October, 1882, The Magazine of Art, Vol. VI, pages 137-143, An American Palace,,
"NO art has more rapidly developed in the United States during the last decade than architecture. No new school has been created, and no new types of beauty have been formulated; but building has become artistic, and new modifications of antique and foreign styles have been adapted to local needs and fresh material. Domestic architecture is especially remarkable for beauty of treatment and excellence of workmanship. Of course there is yet much that is worthless; but when there is a tendency towards progress, criticism must not be too severe, nor praise be grudgingly withheld. The chief merits in American architecture are a clear perception of the fact that decoration should be constructive, a certain exuberance of fancy, some skill in relieving monotony of tone by the use of coloured stones, tiles, and terra-cotta mouldings, and unquestionable dexterity and ingenuity in the production of interior conveniences. In recent years large sums have been lavished upon our private residences, and many sumptuous buildings have risen in Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and other leading cities, but more especially along Fifth Avenue, the justly celebrated street of New York. Herein the marble palace of the late A. T. Stewart — which is reputed to have cost 1,500,000 dollars — has until now been most conspicuous. It is, however, of a severe style, and its aspect is frigidly elegant rather than cheerful. Of late, too, the new house of the Union League Club has been occupied, and has attracted much attention for the variety and richness of its interior appointments. But every private residence ever before constructed in America is entirely eclipsed by the house of the American Railway King, Mr. William H. Vanderbilt.
Here I should note that it is but one of five magnificent houses recently built by Mr. Vanderbilt and his two sons on Fifth Avenue, between Fifty-First and Fifty-Seventh Streets. The last two are widely diverse in style and plan. That of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt was designed by Mr. R. M. Hunt, brother the late William M. Hunt, the well-known painter. The material, a light-grey limestone, would be more agreeable if of a warmer tint; but it has a fine grain and is easily carved. The style is of the Transitional, or Later Gothic, and without imitating suggests the yet extant buildings of that period. The architect's object has been two-fold: to achieve a pyramidal effect by making his lines converge to the central gable on the Fifth Avenue side; and while lavishly employing decorative sculpture on his walls, so to mass his ornamentation as to produce a number of wide unbroken spaces, thereby gaining in breadth and concentration of effect. The carving is profuse and good, and the gables and pinnacles are surmounted by statues, one of which, as in mediaeval architecture, is a portrait of the architect. The bracket or corbel supporting the oriel on the Fifty-Third Street side — which aspect of the house is shown in our first picture — is surrounded by a remarkable frieze of cherubs. The most important feature is the beautiful angle turret. The residence of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt was designed by Mr. George Post, and was suggested by the Seventeenth Century French Chateau, with an harmonious interfusion of ideas adapted from the Flemish and Jacobean schools. The material employed is red brick, with facings of grey limestone. The combination, of colour thus secured is warm and agreeable — It no means an unimportant feature in a climate like that of New York. The stone-work and carving are elaborate in parts ; but as the lines — accentuated on either side by a large gable or dormer window, not altogether in harmony with the other forms — are simple, the design must be studied to be fully appreciated. The interior adornments, by Messrs. Colnian and Tiffany, are after the more recent fashion of decorative art.
The residence of Mr. William H. Vanderbilt, the father, with the adjoining house built for his daughters, are, however, the most important of the group, both in respect of dimensions and of general design. The plan of these houses was made by Mr. Vanderbilt himself. The decoration, including the furnishing, was done by the Messrs. Herter Brothers, of New York, and the construction was superintended by Mr. Snooks. The material employed is the rich brown freestone so common in the elegant mansions of New York. It must be frankly admitted that no especial originality is apparent in the exterior, and that the external decorations are not in accordance with the canons of architecture — that is, they are not always constructive, but have been contrived as adjuncts rather than as component parts. At the same time it would be idle to deny that the general effect is uncommonly elegant, attractive, and imposing. The carving is elaborate and the execution conscientious and thorough. The band of oak leaves, which entirely encircles the lower storey of each building, is an exquisite piece of work, and may be sincerely admired even by those who take exception to it as being not constructively decorative. The metal-work in the railings, of which we give a specimen farther on, is admirably designed, and offers a good example of the excellence attained by the American artisan in the industrial arts. The rather heavy uniformity of sombre colour is relieved by a band of scarlet in the dead wall of the balcony recess, and the railings are gilded. Externally the northern house is one building; within it is divided into two, for the accommodation of Mr. Vanderbilt's daughters. They enclose a grass plot in the rear, and are united by a common vestibule, entered from Fifth Avenue. Access to each mansion is obtained herefrom ; and thus, while each is entirely separate, on festive occasions guests can pass from one to the other without exposure to the elements. The vestibule walls are of marble, inlaid with panels of Venetian mosaic by Tinetti. The floor is also of marble, and of imitation Roman mosaic. In the centre stands the famous colossal Malachite Vase from the Demidoff Sale. The roof is of bronze, lighted by delicate stained glass. The entrance to Mr. Vanderbilt's house is guarded by admirable copies in bronze of Ghiberti's "Gates of Paradise," made by Barbedienne, at a cost of 25,000 dollars. They open into an inner vestibule, on either side of which are bronze doors leading, the one into a snug but sumptuous cloak-room ceiled and lined with polished mahogany, and the other to Mr. Vanderbilt's private office. It is not until, through a double door opposite the entrance, you pass into the Central Hall that you completely realise the plan of this magnificent abode. It is built in the form of a hollow square. The Central Hall, or Court, runs sheer to a roof of stained glass, which diffuses a subdued light over the court below and the surrounding galleries, on which the living-rooms are built. The floor is composed of inlaid woods. Opposite the entrance is a grand fireplace of carven wood, reaching to the ceiling, and supported on either hand by caryatids.
On the hearth is a pair of immense and elaborate antique brass andirons, which in the ages past perhaps graced some ducal hall. Above, the sides of the surrounding galleries are embellished with sumptuous carvings of wood — of gilded cherubs and garlands on a ground of sea-green gold. At every corner the galleries are supported by square piers of polished African marble of a reddish tint (resembling Scotch granite), whose capitals are in figured bronze picked out in gold. The galleries, which are hung from ceiling to floor with superb Gobelins, are reached by a broad, imposing staircase, panelled to a height of six feet with English oak. The three windows on each landing are filled with stained glass designs by Mr. John Lafarge, of New York, and are in the best style of an artist who probably has no superior in America. The leadings are so skilfully arranged that every part of the design is formed of a distinct piece of glass ; so that the lead nowhere interferes with the flow of line, nor is ever supplemented by paint overlaid to aid the drawing.
The Drawing-Room — an angle of which is pictured in our fifth illustration — is on the east side, facing Fifth Avenue, and is entered through sliding-doors directly from the Hall.
This superb apartment is nearly square. It presents what might be called a Harmony in Crimson and Gold. The walls are hung with figured velvet of jiale crimson, which in certain light; ts assumes the effect of peach bloom. The carpet is of the same hue. The vaulted ceiling, which is in jiale azure picked out with gold, with figured gold in the groinings, is united to the walls by a noble cornice of carved wood, covered with gold and pale metallic green gilding on a ground of mother-of-pearl. Over each of the three massive gold-encrusted doors are cherubs, and on either hand of each door-post stands a pillar of onyx, jewel-inlaid, supporting a gilded sphere which encloses a cluster of lights. The abruptness of the angles is modified by an arrangement consisting of pedestals supporting female figures, one-third the size of life, in solid silver. In either graceful hand these royal maidens sustain a spear with a circlet of jewelled metal attached, behind which is a diadem of lights ; while in rear of each are mirrors of burnished crystal. The west entrance is flanked by two cabinets by Barbedienne, inlaid with iridescent mother-of-pearl and bearing five Limoges enamels by Sayer. A superb gilded table (carved in New York) stands near the southern end; the top is of the same exquisite material as the cabinets.
The seats of the Louis Seize chairs are covered with costly Chinese embroideries. A cloisonne cabinet by Barbedienne, one of the finest pieces produced in Europe, and other noble objet d'art, contribute to the magnificence of this drawing-room — the handsomest in all America. When the lights are burning its splendour is akin to the gorgeous dreams of oriental fancy; and yet with all this dazzling opulence there is no hint of tawdriness. The effect has been perfectly massed, and the profuse decorations are harmonised with consummate taste.
South of the Drawing-Room is the Japanese Room — shown in our fourth picture. As the great doors between them are always open, and the draperies are always drawn, the two apartments really form a suite of reception rooms. Every portion of this charming nook, the bronzes and other portable ornaments alone excepted, has been made in New York. But the effect is precisely that of the boudoir of some oriental princess. The rafters of the ceiling are iijicn, as if tn f.lmw liic mof above; and the upper part of the walls is finished in bamboo. A light cabinet with shelves and open work runs round the room, and this, like the woodwork generally, is tinted with rich red lacquer. In one corner is a divan cushioned with figured silks from Japan. On either side the door, supporting a cluster of lights, stands a great female statue in Japanese costume, cast by Christofle of Paris, in imitation Japanese bronze.
Opposite the door is a large and elegant fireplace, whose mantel and every ornament are Japanese likewise. For the window, looking on to Fifth Avenue, Lafarge has executed stained glass compartments representing flowers and birds. The tail of a peacock is rendered with marvellous splendour and faithfulness to iiatmc.
