Central Intelligence Agency, much criticized from ... was investigating LSD experiments that a Senate committee later declared to be ...

July 17, 1977, The New York Times,
Files on CIA Drug-Testing Work Said to List 'Prominent' Doctors, by Nicholas M. Horrock, Frank Olson, an Army biochemist, was given LSD in 1953 as part of the Ultra program, and later plunged to his death from a New York hotel window while under ...

August 2, 1977, New York Times,
Mind-Control Studies Had Origins in Trial of Mindszenty, ...his very first experiment with LSD on a group of unwitting men, one of them, Dr. Frank Olson, a civilian working on top secret germ warfare in a unit at Fort Detrick ,

August 2, 1977, New York Times, The Week In Review,
Private Institutions Used In CIA Effort To Control Behavior; 25-Year, $25 Million Program; New Information About Funding and Operations Disclosed by Documents and Interviews Private Institutions Used in C.I.A. Plan; Dr. Abramson's name first emerged publicly when it was disclosed that he had treated Dr. Frank Olson, an Army biochemist who committed suicide after being ...

August 3, 1977, New York Times,
CIA Hired Magician In Behavior Project; Paid Him to Write a Manual as Aid in Secretly Giving Drugs, by Joseph B. Treaster, ... Olson on the night Dr. Olson plunged to his death from a Manhattan hotel room a few days after the agency gave him a dose of LSD without his knowledge.

August 3, 1977, New York Times,
Drugs Tested by CIA On Mental Patients; Documents Disclose Use in '58 of LSD in Canadian Hospital, by Nicholas M. Horrock, Mental patients at a Canadian hospital were given powerful tranquilizers and LSD in a 1958 experiment supported by a foundation that ...

August 4, 1977, New York Times,
'Field Laboratories' in CIA Tests Are Described, by Joseph B. Treaster, The apartments had been set up by the Central Intelligence Agency as "field laboratories" for trying out LSD and marijuana on men lured from local bars.

August 4, 1977, New York Times,
80 Institutions Used In CIA Mind Studies; Admiral Turner Tells Senators of Behavior Control Research Bars Drug Testing Now, by Nicholas M. Horrock,

August 5, 1977, New York Times,
Records Show CIA Tested LSD on Sex Psychopaths, Some 142 "sexual psychopaths" at the Iona State Hospital in Michigan were given LSD and a marijuana derivative to see whether the substances would unlock ...

August 7, 1977, New York Times,
Alarm Sounds and CIA Wakes Up in Nightmare Alley,...the end, said to be in 1973, the agency had secretly supported research involving LSD, drugs, alcohol, tranquilizers, undetermined substances, sensory ...

August 7, 1977, New York Times,
CIA Mind Probes Now More Benign, by Joseph B. Treaster, There was an LSD experiment conducted by a team of and medical scientists at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center in Boston. The Educational Testing ...

August 9, 1977, New York Times,
Researchers Say That Students Were Among 200 Who Took LSD in Tests Financed by C.I.A. in Early '50's, by Joseph B. Treaster, 7 Students at Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Emerson College were among some 200 persons who received LSD in ...

August 10, 1977, New York Times,
C.I.A. Head Offers Drug-Test Files If Justice Department Has Inquiry, by Anthony Marro, CIA Offers Drug-Test Files if Inquiry Is Opened Continued From Page AI j counsel s office ... He said that some of the testing, which included tests of LSD and a ..

September 3, 1977, New York Times,
CIA Says It Found More Secret Papers On Behavior Control, by Jo Thomas, Senate Panel Puts Off Hearing to Study Data---Dozen Witnesses Said to Have Misled Inquiry; C.I.A. Tells of Finding Secret Data; Subpoenas Sent Out, by Jo Thomas,

September 4, 1977, New York Times,
Around the Nation; CIA Tells Oklahoma U. Of Mind-Research Role,

September 5, 1977, New York Times,
Files Show Tests For Truth Drug Began in OSS; Marijuana Derivative Reported Used,
Times Machine,

September 5, 1977, Washington Post, page A1,
The Diaries Of a CIA Operative, by John Jacobs,
September 7, 1977, New York Times,
Ex-CIA Aide Asks Immunity To Testify; Questioning of Biochemist Who Led Behavior Experiments Is Delayed While Application Is Filed, by John C. Crewdson and Jo Thomas.

September 20, 1977, New York Times - The Week In Review,
Senate Panel to Focus on CIA Action; Abuses in Testing Of Drugs by C.I.A. To Be Panel Focus, by John M. Crewdson and Jo Thomas,

September 20, 1977, The New York Times,
Abuses in Testing Of Drugs by C.I.A. To Be Panel Focus; Senate Panel to Focus on CIA Actions, by by John M. Crewdson and Jo Thomas, And most important, why did the C.LA. continue its inherently risky tests of on what the agency termed "unwitting" subjects after the 1953 death of Frank Olson, ...

September 21, 1977, New York Times,
CIA Sought To Spray Drug On Partygoers; Senate Panel Is Told of Tests on Humans, by Jo Thomas, ... and another cia employee were sent to San Francisco in 1959 to lure unsuspecting people to a party at which the two agents were to spray the air with LSD-25 ...

September 22, 1977, New York Times,
Key Figure Testifies in Private on CIA Drug Tests, by Jo Thomas,

February 17, 1978, New York Times,
Learning the Details One at a Time; Watergate: Theories About the Break-In and the Cover-Up, a document Nixon wanted; feeding LSD to an commentator (Jack Anderson)

January 30, 1979, The New York Times,
TV: An 11:30 pm Look At Mind-Control Studies, by John J. O'Connor, There are the cases of covered-up suicides, most notably those of Frank Olson and Harold Blauer. Extensive experiments were conducted on relatively

August 10, 1979, AP - New York Times,
Plaintiffs in a Suit on Drug Tests Win Limited Victory Over CIA; Support for Drug Victim Reported, (AP) -- The darter Administration reportedly supports Senate legislation that would provide al.7 million to an Army veteran given LSD 18 years ago without his ...

March 5, 1980, The New York Times,
Hiding CIA Blunders, by William Wilson,
And then we would not learn about, say, Dr. Frank Olson, a civilian biochemist at the Army's top-secret germ-warfare laboratories at Fort Detrick, Md., who ...

April 6, 1980, New York Times Magazine,
Putting Back the Bite in the CIA, by Tad Szulc,
The CIA and other intelligence agencies are openly and successfully seeking ... mind-control experiments, feeding LSD and other drugs to unwitting subjects; ...

June 16, 1980, New York Times,
CIA Secrets: Poison Pellets, Marshmallows; Many Details Are Deleted; Barrages Studies of Deadly Device 'Incapacitation' With 30,000 Volts Use of Drugs to Alter Behavior, by Richard D. Lyons,

October 1, 1980, New York Times,
Dr. Harold A. Abramson Is Dead; Authority on Allergy and Asthma; The C.I.A. Experiment His Teaching Position, by Joan Cook,

December 4, 1980, New York Times,
CIA Linked to Mind-Control Drug Experiments; No Evidence of Major Psychoses, Documents previously released by the C.LA. showed the agency earned out experiments at Lexington with the less powerful hallucinogenic LSD.