The Library — a corner of which is figured on the preceding page — is on the other side of the Drawing-Room, and corresponds in size and place with the Japanese Room. The paneling and shelves are of rosewood, touched with satin-wood, and inlaid with mother-of-pearl. The hangings, drapery, carpets, and upholstery are of a tender turquoise-blue. Masterpieces by Gerome, Verboeckhoven, Meissonnier, are judiciously distributed about the walls. The mantel serves to relieve the heaviness of the array of mono-tinted woods. It is of wood carved in rustic fashion —in crossbars, gilded with dead gold. The spaces between are inlaid with small diamond-shaped mirrors, which give a certain airiness, as if you were looking through the ceiling into space.
The Dining-Room is entered both from the Japanese Room and the Central Court. It is, perhaps, the most satisfactory, from an artistic point of is faced with agate and topped with Limoges enamels by Sayer and Solon. The brazen fender is decorated with globes of opalescent glass. Admirable vases from Sevres or from Minton's, and superb specimens of glassware, are scattered about; and bookcases, stored with choice editions of standard authors, line the lower half of the walls. The library table is one of the finest pieces of cabinet-work ever turned out in America. It was designed and carved in the establishment of the Messrs. Herter, and is of black walnut, highly polished, and inlaid with mother-of- pearl. The ceiling is a most interesting feature, and view, of the many sumptuous chambers in Mr. Vanderbilt's mansion : as, after the Picture Gallery, it is also the largest. The floor is inlaid with patterns in colour, and the walls are of English oak, profusely and elegantly sculptured. The rich golden-yellow of this wood gives an indescribable warmth and cheerfulness to an apartment which, owing to the buildings on the other side of the street, is lighted only from the south and east, and then chiefly by reflected light. The windows are filled with stained glass by Oudinot, of Paris, representing the Field of the Cloth of Gold. The vaulted ceiling is decorated with hunting scene by Luminals. The sideboard is carved of oak ; the chimney-piece, reaching to the ceiling ; the chairs, which are covered with leather stamped and coloured — in fact all the exquisite and elaborate carving in this superb nfuest -chamber was executed in New York, and reflects the highest credit on American industrial art.
The Picture Gallery and the Conservatory till the rear of the house. The former, as may be seen by our picture — the third — is of stately dimensions : the ceiling, twice the height of the adjoining rooms, receiving its light through a roof pierced with delicately figured glass. It is approached from the Central court through an archway on the right, and through a triple doorway from Fifty-First Street, for Mr. Vanderbilt intends to open it to the public on certain days in the month. These street doors are of bronze, and the vestibule is paved with Caen mosaics, and lighted through stained and jewelled glass. The gallery is divided into two apartments : a principal hall with a smaller showroom in snife. The main entrance is a deep alcove, containing a noble mantel and chimney-piece of carved wood.
The floor is paved with paly-tintofl marbles, and the lofty wainscoting of ebonised Circassian wood harmonises well with the rich maroon hangings, which are stamped with gilded designs. The vaulted roof is gracefully united with the walls by a cornice of small panels in light and dark woods, and its subdued monotony is variegated by carvings of amorini in panels, and by caryatids exquisitely sculptured in wood. A luxurious and costly oriental carpet overlies the central floor, and midway upon it stands a massive ebony table, with drawers for rare prints and art volumes. The visitor's comfort is further completed by luxurious sofas and fauteuils. The oriental-looking balcony over the archway is intended for an orchestra. The smaller Gallery includes, half-way up, a second gallery, devoted to water-colour paintings. Its railing is carved in Indian patterns ; it is reached by a door in the entresol on the main stairway in the Central Court. Gracefully as this has been managed, it is still a break in the continuity of movement by which you pass from one scene of beauty to another : even as in sleep you glide through the successive phases of a gorgeous dream.
The pictures are hung with great judgment. It is evident that they have been chosen with a decided taste for certain schools and subjects, and a certain indifference to other subjects and schools. There is, for instance, but a single Corot — an excellent specimen of the master's genius. Another feature of the collection is the uniform cheerfulness of the subjects selected. With the exception of the De Ntuvilles and Detailles, almost every composition pictures some quiet domestic scene, some gala day resplendent with laughter and song and brilliant costumes, some group of lovely women luring the fancy with their charm of dress and their witchery of person. Now it is a troop of spirited horsemen ; now a tranquil river scene; now a sunlit forest glade; and now a quiet pastoral or a joyous fete champetre. Here you may while hours away undisturbed by the mighty city's roar, and passing quietly from the contemplation of one painting to another, forget that nature is ever aught but smiling, or life anything but a series of happy episodes passed amid scenes of beauty and woven into harmonious sequence by love and song. The art with which this result has been obtained is none the less triumphant because it was, perhaps, unconscious and intuitive. Here are works by Constable, Thomas Faed, and W. M. Turner, who is responsible for a small but very choice water-colour. There are also capital paintings by Defregger and Knaus, the latter represented by a large and noble village fete. But by far the larger part of the collection is devoted to the contemporary Flemings, Frenchmen, Spaniards, and Italians. Alma Tademia, Van Leys, Clays, and Israels; Gerome, Millet, Meissonnier, Couture, Delacroix, Detaille, De Neuville, Bonnat, Diaz, Troyon, Rosa Bonheur, Rousseau, Dupre, Jacque, and Daubigny ; Albert, Tapiro, Boldini, Villegas, Fortuny, and Madrazo, are among the celebrated artists who are Mr. Vanderbilt's favourites. They are in most cases represented by several examples of their best styles. Among well-known pictures are Gerome's celebrated "Sword Dance;" Alma Tadema's "Entrance to a Roman Theatre ;" Fortuny's "Dance of Arabs;" "The King's Favourite," by Zamacois; Munkacsy's "Breakfast Scene;" and De Neuville's "Le Bourget," which pictures the storming of a church by the Germans in the Franco-German war, and the wounded captain, hurt unto death, carried forth by his comrades, while the Prussians gaze upon them with a stolid and half-brutal respect. In the small gallery, opposite the window, whose light counterbalances the shadow of the Water-Colour Gallery above, is the miniature half-length th portrait of Mr. Vanderbilt, painted by Meissonnier.
The Vanderbilt Collection is remarkable in that it contains but little statuary. Plastic art, indeed, except of a purely decorative type, is scarcely represented in this noble mansion. An abundance of admirable carvings greets one everywhere in the friezes and cornices; but, except a small and very beautiful ivory statuette in the drawing-room, and superb bronzes here and there, the sculptor's art is hardly recognised at all. It is to be noted, too, that the Picture Gallery contains no pictures by American artists, with the exception of a couple of portraits by Baker of New York. Some might be inclined to grumble at this, and to consider it evidence of a lack of interest in native art. But, in other parts of his residence, Mr. Vanderl)ilt has employed native talent wherever it would answer his purpose. Evidently he decided to form a collection of the highest order of contemporary foreign art, which would give pleasure at the present time and would have an historic and educational value in future ages ; for the truest historic painting is that in which the artist derives inspiration from his own time, and paints the men and scenery of to-day for the children of tomorrow.
The living-rooms of the family are on what Americans call the second floor, the first according to Continental usage. Mr. Vanderbilt's Bedroom is on the south-east comer, and is furnished with simplicity, but at the same time with the utmost elegance. Connected with it is his Dressing- Room, fitted up in exquisite style. The bath, which is of silver, is concealed by sliding doors which reach from floor to ceiling, and, as in all the apartments, are lined with mirrors of the purest glass. Mrs. Vanderbilt's Room, leading out from Mr. Vanderbilt's and occupying the centre of the fayade, is especially noteworthy for the beauty of its half-vaulted ceiling, of which the large flattened centre is superbly painted by the artist of "La Cigale." It represents Aurora chasing Night. The form of the goddess, clad in a delicate cymar, disparted to show the beautifully modelled limbs, is one of the finest pieces of flesh-painting Lefebvrc ever produced. The whole work is, doubtless, the noblest decorative painting yet seen in America.
The Guest-Chamber adjoining this apartment, and the other rooms occupied by the family, are fitted up with the same lavish luxury, each different, yet each in entire harmony with the common scale of sumptuousness and with the general system of good taste. This impression, of consonancy with difference, is one of the remarkable features of this magnificent abode. Nowhere is there repetition, yet nowhere is the taste offended by violent contrasts, or by incongruities or solecisms in arrangement. You pass by easy transition from one room to another, the eye enchanted, the imagination fixed, as if in some fairy palace. An equable, summer-like temperature pervades every part; the garish light of noonday is tempered by massive embroideries or pictured panes; and at eventide the gleam of clustered lights, flashed back by crystal mirrors, is modulated to a genial glow by jewelled screens. Nowhere is there evidence that comfort has been sacrificed to display; but splendour has been so guided as to give an aspect of home to what, less delicately and skilfully managed, might have been but sorareous cheerless palace.
by S. G. W. Benjamin.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
December 7, 1929, Buffalo Courier-Express, Author Asks for Senate Quiz of Butler's Speech; Sinclair Lewis says general confirmed charges against marines in Haiti, Nicaragua,
December 7, 1929, Buffalo Courier-Express, page 2, Author Asks for Senate Quiz of Butler's Speech; Sinclair Lewis says general confirmed charges against marines in Haiti, Nicaragua,
December 7, 1929, Buffalo Courier-Express, page 1, missing, U.S. Rushing More Marine to Haiti as Trouble Grows,
December 7, 1929, Buffalo Courier-Express, page 2, Author Asks for Senate Quiz of Butler's Speech; Sinclair Lewis says general confirmed charges against marines in Haiti, Nicaragua,
Pittsburgh. Pa., Dec. 6 (AP)—Sinclair Lewis, author, today telegraphed Senator William E. Borah that an "immediate senate investigation" was warranted by remarks made by Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler concerning marines in Nicaragua and Haiti. Butler spoke last night before the Pittsburgh Builders' Exchange.