September 24, 1981, New York Times Book Review,
Books Of The Times,
It was waged by Cuban exiles trained here and abroad by the C.I.A., ... pens,LSD on the darts, a depilatory to get rid of the charismatic beards...
February 24, 1984, New York Times, Letter,
Behavior Modification Is Not Brainwashing,
diigo, ... Supports a Suit Against U.S.," you refer to C.I.A.-funded experiments conducted 27 years ago - which included "the administration of LSD...
May 16, 1988, New York Times,
C.I.A. Is Criticized Over a Turncoat, by Stephen Engelberg,
Archived, "My dispute is with the C.I.A. and as a result with the F.B.I.," he ... previous occasional use of marijuana, cocaine, hashish, LSD and Quaaludes.
August 10, 1988, New York Times,
Points West; A Mecca for Psychedelic Pilgrims?, by Anne Taylor Fleming,
Archived, A flashy national figure since his LSD days at Harvard -from which he ... the C.I.A. slipping it to unsuspecting test subjects, and rumors that LSD
October 6, 1988, New York Times,
C.I.A. Near Settlement of Lawsuit By Subjects of Mind-Control Tests, by Philip Shenon,
diigo, ... had been unwitting subjects in mind-control experiments, some involving LSD. Lawyers with knowledge of the case said today that the C.I.A. ...
October 12, 1988, New York Times,
U.S. to Pay $750,000 In Suit on LSD Testing,
diigo, The Justice Department announced today that it had settled a lawsuit by nine Canadians who charged that the C.I.A. made them the ...
November 23, 1988, New York Times,
Carl C. Pfeiffer, Pharmacologist, Dies at 80,
Archived, Between 1955 and 1964, he administered the drug LSD to ... N.J., under a program financed indirectly by the C.I.A. Dr. Pfeiffer said the ...
August 26, 1993, The New York Times,
Alice Wicks Olson, Forced an LSD Inquiry, Dies at 77,
August 29, 1993, New York Times, Week in Review,
Files and Whispers: The C.I.A.Opens Its Safe, by Tim Weiner,
Archived, That is the C.I.A's deep desire and, to that end, it is letting the public see ... spying on Americans, running L.S.D.experiments on human guinea ...
December 3, 1993, New York Times, "
The CIA Drug Connection Is as Old as the Agency," by Larry Collins.
January 11, 1994, New York Times, Letter,
Human Guinea Pigs Are American as Apple Pie, by Samuel Chavkin, [
Blog] Adm. Stansfield Turner, former C.I.A. director, disclosed that the agency... Some were drugged with LSD and other psychotropic agents.
March 1994, Spin Magazine,
Altered States of America; Interview with George White's Assistant Ike Feldman, by Richard Stratton,
March 6, 1995, New York Times, Obit,
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Jr., 77, Longtime C.I.A.Official, Dies, by Dennis Hevesi,
diigo, Mr. Kirkpatrick joined the C.I.A. at its inception in 1947. ... R. Olson, an Army biochemist who died while using L.S.D. in an agency experiment.
October 4, 1995, New York Times,
Books of the Times - Four Old Boys and Their Adventures at the C.I.A., by Richard Bernstein,
April 30, 1996, The New York Times,
Ex-Director of C.I.A. Disappears While Canoeing on Choppy River, by Tim Weiner,
diigo, During his 25 years at the C.I.A., Mr. Colby was outwardly exactly as he ... human guinea pigs for mind-control experiments involving LSD, and...
May 7, 1996, The New York Times,
William E. Colby, 76, Head of CIA in a Time of Upheaval, by Tim Weiner,
diigo, William E. Colby, 76, Head of C.I.A. in a Time of Upheaval ... It had conducted LSD experiments on unwitting human guinea pigs. The agency's ...
September 17, 1996, The New York Times,
U.S. Knew in 1953 North Koreans Held American POW's, by Philip Shenon,
diigo, (On MK ULTRA-like experiments done on Americans held captive in 1953 and then executed.)
November 7, 1996, New York Times,
C.I.A. Finds No Evidence of a Relationship With Drug Dealers,
May 28, 1997, The New York Times,
C.I.A. Plotted Killing of 58 in Guatemala,
July 20, 1997, The New York Times,
Aging Shop of Horrors: The C.I.A. Limps to 50,
September 19, 1997, The New York Times,
Master Creator of Ghosts Is Honored by C.I.A., by Tim Weiner,
diigo, Today, at a secret ceremony at the C.I.A.'s headquarters in Langley, Va., ... wet suit, tested LSD on unsuspecting Americans, experimented with...
September 26, 1997, The New York Times,
Film Review; Will the Real Fiend Please Curl a Lip?, by Stephen Holder,
diigo, After years of frustrated pursuit, the C.I.A. and Mossad jointly decide that ... was forced to eat as a child, given LSD to test his mental equilibrium ...