Lewis's telegram said that Butler laughingly confirmed bitterest charges against marines. Quoting Butler from a newspaper story, which the author said he had confirmed through Robert K. Cochrane, secretary of the exchange, the Lewis telegram said in part:
"Concerning elections in Nicaragua, he explained that the opposition candidates were declared bandits when it became necessary to elect a candidate.
"Concerning Hayti, Butler told how the marine-controlled president has dissolved the congress to prevent the legislative body from passing a new constitution. He aided the president in drawing up the edict that dissolved the congress, the speaker said."
Lewis in his message to the senator said 'has not Butler practically admitted conspiracy to murder the men he and his aides unjustly declared bandits, as they have been killed as alleged bandits?" The author added that he had a list of persons who heard Butler speak if the senate wanted to summon them.
December 7, 1929, Buffalo Courier-Express, page 2, Author Asks for Senate Quiz of Butler's Speech; Sinclair Lewis says general confirmed charges against marines in Haiti, Nicaragua,
Pittsburgh. Pa., Dec. 6 (AP)—Sinclair Lewis, author, today telegraphed Senator William E. Borah that an "immediate senate investigation" was warranted by remarks made by Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler concerning marines in Nicaragua and Haiti. Butler spoke last night before the Pittsburgh Builders' Exchange.
Lewis's telegram said that Butler laughingly confirmed bitterest charges against marines. Quoting Butler from a newspaper story, which the author said he had confirmed through Robert K. Cochrane, secretary of the exchange, the Lewis telegram said in part:
"Concerning elections in Nicaragua, he explained that the opposition candidates were declared bandits when it became necessary to elect a candidate.
"Concerning Hayti, Butler told how the marine-controlled president has dissolved the congress to prevent the legislative body from passing a new constitution. He aided the president in drawing up the edict that dissolved the congress, the speaker said."
Lewis in his message to the senator said 'has not Butler practically admitted conspiracy to murder the men he and his aides unjustly declared bandits, as they have been killed as alleged bandits?" The author added that he had a list of persons who heard Butler speak if the senate wanted to summon them.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Evergreen International
Evergreen International's first simple web page, was first captured August 1, 2001, when the organization's working names were Evergreen Family Friendship Service, and Shanxi Evergreen Service, [Archived]
The organization described itself:
currently redirects to
[see below]
Evergreen International was then reconstituted as "the most complete resource for Latter-day Saints who experience same-sex attraction," on a web page first captured October 28, 2004. [Archived]
The About Us page [1st web capture Dec. 9, 2004] goes on to say:
Less than ten years after being reformated from a service organization for Chinese commoners into a reparative therapy for homosexual Mormons, it ceased operations, being subsumed into a similar national LDS-sanctioned "pro-family" effort called NorthStar, which "has a neutral position on cause and cure," but through "sponsor monitored support groups," seeks to harmonize the conflict between religious gays and their church by promoting sexless lives, and discouraging any affectional commitments between same-sex couples that could be recognized and held in regard by the church community.
(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) LDS general authority Jay E. Jensen of the Presidency of the Seventy gives a keynote address at the annual Evergreen Education and Resource Conference in the chapel at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in Salt Lake City on Saturday, September 24, 2011. Evergreen is a group of partners that reaches out to Mormons with same-sex attraction.
The first word in the title of the 943-word Salt Lake City Tribune article--"longtime"--is a rather ambitious description, considering the first web appearance of the well-funded church gay-conversion effort occurred only a few days before George W. Bush was "reelected" United States President in 2004.
The ultimate meaning of the LDS Church's decision to take a lower profile on the issue may be summed up by a comment left at the SLC Tribune article by one Agi Tater:
Another article in The Salt Lake Tribune from May 31, 2012, shows how precipitous was the Mormon change of heart--or strategy perhaps. In Expert backs away from gay 'cure,' but Mormon group doesn't, Peggy Fletcher Stack reports on Robert L. Spitzer, a professor of psychiatry and psychology's public disavowal of his seminal 2001 study, which had concluded that a homosexual orientation could be reoriented to heterosexuality. In response, Focus On the Family refused to take down their citations to Spitzer's debunked scientific conclusions supporting gay conversion therapy, thus becoming, in the public eye, at least, the one thing Jesus Christ most forcefully railed against--ideological and theological hypocrites. (Mormons already stood accused of it: If anyone should not be casting stones at nontraditional marriage arrangements, it would have to be the only polygamists in Judeo-Christendom.)
It is no wonder that a year-and-a-half later common sense dictated a collapse of their most extreme public measures. [ The 1,385 Comments, which follow the Tribune article, indicate to me a forced confrontation is taking place between the church and the issue.]
It is still a question why the Church of Latter-day Saints, with its immense financial savvy and might, would recycle a not-for-profit corporation tasked with overseas missionary work, into the controversial role of reconciling gay existence inside the Mormon church family, rather than simply incorporating a fresh 501(c)(3) entity. What became of the spiritual and material needs of the non-billionaire population of Shanxi Province, China? Did officials use an existing structure that had corporate traces, if not an actual track record, in order to give the impression their work with gays had not been a spur-of-the-moment cultural reaction to facts they could no longer deny? This seems to be the case, since the Mormon public relations machine overstated the lifespan of Evergreen by more than one-hundred percent.
We also have the Mormon re-revelation that took place in 1978 concerning the subordinate position African-Americans took in the hierarchies of heaven and earth, as a further example, if nothing else, of divine Latter-day flip-flopping.
May 9, 2001, Washington Post - AP, Study: Some Gays Can Go Straight, by Malcolm Ritter, AP Science Writer,
October 2003, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 403–417, Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual Orientation? 200 Participants Reporting a Change from Homosexual to Heterosexual Orientation, by Robert L. Spitzer, M.D.
January 3, 2005, The New Yorker, The Dictionary of Disorder; How one man revolutionized psychiatry, by Alix Spiegel,
August 16, 2005, Washington Post, Vowing to Set the World Straight, by Sandra G. Boodman,
[1st web capture Oct. 6, 2011] LDS Resources for Latter-day Saints dealing with homosexual attraction,
December 7, 2011, WDCW-TV News, Greg Quinlan Full Interview,
April 11, 2012, The American Prospect, My So-Called Ex-Gay Life, by Gabriel Arana,
April 11, 2012, Truth Wins Out, Big News: Dr. Robert Spitzer Renounces Infamous 'Ex-Gay' Study, by Wayne Besen,
April 25, 2012, Truth Wins Out, Exclusive: Dr. Robert Spitzer Apologizes to Gay Community for Infamous 'Ex-Gay' Study, by John M. Becker,
May 18, 2012, New York Times, Psychiatry Giant Sorry for Backing Gay 'Cure', by Benedict Carey,
[Read All Comments (620)]
May 31, 2012, The Salt Lake Tribune, Expert backs away from gay 'cure,' but Mormon group doesn't, by Peggy Fletcher Stack, [1385 Comments follow]
March 11, 2014, nebula.wsimg.com, Analysis of Dr. Spitzer's Study of Reparative Therapy
Keeping busy, I have updated the links list from the Wikipedia page on Focus On the Family, which was rank with Link Rot. Focus On the Family web pages have a penchant for a robots.txt obstructionism almost as bad as the Washington Post.
July 9, 1998, Salon, God's own ZIP Code, by Christopher Ott, page 1 Archived, page 2 Archived,
April 23, 2000, Denver Post, page F-7, Fun is the focus Three-story slide gives kids a thrill, by Claire Martin, "Focus on the Family's sprawling headquarters four buildings on 47 acres of land [...]" Archived,
February 5, 2002, The Denver Post, Adoption plan stirs controversy Gays applaud doctors' stance; Focus on Family denounces it, by Virginia Culver,
June 27, 2002, Focus On the Family, Focus on the Family Defends Parents' Right to Discipline, Archived,
May 17, 2003, Reading Eagle, page A9, James Dobson no longer a manager, just an orator,
August 17, 2003, Washington Post, Family Values Groups Gear Up for Battle Over Gay Marriage, by Evelyn Nieves, Archived,
"Focus on the Family, which Dobson...began 25 years ago to strengthen and promote the traditional family unit using conservative Christian interpretations of scripture."
September 2003, Newsletter Archive. Focus on the Family Southern Africa, Marriage on the Ropes, by James Dobson, Reposted at Catholic Family Catalog.com, Archived
July 15, 2004, Center for Science and Culture, Unlocking the Mystery of Life, by Stephen C. Meyer and W. Peter Allen, Archived,
October 16, 2004, New York Times, page 12, The 2004 Campaign: Same-Sex Marriage; Rally Against Gay Marriage Draws Thousands to Capital, by David D. KirkPatrick, Archived,
January 2005, Christianity Today, Dobson on the Gay Marriage Battle, by Kathleen K. Rutledge, Archived,
February 2, 2005, The New York Times, Church Groups Turn to Sonogram to Turn Women From Abortions, by Neela Banerjee, Archived,
February 25, 2005, Baptist Press (Southern Baptist Convention), Hodel retiring as president of Focus, succeeded by James Daly, Archived,
Spring 2005, Southern Poverty Law Center, Intelligence Report, Issue No. 117, A dozen major groups help drive the religious right's anti-gay crusade, Archived,
April 28, 2005, San Francisco Chronicle, page B.3, Coalition seeks male-female marriage definition / New ballot push for constitutional amendment, by John M. Hubbell, Archived,
September 2005, The American Prospect Online, Inferior Design, by Chris Mooney, Archived,
February 2006, Internal Revenue Service, Election Year Activities and the Prohibition on Political Campaign Intervention for Section 501(c)(3) Organizations,
"Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. ... Political campaign intervention includes any and all activities that favor or oppose one or more candidates for public office. The prohibition [includes and] extends beyond candidate endorsements."
June 19, 2006, Canada Press, B.C. researcher says American group distorting her research on teen suicide, by Beth Gorham, Archived,
August 17, 2006, Washington Post, Gay Rights Group: Dobson Manipulated Data, by Steven K. Paulson, Archived,
"A Focus on the Family official denied the allegation... Focus on the Family spokesman Glenn Stanton cited other research including an article co-authored by Mary Parke, a policy analyst at the Center for Law and Social Policy, that shows that children need a mother and a father, regardless of the parents' sexual orientation. "We haven't said anything about sexual orientation," he said."
September 2006, Americans United for Separation of Church & State, Dobson's FOF Distorts Research, Says NYU Sociology Professor, Archived,
December 14, 2006, Truth Wins Out, James Dobson Slammed By Professor For Distorting Her Research In Time Magazine Article On Mary Cheney's Pregnancy, Archived,
"[A] letter to Dobson, obtained exclusively by Truth Wins Out,"
December 15, 2006, Edge Boston, James Dobson Slammed for Distorting Facts on Gay Families in Time Magazine, Archived,
December 28, 2006, San Francisco Bay Times, Science Strikes Back, by Wayne Besen, Archived,
February 12, 2007, New Haven Register, Yale expert says group misused his words, by Mary E. O' Leary, Archived,
May 17, 2007, Focus on the Family, Lobby group offers help through smacking mess, Scoop, Archived,
October 7, 2007, The Gainesville Sun, Coaching character, by Suzy A. Richardson, Archived from the original on November 9, 2012,
May 1, 2008, Citizenlink.org, Dr. Dobson's Broadcast Nominated to Radio Hall of Fame, by Devon Williams, Archived,
May 2, 2008, The Minnesota Independent, Minnesota researcher claims Focus on the Family misrepresented his work, by Andy Birkey, Archived,
May 17, 2008, London Daily Telegraph, Christian fundamentalists fighting spiritual battle in Parliament, by David Modell, Archived,
July 9, 2008, Truth Wins Out, TWO Launches Drive to Keep James Dobson Out of the Radio Hall of Fame, by Wayne Besen, Archived,
July 11, 2008, Citizenlink.org, Dr. Dobson Blasted by Gay Activist, Archived,
July 21, 2008, The Colorado Springs Gazette, Dobson garners hall of fame honor, by Mark Barna, Archived,
July 20, 2008, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, FCC commissioner wants more concessions in satellite merger, by Tim Cuprisin, Archived from the original on July 25, 2008.
October 25, 2008, Newsweek - AP, Christian right intensifies attacks on Obama; Christian right spins doomsday scenarios about Obama as final election nears, by Eric Gorski and Rachel Zoll, AP Religion Writers, Archived,
October 28, 2008, USA Today, Christian right's mailings depict disastrous future under Obama, by Eric Gorski and Rachel Zoll, Archived,
November 17, 2008, Colorado Springs Gazette, Focus on the Family eliminating 202 jobs, by Bill Reed, Archived,
December 3, 2008, The Colorado Independent. Chambliss got help from Focus on the Family, as well as Musgrave, Archived,
February 27, 2009, The Washington Times, Dobson steps down as FOF chairman, Archived,
July 31, 2009, Christianity Today, Restless, Reformed, and Single, Archived,
December 28, 2009, The Times-Picayune [New Orleans] Tim Tebow uses eye black to convey messages of victory off the field, by Ted Lewis, Archived,
January 27, 2010, Los Angeles Times, CBS defends decision to run politically sensitive Tim Tebow ad during Super Bowl, Archived,
January 28, 2010, Salon, The truth behind Tebow’s tale, by Tracy Clark-Flory, Archived,
January 30, 2010, Center for Reproductive Rights, Center for Reproductive Rights Raises Questions to CBS about Tebow Story, College Football Star Featured in Super Bowl Ad,
January 30, 2010, Los Angeles Times, A Super Bowl ad we can do without, by Tim Rutten, Archived,
February 3, 2010, Christian Science Monitor, Top 5 Tim Tebow eye black biblical verses, by Patrik Jonsson, Staff writer,
February 4, 2010, The New Yorker, The Tebow Defense, by Amy Davidson, Archived,
February 4, 2010, USA Today, Planned Parenthood responds to Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad, by Michael McCarthy, Archived,
February 8, 2010, Los Angeles Times, Tebow ad falls short of the hype, by Robin Abcarian, Archived,
March 3, 2010 [Updated] Focus on the Family, What is the square footage of your buildings?, Archived,
March 31, 2010, Huffington Post, Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad May Be Based On Falsehood, Lawyer Claims, by Whitney Snyder, Archived,
May 15, 2010, Colorado Springs Gazette, Focus on Family gives foster kids a day at ballpark, Archived,
September 24, 2010, Wall Street Journal, Adoption Season for Evangelicals: A Biblical Mandate to Help Children, Especially Those in Foster Care, by Naomi S. Riley, Archived,
November 11, 2010, Colorado Springs Gazette, Focus to sponsor anti-gay observance for students, by Mark Barna, Archived,
February 13, 2011, KOAA News, Focus on the Family welcomes unlikely ally, by Jeannette Hynes, Archived,
June 7, 2011, The Denver Post, Focus: Donations of ultrasound equipment stopped 100,000 abortions since 2004, Archived,
July 20, 2011, Southern Poverty Law Center, U.S. Senator Catches Anti-Gay Testifier Misrepresenting Study, by Robert Steinbeck, Archived,
"It was the latest in a relentless campaign of misrepresentations, half-truths and outright lies in recent years that have defined anti-gay Christian right organizations intent on opposing equal rights and common dignity for LGBT people."
September 16, 2011, The Denver Post, Focus on the Family announces more layoffs, by Electa Draper, Archived,
October 4, 2011, Focus On the Family, Wait No More Conference Encourages PA Families To Adopt Waiting Kids, Archived,
October 23, 2011, Los Angeles Times, Michele Bachmann's misstatements may be catching up to her, Archived,
November 9, 2011, Colorado Springs Gazette, 17-year-old beats the odds and finds a home, by R. Scott Rappold, Archived,
January 7, 2012, CNN, Belief, Is God going to hook me up online? Assessing Christian Mingle and 'soul mates', by Thom Patterson, Archived,
January 14, 2012, Focus on the Family, John 3:16, Archived,
January 17, 2012, New York Post, Tebow-Brady tiff sets soft ratings record, Archived,
January 24, 2012, The Denver Post, Focus on the Family unveils John 3:16 ad during Broncos game, by Electra Draper, Archived,
January 24, 2012, USA Today, Focus on Family has another Tebow-related commercial, by Cathy Grossman, Archived,
February 6th, 2012, American Independent, Ongoing study shows ultrasounds do not have direct impact on abortion decision, by Sofia Resnick, Archived,
August 28, 2013 [Updated] Focus on the Family, How do I contact Focus on the Family?, Archived,
Wikipedia- Focus on the Family
"Focus on the Family's Foundational Values". Focus on the Family. Retrieved 2010-02-08.
"FY 2011 IRS Form 990 Federal Tax Return". GuideStar. Retrieved October 11, 2012,
Focus of the Family Form 990s tax filing. Eri-nonprofit-salaries.com. Retrieved May 21, 2012,
Focus of the Family Action Form 990s tax filing. Eri-nonprofit-salaries.com. Retrieved May 21, 2012,
Focus on the Family Defends Parents' Right to Discipline Archived May 1, 2004 at the Wayback Machine
Feature Articles, Focus On Social Issues - Origins. CitizenLink, Focus on the Family
Recommended Reading List, Focus On Social Issues - Origins. CitizenLink, Focus on the Family,
n.d., Screwtape.com, Official audio drama website, C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters, Retrieved March 11, 2014, Archived,
"I am sorry". Retrieved 2013-06-20.
Adventures in Odyssey online". Retrieved 2007-10-11.
National Day of Prayer Task Force website - FAQs. Nationaldayofprayer.org. Retrieved May 21, 2012.
National Day of Prayer Task Force website - Shirley Dobson bio. Nationaldayofprayer.org. Retrieved May 21, 2012.
Sanctity of Human Life. Heartlink.org. Retrieved May 21, 2012.
Expert Witness Report Barbara Forrest. Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District. (PDF file)
CNN.com Video". CNN. Retrieved 2010-05-02., Very obstreperous link.
Southern Poverty Law Center: LGBT Rights",
"Religion News in Brief". Associated Press. 2008-07-25. Retrieved 2008-07-25. [dead link]
The organization described itself:
Since 1993 Evergreen has been working in Shanxi Province, China, providing public service to the common people.and lists two officers:
Patricia Mortenson - Personneland
P.O. Box 38488
Colorado Springs CO 80937-8488
United States of America
EFFS@pcisys.net [PCI Broadband--Your Hometown Internet Service Provider; 5770 Flintridge Dr. Suite 100, Colorado Springs, CO 80918]
Finn Torjesen
Tel: +86 (351) 353-2565
Fax: +86 (351) 353-1687
Tel: +1 (719) 575-9922
Fax:+1 (719) 575-9923
SES@public.ty.sx.cn [http://www.ty.sx.cn/lcrx/index.asp, a Chinese-language web service]
currently redirects to
[see below]
Evergreen International was then reconstituted as "the most complete resource for Latter-day Saints who experience same-sex attraction," on a web page first captured October 28, 2004. [Archived]
The About Us page [1st web capture Dec. 9, 2004] goes on to say:
"Evergreen is a nonprofit corporation that offers help to people who want to diminish these attractions and overcome homosexual behavior. It is also a resource to their loved ones, professional counselors, religious leaders, and friends." [Archived]
Less than ten years after being reformated from a service organization for Chinese commoners into a reparative therapy for homosexual Mormons, it ceased operations, being subsumed into a similar national LDS-sanctioned "pro-family" effort called NorthStar, which "has a neutral position on cause and cure," but through "sponsor monitored support groups," seeks to harmonize the conflict between religious gays and their church by promoting sexless lives, and discouraging any affectional commitments between same-sex couples that could be recognized and held in regard by the church community.