May 24, 1998, The New York Times Magazine,
Sunday: May 24, 1998: Resting Places; If You Bury It, He Will Come,
diigo, Frank Olson, Frederick, Md. Soon after swallowing a surreptitious dose of LSD during a 1953 C.I.A. study, Olson fell to his death from a New...
June 14, 1998, The New York Times Magazine, Letter,
If You Bury It, He Will Come, by Eric Olson,
diigo, ... the case of the forensic investigation he conducted into the death of my father, Frank Olson,
March 10, 1999, The New York Times,
Sidney Gottlieb, Took LSD to C.I.A., Dies at 80,
March 16, 1999, The Independent,
Obituary: Sidney Gottlieb, by Rupert Cornwell,
November 26, 2000, New York Times,
The Secret to Box-Office Success Is to Mirror Public Moods,
diigo,... happens to work for the C.I.A., and while investigating his possible future ... Although bad things happen, including a drug overdose, an LSD ...
March 9, 2001, New York Times,
Film Review; For Whom (or Is It Who?) the Bay Tolls, by Stephen Holden,
Archived, In sending up the pomposity and ineptitude of the C.I.A.'s engineers in an ... Later we learn that he consumes daily doses of LSD along with the ...
March 18, 2001, New York Times,
FILM; Thank You, 'Saturday Night Live,' for Firing Me, by Douglas McGrath,
diigo, So someone at the C.I.A. created a campaign to discredit Castro, hoping to ... They laced his water with LSD so that when he drank it during a ...
April 1, 2001, The New York Times Magazine,
What Did the C.I.A. Do to Eric Olson's Father?,
April 22, 2001, The New York Times Magazine, Letter,
What Did The C.I.A. Do to His Father?, by Bernard Weiss, M.D.,
November 13, 2001, New York Times,
The Prankster's Death,
Archived, The story of Mr. Kesey's first encounter with LSD in 1959, as a volunteer in ... studied by the C.I.A.and the Army, and into the realm of the public.
November 18, 2001, New York Times, Week in Review,
Psychodelia's Middle-Aged Head Trip, by John Leland,
Archived, The C.I.A. and Army were testing LSD for a variety of uses, including as a truth serum. By the time Kesey got his doses, the agencies were ...
July 12, 2002, New York Times,
Movie Guide,
diigo, Mr. Damon plays Jason Bourne, a C.I.A. super-assassin with amnesia ... and dabbles in existential philosophy, student-teacher sex and LSD.
May 11, 2003, New York Times,
F.Y.I. The C.I.A.'s Bad Trip, by Ed Boland,
Archived, In hopes of developing a truth serum,C.I.A. scientists began experimenting with the hallucinogenic LSD. At first the work was conducted at the...
March 1, 2004, New York Times,
Books of the Times; In Chess as in Life, Nasty Guys Really Can Finish First, by Janet Maslin, Archived, They explain Timothy Leary and LSD to anyone from another planet who ... for '' chess fans'' from the C.I.A. or K.G.B. But with détente under way ...
October 28, 2004, New York Times,
Books of the Times - A Girl Gone and a 60's Eden Vanishing, by Janet Maslin,
Archived, ... Beach, ''that Leary nut from Harvard is still there with his LSD religion. ... A fourth brother, Clay, landed a job with the C.I.A., thanks in part to ..
April 7, 2005, New York Times,
True Tales Odd Enough to Stop a Farm Animal's Heart, by Janet Maslin,
Archived, He finds a prologue in MK-ULTRA, the real C.I.A. "Manchurian Candidate" research of the 1950's, which involved the disastrous use of LSD as ...
June 16, 2005, Washington Post,
John K. Vance; Uncovered LSD Project at CIA, by Joe Holley, Staff Writer,
February 12, 2006, New York Times, Sunday Book Review,
Control Freaks; 'World as Laboratory: Experiments With Mice, Mazes, and Men', by David Brooks,
Archived, With C.I.A. backing, a Cornell medical professor named Harold ... He prescribed drugs like LSD and administered frequent shock therapy.
December 26, 2006, New York Times Magazine,
Bad Shepherds, by Virginia Heffernan,
The former CIA chief did not manage to keep moving pictures of himself off .... One incident, however,where the duplicate Russian spy on LSD ...
May 6, 2007, New York Times, Sunday Book Review,
Sex, Drugs and Hot Tubs, by Diane Johnson,
Archived, It was also of use to the C.I.A., which spent a lot of money looking into ESP, with ... Though the first experiments with LSD were conducted at ...
June 2, 2007, New York Times,
World View Podcast, Interview by Greg Winter,
I mean the techniques used by the C.I.A. in its high-level Al Qaeda ... They gave a lot of people LSD and they were experimenting with, sort of ...