January 2, 2014, The Salt Lake Tribune, Longtime support group for gay Mormons shuts down, by Peggy Fletcher Stack,
(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) LDS general authority Jay E. Jensen of the Presidency of the Seventy gives a keynote address at the annual Evergreen Education and Resource Conference in the chapel at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in Salt Lake City on Saturday, September 24, 2011. Evergreen is a group of partners that reaches out to Mormons with same-sex attraction.
The first word in the title of the 943-word Salt Lake City Tribune article--"longtime"--is a rather ambitious description, considering the first web appearance of the well-funded church gay-conversion effort occurred only a few days before George W. Bush was "reelected" United States President in 2004.
The ultimate meaning of the LDS Church's decision to take a lower profile on the issue may be summed up by a comment left at the SLC Tribune article by one Agi Tater:
"This approach 'is more consistent with national positions by the American Psychological Association that change is not possible and reparative therapy is not effective,' says Richard Ferre, an adjunct psychiatry professor at the University of Utah. 'The group is still trying to provide a support for Mormon gays to maintain their connections with their religion.'"An undated church-sponsored webpage [1st web capture Oct. 6, 2011] titled LDS Resources for Latter-day Saints dealing with homosexual attraction, says of the "BIG THREE" organizations dealing with the question of Mormonism and homosexuality, that NorthStar, which Evergreen was folded into, began about "five years ago," but the church sponsored PR also says that the Evergreen "group [is] now in the 21st year," which would make its beginnings three years earlier than Evergreen's stated founding in 1993 as a Chinese missionary cause. [The third group is Affirmation, which "was organized in 1977 and tends to support those who do gay dating or are in gay marriage." (emphasis added)]
Whatever it takes to keep the tithing coming in. But remember a couple of years ago when Boyd K. Packer reaffirmed 'God's word' that being gay is a choice? And remember the cruel aversion therapy at BYU involving porn and electric shocks to the genitals?
My, how doctrines change when revenues go down. This underlying motive is so transparent with every doctrinal change that it's hard to understand why people just can't see it.
Another article in The Salt Lake Tribune from May 31, 2012, shows how precipitous was the Mormon change of heart--or strategy perhaps. In Expert backs away from gay 'cure,' but Mormon group doesn't, Peggy Fletcher Stack reports on Robert L. Spitzer, a professor of psychiatry and psychology's public disavowal of his seminal 2001 study, which had concluded that a homosexual orientation could be reoriented to heterosexuality. In response, Focus On the Family refused to take down their citations to Spitzer's debunked scientific conclusions supporting gay conversion therapy, thus becoming, in the public eye, at least, the one thing Jesus Christ most forcefully railed against--ideological and theological hypocrites. (Mormons already stood accused of it: If anyone should not be casting stones at nontraditional marriage arrangements, it would have to be the only polygamists in Judeo-Christendom.)
It is no wonder that a year-and-a-half later common sense dictated a collapse of their most extreme public measures. [ The 1,385 Comments, which follow the Tribune article, indicate to me a forced confrontation is taking place between the church and the issue.]
It is still a question why the Church of Latter-day Saints, with its immense financial savvy and might, would recycle a not-for-profit corporation tasked with overseas missionary work, into the controversial role of reconciling gay existence inside the Mormon church family, rather than simply incorporating a fresh 501(c)(3) entity. What became of the spiritual and material needs of the non-billionaire population of Shanxi Province, China? Did officials use an existing structure that had corporate traces, if not an actual track record, in order to give the impression their work with gays had not been a spur-of-the-moment cultural reaction to facts they could no longer deny? This seems to be the case, since the Mormon public relations machine overstated the lifespan of Evergreen by more than one-hundred percent.
We also have the Mormon re-revelation that took place in 1978 concerning the subordinate position African-Americans took in the hierarchies of heaven and earth, as a further example, if nothing else, of divine Latter-day flip-flopping.
May 9, 2001, Washington Post - AP, Study: Some Gays Can Go Straight, by Malcolm Ritter, AP Science Writer,
October 2003, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 403–417, Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual Orientation? 200 Participants Reporting a Change from Homosexual to Heterosexual Orientation, by Robert L. Spitzer, M.D.
January 3, 2005, The New Yorker, The Dictionary of Disorder; How one man revolutionized psychiatry, by Alix Spiegel,
August 16, 2005, Washington Post, Vowing to Set the World Straight, by Sandra G. Boodman,
[1st web capture Oct. 6, 2011] LDS Resources for Latter-day Saints dealing with homosexual attraction,
December 7, 2011, WDCW-TV News, Greg Quinlan Full Interview,
April 11, 2012, The American Prospect, My So-Called Ex-Gay Life, by Gabriel Arana,
April 11, 2012, Truth Wins Out, Big News: Dr. Robert Spitzer Renounces Infamous 'Ex-Gay' Study, by Wayne Besen,
April 25, 2012, Truth Wins Out, Exclusive: Dr. Robert Spitzer Apologizes to Gay Community for Infamous 'Ex-Gay' Study, by John M. Becker,
May 18, 2012, New York Times, Psychiatry Giant Sorry for Backing Gay 'Cure', by Benedict Carey,
[Read All Comments (620)]
May 31, 2012, The Salt Lake Tribune, Expert backs away from gay 'cure,' but Mormon group doesn't, by Peggy Fletcher Stack, [1385 Comments follow]
March 11, 2014, nebula.wsimg.com, Analysis of Dr. Spitzer's Study of Reparative Therapy
Keeping busy, I have updated the links list from the Wikipedia page on Focus On the Family, which was rank with Link Rot. Focus On the Family web pages have a penchant for a robots.txt obstructionism almost as bad as the Washington Post.
July 9, 1998, Salon, God's own ZIP Code, by Christopher Ott, page 1 Archived, page 2 Archived,
April 23, 2000, Denver Post, page F-7, Fun is the focus Three-story slide gives kids a thrill, by Claire Martin, "Focus on the Family's sprawling headquarters four buildings on 47 acres of land [...]" Archived,
February 5, 2002, The Denver Post, Adoption plan stirs controversy Gays applaud doctors' stance; Focus on Family denounces it, by Virginia Culver,
June 27, 2002, Focus On the Family, Focus on the Family Defends Parents' Right to Discipline, Archived,
May 17, 2003, Reading Eagle, page A9, James Dobson no longer a manager, just an orator,
August 17, 2003, Washington Post, Family Values Groups Gear Up for Battle Over Gay Marriage, by Evelyn Nieves, Archived,
"Focus on the Family, which Dobson...began 25 years ago to strengthen and promote the traditional family unit using conservative Christian interpretations of scripture."
September 2003, Newsletter Archive. Focus on the Family Southern Africa, Marriage on the Ropes, by James Dobson, Reposted at Catholic Family Catalog.com, Archived
July 15, 2004, Center for Science and Culture, Unlocking the Mystery of Life, by Stephen C. Meyer and W. Peter Allen, Archived,
October 16, 2004, New York Times, page 12, The 2004 Campaign: Same-Sex Marriage; Rally Against Gay Marriage Draws Thousands to Capital, by David D. KirkPatrick, Archived,
January 2005, Christianity Today, Dobson on the Gay Marriage Battle, by Kathleen K. Rutledge, Archived,
February 2, 2005, The New York Times, Church Groups Turn to Sonogram to Turn Women From Abortions, by Neela Banerjee, Archived,
February 25, 2005, Baptist Press (Southern Baptist Convention), Hodel retiring as president of Focus, succeeded by James Daly, Archived,
Spring 2005, Southern Poverty Law Center, Intelligence Report, Issue No. 117, A dozen major groups help drive the religious right's anti-gay crusade, Archived,
April 28, 2005, San Francisco Chronicle, page B.3, Coalition seeks male-female marriage definition / New ballot push for constitutional amendment, by John M. Hubbell, Archived,
September 2005, The American Prospect Online, Inferior Design, by Chris Mooney, Archived,
February 2006, Internal Revenue Service, Election Year Activities and the Prohibition on Political Campaign Intervention for Section 501(c)(3) Organizations,
"Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. ... Political campaign intervention includes any and all activities that favor or oppose one or more candidates for public office. The prohibition [includes and] extends beyond candidate endorsements."
June 19, 2006, Canada Press, B.C. researcher says American group distorting her research on teen suicide, by Beth Gorham, Archived,
August 17, 2006, Washington Post, Gay Rights Group: Dobson Manipulated Data, by Steven K. Paulson, Archived,
"A Focus on the Family official denied the allegation... Focus on the Family spokesman Glenn Stanton cited other research including an article co-authored by Mary Parke, a policy analyst at the Center for Law and Social Policy, that shows that children need a mother and a father, regardless of the parents' sexual orientation. "We haven't said anything about sexual orientation," he said."
September 2006, Americans United for Separation of Church & State, Dobson's FOF Distorts Research, Says NYU Sociology Professor, Archived,
December 14, 2006, Truth Wins Out, James Dobson Slammed By Professor For Distorting Her Research In Time Magazine Article On Mary Cheney's Pregnancy, Archived,
"[A] letter to Dobson, obtained exclusively by Truth Wins Out,"
December 15, 2006, Edge Boston, James Dobson Slammed for Distorting Facts on Gay Families in Time Magazine, Archived,
December 28, 2006, San Francisco Bay Times, Science Strikes Back, by Wayne Besen, Archived,
February 12, 2007, New Haven Register, Yale expert says group misused his words, by Mary E. O' Leary, Archived,
May 17, 2007, Focus on the Family, Lobby group offers help through smacking mess, Scoop, Archived,
October 7, 2007, The Gainesville Sun, Coaching character, by Suzy A. Richardson, Archived from the original on November 9, 2012,
May 1, 2008, Citizenlink.org, Dr. Dobson's Broadcast Nominated to Radio Hall of Fame, by Devon Williams, Archived,
May 2, 2008, The Minnesota Independent, Minnesota researcher claims Focus on the Family misrepresented his work, by Andy Birkey, Archived,
May 17, 2008, London Daily Telegraph, Christian fundamentalists fighting spiritual battle in Parliament, by David Modell, Archived,
July 9, 2008, Truth Wins Out, TWO Launches Drive to Keep James Dobson Out of the Radio Hall of Fame, by Wayne Besen, Archived,
July 11, 2008, Citizenlink.org, Dr. Dobson Blasted by Gay Activist, Archived,
July 21, 2008, The Colorado Springs Gazette, Dobson garners hall of fame honor, by Mark Barna, Archived,
July 20, 2008, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, FCC commissioner wants more concessions in satellite merger, by Tim Cuprisin, Archived from the original on July 25, 2008.
October 25, 2008, Newsweek - AP, Christian right intensifies attacks on Obama; Christian right spins doomsday scenarios about Obama as final election nears, by Eric Gorski and Rachel Zoll, AP Religion Writers, Archived,
October 28, 2008, USA Today, Christian right's mailings depict disastrous future under Obama, by Eric Gorski and Rachel Zoll, Archived,
November 17, 2008, Colorado Springs Gazette, Focus on the Family eliminating 202 jobs, by Bill Reed, Archived,
December 3, 2008, The Colorado Independent. Chambliss got help from Focus on the Family, as well as Musgrave, Archived,
February 27, 2009, The Washington Times, Dobson steps down as FOF chairman, Archived,
July 31, 2009, Christianity Today, Restless, Reformed, and Single, Archived,
December 28, 2009, The Times-Picayune [New Orleans] Tim Tebow uses eye black to convey messages of victory off the field, by Ted Lewis, Archived,
January 27, 2010, Los Angeles Times, CBS defends decision to run politically sensitive Tim Tebow ad during Super Bowl, Archived,
January 28, 2010, Salon, The truth behind Tebow’s tale, by Tracy Clark-Flory, Archived,
January 30, 2010, Center for Reproductive Rights, Center for Reproductive Rights Raises Questions to CBS about Tebow Story, College Football Star Featured in Super Bowl Ad,
January 30, 2010, Los Angeles Times, A Super Bowl ad we can do without, by Tim Rutten, Archived,
February 3, 2010, Christian Science Monitor, Top 5 Tim Tebow eye black biblical verses, by Patrik Jonsson, Staff writer,
February 4, 2010, The New Yorker, The Tebow Defense, by Amy Davidson, Archived,
February 4, 2010, USA Today, Planned Parenthood responds to Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad, by Michael McCarthy, Archived,
February 8, 2010, Los Angeles Times, Tebow ad falls short of the hype, by Robin Abcarian, Archived,
March 3, 2010 [Updated] Focus on the Family, What is the square footage of your buildings?, Archived,
March 31, 2010, Huffington Post, Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad May Be Based On Falsehood, Lawyer Claims, by Whitney Snyder, Archived,
May 15, 2010, Colorado Springs Gazette, Focus on Family gives foster kids a day at ballpark, Archived,
September 24, 2010, Wall Street Journal, Adoption Season for Evangelicals: A Biblical Mandate to Help Children, Especially Those in Foster Care, by Naomi S. Riley, Archived,
November 11, 2010, Colorado Springs Gazette, Focus to sponsor anti-gay observance for students, by Mark Barna, Archived,
February 13, 2011, KOAA News, Focus on the Family welcomes unlikely ally, by Jeannette Hynes, Archived,
June 7, 2011, The Denver Post, Focus: Donations of ultrasound equipment stopped 100,000 abortions since 2004, Archived,
July 20, 2011, Southern Poverty Law Center, U.S. Senator Catches Anti-Gay Testifier Misrepresenting Study, by Robert Steinbeck, Archived,
"It was the latest in a relentless campaign of misrepresentations, half-truths and outright lies in recent years that have defined anti-gay Christian right organizations intent on opposing equal rights and common dignity for LGBT people."
September 16, 2011, The Denver Post, Focus on the Family announces more layoffs, by Electa Draper, Archived,
October 4, 2011, Focus On the Family, Wait No More Conference Encourages PA Families To Adopt Waiting Kids, Archived,
October 23, 2011, Los Angeles Times, Michele Bachmann's misstatements may be catching up to her, Archived,
November 9, 2011, Colorado Springs Gazette, 17-year-old beats the odds and finds a home, by R. Scott Rappold, Archived,
January 7, 2012, CNN, Belief, Is God going to hook me up online? Assessing Christian Mingle and 'soul mates', by Thom Patterson, Archived,
January 14, 2012, Focus on the Family, John 3:16, Archived,
January 17, 2012, New York Post, Tebow-Brady tiff sets soft ratings record, Archived,
January 24, 2012, The Denver Post, Focus on the Family unveils John 3:16 ad during Broncos game, by Electra Draper, Archived,
January 24, 2012, USA Today, Focus on Family has another Tebow-related commercial, by Cathy Grossman, Archived,
February 6th, 2012, American Independent, Ongoing study shows ultrasounds do not have direct impact on abortion decision, by Sofia Resnick, Archived,
August 28, 2013 [Updated] Focus on the Family, How do I contact Focus on the Family?, Archived,
Wikipedia- Focus on the Family
"Focus on the Family's Foundational Values". Focus on the Family. Retrieved 2010-02-08.
"FY 2011 IRS Form 990 Federal Tax Return". GuideStar. Retrieved October 11, 2012,
Focus of the Family Form 990s tax filing. Eri-nonprofit-salaries.com. Retrieved May 21, 2012,
Focus of the Family Action Form 990s tax filing. Eri-nonprofit-salaries.com. Retrieved May 21, 2012,
Focus on the Family Defends Parents' Right to Discipline Archived May 1, 2004 at the Wayback Machine
Feature Articles, Focus On Social Issues - Origins. CitizenLink, Focus on the Family
Recommended Reading List, Focus On Social Issues - Origins. CitizenLink, Focus on the Family,
n.d., Screwtape.com, Official audio drama website, C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters, Retrieved March 11, 2014, Archived,
"I am sorry". Retrieved 2013-06-20.
Adventures in Odyssey online". Retrieved 2007-10-11.
National Day of Prayer Task Force website - FAQs. Nationaldayofprayer.org. Retrieved May 21, 2012.
National Day of Prayer Task Force website - Shirley Dobson bio. Nationaldayofprayer.org. Retrieved May 21, 2012.
Sanctity of Human Life. Heartlink.org. Retrieved May 21, 2012.
Expert Witness Report Barbara Forrest. Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District. (PDF file)
CNN.com Video". CNN. Retrieved 2010-05-02., Very obstreperous link.
Southern Poverty Law Center: LGBT Rights",
"Religion News in Brief". Associated Press. 2008-07-25. Retrieved 2008-07-25. [dead link]
Saturday, March 01, 2014
The Danites. Revelations by an Ex-Member of the Mormon Church.
This is a find, if I do say so myself, which didn't turn up in any searches ( The long shadow that runs straight down the column of type isn't an artifact from some Mesolithic scanning technology, but likely a coding hindrance disguised as such.) I found it as a cross-reference in an article that did turn up in a search, so thank God for an imperfect world.
The marriage ceremony described is an especially impressive bit of nonsense, which I find to be utterly believable as historical fact, and probably near accurate in the modern practice. The kinetic activity that goes on right before they go into a private room for the not-for-publication Sealing ceremony reminds me of a good old game of naked, greased Twister, but not while wearing the gaping hospital gowns cinched at the waist like a potato sack. The man wearing the "black tights" who plays the devil, and writhes on the floor in imitation of the tempting snake could be a C-student dance major from BYU.
The oath that's recited is a very troubling jolt, however. The throat-slashing and threats-to-disembowel ("motioning with the hand") unto the "third- and fourth generation" would sound bestial in a war dance, let alone a commitment ceremony. But then again, so much of 19th-century Mormon history bears just this depraved mark. While they look like glassy-eyed Stepford wives singing in their modern choir, you have to wonder about the karmic legacy---that is, if you believe in karma.