June 27, 2007, Washington Post,
Experimenting With the Mind, by Thomas E. Ricks,
October 4, 2007, New York Times,
Notes on the News: A Chili Moment, by Mike Nizza,
Archived, Their effect is similar to dumping tons of LSD in the reservoir, like the CIA has considered. By the time the sky turns purple and orange, and a fox ...
November 2, 2007, New York Times,
Living It Up at the Hotel Pennsylvania, by Jake Mooney,
Archived, The Hotel Pennsylvania was also the scene of the 1953 death of Frank Olson, a CIA employee who had been reportedly dosed with LSD.
January 24, 2008, New York Times,
Remembering Doc, by Rachel Donadio,
Archived,...and paranoia, exacerbated by an LSD overdose in the mid-60s...he confessed that he had been in the C.I.A. in the mid-50s, using the ...
February 17, 2008, New York Times,
The Paranoiac and The Paris Review, Essay About Doc Humes and The Paris Review, by Rachel Donadio,
Archived, London in 1965 after overdosing on LSD brought by his friend Timothy Leary. ... The news of Matthiessen's C.I.A. involvement was originally
February 24, 2008, New York Times,
Memories of a C.I.A.Officer Resonate in a New Era, by Scott Shane,
Archived, In 1960, C.I.A officer Larry Devlin was told to kill a Congolese ... who would later become notorious for mind-control experiments using L.S.D..
March 9, 2008, New York Times,
The Unstudied Art of Interrogation, by Scott Shane,
Related. Bush's Veto of Bill on C.I.A.Tactics Affirms His Legacy (March 9, 2008) .... accounts of “mind control” experiments with drugs like LSD.
March 29, 2008, New York Times, Op-Ed,
Your Comments on my Anti-Intellectualism Column, by Nicholas D. Kristof,
Archived, ... The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion before you ... In addition, the US govt also belatedly admitted administering LSD,
April 21, 2008, New York Times,
Onstage With Denis Johnson, by Gregory Cowles,
Archived, His short story "Emergency" shimmers with LSD and drips with gore. ... suppose because the inside flap says the main character is a CIA agent.
April 22, 2008, Washington Post,
Detainees Allege Being Drugged, Questioned; U.S. Denies Using Injections for Coercion, by Joby Warrick, Staff Writer,
May 4, 2008, New York Times, Week in Review,
Albert Hofmann -LSD - A Psychedelic 'Problem Child' Comes Full Circle, by Benedict Carey,
Archived, Albert Hofmann, the father of LSD, lived long enough to see his drug ... The Complete Social History of LSD: The C.I.A., the '60s and Beyond.
May 13, 2008, New York Times,
Murray Jarvik, 84, Whose Research Helped Lead to Nicotine Patch Dies, by Bruce Weber,
Archived, Murray Jarvik, a psychopharmacologist who was among the first to study a precursor to the hallucinogenic drug LSD and whose later research ...
July 6, 2008, New York Times,
Mind Games - Remembering Brainwashing - Cold War Thinking, by Tim Weiner,
Archived, The Korean experience spurred the C.I.A.'s search for mind-control...were was to test things such as L.S.D. and other drugs that could be used ...
October 23, 2008, New York Times Magazine,
The Post-Materialist | Cold War Modern, by Nick Currie,
Archived, ... their knowledge) underwriting the promotion of abstract art via the C.I.A. ... nonstick frying pans, powdered orange juice, LSD and the Internet.
April 20, 2009, New York Times, Op-Ed,
Morning Skim: Pot vs. Booze, Bank Loans, Waterboarding and More, by Eric Etheridge,
Archived, The four memos on CIA interrogation released by the White House last ..... Take this conundrum: Both LSD and MDMA have shown promise in...
May 12, 2009, New York Times,
A Grand Conspiracy Theory From Pakistan, by Robert Mackey,
Archived, Books have been written on the role of CIA in over throwing regimes....For everybody else, Zaid Hamid is a surreal LSD induced kind of an ...
October 7, 2009, New York Times,
Excerpt - 'A Bomb in Every Issue', by Peter Richardson,
Archived, In the early 1950s, the CIA had begun experimenting with LSD as a mind control drug. Soon the U.S. Army was conducting its own experiments ...
October 29, 2009, New York Times,
Podcast: Honoring the Fallen and C.I.A.Cash Payments, by David D. Kirkpatrick,
Archived, Should the C.I.A. keep paying a retainer to Afghan leader Hamid Karzai's younger brother, despite his...I also recall them dabbling with LSD.
October 30, 2009, New York Times,
Art in Review - Review, by Ken Johnson,