I've appended an article I found along the way to the bottom of this blog, from the May 18, 1857, New York Evening Express--printed on page one--titled: A Night of Excitement—Three Negroes Hung—The Fourth Having Committed Suicide in the Jail-Yard—The Cannon Brought Out and the Police Overpowered—Intense Indignation,
So it's not so uncommon for men to be yanked from the security of their jailers and murdered by an enraged mob, like Joseph and Hyrum Smith. In the case of these four black men, however, their deaths followed their acquittals in a trial by jury (made up of whites, needless to say). One can only imagine the terror of facing eminent emasculation, and being burned alive--the co-committals of a "lynching"--that would impel someone to escape that end by slashing their own jugular with a razor
There is a certain hole in the spiritual logic in vowing undying vengeance on behalf of a martyr anyway. Especially when it isn't belief at stake, but behavior:
January 17, 1880, Brooklyn Daily Union-Argus, The Danites. Revelations by an Ex-Member of the Mormon Church.
This surprised me very much as I had been informed that Utah was the chosen country of the Mormons, who were God's select people. A number of men who were employed by a man named James McKnight, received no pay from him and called on Brigham Young with a request for money. The latter said he had no money, and swore that he would hang McKnight. These things together with the fact that the Sabbath was desecrated by card playing and the use of blasphemous language first opened my eyes to the true state of Mormonism, but I did not turn back then because I was afraid to.
The father swore that he would be my wife's Danite and murderer, and said to me: I'll have the drop game on you yet." On August 2 last, while I was in front of my house, the same Danite presented a pistol at my breast and swore that he would shoot me, but was prevented by the appearance of his wife and a number of neighbors. He said that I had insulted his boys: but such was not the case, as I knew his character too well to do such a thing. I went to U.S. Commissioner Sprague, who directed me to Judge Piper. The latter was a Mormon Bishop, and had three wives. The Danite was a pet officer of his as a member of the "Private Police."
Mrs. Hawkini here brought into the room a quantity of white robes, used by Mormons during their marriage. Mr. Hawkini stated that they were the only robes of the kind ever taken out of Utah, and that he would not have been allowed to depart with his life had it been known that he had the articles in his possession. He described the use of them, and with his wife recited the marriage ceremony oath, giving a description of the various forms.
for both are similar, with the single exception that the man wears a hat, while the woman wears a veil. The dress consists of a white linen garment, cut somewhat in the shape of a loose dress, but is joined at the top only, the sides being open. The portion which is joined is placed on the right shoulder, the dress hanging about the limbs loosely. It is drawn in at the waist by a band of an inch in width. The hat worn by the man resembles closely that worn by bakers. The woman's veil is an ordinary one of white lace. An apron of green, on which are worked figures in brown floss to represent fig leaves as worn by Adam and Eve is also put on.
The couple about to be married enter the Endowment House and pass into the room of Adam and Eve. A man attired in black tights and representing the devil enters the room and tempts Eve (the woman about to be married) with a bunch of grapes. The aprons are not worn at this time. Eloim, representing God, comes in at this point and calls the man who is about to be married, and who is supposed to fall asleep. Eloim then goes through a series of movements in which he is supposed to remove a rib from the man. When the man awakes, the woman, who was previously on the right of him, is on the left, from where the rib was taken. Eloim then calls for Adam and the latter cries: "We are naked!" Aprons are then given to the couple who are supposed to be turned out into the cold world, the devil following and tempting Adam all the while. Eloim appears again and curses the devil, and the latter lies on the ground wriggling like a snake. Eloim then leaves and the couple take the oath.
After participating in prayer circle we pass up stairs to go behind the veil. This is a room at the end of which is a frame, covered with a large sheet. The person officiating knocks at the door with a small gavel, and it is opened by another representing Peter. We here change our outer robe from the right to the left shoulder but Peter says we cannot enter in that way, as there must be nothing but order in the kingdom of God. We then replace our robes to the right shoulder and enter. We approach the sheet, near the top of which is a large oval cut. The sheet is cut the same as the garments. Behind the former is a man who puts his arms through the holes representing the compass and square. I do the same, he placing his hands on my shoulders and I mine on his. He places his right knee to mine and I whisper my new name to him. He then admits me and I take his place. My wife embraces me the same as I did him and whispers her new name to me. This is the last time she speaks her new name. The husband never tells the wife his new name. We then go into a small room to be
The proceedings here are not of a fit nature for publication.
We then change our dress to our street clothing. The ceremony takes from seven o'clock in the morning to three or four in the afternoon. If any person joining the Mormon Church has been married elsewhere, he must go through the above form just the same as if he were single.
was that they were '"a stench in the nostrils of Brigham Young'' Had the plan as arranged been consummated we were to reply on being asked why we shot the soldiers, that they had broken into the Eleventh Ward school-house, which was not true. The Danites are bound to obey orders even to committing approved murder.
He said that the Lord told him through Brigham Young, the prophet, that they (the Indians) were to be the battle axes of the Lord. The converted Indians were called Lamanites. Brigham Young once remarked that the time would come when the Indians would fight the Mormons' battles, and that then Uncle Sam would find who be had to contend with. These were the sentiments of the Mormons all through, and they never lost an opportunity to incite the Indians to deeds of violence against the Government and the soldiers.
if not to be killed, as the Mormons not only refused to give me work but threw every obstacle they could in my path, and prevented others from employing me. I am a trunk maker by occupation, and had a store of my own. Before selling my property I had to mortgage it, as I could get no money. They persecuted me in every way in their power, and swore that I should not live in the city. It was hard for me, an old man over sixty years of age, to lose my all. It was better, however, to loss my property than my life, so I left. I was followed to St. Louis by Danites.
The marriage ceremony described is an especially impressive bit of nonsense, which I find to be utterly believable as historical fact, and probably near accurate in the modern practice. The kinetic activity that goes on right before they go into a private room for the not-for-publication Sealing ceremony reminds me of a good old game of naked, greased Twister, but not while wearing the gaping hospital gowns cinched at the waist like a potato sack. The man wearing the "black tights" who plays the devil, and writhes on the floor in imitation of the tempting snake could be a C-student dance major from BYU.
The oath that's recited is a very troubling jolt, however. The throat-slashing and threats-to-disembowel ("motioning with the hand") unto the "third- and fourth generation" would sound bestial in a war dance, let alone a commitment ceremony. But then again, so much of 19th-century Mormon history bears just this depraved mark. While they look like glassy-eyed Stepford wives singing in their modern choir, you have to wonder about the karmic legacy---that is, if you believe in karma.
I've appended an article I found along the way to the bottom of this blog, from the May 18, 1857, New York Evening Express--printed on page one--titled: A Night of Excitement—Three Negroes Hung—The Fourth Having Committed Suicide in the Jail-Yard—The Cannon Brought Out and the Police Overpowered—Intense Indignation,
....a razor was given to the fourth in the jail (Jack, the property of Mr. Samuels, of Bullitt County,) and he cut his throat, severing the jugular vein and windpipe and producing instant death. The wound was of the most horrible character, and a more ghastly spectacle was scarcely ever witnessed than the dead body when it was brought to the yard....
So it's not so uncommon for men to be yanked from the security of their jailers and murdered by an enraged mob, like Joseph and Hyrum Smith. In the case of these four black men, however, their deaths followed their acquittals in a trial by jury (made up of whites, needless to say). One can only imagine the terror of facing eminent emasculation, and being burned alive--the co-committals of a "lynching"--that would impel someone to escape that end by slashing their own jugular with a razor
There is a certain hole in the spiritual logic in vowing undying vengeance on behalf of a martyr anyway. Especially when it isn't belief at stake, but behavior:
William Hickman, one of Brigham Young's old Danite band of persecutors and murderers, lay in a recanting and confessional state of mind. While attending a horse-race over in Nevada, recently, he was taken sick, and being charged with murders innumerable, said he had never killed anybody on his own account, but only for Brigham Young and the church's sake. On a rough calculation he thought he had committed about four hundred murders on their account.
December 9, 1869, Troy (NY) Daily Times, William Hickman.
January 17, 1880, Brooklyn Daily Union-Argus, The Danites. Revelations by an Ex-Member of the Mormon Church.
The Danites.
Revelations by an Ex-Member of the Mormon Church.
Experience of Mr. J. Hawkini [Hawkins?] in Salt Lake City---His Initiation into the Church and Subsequent Withdrawal---The Oath as Taken by Those Admitted to the Church---The Marriage Ceremony and Attire Described---The Hatred of the Mormons for the U.S. Government---Tracing the Indian Troubles to the Mormons
A brief mention of the experience of Mr. J. Hawkini, formerly a Mormon and a member of the terrible order of the Danites, was given in this paper Thursday. As Mr. Hawkini but recently returned to this city from Salt Lake City, and appeared to be in possession of many startling facts, it led to a more extended interview with him by a reporter of the Union-Argus. Mr. Hawkini was found at his residence, No. 77 South Eighth street, E.D., and on being informed of the reporter's errand, readily consented to give further details. Mr. Hawkini began his narrative from the time he left the Eastern District to proceed to Salt Lake City, he having been previously converted to Mormonism, He said:
I left here in May, 1867, and on arriving at Salt Lake City, secured a situation on the Union Pacific Railroad. I became a Danite believing it to be my duty to do so. I had not been there long when I was surprised to learn that there were others than Mormons employed, and on inquiring the reason, I was told if I did not keep my mouth closed I would
This surprised me very much as I had been informed that Utah was the chosen country of the Mormons, who were God's select people. A number of men who were employed by a man named James McKnight, received no pay from him and called on Brigham Young with a request for money. The latter said he had no money, and swore that he would hang McKnight. These things together with the fact that the Sabbath was desecrated by card playing and the use of blasphemous language first opened my eyes to the true state of Mormonism, but I did not turn back then because I was afraid to.
My first wife having no children, Brigham Young told me I must take another to raise up a posterity to the Kingdom of God, and that if I did not take another my first wife would be taken from me. This is an invariable rule when a man refuses to marry when ordered to do so; sometimes his first wife is killed to bring him to a fulfillment of the order. Fearing to lose my first wife, I took a second wife who, however, died in 1874. In 1875 I became so disgusted that I resigned from the Church, and when I informed the Bishop of my determination he handed me over to the "buffeting of Satan," as they term it. I was turned over to the care of a noted Danite by the Church he to attempt to win me back to the Church or destroy my life. My wife and I were shot at in open daylight. A large bottle of nitro-glycerine was thrown against my house but failed to explode, the weather being very cold and the glycerin having frozen. The window shutters of my house were smashed in with stones and lighted fireworks were thrown on the roof. I was shot at so many times that finally it was not safe for me to stand at the door of my house at night.
I went to the office of the Salt Lake City Tribune and made a statement of the attempts on my life, and that paper mentioned my case several times. The shooting at me then ceased. On the 25th of June the Danite who had been detailed to watch me, and his son Elmer, came to my house, knocked my wife down, and stood over her
The father swore that he would be my wife's Danite and murderer, and said to me: I'll have the drop game on you yet." On August 2 last, while I was in front of my house, the same Danite presented a pistol at my breast and swore that he would shoot me, but was prevented by the appearance of his wife and a number of neighbors. He said that I had insulted his boys: but such was not the case, as I knew his character too well to do such a thing. I went to U.S. Commissioner Sprague, who directed me to Judge Piper. The latter was a Mormon Bishop, and had three wives. The Danite was a pet officer of his as a member of the "Private Police."
When the Danite was brought before Judge Piper he was discharged and I was fined $12.50 costs. My assailant is the man who was ordered to "Danite" Judge James B. McKeon because the latter had Brigham Young locked up for twenty-four hours for contempt of Court in the case of Ann Eliza, one of his wives against him. In this connection I might state that Danite and myself had previously watched the Walker House, at which Ann Eliza was staying, to see that she did not escape. As you know, however, she eluded our vigilance. In regards to the swearing of Mormons in court, they do not consider an oath holding unless it be administered by a Mormon Priest. They are supposed to do all they are told under hope for the future.
Mrs. Hawkini here brought into the room a quantity of white robes, used by Mormons during their marriage. Mr. Hawkini stated that they were the only robes of the kind ever taken out of Utah, and that he would not have been allowed to depart with his life had it been known that he had the articles in his possession. He described the use of them, and with his wife recited the marriage ceremony oath, giving a description of the various forms.
for both are similar, with the single exception that the man wears a hat, while the woman wears a veil. The dress consists of a white linen garment, cut somewhat in the shape of a loose dress, but is joined at the top only, the sides being open. The portion which is joined is placed on the right shoulder, the dress hanging about the limbs loosely. It is drawn in at the waist by a band of an inch in width. The hat worn by the man resembles closely that worn by bakers. The woman's veil is an ordinary one of white lace. An apron of green, on which are worked figures in brown floss to represent fig leaves as worn by Adam and Eve is also put on.
Mr. Hawkini continued:
The Marriage Ceremony
The couple about to be married enter the Endowment House and pass into the room of Adam and Eve. A man attired in black tights and representing the devil enters the room and tempts Eve (the woman about to be married) with a bunch of grapes. The aprons are not worn at this time. Eloim, representing God, comes in at this point and calls the man who is about to be married, and who is supposed to fall asleep. Eloim then goes through a series of movements in which he is supposed to remove a rib from the man. When the man awakes, the woman, who was previously on the right of him, is on the left, from where the rib was taken. Eloim then calls for Adam and the latter cries: "We are naked!" Aprons are then given to the couple who are supposed to be turned out into the cold world, the devil following and tempting Adam all the while. Eloim appears again and curses the devil, and the latter lies on the ground wriggling like a snake. Eloim then leaves and the couple take the oath.
In explaining the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkini assumed their robes and recited the oath. With right hands held aloft they spoke the following"
Holding my right hand to Heaven, I swear to avenge the blood of Joseph and Hiram Smith on the American Government, even if by so doing I have my throat cut from ear to ear (drawing the hand across the throat). I further swear to bring up my children of the third and fourth generation to avenge the blood of Joseph and Hiram Smith again, under the penalty of being disemboweled (motioning with the hand) or having my tongue torn out by its roots (seizing the tongue with the fingers).
After participating in prayer circle we pass up stairs to go behind the veil. This is a room at the end of which is a frame, covered with a large sheet. The person officiating knocks at the door with a small gavel, and it is opened by another representing Peter. We here change our outer robe from the right to the left shoulder but Peter says we cannot enter in that way, as there must be nothing but order in the kingdom of God. We then replace our robes to the right shoulder and enter. We approach the sheet, near the top of which is a large oval cut. The sheet is cut the same as the garments. Behind the former is a man who puts his arms through the holes representing the compass and square. I do the same, he placing his hands on my shoulders and I mine on his. He places his right knee to mine and I whisper my new name to him. He then admits me and I take his place. My wife embraces me the same as I did him and whispers her new name to me. This is the last time she speaks her new name. The husband never tells the wife his new name. We then go into a small room to be
The proceedings here are not of a fit nature for publication.
We then change our dress to our street clothing. The ceremony takes from seven o'clock in the morning to three or four in the afternoon. If any person joining the Mormon Church has been married elsewhere, he must go through the above form just the same as if he were single.
When a man takes a second wife he is not obliged to ask the consent of the first, but does so as a matter of form. Should she object It would spoil her chance of being the queen is heaven. The first wife is supposed to be the queen hereafter.
Referring to the hatred of the Mormons for the United States Government and for its soldiers, Mr. Hawkini made the following statement:
In the fall and winter of 1871 there were stationed at Fort Douglas about forty soldiers. One night at twelve o'clock the Danite to whom I referred as having afterwards been detailed to "Danite" me, roused me from my bed and told me to come with him and bring my "shooting irons" with me. We were to pick a quarrel with the soldiers and shoot at them. I never was a murderer, and did not propose to be one then, but went with him nevertheless, as I was obliged to under the rules of the Order. He went on one side of the street, with a companion to pick a quarrel with the soldiers, and I with a number of men took the other side. The soldiers had been to the theatre, and were going back to camp very quietly. The Danite leader's idea was to corral and shoot them. He gave me directions, but instead of carrying them out I followed him up, and the soldiers seeing so many men became suspicious and took to flight. The leader and the rest of the men fired at the soldiers, and the latter returned the shots. I did not fire. When the leader angrily demanded to know why I did not carry out his orders, I told him that I understood him to say that I was to follow him up. His excuse for wanting to
was that they were '"a stench in the nostrils of Brigham Young'' Had the plan as arranged been consummated we were to reply on being asked why we shot the soldiers, that they had broken into the Eleventh Ward school-house, which was not true. The Danites are bound to obey orders even to committing approved murder.
In July, 1878, Brigham Young's trial in Ann Eliza's case was held before Judge James B. McKeon. An order was issued that the Judge must be "Danited." We were called to the City Hall, and were under the command of the notorious Danite to whom I have referred. He was captain of Eleventh Ward Bond. Each band has a captain. The captain of the polios called us upstairs over the Justice's Court and there they took the oath to stand by each ether. After Brigham Hampton had offered a prayer instructions were given to go to Judge McKeon's house in the Eleventh Ward. One man was to call him out and then we were to fire at him. I had heard the plan previously and informed Judge McKeon. The men gathered in front of the house and when Judge McKeon was summoned he failed to appear so the men dispersed. The next man who was ordered to be "Danited" was Mr. George Black, Secretary of Utah. On the night set the men assembled together and proceeded to his house. He chanced to look from a window and saw the crowd. When he was requested to come to the door he refused to do so and in that way escaped.
In 1875 238 Indians were baptised in the Mormon faith. They went through the Endowment House as we did and took the oath to avenge the blood of Joseph and Hiram Smith on the American Government. One Indian stood up and preached. I preached myself shortly after at a place called Sessions. The Indian said he was an elder and was about to leave. He was going to
He said that the Lord told him through Brigham Young, the prophet, that they (the Indians) were to be the battle axes of the Lord. The converted Indians were called Lamanites. Brigham Young once remarked that the time would come when the Indians would fight the Mormons' battles, and that then Uncle Sam would find who be had to contend with. These were the sentiments of the Mormons all through, and they never lost an opportunity to incite the Indians to deeds of violence against the Government and the soldiers.
Mr. Hawkini showed a photographic picture of the baptism of some Indians by the Mormons taken at the time by C. R. Savage, photographer, of Salt Lake City. Mr. Hawkimi regards the influence of the Mormons over the Indians as pernicious and as leading to war often against the settlers in adjoining territories. He thinks the Government does not apprehend the full importance of the situation in that respect. In concluding his narrative Mr. Hawkimi said:
I left Salt Lake City on September 18, 1879, selling my house and 100 rods of ground on which was a fine orchard, for $1,600. It was worth $5,000, but I had to sell it at that price or not at all, as I could not have got away.
if not to be killed, as the Mormons not only refused to give me work but threw every obstacle they could in my path, and prevented others from employing me. I am a trunk maker by occupation, and had a store of my own. Before selling my property I had to mortgage it, as I could get no money. They persecuted me in every way in their power, and swore that I should not live in the city. It was hard for me, an old man over sixty years of age, to lose my all. It was better, however, to loss my property than my life, so I left. I was followed to St. Louis by Danites.
Had they known that I had in my possession the dresses I have shown you I would not have got off the tram alive. Had the Danites who followed me known that I proposed relating the secrets of the Church they would have taken desperate chances to end my life.