Archived, In addition, as a subcontractor for a C.I.A. program that was investigating...and interrogation tools, Dr. Cameron gave her heavy doses of LSD.
January 15, 2010, New York Times, Op-Ed,
Weekend Competition: Workplace Lingo,
Archived, ...the youth of America on LSD! LBJ… IRT…. USA … LSD… FBI CIA LSD
July 29, 2010, New York Times,
Inside Art - 'New Photography 2010' Coming to MoMA, by Carol Vogel, Archived, ... for a time and began his career as a practitioner of LSD psychotherapy. ... he practiced psychiatry and later headed the C.I.A.-financed Pacific ...
September 9, 2010, New York Times,
Turn On, Tune In, Drop By, by Steve Pulimood,
Archived,...have transformed an icon of modernist design into a swinging LSD a sort of LSD safe house of the variety that the C.I.A.maintained...
May 24, 2011, The Washington Post,
Reporter subpoenaed in leaks case, by Ellen Nakashima,
June 15, 2011, New York Times,
New York Public Library Buys Timothy Leary's Papers, bu Patricia Cohen,
Archived,...and even Cary Grant — an enthusiastic LSD user — are in the boxes...A folder labeled as notes from his C.I.A. kidnapping in 1973 is full of...
June 17, 2011, New York Times, Sunday Book Review,
Psychedelic Universe; What Physics Owes the Counterculture, by George Johnson,
Archived, ... a Bay Area collective driven by the notion that quantum mechanics, maybe with the help of a little LSD, could be harnessed to convey psychic ...
June 19, 2011, New York Times,
Imagining the Future of Military Gadgetry,
Archived,... him to sensory deprivation, gave him LSD and who knows what else...In a novel I published in 1993 I had a secret C.I.A. project that used...
March 3, 2012, The Local East Village Blog,
Peter Leggieri's East Village Other, by Peter Leggieri,
Archived,...the Pentagon with a Druid force field; threatening to put LSD into the... Empires pursued her and sought to destroy her: the FBI, the CIA, MI-5,...
November 26, 2012, New York Times,
Suit Planned Over Death of Man CIA Drugged, by James Risen,
Archived, President Gerald Ford apologizing in 1975 to the family of Frank Olson, who died in 1953 after the C.I.A. gave him a dose of LSD.
November 27, 2012, AP - New York Times,
Suit Planned Over Death of Man C.I.A.Drugged,
Archived, President Gerald Ford apologizing in 1975 to the family of Frank Olson, who died in 1953 after the C.I.A. gave him a dose of LSD.
March 6, 2013, New York Times,
A New Global Drug Problem, by Scott Johnson,
Archived, ... called "25I-NBOMe," which was being sold on the market as LSD. ... memoir "The Wolf and the Watchman" about life with his CIA father, to be...
November 8, 2013, The New York Times, Sunday Book Review,
'Overt and Covert'; The Brothers,' by Stephen Kinzer, by Adam LeBor,
Archived, Sixty years ago, Frank Olson, a C.I.A. officer, was reported to have jumped to his death during mind-control experiments "in which psychoactive...
December 21, 2013, New York Times,
Cleve Backster, b. 1924, He talked to plants. And they talked back, ...Then, in 1948, he joined the C.I.A., where, he claimed, he founded the...dabbled with LSD and supposedly spent a summer as a stunt diver in...
December 31, 2013, New York Times,
Great Expectations for 2014, by Alessandra Stanley,
December 21, 2013, New York Times,
How Shadow Morton Helped Launch the '60s, Then, in 1948, he joined the C.I.A., where, he claimed, he founded the ... dabbled with LSD and supposedly spent a summer as a stunt diver in ...
April 3, 2014, New York Times Magazine,
Peter Matthiessen's Homegoing, by Jeff Himmelman,
April 5, 2014, New York Times,
Peter Matthiessen, Lyrical, Adventurous Writer and Naturalist, Is Dead at 86, by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt,
May 23, 2014, New York Times Magazine,
I Don't Let It Snow on My Fiesta; Tom Robbins, Cosmic Lounge Lizard, by Rob Liguori, The novelist on religion, adventure and LSD...of conventional wisdom and the reason Hunter S. Thompson never had a real LSD trip.
July 2, 2014, New York Times,
Stephen Gaskin, Hippie Who Founded an Enduring Commune, Dies at 79, by Douglas Martin, By Mr. Gaskin's account, the Farm sprang in part from spiritual revelations he had experienced while using LSD, the details of which he...
September 4, 2014, New York Times,
Fall Arts Preview - Film .. baseball player known to have pitched a no-hitter while on LSD...the Contras and the C.I.A. With Ray Liotta, Oliver Platt and Andy Garcia,